Tkvideo is working on one file but not an exact copy - python-3.x

Alright, guys, I'm in need of some serious help here. I am running python3 on a mac, using a virtual environment in vs code. So to the point, I have a python project where I am opening a window and playing a video on loop here is the code
from tkinter import *
import numpy
from tkvideo import tkvideo
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import os
root = Tk()
my_label = Label(root)
root.resizable(False, False)
player = tkvideo("path/test.mp4", my_label, loop = 1, size = (600,338))
# root.iconbitmap('path/Logo.png')
ico ='Logo.png')
photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(ico)
root.wm_iconphoto(False, photo)
it works fine and runs with no issues, the problem comes in at my other python project.
I have everything the exact same but with different file locations.It does run but the video doesn't play, the UI looks different, and the logo is replaced with a standard python logo. If you were wondering yes, I do have all the same packages installed and have even tried uninstalling and reinstalling the packages. anyways this is the error RuntimeError: No ffmpeg exe could be found. Install ffmpeg on your system, or set the IMAGEIO_FFMPEG_EXE environment variable. i am new to python but i have a pretty good grasp on how it works. I just don't see how it would work on one but not on another identical one with the same packages. If anyone more advanced than me could help it would be greatly appreciated. I am sorry if there is a super obvious answer to this. I have worked for a good 4 hours and can't seem to figure it out. anyways ---thank you


Issue with Python tkinter / pypdftk / subprocess(?)

I have been using this whole script flawlessly on my PC. I attempted to put it on my coworkers PC, but this particular part doesn't seem to work. I am using a tkinter interface to take data from psql and fill a premade fillable PDF using pypdftk, then either saving it using asksaveasfilename and opening it with subprocess.Popen or not saving it and opening it as a temp file using On my PC both work great. On coworkers PC, neither work.
On my coworkers PC, the save option opens the save dialog with all the correct info as far as I can tell, and lets me go through the process of saving a file as it normally would, but then the file just doesn't save and never actually appears. If I open as a temp file, it throws the exception.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *
import tkinter.messagebox
import pypdftk
from tkinter.filedialog import asksaveasfilename
import os.path
import os
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
def file_handler(form_path, data, fname):
tl2 = tk.Toplevel()
tl2.wm_title('File Handler')
w = 340
h = 55
ws = tl2.winfo_screenwidth()
hs = tl2.winfo_screenheight()
x = (ws/2) - (w/2)
y = (hs/2) - (h/2)
tl2.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, x, y))
def save_and_open():
savefile = asksaveasfilename(defaultextension=".pdf", initialdir="C:\\Desktop", filetypes=[('pdf file', '*.pdf')], initialfile=fname)
generated_pdf = pypdftk.fill_form(form_path, data, savefile)
def open_without_save():
generated_pdf = pypdftk.fill_form(form_path, data)
os.rename(generated_pdf, generated_pdf+".pdf")
generated_pdf = generated_pdf+".pdf",shell=True)
tk.messagebox.showerror("Unable to open", "An error has occurred. Please try again.")
if os.path.exists(generated_pdf):
print("Successfully removed temp file.")
save = tk.Button(tl2,text='Save and Open', width=20, command=save_and_open)
nosave = tk.Button(tl2,text='Open without saving', width=20,command=open_without_save)
save.grid(row=0, columnspan=2, sticky='NESW', padx=5, pady=10, ipadx=5, ipady=5)
nosave.grid(row=0, column=2, columnspan=2, sticky='NESW', padx=5, pady=10, ipadx=5, ipady=5)
tk.messagebox.showerror("Unable to open", "An error has occurred. Please try again.")
As far as I can tell, everything works until you get into the save_and_open and open_without_save functions. I left in all the libraries I believe are relevant.
I should also mention, I am quite a novice at python. So if any of this is ugly coding, feel free to shame me for it.
I now believe the problem to be here in the file:
if os.getenv('PDFTK_PATH'):
PDFTK_PATH = os.getenv('PDFTK_PATH')
PDFTK_PATH = '/usr/bin/pdftk'
if not os.path.isfile(PDFTK_PATH):
PDFTK_PATH = 'pdftk'
My error states pdftk is not a known command. My guess is that there is no environment variable, then it looks to the /usr/bin and cannot find the pdftk file, so it's just making "pdftk" a string? I don't know much about /usr/bin, but is there a way to check that?
What's going on in lines 19-21
if os.getenv('PDFTK_PATH'): is checking to see if the environment variable PDFTK_PATH even exists on your machine. If so, the constant PDFTK_PATH is set to the value provided by the PDFTK_PATH environment key/variable.
Otherwise, it sets PDFTK_PATH to /usr/bin/pdftk. Two things are happening here... First, it provides a path to the binary, i.e., /usr/bin. Second, it provides the name of the binary, i.e., pdftk. In other words, it sets PDFTK_PATH to path + executable filename.
(NOTE: The directory usr/bin is where most executables are stored on machines running Unix-like operating systems, e.g., Mac, Ubuntu, etc. This is alluded to in the repo, see here.)
To err on the side of caution, if not os.path.isfile(PDFTK_PATH): checks to see if the pdftk binary can indeed be found in the /usr/bin/ folder. If not, it sets PDFTK_PATH to pdftk, i.e., it sets the path to the pdftk binary to the very directory in which is located.
Farther down, the try block runs a test call on whatever the value of PDFTK_PATH was ultimately set to. See lines 46-49. If the binary, pdftk.exe, is not where PDFTK_PATH says it is, then you get the error that you got.
Concerning the r-string
As for casting the string literal to an r-string, that actually did nothing. The r prefix simply redefines the \ as just that, a backslash, rather than allowing the \ to continue to function as cue to an escape sequence. See here and here. You'll notice that neither /usr/bin/pdftk nor pdftk, i.e., where you prepended the r, contain any backslashes.
What I think happened...
After you took the advice of acw1668, and installed the PDF Toolkit (pdftk); and reinstalled the pypdftk package, you had probably fixed the problem. I don't know, but maybe you had not restarted your IDE/editor during these steps? (Side note: Sometimes you need to restart your IDE/editor after changes have been made to your machine's environment variables/settings.)
The short answer: If you're on a windows machine, the install of the pdftk toolkit added PDFTK_PATH to your environment; or, if you're on a Unix-based machine, the install placed the binary in the /usr/bin directory.
Regardless, I assure you the r had nothing to do with it. Now that you know it's working, let's prove it... take out the r, you'll see that it is still working.
I was able to fix this problem by going into the file and changing the paths to raw strings like such:
if os.getenv('PDFTK_PATH'):
PDFTK_PATH = os.getenv('PDFTK_PATH')
PDFTK_PATH = r'/usr/bin/pdftk'
if not os.path.isfile(PDFTK_PATH):
PDFTK_PATH = r'pdftk'

Tkinter and some kind of issue when trying to display images

First off, I'm very new to Python and coding in general. I'm using Python, Tkinter, and Idle version 3.7.3. I'm using an HP Chromebook, with Chrome OS Version 81.0.4044.141.
from tkinter import *
window = Tk()
window.title('Image Example')
img = PhotoImage(file = 'python.gif')
label = Label(window, image = img)
As you can see above, this is the small snippet of code that I'm having issues with. As far as I understand, everything is written correctly and the file "python.gif" is in the correct directory. For reference this is what the image should look like:
python.gif (normal)
But when I run the program, this is what I get:
python.gif (screenshot of running program)
That's the result 99% of the time, but I should mention that there have been a RARE number of occasions where the image displayed correctly upon program execution. However, I do not know how to replicate that. Also for more context, I've tried other images to see what happened. I found a free .pgm image to try as an example, and upon execution either I got the same result, or half of the image would appear correctly while the bottom half (also sometimes this would be reversed and the top half would be affected) would be "blacked out".
In conclusion, I wanted to ask if anybody has an idea of what's going on. I'm not sure if this is a hardware issue (because I can view all mentioned images in a normal image viewing app with no problems), or if this has something to do with Python/Tkinter.
Any assistance is very appreciated! Please and Thank You!

How to configure tkinter buttons to seem more modern

Okay so I'm a teacher using tkinter to create gui's with my students. My mac users are fine with the look but in windows their programs leave something to be desired. I don't have access to PIP (my sys admin WONT open it up for the kids to use terminal) so I'm limited in my libraries.
Im (slowly) building up some configurations that i think would help them get the idea behind how to configure (I explain its like adding CSS to HTML - doens't (usually) change the function, it just looks better) any tips or examples i can pass on to them would be super helpful. Here is an example of a slider i turned into a tactile on/off switch.
import tkinter as tk
main = tk.Tk()
def on_off_slider_action(slider_val):
if int(slider_val): #using as "truthy"
on_off_slider = tk.Scale(main, from_=0,
on_off_slider.configure(bg="#999999", activebackground="#888888" )
example switch off
example switch on

How to build python class structure for matplotlib to export ot .exe with cx_freeze?

I built a code to generate and play random musical notes. It is working great within python, but I would like to make it into an .exe stand alone program, so people without python can use it. I show an image below of the output. It creates a matplotlib figure with a 'TkAgg' backend. There are 5 buttons and an user entry box that all work.
I used cx_freeze to try to package it, and I worked through all of the errors. I also got some of the examples to work. I can see the the build folder is getting the 4 Images and many .wav files I need to draw the musical staff and play the notes. One error showed that the .exe tried to run my code, because it couldn't find the .wav files). I changed how I specified where they were for the .exe. But now when I run the .exe nothing happens.
Unfortunately my code is a monstrosity. It's messy, and somewhat long (750 lines if you count white space). The .py file I am trying to write to the .exe is It can be found here.
Because it works in python, but not in the .exe, I thought it might have to do with my ignorance of how to use classes in conjunction with plotting well. Basically I call the class, and then initialize a bunch of things so I can refer to them later. That allows me to delete notes I've plotted before, old answers, etc.
How can I practice building up 'TkAgg' backended figures that will execute properly after cf_freeze? I feel like I need to start with some basic ideas and build up to my application, which is fairly complex.
One note, I do use pygame for the sounds.
Here is my setup file:
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
import os
import sys
base = None
if sys.platform == 'win32':
base = 'Win32GUI'
additional_mods = ['numpy.core._methods', 'numpy.lib.format',"matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg", 'matplotlib.pyplot', 'matplotlib.image', 'matplotlib.widgets']
name = "Interval Trainer",
version = "1.0.0",
author = "Bart",
author_email = "",
options = {"build_exe": {'includes': additional_mods,"packages":["pygame","tkinter",'random'],
"include_files": [
'Images/F cleff 8vb.png', 'Images/F cleff.png',
'Images/G cleff 8vb.png', 'Images/G cleff.png',
'Pitches/A#1.wav', 'Pitches/A#2.wav', 'Pitches/A#3.wav',
'Pitches/A#4.wav', 'Pitches/A#5.wav', 'Pitches/A1.wav',
'Pitches/A2.wav', 'Pitches/A3.wav', 'Pitches/A4.wav',
'Pitches/A5.wav', 'Pitches/Ab1.wav', 'Pitches/Ab2.wav',
'Pitches/Ab3.wav', 'Pitches/Ab4.wav', 'Pitches/B#2.wav',
'Pitches/B#3.wav', 'Pitches/B#4.wav', 'Pitches/B1.wav',
'Pitches/B2.wav', 'Pitches/B3.wav', 'Pitches/B4.wav',
'Pitches/B5.wav', 'Pitches/Bb1.wav', 'Pitches/Bb2.wav',
'Pitches/Bb3.wav', 'Pitches/Bb4.wav', 'Pitches/C#2.wav',
'Pitches/C#3.wav', 'Pitches/C#4.wav', 'Pitches/C#5.wav',
'Pitches/C2.wav', 'Pitches/C3.wav', 'Pitches/C4.wav',
'Pitches/C5.wav', 'Pitches/C6.wav', 'Pitches/D#2.wav',
'Pitches/D#3.wav', 'Pitches/D#4.wav', 'Pitches/D#5.wav',
'Pitches/D2.wav', 'Pitches/D3.wav', 'Pitches/D4.wav',
'Pitches/D5.wav', 'Pitches/Db1.wav', 'Pitches/Db2.wav',
'Pitches/Db3.wav', 'Pitches/Db4.wav', 'Pitches/E#2.wav',
'Pitches/E#3.wav', 'Pitches/E#4.wav', 'Pitches/E1.wav',
'Pitches/E2.wav', 'Pitches/E3.wav', 'Pitches/E4.wav',
'Pitches/E5.wav', 'Pitches/Eb2.wav', 'Pitches/Eb3.wav',
'Pitches/Eb4.wav', 'Pitches/F#1.wav', 'Pitches/F#2.wav',
'Pitches/F#3.wav', 'Pitches/F#4.wav', 'Pitches/F#5.wav',
'Pitches/F1.wav', 'Pitches/F2.wav', 'Pitches/F3.wav',
'Pitches/F4.wav', 'Pitches/F5.wav', 'Pitches/G#1.wav',
'Pitches/G#2.wav', 'Pitches/G#3.wav', 'Pitches/G#4.wav',
'Pitches/G#5.wav', 'Pitches/G1.wav', 'Pitches/G2.wav',
'Pitches/G3.wav', 'Pitches/G4.wav', 'Pitches/G5.wav',
'Pitches/Gb1.wav', 'Pitches/Gb2.wav', 'Pitches/Gb3.wav',
executables = [Executable("", base=base)],
Output Image
Any help is appreciate.
See the matplotlib user interfaces examples embedding_in_tk and embedding_in_tk2 to practice building up TkAgg backended figures.

Is there a way to programmatically clear the terminal across platforms in Python 3?

Long-time lurker, first time asker.
Is there a way to automatically clear the terminal in Python 3 regardless of what platform the app is being used in?
I've come across the following (from this answer) which utilises ANSI escape codes:
import sys
But for it to work cross-platform it requires the colorama module which appears to only work on python 2.7.
For context I'm learning Python by building a game of battleships, but after each guess I want to be able to clear the screen and re-print the board.
Any help is appreciated!
I use a single snippet for all the platforms:
import subprocess
clear = lambda:'cls' if'nt' else 'clear')
Same idea but with a spoon of syntactic sugar:
import subprocess
clear = lambda:'cls||clear', shell=True)
I know of this method
import os
clear = lambda: os.system('cls')
I'm not sure if it works with other platforms, but it's working in windows python 3.x
import os
clear = lambda: os.system('clear')
That might work for linux and OS X, but I can't test.
