Azure B2C User Attributes Claim - Unable to Save Claim? - azure-ad-b2c

I'm using Azure B2C. I have a custom claim I want include on profile edit. This is the built in user flow for Profile Edit (B2C_1_ProfileEdit).
I go to Application claims, select my claim, and click Save I get an error message
"Unexpected error, please try again later"
No details were given in the error message.
What could this be? I'm not sure where to look to debug it? Any ideas?

I was about to create a support ticket with Microsoft today. Before I did that, I tried to update it again and it worked this time. Must have been an Azure problem !


Error then entering ApplicicationId and Application Key on dnn.azureadb2cprovider settings page

If I enter both an ApplicationID and key into the Advanced Settings of the dnn.azureadb2cprovider I get a generic error with no explanation. I've gone through the setup documentation (which seems to be outdated) numerous times. The error gives no clue as to what the issue is.
If I enter only the app id or only key by itself, there is no error. Obviously this wont allow Graph to work, but I am noting it anyway.
Went thought the setup process located at I can get users to sign in successfully through B2C so it's partially working. Just the advanced features are having trouble.
You can check the log4net log files under /Portals/_default/Logs folder for more details on the issue. This is probably caused by the permissions of the App registration on the Graph API. Ensure that you have set permissions on these Application scopes and have given consent to them (the documentation will be updated soon):
PS: in the future please create this type of issues on the GitHub repository to concentrate all the help and documentation on the same location.

Azure AD B2C - How to see user's extensions

I followed the tutorial here to be able to ask user's consent and store it in the AD as custom extension (from what I did understood...)
The custom flow seems to work well (consents are asked during signup process) but then I want to verify them in the AD (and maybe delete them from the admin console for new tests) I did not found where I can see them...
I tried to retrieve them through MS Graph API explorer (I started in on my tenant on the URL and I try to call the endpoint but I get no extensions back...
Am I doing things right ? Is there another way to verify what are the current user's custom extensions ?
I think those extensions are well stored, because when I try to login again with the same user, no consents is asked anymore...
Thanks in advance for your help!
Try It will return their extension attributes in the response.

Application select greyed out. Azure AD B2C - Identity experience framework

I was simply following this guide:
Get started with custom policies in Azure Active Directory B2C
Following all the previous instructiones without a problem. I got to "Test the custom policy" where I got stuck. When I open any of my custom policies it is a same story. Application select and select reply url is greyed out.
Any idea what might cause it?
Sreenshot of my problem:
Please create a B2C application registration.And you can refer to this doc.

Getting Error while doing Sign In using custom policy in Azure Active Directory B2C

I am struggling at the Sign-In functionality of an existing user in Azure Active Directory B2C. I had followed this link for implementing the custom claims in JWT token using custom policies. After modifying the TrustFrameworkBase.xml, TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml & SignUpOrSignin.xml file as per my need by following the same link, I uploaded those files on azure and was trying to run user flow from the azure. Now the issue I am facing currently is that Sign-In functionality is not working. It is giving me the error Unable to validate the information provided. (See the screenshot attached)
Don't know where I am doing wrong.
Any help in this regard would be really helpful.
Update: After adding the Application Insights in my SignUpOrSignIn.xml file, Now I am able to get the exact error i.e The claim type "objectId", designated as the identifier claim type, could not be found in the claims collection for the claims principal in tenant id "B2C_1A_signup_signin".
But don't know at which step I am missing it or how to modify the policy to run it successfully.
After struggling to find the solution of the problem mentioned from 3 days, finally I was able to solve the problem.
I removed the tag
<ValidationTechnicalProfile ReferenceId="AAD-UserWriteProfileUsingObjectId" /> mentioned under Technical Profile tag with Id SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignin-Email in TrustFrameworkBase.xml file. Now I am able to subsequently sign in using ADB2C.

Issue in creating bot service in Azure- Error while creating microsoft App id and password

I am trying to create a bot service using Free Trail Subscription in Azure Portal. While clicking on create Microsoft Appid and Password button, it directs to a page. Instead of showing me up with name and id in Generate App ID and password page,I get the below error as
"There's a temporary problem with the service. Please try again. If you continue to get this message, try again later"
Could anyone help me out to resolve this error. Also can you confirm if this is due to when a service is down or issue with the browser.
I got the issue rectified by creating a separate Microsoft account id and by logging in using that I was able to generate appid and password successfully.
