Azure Functions Orchestration using Logic App - azure

I have multiple Azure Functions which carry out small tasks. I would like to orchestrate those tasks together using Logic Apps, as you can see here:
Logic App Flow
I am taking the output of Function 1 and inputting parts of it into Function 2. As I was creating the logic app, I realized I have to parse the response of Function 1 as JSON in order to access the specific parameters I need. Parse JSON requires me to provide an example schema however, I need to be able to parse the response as JSON without this manual step.
One solution I thought would work was to register Function 1 with APIM and provide a response schema. This doesn't seem to be any different to calling the Function directly.
Does anyone have any suggestions for how to get the response of a Function as a JSON/XML?

You can run Javascript snippets and dynamic parse the response from Function 1 without providing a sample.
var data = Object.keys(workflowContext.trigger.outputs.body.Body);
var key = data.filter(s => s.includes('Property')).toString(); // to get element - Property - dynamic content
return workflowContext.trigger.outputs.body.Body[key];


want to create a Azure Logic App expression

In Azure Logic App, I am creating blob event grid. I am able to get event whenever I have added or deleted a blob from a storage account. In that I am getting the below responses.
In the Subject i am getting response as '/blobServices/default/containers/james/blobs/catputvendor/Capture.PNG'
Now I need to write an expression which gets below result.
Which expression is best.
I got below expression using c# working but in logic app expression, we don't have Remove method. How I need to do in logic app as following:
var subStri1 = str.Remove(str.IndexOf("/blobs"), "/blobs".Length).Substring(str.Remove(str.IndexOf("/blobs"), "/blobs".Length).LastIndexOf("/containers") + "/containers".Length);
The Subject in the Dynamic content, it's the absolute path about the blob. So you could use split expression to get the path you want.
And the expression would be like this:split(triggerBody()?['subject'], '/')?[4]. My subject path is /blobServices/default/containers/firstcontainer/blobs/test/Snipaste_2018-11-13_10-08-08.png. So the expression will get the container name firstcontainer.
So the whole expression will be
#{split(triggerBody()?['subject'], '/')?[4]}/#{split(triggerBody()?['subject'], '/')?[6]}/#{split(triggerBody()?['subject'],'/')?[7]}.
Here is my flow and the result page.
Hope this could help you, if you still have other questions, please let me know.

SOAP UI how to configure a PUT request body programmatically

I'm configuring some requests programmatically in my test cases, I can set headers, custom properties, teardown scripts, etc. however I can't find how to set a standard json body for my put requests.
Is there any possibility from the restMethod class ?
So far I end up getting the method used :
restService = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.getInterfaceAt(0)
resource = restService.getOperationByName(resource_name)
request = resource.getRequestAt(0)
httpMethod = request.getMethod()
if (httpMethod.toString().equals("PUT"))
but then I'm stuck trying to find how to set a standard body for my PUT requests.
I try with the getRequestParts() method but it didn't give me what I expected ...
can anyone help, please
thank you
I’ve managed this. I had a tests of tests where I wanted to squirt the content of interest into the “bare bones” request. Idea being that I can wrap this in a data driven test. Then, for each row in my data spreadsheet I pull in the request body for my test. At first I simply pulled the request from a data source value in my spreadsheet, but this became unmanageable in my spreadsheet.
So, another tactic. In my test data sheet (data source) I stored the file name that contains the payload I want to squirt in.
In the test itself, I put in a groovy step immediately before the the step I want to push the payload into.
The groovy script uses the data source to firstly get the file name containing the payload, I then read the contents of the file.
In the step I want to push the data into, I just use a get from data, e.g. {groovyStep#result}.
If this doesn’t completely make sense, let me know and I’ll update with screenshot when I have access to SoapUi.

When to use 'app.params' and 'req.params'?

Since, I can get parameters from both the methods using a code similar to the one below:
req.params.<PARAM NAME> in single/many separate app.METHOD function(s)
(think this may result in code repetition)
app.params(<ARRAY>,<CALLBACK>) function, independent of the app.METHOD functions, and called if the URL contains any parameter (:id, :name .etc)
What are the use-cases to apply one over the other?
My best guess would be is using app.params for parameter validation or some sort of preprocessing. For example the express docs provide and example where you attach req.user information to the request using app.params and after that you can work directly with the user information instead of processing the parameter again. Using req.params would be more specific in terms of processing the specific query. For example I'd use req.params for a REST endpoint which should perform an operation by id (update/delete) as in general there shouldn't be any additional preprocessing involder.

ScriptError using Google Apps Script Execution API

Following these guides and, I am trying to use the Execution API in node to return some data that are in a Google Spreadsheet.
I have set the script ID to be the Project Key of the Apps Script file. I have also verified that running the function in the Script Editor works successfully.
However, when running the script locally with node, I get this error:
The API returned an error: Error: ScriptError
I have also made sure the script is associated with the project that I use to auth with Google APIs as well.
Does anyone have any suggestion on what I can do to debug/ fix this issue? The error is so generic that I am not sure where to look.
UPDATE: I've included a copy of the code in this JSBin (the year function is the entry point)
UPDATE 2: The error seems to be caused by the inclusion of this line
var spreadsheet =;
It seems that I didn't request the right scopes. The nodejs example include '', but I also needed to include '' in the SCOPES array. It seems like the error message ScriptError is not very informative here.
In order to find what scopes you'd need, to go the Script Editor > File > Project Properties > Scopes. Remember to delete the old credentials ~/.credentials/old-credential.json so that the script will request a new one.
EDIT: With the update in information I took a closer look and saw you are returning a non-basic type. Specifically you are returning a Sheet Object.
The basic types in Apps Script are similar to the basic types in
JavaScript: strings, arrays, objects, numbers and booleans. The
Execution API can only take and return values corresponding to these
basic types -- more complex Apps Script objects (like a Document or
Sheet) cannot be passed by the API.
In your Account "Class" = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(data.reportSheet);
old answer:
'data.business_exp' will be null in this context. You need to load the data from somewhere. Every time a script is called a new instance of the script is created. At the end of execution chain it will be destroyed. Any data stored as global objects will be lost. You need to save that data to a permanent location such as the script/user properties, and reloaded on each script execution.

Array to function parameters

I'm using the node.js Redis library and I'm attempting to bulk-subscribe to many keys. I've got an array which is dynamic i.e
var keys {'key1','key2',...,'keyN'}
and I want to feed each index in as parameters to subscribe in the Redis library which takes one or more string(s). I've tried the apply function in JS using..
but it doesn't cause a subscription. Any suggestions on how I can get over this issue?
Your example data is totally invalid JS, but I'm assuming you have it correct in your code.
You need to set the proper function context:
redisClient.subscribe.apply(redisClient, keys);
