Avoiding Billing - security

I'm not clear that this is the best group to ask this question, but it's where Google pointed me.
I've got a toy Google Maps static api website that runs on Heroku. I built it in 2014 to track hire bikes in London. Now Salesforce is removing the free tier for Heroku, I need to get it hosted elsewhere. However, the api key is associated with the Heroku referrer name and it dates from a time before you needed to identify Projects, so I've not managed to find the API key in the google maps UI.
Is my only realistic option to go through the process of creating a billing account, adding a new project and then a new key for the project?
Are there any gotchas that I need to be aware of so that I don't find that I'm incurring costs?


How long do Microsoft Learn Sandbox created resources persist before deletion?

I am new to Azure so I decided to use Microsoft Learn Sandbox to fool around and find out.
After following this exercise, I managed to create a web app with a specific name.
After writing a simple GitHub workflow to build and deploy my application, I found out that my webapp is not accessible anymore. Of course it makes sense for a ressource to be deleted after the sandbox has expired and I should have thought about it before but I cannot create a new webapp using the same specific name in my personal Azure Pay-per-use subscription as I a greeted with an error explaining me that this name is not available.
After a bit of browsing I read various answers about the retention time of these resources, which can vary from a few minutes up to three months.
I understand that this retention system exists to allow users to restore deleted resources and that it can be configured by various policies but I could not find a specific response for the ones relative to Learn Sandbox.
When can I expect this resource to be deleted from the system so I can use my specific name again ?
How long does the sandbox stay around?
The sandbox environment created for a module is available for four consecutive hours to ensure that you can finish the module. The Microsoft Learn exercises are meant to be finished in one sitting, in an hour or less.
You can actually verify this in the Sandbox FAQ - How long does the sandbox stay around?

the path of backend service, database and push notification deployment for production

I have been involved lots of companies' production projects but I didn't build myself. I built a react native app. But I am really confused where I should store data, backend service and push notification also. Which platform can be wise chose to use all 3 of them. Backend rest service will be nodejs. Unfortunately, I spend my 1 year azure free trial. I need to first try my app performance and users should use my app also, then should be free for trial to some amount of time.
If you developed your app to be in container you can use k8s as a service from one of the providers.
All of the top cloud providers have a multitude of solutions so its up to your arch and funds to decided where to go with it.
I do not think anyone will be able to give you better answer then yourself as your know the intimate details of your architecture.

Release Azure Domain

I'm building a website/web application for this team and first started it on Azure. But now, we have realized that we would rather have it on something like WordPress. How do we transfer the ownership of the domain?
IF you want to map a custom domain to Azure Web, firstly you need to remove the spending limit on your subscription and buy a custom domain name for Azure App. About the detailed action you could follow the limit and the purchase tutorial.
After these, you could map your domain to your App with this tutorial.
If you still have other questions, please let me know.

Azure Mobile App and Security

I've just setup a new Azure Mobile App (first time using one since the old Mobile Services).
After setting up the app you can use one of the "Quick Start" offerings to create a Xamarin.Forms app that connects to your service and they create a dummy ToDoItem table for you. Then you can download the source for the app which is helpful.
The bit where I'm left scratching my head is that previously with the Mobile Services you would have your Mobile Services URL and an API key that was to stay secret (how secret you can keep this is open to debate as at the end of the day it's in your code and is probably possible for someone to reverse engineer the APK or whatever and get it)... BUT with the new Mobile App service there doesn't seem to be any notion of this secret API key. I've hunted around the sample app source and can only find the URL for the app service and nothing else.
So my question is, what's to stop someone else using my Mobile App service URL and reading/writing to (or worse, deleting from) my SQL Server tables?
Perhaps I'm missing something... If anyone can shed any light on the subject that would be great.
The application key was dropped as a security mechanism as it gave a false sense of security. As you mention, there is nothing to stop people from obtaining the key through reverse engineering the app or capturing network traffic - in some ways it is worse than no security at all!
We highly recommend you set up your tables to only allow authenticated access. Using the social media identity providers don't give you any role based access control, but with Azure Active Directory, you can set up groups fairly easily.
You can find some basic information and tutorials (Xamarin.Forms is included) at https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/app-service-mobile-auth/. There is also a wealth of information on Mobile Apps in general at https://shellmonger.com/30-days-of-azure-mobile-apps-the-table-of-contents/.

How to transfer a custom domain name from expired/deleted susbscription to new Web App?

I maintain a family web site on Azure on my spare time. For a small fee, we have purchased a custom domain name to make it more "professional".
Unfortunately, the credit card associated with the susbscription has expired and since I was not actively monitoring the dedicated mail account I had created for this purpose, the susbscription has now been deleted (the susbscription is actually disabled in the portal, but the mail from Azure says that I need to create a new subscription if I want to change my mind).
In a matter of minutes, I registered a new subscription and thanks to continuous deployment, I could deploy the Web App from sources that I had kept on a GitHub account. However, an attempt to bring an external domain to the Web App fails with the reason being that the said domain is already in use by another Azure web site (presumably, the old Web App from the, now deleted, subscription)
A quick chat with the #AzureSupport team on Twitter, they suggested I file a support request from the Azure portal. However, since this is not a professionnal susbscription, I do not have a support plan. I see that support costs 25 $/month for at least 6 months in my situation.
This seems a bit too costly, like an order of magnitude higher than buying a new domain name for several years. At the same time, I don't understand why the deleted account is still locking the custom domain name. And it seems unfair that I need to pay to recover a domain name that I own but am unable to benefit from because it is associated with a Web App in a disabled Azure subscription!
Please, what are my options?
PS: Even though this is not a programmatic question, I post here because that's where Microsoft recommends to obtain community support. I have also posted a similar question on an appropriate MSDN Forum but the answers there are not satisfying.
Unfortunately on a technical level this will be something that can only be rectified by Azure support. Since you no longer have access to the account they will need to delete that domain association.
It is excessive that you are required to pay for a six month support contract to resolve an issue that is clearly an issue with the way Azure decommissions subscriptions.
The problem you now have is that you can't use Azure to host this domain until that association is removed. Your only options are to either have the complexity of using a VM or to move your site to AWS etc.
If you make those points to #AzureSupport team, maybe they will process it for you. Point them to this question and ask them to help you to keep using Azure.
