GlobalResourceProxyGenerator generate differents code on computer with incorrect number of space in comments - resources

I use a resource file Resources.resx in my web project and when I change the resource the GlobalResourceProxyGenerator generate the file Resources.designer.vb.
The problem is the code generated is not the same between computers :
On one computer with vs 2022 (resharper, .editorconfig) it's create the following resource with 3 ident spaces and with another computer it's 2 ident spaces bettween the ''' and Looks.
I can't figure what is the configuration causing the problem.
2 spaces
''' Looks up a localized string similar to NAS.
Friend Shared ReadOnly Property NAS() As String
Return ResourceManager.GetString("NAS", resourceCulture)
End Get
End Property
3 spaces
''' Looks up a localized string similar to NAS.
Friend Shared ReadOnly Property NAS() As String
Return ResourceManager.GetString("NAS", resourceCulture)
End Get
End Property


Android Studio error - Can not extract resource from

Keep getting - Can not extract resource from
Here's a link to my code there is the Main Activity java and the Activity Main xml files
Check your resource string files, maybe some of them has the ' without the backslah \'
Replace the ' with \' in String files, or make sure you add # before the color code like #001B3C
You need to create correct resource type.
For example, if you open raw resource type then put the file there in res/raw and access as below. In below, we have file named project_json.json (can be any file extension).
val inputStream: InputStream = resources.openRawResource(R.raw.product_json)
Plus remove ' with '

AgileCentral:: Pyral: Throws error:: Multiple work spaces found with the same name. You must specify a work space with a unique name

I have 3 work spaces in Agile Central(rally). i want to pull all the projects from the 2 work spaces out of these 3.
I am using pyral python package.
Below is the code snippet:
from pyral import Rally
return Rally(server='', apikey=decoded_key, workspace=['Test-WORKSPACE-1', 'Test-Workspace-2'], projectScopeDown=False,verify_ssl_cert=False)
The above code throws error.
pyral.context.RallyRESTAPIError: Multiple workspaces (3) found with the same name of '['Test-WORKSPACE-1', 'Test-Workspace-2']'. You must specify a workspace with a unique name.
My system account has read access on all the 3 work spaces and all the projects within these 3 works spaces.
Can i specify multiple workspaces when query rally API? Am i doing something wrong here. Thank you so much for all your help here in advance.

IBM Domino xpage - parse iCalendar summary with new lines manually/ical4j

So far I was parsing the NotesCalendarEntry ics manually and overwriting certain properties, and it worked fine. Today i stumbled upon a problem, where a long summary name of the appointment gets split into multiple lines, and my parsing goes wrong, it replaces the part up to the first line break and the old part is still there.
Here's how I do this "parsing":
NotesCalendarEntry calEntry = cal.getEntryByUNID(apptuid);
String iCalE =;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(iCalE);
int StartIndex = iCalE.indexOf("BEGIN:VEVENT"); // care only about vevent
tmpIndex = sb.indexOf("SUMMARY:") + 8;
LineBreakIndex = sb.indexOf(Character.toString('\n'), tmpIndex);
if(sb.charAt(LineBreakIndex-1) == '\r') // take \r\n into account if exists
sb.delete(tmpIndex, LineBreakIndex); // delete old content
sb.insert(tmpIndex, subject); // put my new content
It works when line breaks are where they are supposed to be, but somehow with long summary name, line breaks are put into the summary (not literal \r\n characters, but real line breaks).
I split the iCalE string by \r\n and got this (only a part obviously):
;CN="Room 2/Test";RSVP=TRUE:mailto:room2#test.test
DESCRIPTION:Test description\n
SUMMARY:Very long name asdjkasjdklsjlasdjlasjljraoisjroiasjroiasjoriasoiruasoiruoai Mee
ting long name
LOCATION:Room 2/Test
Each line is one array element from iCalE.split("\\r\\n");. As you can see, the Summary field got split into 2 lines, and a space was added after the line break.
Now I have no idea how to parse this correctly, I thought about finding the index of next : instead of a new line break, and then finding the first line break before that : character, but that wouldn't work if the summary also contained a : after the injected line-break, and also wouldn't work on fields like that ORGANIZER;CN= as it doesn't use : but ;
I tried importing external ical4j jar into my xpage to overcome this problem, and while everything is recognized in Domino Designer it resulted in lots of NoClassDefFound exceptions after trying to reach my xpage service, despite the jars being in the build path and all.
How can I safely parse this manually, or how can I properly import ical4j jar to my xpage? I just want to modify 3 fields, the DTSTART, DTEND and SUMMARY, with the dates I had no problems so far. Fields like Description are using literal \n string to mark new lines, it should be the same in other fields...
So I have read more about iCalendar, and it seems that there is a standard for this called line folds, these are crlf line endings followed by a space. I made a while loop checking until the last line-break not followed by a space, and it works great so far. Will use this unless there's a better solution (ical4j is one, but I can't get it working with Domino)

file transfer Extra attachmate appends username to host file name

Hi when I try to download a file from mainframe, using attachmate extra it appends the username also along with it. I dont know where to turn it off.
like for example - file name is, then when i try to transfer of file it transfers
in 3.4 the option to append user name is turned off. Still its happening
Enclose the entire dataset name (including the high-level qualifier) in single quotes. This is a TSO (not JCL) convention - if you refer to a dataset without single quotes, it pre-pends your user ID as the high-level qualifier; however if you place single quotes around the dataset name it will take it 'as is' (well, it will uppercase it, since all z/OS dataset names are uppercase, but otherwise it will be 'as is').

Delete Entities in Azure Table Storage

I'm developing an application, that allows using dictionaries (e.g. English - German or Country - Capital). There are just 2 very plain tables:
1) Dictionary:
int Id, string Title //PartitionKey="SomeConstString", Rowkey=Id.ToString()
2) Article:
int DictionaryId, string Word, string Meaning //PartitionKey="D" + DictionaryID, Rowkey=Word
I can add articles, but when trying to delete I get the following problem: in every dictionary one or two articles are not deleted. Instead I get ResourceNotFoundException. There is absolutely nothing special about those articles (e.g. Russia - Moscow). When I try to add articles with same PartitionKey and RowKey I get EntityAlreadyExistsException. I installed "Cloud Storage Studio" and found out that those entities are really still in table. I tried to delete them manually but got the same ResourceNotFoundException in storage studio that I was getting in code. So if I add 100 articles and then try to delete them (in code or in studio like Ctrl+A -> Delete), 99 (or sometimes 98) are deleted and others are not. I'm using development storage emulator. Here is how I remove articles (I tried different approaches, result is still the same):
public void DeleteAllArticlesFromDictionary(int dictionaryID) {
TableServiceContext tableServiceContext = tableClient.GetDataServiceContext();
string partitionKey = "D" + dictionaryID;
Article[] articles = tableServiceContext.CreateQuery<Article>(articleTableName).Where(a => a.PartitionKey == partitionKey).ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i<articles.Length; ++i)
Can anyone tell me what can possibly be wrong with this?
UPD: Works fine in Cloud
I think I found the problem, there was a space character (0x20, ' ') in the end of the word which is RowKey. So it was say 'RowKey1 '. I removed space and now everything is fine in devstorage too (it was not a problem in real environment). However it is rather confusing that spaces are treated correctly inside the key (say 'Row Key 1' can be used without errors) but cause such behaviour if are trailing characters (or maybe leading too). I've read about 'Characters Disallowed in Key Fields', but spaces were not mentioned there. I guess I should use Trim() for my strings before using them as keys.
