Create a manual data validation list in Excel - excel

I want to make a very simple manual dropdown list in a cell with the values Yes or No.
I do not want to select a range of possibilities for only 2 options. So I want to enter the possible values manually.
It is my understanding according to these articles (link1, link2), that I can do so by going to a cell, going to data > data validation. Select List from the allow dropdown and then in the source field enter my dropdown entries manually (comma seperated).
However, if I do so, I get this:
So, I get only 1 option Yes,No instead of 2 options with Yes or No. What am I doing wrong? I tried seperating them with a comma and a space aswell. Didn't work.

In source, write this Yes;No instead of Yes,No

Control panel--> Region-->Formats Tab-->Additional settings--> Numbers Tab-->List separator value change to: ,(comma) then ok.ok


Excel - Restrict Options in Drop Down Fields to those currently not in use

I restrict the options (an ID) for column A:A to those given in a drop down menu.
The possible elements are in K1:K10. In L1:L10 there is a flag (0/1) whether the ID is currently already in use or not.
Now I want to restrict the options in the drop down menu to those from K1:K10 which are flagged as 0 in L1:L10. Those flags can change multiple over the life sycle of that document. While in use, I don't want that ID to be selectable. Ones no longer flagged as in use, I want it to become available again.
Depending on your Excel version this may be a solution, as Validation Lists can refer to dynamic arrays.
Use the FILTER function to create a dynamic array of valid names in cell M1.
Then set the Validation List to =$M1$#. NB the # is important as it tells Excel you are using a dynamic range rather than a standard cell reference.
and now (if you have Calculation set to Automatic) you should see the list of available names change as you change 1's and 0's in Column L.

Aligning vertically a series of tables with text

Hi I need the text to be in a specific format in a spreadsheet to be able to upload it on a translation tool.
I have already used the text split function to separate the text in a cell with bullet points, moving each bullet point to a separate cell.
enter image description here
Then I used the transpose function to separate each set of data. For context, you are looking at fashion products.
The name of the product is on the first row, followed by a list of features (e.g. "Bracciale" means bracelet and it is followed by the list of materials)
enter image description here
Now for the last step, I need these sets to be vertical, not horizontal. Like this:
enter image description here
I would like to set up an automatic system so that every time we receive a list with hundreds of these products we do not need to copy-paste them one below the other.
With pivot tables maybe? Keep in mind that if it is too complex it might be hard to train the translators to do it each time. Please let me know your suggestions. Thank you!
I am not a programmer. I tried pivot tables but the data was in the wrong order and I am not sure how to get the data out from the pivot table with values only without the sub-menus.
My suggestion would be to use the 'Unpivot Columns' feature in the Power Query Editor - it would be really simple.
Select the whole range
Go to Data // Get & Transform Data // From Table/Range
Uncheck 'My Table has headers' (unless it does - but doesn't look like it?)
Press OK. This will open Power Query Editor and will have actually given you column names Col1/2/3 etc, but ignore that.
Go to Add Column // Index column
Select all columns EXCEPT the new index column by Shift+clicking on those headers
Go to Transform // Unpivot Columns
Assuming the order is important, click in the Attribute column and Sort Ascending
Click in the Index column and Sort Ascending
Remove the Attribute and Index columns if you want (right click header)
Go to File // Close & Load
You will get a new table - dynamically linked to the first (ie. can be updated/refreshed) - in the unpivoted format.
Let me know if you need more details / screenshot?
Based of this trick, maybe the following is helpfull:
Formula in A5:
TEXTSPLIT() will use a combination of newline chars and the circumflex to split the input directly into a vertical array;
Iteration in REDUCE() will allow for stacked results;
DROP() the initial value from results.

Converting grouped /nested data table to tabular form

I have been trying to covert tables that I get in the grouped format as in the picture to tabular form to make it pivotable. I have tried to use power query but not sure how to do it. I am not sure where to start and I appreciate your guidance as to where to start or how to make it
if you want to use powerquery, Assuming those are spaces, your best bet is probably to add some custom columns that check the number of leading spaces from column one to determine the level. For example,
= if Text.StartsWith([Column1], " ") then Text.Trim([Column1]) else null
then do something similar but with different leading space counts into separate columns, and then fill down to populate a table
You could alternately try to split the column on, lets say, 3 spaces, depending on what the indentions are. (0/3/6/9)

how to autocomplete values based on a list

I created many Lists and they are getting longer. At the moment i am using data validation, so I have big lists and need to select the name i want
They are all listed on my formulas, so i would like to know if there is any way
to start to write the name that i need and excel already shows the
I tried to use this formula but was not successful
For instance i have a list of currencies called "CCY", i would like to write
"US" and excel already shows USD. Is there any way to do that?
=OFFSET(Currency,MATCH(A2&"*",Currency,0)-1,0) 'A2 is where the validation applies, make sure it accepts values not in list
You can enter the value in a second go, will let you select from values after.
I wouldn't use it but
It will let you select any value from the drop-down
You can let it do its job by typing "us", Tab, Shift+Tab, Alt+Down and Tab quite fast.
The formula below won't let you select values after, takes the first match only, handle with care.
=OFFSET(Currency,MATCH(A2&"*",Currency,0)-1,0,1,1) 'fun fact: you can give names to data table columns thus creating expanding lists

Select all used values of a specific field as source for dialog list choices

In my Lotus Notes Database, I want to fill the choices available in a dialog list based on the previously entered values for this field.
I set type of the field to "Dialog list", chose "Use formula for choices" and selected "Allow values not in list".
However, I don't know what to enter as a formula:
The formula's result should be all values for the field Foo specified in the database.
I tried the following formula which results in an empty list, however:
#Unique(SELECT Foo)
There are definitely documents with values for Foo in the database.
Which formula can I use?
Or do you know better solutions to my problem than using a formula?
Many thanks in advance for your responses!
You need to create a view with at least a column that displays the Foo field. You can then use #DbColumn in your formula to retrieve all values from e.g. column 1 containing the Foo field:
#Unique(#DbColumn("";"":"database.nsf";"Your new view";1))
Here is more informatiom about #DbColumn:
Similar way, but error handling included.
Look := #DbColumn("":""; ""; "$LookFoo"; 1);
#If(#IsError(Look); ""; #Unique(Look))
Database parameter can be empty, if you are reading from the current. If there is a problem with cache, you can make first parameter like - #DbColumn("":"NoCache";...
Hope it helps.
