NLP: transformer learning weights - nlp

The softmax function obtains the weights and then MatMul with V.
Are the weights stored anywhere? Or how the learning process happened if the weights are not stored or used on the next round?
Moreover, the linear transformation does not use the weights!
Source code:

I would draw your attention to read the documentation always
So as we can see if we continue to the code implementation of nn.linear layer
we will see this line :
self.weight = Parameter(torch.empty((out_features, in_features), **factory_kwargs))
which is the weights that you are asking about.
Hope this answers your question!


Do I need to apply the Softmax Function ANYWHERE in my multi-class classification Model?

I am currently turning my Binary Classification Model to a multi-class classification Model. Bare with me.. I am very knew to pytorch and Machine Learning.
Most of what I state here, I know from the following video.
What I read / know is that the CrossEntropyLoss already has the Softmax function implemented, thus my output layer is linear.
What I then read / saw is that I can just choose my Model prediction by taking the torch.max() of my model output (Which comes from my last linear output. This feels weird because I Have some negative outputs and i thought I need to apply the SOftmax function first, but It seems to work right without it.
So know the big confusing question I have is, when would I use the Softmax function? Would I only use it when my loss doesnt have it implemented? BUT then I would choose my prediction based on the outputs of the SOftmax layer which wouldnt be the same as with the linear output layer.
Thank you guys for every answer this gets.
For calculating the loss using CrossEntropy you do not need softmax because CrossEntropy already includes it. However to turn model outputs to probabilities you still need to apply softmax to turn them into probabilities.
Lets say you didnt apply softmax at the end of you model. And trained it with crossentropy. And then you want to evaluate your model with new data and get outputs and use these outputs for classification. At this point you can manually apply softmax to your outputs. And there will be no problem. This is how it is usually done.
MODEL ----> FC LAYER --->raw outputs ---> Crossentropy Loss
MODEL ----> FC LAYER --->raw outputs --> Softmax -> Probabilites
Yes you need to apply softmax on the output layer. When you are doing binary classification you are free to use relu, sigmoid,tanh etc activation function. But when you are doing multi class classification softmax is required because softmax activation function distributes the probability throughout each output node. So that you can easily conclude that the output node which has the highest probability belongs to a particular class. Thank you. Hope this is useful!

Mistake in pytorch attention seq2seq tutorial?

I am writing a sequence to sequence neural network in Pytorch. In the official Pytorch seq2seq tutorial, there is code for an Attention Decoder that I cannot understand/think might contain a mistake.
It computes the attention weights at each time step by concatenating the output and the hidden state at this time, and then multiplying by a matrix to get a vector of size equal to the output sequence length. Note, these attention weights don’t depend on the encoder sequence (named encoder_outputs in the code), which I think it should.
Also, the paper cited in the tutorial, lists three different score functions that can be used to compute attention weights (section 3.1 in the paper). None of these functions is just concatenating and multiplying by a matrix.
So it seems to me that the code in the tutorial is mistaken both in the function it applies and the arguments that are passed to this function. Am I missing something?
This tutorial has a simplified version of these attentions in the Luong paper that you mentioned.
It just uses a linear layer to combine the input embedding and the decoder RNN hidden state. This is sometimes called a 'location-based' attention, because it does not depend on the encoder outputs. Then it applies the softmax and computes the attention weights and the process goes as it would normally.
This is not always bad to have, as from the encoder outputs the attention mechanism might attend to a previous token and then the attention would not be monotonic, so your model would fail.
To implement the attentions from the Luong paper, you I suggest to use the 'concat' attention, after applying linear layers to both the decoder hidden state and the encoder outputs. Then the matrix W_a will transform these concatenated results to an arbitrary dimension of your choice, and finally the v_a is a vector that will transform to the desired context vector dimension.
In the algorithm, attn_weights depends on decode parameters.
Then we get an output of a linear layer(here 10). This is attention vector.
Then we multiply this with encoder_outputs. So at every epoch, we update attn_weights by back propagation. Verbally, at every iteration, it is learning in the reverse direction.
Let me give an example:
Our task is translate from English to German.
I want to sing a song. -> Ich möchte ein Lied singen.
At decoder, singen verb is at end. So our decoder attn_weights see decoder output,and learns to apply which parts of input encoding. When you multiply this value with encoder_outputs , you get a matrix of ,which have high values in necessary points.
So infact this way, it is learning when decoder see a sentence pattern in german,
which parts of input it must pay attention. So direction of learning is correct,I think.

Implementing variational autoencoder in keras with reconstruction probability

I'm trying to implement the variational autoencoder in keras and use reconstruction probability instead of reconstruction error for anomaly detection. There is an example in deep learning 4j and someone has already asked the same question here: Variational autoencoder and reconstruction Log Probability vs Reconstruction error
Thanks for your help
Depends on your use case. In the example below, you can take the trace of the inner product of the reconstruction matrix and the input matrix (provided it makes sense to case the reconstruction matrix as a probability). Then edit your custom loss function to return that value instead (or in addition to) of standard VAE loss. Adam doesn't care what is being optimized, however, the nice benefits of using a VAE if you are not using its loss might vanish.
From here:
def compute_log_probability(one_hot_inp,pwm_output):
return sum_diag
output = x_decoded.reshape(dim1,dim2)
output = normalize(output,axis=0, norm='l1') #column-wise normalization in this case
In the protein input case it makes sense to normalize per column because each column can only really have one value. In other cases you might want

How does a convolution kernel get trained in a CNN?

In a CNN, the convolution operation 'convolves' a kernel matrix over an input matrix. Now, I know how a fully connected layer makes use of gradient descent and backpropagation to get trained. But how does the kernel matrix change over time?
There are multiple ways in which the kernel matrix is initialized as mentioned here, in the Keras documentation. However, I am interested to know how it is trained? If it uses backpropagation too, then is there any paper that describes in detail the training process?
This post also raises a similar question, but it is unanswered.
Here you have a well explained post about backpropagation for Convolutional layer. In short, it is also gradient descent just like with FC layer. In fact, you can effectively turn a Convolutional layer into a Fuly Connected layer as explained here.

predict() returns image similarities with SVM in scikit learn

A silly question: after i train my SVM in scikit-learn i have to use predict function: predict(X) for predicting at which class belongs? (
X parameter is the image feature vector?
In case i give an image not trained (not trained because SVM ask at least 3 samples for class), what returns?
First remark: "predict() returns image similarities with SVM in scikit learn" is not a question. Please put a question in the header of Stack Overflow entries.
Second remark: the predict method of the SVC class in sklearn does not return "image similarities" but a class assignment prediction. Read the documentation and tutorials to understand what we mean by classification and prediction in machine learning.
X parameter is the image feature vector?
No, X is not "the image" feature vector: it is a set of image feature vectors with shape (n_samples, n_features) as explained in the documentation you refer to. In your case a sample is an image hence the expected shape would be (n_images, n_features). The predict API was design to compute many predictions at once for efficiency reason. If you want to compute a single prediction, you will have to wrap your single feature vector in an array with shape (1, n_features).
For instance if you have a single feature vector (1D) called my_single_image_features with shape (n_features,) you can call predict with:
predictions = clf.predict([my_single_image_features])
my_single_prediction = predictions[0]
Please note the [] signs around the my_single_image_features variable to turn it into a 2D array.
my_single_prediction will be an integer whose meaning depends on the integer values provided by you when calling the, y_train) method in the first place.
In case i give an image not trained (not trained because SVM ask at least 3 samples for class), what returns?
An image is not "trained". Only the model is trained. Of course you can pass samples / images that are not part of the training set to the predict method. This is the whole purpose of machine learning: making predictions on new unseen data based on what you learn from the statistical regularities seen in the past training data.
