FluentUI Grouped List not rendering - fluentui-react

I'm new to react and fluentui development and am having trouble getting the Grouped List examples to work https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/fluentui#/controls/web/groupedlist
Nothing renders until I remove the SelectionZone element. But then I can't select items.
I'm seeing the following error in the console (which doesn't mean much to me):
useFocusRects.js:67 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'current')
How should I troubleshoot this?
-- Edit --
I created a CodePen
https://codepen.io/matthewfitzmaurice/pen/NWMbXNP . But the CodePen works fine...
I've also noticed that a form that I created containing TextField, DatePicker and ComboBox has stopped working. The error occurs when I use a ComboBox. It's fine if I only use TextFields and DatePickers.
My ComboBoxes were working and now are not. This seems to indicate that I've installed something and broken some of the FluentUI controls.

In case anyone else runs into the same issue, my problem was version related.
Updating my npm packages fixed the issue.
npm outdated
npm update


Custom Collection View is not showing up

I'm working on an app that'll have a range of images and the collectionview is not showing up at all. I was following this article, which I translated to C#.
here is an example app I made to show a minimal example of what I'm trying to do.
When I run through the code, GetCell in the collection source isn't firing which I know is the problem, but I don't know why it's not firing and I'm simply at a lost on what I'm missing.
I test it again today and I can make sure that the problem is caused by the MosaicCollectionLayout.
What I did today is that I removed your collectionView and add a new collectionView, then I add Constrains to it with a fixed height and width(to make sure it appears even if there is no data), then I change the layout to FlowLayout, it works, here is the screenshot:
After that, I changed the layout back to MosaicCollectionLayout, I get an exception in the line _cachedAttributes.Reverse(lastIndex.Row, firstMatchIndex.Value); inside the method LayoutAttributesForElementsInRect.
I checked the article and did not find a solution yet. Maybe there is some mistakes in the codes translated from swift to C#. So the problem is not related to the xib, please check the code in the method LayoutAttributesForElementsInRect.You can also try add Constrains to your collectionView. Hope these information helps you.

Widgets and Graphs disappear in Datastax Opscenter‎ when I refresh browser

I installed Datastax Opscenter‎ and everything seemed fine initially.
After some time all Widgets and Graphs disappeared from the Dashboard.
I can added them, but each time I refresh the browser they all disappear and Dashboard is empty.
Anyone face similar issue?
I don't know if you ever figured it out, but you were halfway there. Deleting the broken preset will allow you to create a new one.
Step 1 (As mentioned in comments on question):
curl http://:8888//rc/dashboard_presets/
This will return an id string for the preset in a {"id"{}} format.
Step 2: curl -X "DELETE" http://:8888//rc/dashboard_presets/id to remove the broken preset.
Note: A symptom of having to delete the preset is if the Default tab disappears from above the date selector.

Watir can´t access zk element with z-index>0

I´m testing a zk application. I´m trying to click an option on combobox by its text.
So I'm not get that bacause thah option is inside a div with z-index=88000.
when I check visibility from that div, returns false.
I tried to change z-index via javascript code for 0.
I used the following code:
but I didn't get it. I got that error:
document.getElementByClassName is not a function (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::JavascriptError)
I cannot explain the z-index issue.
However, the javascript error is occurring because the getElementByClass method does not exist. It should be getElementsByClass (notice the 's' in 'Elements').
Try changing the z-index with:

Following Android drag and drop example, error "btn_default_pressed cannot be resolved or is not a field"

Working in min API 15, I'm trying to find how I can drag and drop one item element out of a ListView list onto a TextView above it (just to copy the text into it).
I'm trying to follow this example:
Namely these two parts...
However, I can't figure out how to fix this error
The import android.view.View.DragShadowBuilder cannot be resolved
Or if I remove the import then DragShadowBuilder gives me
DragShadowBuilder cannot be resolved to a type
I changed my minSDK And target SDK both to '15'. Should I not have access to these classes now? How can I resolve this error?
edit: I've fixed that problem- properties, android, set target. Clean, refresh. Ok.
But now I'm getting
btn_default_pressed cannot be resolved or is not a field
mShadow = v.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.btn_default_pressed);
Looks like that class came in API 11. So probably you have one of a couple problems.
You have set the SDK target in your manifest, but you haven't updated your actual SDK. If this is the case, go to the SDK Manager and get the necessary updates.
You project is still linked to a API 10 or lower jar. If this is the case go into, Project > Properties > Android and pick the correct library.
Project > Clean and restarting Eclipse can't hurt either.

TableView CustomCell ISSUE?

I had a customcell for my tableView.Recently I have changed some controls in the cells.I am facing a problem.The new controls are not showing when I am running my application.
Even I removed all the labels, uibuttons from the cellView.But nothing is working.It's something like it's stored the controls in the memory.How can I get rid of this?
Try to clean the project and build again.
