Will my domain be accesible only from google, if i would purchase it at google domains - google-domains

I have a bit interesting question, for example, if I would purchase a domain at Google domains, will it be accessible at IE or firefox browsers? Or I need to purchase extra ones?

No. Domains are independent from which browser you need to acces them.
Google Domains is just another platform to buy your domains from like netcup, etc.


How to add custom subdomains to Google search

I have a web application where when a user registers, a subdomain is created.
Example :
How do I automatically add sites on these subdomains to Google search ?
The only option I came up with is to use Google search console API. But for some reason I don't think it's right. It is worth noting that the main domain does not have links to custom subdomains.

How to make my website not dangerous when doing a phishing awareness campaigns?

So I have a website that send phishing emails for employers and I get the results for this campaign (for example how many employees click on the link, etc)
While testing my website on my personal emails the website became dangerous.
What should I do ?
Disclaimer - I run a phishing simulation service called CanIPhish and I came across this exact same issue when building my phishing websites.
What's happening here, is google is discovering and analysing your website through both it's normal indexing capability but also by scanning emails and detonating links.
When Google or it's threat intelligence partners discover your website it's analysing the content and accordingly flagging it as malicious.
To get around this issue, you need to hide the website behind a load-balancer or CDN which can perform conditional routing based on querystring parameters. Within the querystring you need to create a single-use GUID tied to the campaign and target. When the target detonates the link, they're forwarded to the phishing website and the GUID becomes inoperable. This way, when google or a threat intelligence partner index the site or detonate links in an email, they see something completely different to what your actual targets see.
I'm operating my myriad of phishing websites by hosting them on Amazon S3, I'm using Cloudfront as the CDN, Lambda#Edge on Cloudfront to inspect QueryString parameters and a mixture of DynamoDB with S3 for storing target user details and details on whether a GUID has already been detonated.
To see an example of this - try browsing here and all you'll see is a "Oops you clicked a phishing link" instead of the actual page which is a Google phishing site.

Avoid Custom Domain Name Rewriting URL to Google Site

I have registered my domain name example: zoek.com in Google domains forwarding it to google sites sites.google.com/view/zoek/home.
Now, whenever users are visiting zoek.com, the URL in the browser is redirecting to sites.google.com/view/zoek/home. Instead, I want to retain on zoek.com
I added CNAME record as per instructions, still no luck
I don't have GSUITE. I want to do it without GSUITE. Is it possible?
IF I have to buy GSUITE then what's the cost of it yearly?
Thanks in Advance!

How worldwide company register their domain name?

Let's just say I have the ambition to make my company become worldwide company, do I register all the domain names individually just like what you would do on single domain name or is there different way of doing it.
for example, how Yahoo, Google, facebook, etc register their domain name worldwide.
Any information would be greatly appreciated
It will be simply a case of buying each Domain you want for your website .co.uk/.com/.net/.org and pointing them either at the same website or different website depending on your companies goal. If you got back to your hosting company (or whoever you purchased the domain from) they should have the others there for you to purchase (unless another company or someone has brought them already)....

Tracking traffic sources across domain redirect

I have a domain AAAA.com which is used for marketing an App. It redirects to a page on another domain: BBBB.com/buy-app.php, where Google Analytics is set up.
How do I on BBBB.com/buy-app.php track where the traffic is coming from?
An users clicks on a link to AAAA.com on Facebook, which redirects to BBBB.com/buy-app.php – how do I the know where the user came from?
You're talking about "Tracking Multiple Domains": Google Analytics for Developers: Tracking Multiple Domains
For this same use case, I prefer to use Google Analytics on Steroids: Google Analytics on Steroids: Cross Domain Tracking
_gas.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXX-1']);
_gas.push(['_setAllowLinker', true]);
_gas.push(['_setDomainName', 'AAAA.com']);
_gas.push(['_setDomainName', 'BBBB.com']);
_gas.push(['_gasMultiDomain', 'mousedown']);
* Note: calling _setDomainName multiple times is only supported in _gas and not supported by the default _gaq.
