I'm new to Lando, and am surprised at the way it works. I'm following the example at https://docs.lando.dev/wordpress/getting-started.html, and got a WP site up and running.
But I've been reading docs and trying a few things, and can't find a way to avoid having to manually run the lando init function.
I would have thought that having a lando.yml file saying the recipe is wordpress would be enough to get you up and running - my idea being that I could take that same YAML file, modify a few variables like the app URL, and run "lando start" or something to have lando recreate the entire site.
Is there a way to do this?
You can in fact do exactly this, you don't need to run lando init on a project unless you want to use the included wizard to fill out the .lando.yml file. You can simply do the following to run a WordPress site:
name: awesome-wp-project
recipe: wordpress
place that in the .lando.yml in the root of your project and then run lando start. You'll have a new instance of Lando with the default configuration for the WordPress recipe running. The important thing to note is that each project needs to have a unique name and should run from a different folder (not nested inside eachother).
You can then include the same customizations in multiple projects (like adding a node container to compile theme assets, or using a specific version of PHP, config file, or folder structure). Just make sure to name each application uniquely.
I am using the command: dotnet "myfile.dll"
Initially it was giving me this error: The user's home directory could not be determined. Set the 'DOTNET_CLI_HOME' environment variable to specify the directory to use.
Now after messing around with it, I have moved my files to c:/mydir, and it is giving this error: Failed to initialize CoreCLR, HRESULT: 0x80070057. I found this, but isn't c:/mydir a drive root?
Couple of things I noted:
I am able to run the .dll fine in a different directory.
Both directories contain same files.
The reason I want to run it in c:/mydir is because I am using AWS CodeDeploy, and that is where it copies the files (as far as I know; and the other directories are just the old versions where the files get copied from).
These issues are not linked (the first one I get from running a automated shell script after installation, and the second I get from manually trying to launch the .dll).
If someone could help me solve either one of these issues it would be greatly appreciated.
Try adding Environment=DOTNET_CLI_HOME=/temp to your Service declaration in your .service file. Example syntax:
So the actual like would look like this
I recently turned a computer into a Ubuntu server. I have installed all dependencies following the article below http://neos.readthedocs.io/en/stable/GettingStarted/Installation.html
My version of Ubuntu (or Apache) did not have a "htdocs" folder like the previous article suggested, so I created a folder called newsletter in var/www/html per this article https://askubuntu.com/questions/683953/where-is-apache-web-root-directory-on-ubuntu
Then I try to complete step 2 of "Fundamental Instruction" by using the following code
cd /your/htdocs/
php /path/to/composer.phar create-project neos/neos-base-distribution Neos
but it does not work.
Instead of inputting "cd /your/htdocs" I navigate to /var/www/html
I am getting "Could not open input file: /path/to/composer.phar"
I believe I already have composer installed, so I don't really want to have to go through https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-composer-on-ubuntu-16-04
Should I change "/path/to/composer.phar"? Has the location changed?
It look like your composer is not in the given path /path/to/composer.phar
composer is not included in a bare bone Ubuntu, so you should have to follow the setup. If you want to test Neos, check https://bitnami.com/stack/neos
Should I change "/path/to/composer.phar"? Has the location changed?
This path is just an example.
so i need to modify three.js.min and i need to rebuild it to have the changes take effect.
i did it before when it used to be via phyton, but the process & method seems to have changed.
i downloaded node.js as linked here in the quickstart guide: https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/wiki/Build-instructions, and restarted my pc
this happens when i try to clone threejs as described:
the Quickstart says that i can also "download and unzip" the directory which i already did to work on it, but i am unsure where to place it and where the relative path starts.
so if i use cd ./three.js would the threejs folder be in the c:/programs/nodejs directory? do i need to register it first? am i on the completely wrong path?
sorry if this is a really dumb question, but the guide just does not make sense to me
ok so here are the mistakes i made:
i used the Node.js command window (from programs) instead of the windows cmd
i need to navigate to my threejs root folder containing the package.json file using cd ./nextFolder
now compiled & working without a problem
So some background, I'm installing Node on a host server, but it's a grid server not a server that's solely for my website.
The grid server doesn't have a root user/ administrative powers. So to install node I found this workaround: http://iantearle.com/blog/media-temple-grid-and-nodejs . It's a Linux Grid server, I've never used Linux so if someone could explain to me what the commands mean, especially: ./configure --prefix=~/opt/
Lastly I followed the steps but when I try to run the node command in the server it says node:command not found - which is why I'm trying to understand the steps. Thanks
To explain the process:
The configure script is responsible for getting ready to build the software on your specific system. It makes sure all of the dependencies for the rest of the build and install process are available, and finds out whatever it needs to know to use those dependencies.
Unix programs are often written in C, so we’ll usually need a C compiler to build them. In these cases the configure script will establish that your system does indeed have a C compiler, and find out what it’s called and where to find it.
Once configure has done its job, we can invoke make to build the software. This runs a series of tasks defined in a Makefile to build the finished program from its source code.
The tarball you download usually doesn’t include a finished Makefile. Instead it comes with a template called Makefile.in and the configure script produces a customised Makefile specific to your system.
3.Make Install
Now that the software is built and ready to run, the files can be copied to their final destinations. The make install command will copy the built program, and its libraries and documentation, to the correct locations.
--prefix=~/opt/ -> will set the build directory to /home/yourhome/opt directory.
Now if you didnt get errors while doing those 3 steps explained above make sure you did the following:
nano ~/.bash_profile
export PATH=~/opt/bin:${PATH}
nano is a text editor and you are opening .bash_profile file with it.
you need to add export PATH=~/opt/bin:${PATH} in that file and save it using ctrl+x
Then restart your terminal.
Specified github repository for nodejs is outdated. use the following link instead.
git clone https://github.com/nodejs/node.git
P.S node:command not found usually happens when the program is not installed correctly or it's executable isnt in your terminal's PATH variable.
Perhaps I'm missing something about Node, but what I'm hoping to do is very very simple.
Recently I've been creating a lot of small projects to test small node modules individually before trying to use them in a larger complex project.
I just want to automate generating a blank index.html and main.js file with the appropriate empty tags. I suppose I could make some git repos and just pull those every time, but that seems like overkill. Or I could just create a command to copy files from some other directory to the current one.
But ideally - I could install "npm boiler" or something, then just run "boiler static-html" and have those files plop into the root directory.
I'm running a git bash shell in Windows btw, because work.
I didn't find a perfect solution, but Yeoman sort of handles what I'm after. A simplified version of Yeoman would be ideal.