_Callable and bind, get function pointer out of it? - visual-c++

So I has this function that puts other functions onto array. So I can launch them later.
inline vector< function<void()>> ImGui_array(1000);
//forwarded and pushed to dear ImGui loop
template<typename _Callable, typename... _Args>
void ImGui_push(_Callable&& __f, _Args&&... __args) {
for (auto& Im : ImGui_array) {
if (Im == nullptr) {
Im = std::bind(std::forward<_Callable>(__f), std::forward<_Args>(__args)...);
So that Im that is pushed onto array. Can I get later some info out of it? Like pointer to a function that was pushed? There is Im.target() but I am not sure how to use it.


Passing a std::unique_ptr as a void* parameter to a function (CPtrArray::Add)

My code:
void CAssignSelectedColumnDlg::AddColumnData(CString strHeading, CStringArray* pAryStrNames, int iColumnIndex, int iCustomIndex /*-1*/, BOOL bFixedCustomType /*FALSE*/)
//COLUMN_DATA_S *psData = nullptr;
//psData = new COLUMN_DATA_S;
auto psData = std::make_unique<COLUMN_DATA_S>();
if (psData != nullptr)
// Note: we don't "own" pAryStrNames
psData->strHeading = strHeading;
psData->pAryStrNames = pAryStrNames;
psData->sActionListInfo.byColumnIndex = iColumnIndex;
psData->sActionListInfo.byCustomIndex = iCustomIndex;
psData->sActionListInfo.bFixedCustomType = bFixedCustomType ? true : false;
Code analysis was suggesting I use std::make_unique instead of new. So I adjusted teh code but now get a compile error. I tried to find a suitable approach:
No suitable conversion function from std::unique_ptr<COLUMN_DATA_S>, std::default_delete<COLUMN_DATA_S>> to void * exists.
The function in question is CPtrArray::Add. I am still trying to gras the smart pointers and their usage in a context like this.
Note that we should not be deleting the pointer when the function ends. The deletion of the collection is done in a dialog event handler.

Can this function be improved?

I have come up with the following function which works as it should:
bool CChristianLifeMinistryStudentMaterialDlg::EncodeText(HWND hWnd, CString strCode)
bool bHandled = false;
map<HWND, CComboBox*> mapControls;
map<HWND, CString*> mapControlsText;
mapControls.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment1.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_cbMaterialAssignment1);
mapControls.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment2.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_cbMaterialAssignment2);
mapControls.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment3.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_cbMaterialAssignment3);
mapControls.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment4.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_cbMaterialAssignment4);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment1.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strMaterialAssignment1);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment2.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strMaterialAssignment2);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment3.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strMaterialAssignment3);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment4.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strMaterialAssignment4);
if (mapControls.find(::GetParent(hWnd)) != mapControls.end())
DWORD dwSel = mapControls[::GetParent(hWnd)]->GetEditSel();
strCode, LOWORD(dwSel), HIWORD(dwSel));
bHandled = true;
map<HWND, CEdit*> mapControls;
map<HWND, CString*> mapControlsText;
mapControls.emplace(m_editBibleReading.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_editBibleReading);
mapControls.emplace(m_editDiscussionVideoTheme.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_editDiscussionVideoTheme);
mapControls.emplace(m_editDiscussionVideoMaterial.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_editDiscussionVideoMaterial);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_editBibleReading.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strBibleReading);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_editDiscussionVideoTheme.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strDiscussionVideoTheme);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_editDiscussionVideoMaterial.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strDiscussionVideoMaterial);
if (mapControls.find(hWnd) != mapControls.end())
DWORD dwSel = mapControls[hWnd]->GetSel();
strCode, LOWORD(dwSel), HIWORD(dwSel));
bHandled = true;
return bHandled;
The code is straight forward to follow. But as you can see I have to potentially deal with either a comb box edit control or regular edit control. As a result, I have two sets of similar code.
Is it possible to consolidate some of this code without overcomplicating it too much? My project is set to the ISO C++ 17 Standard if that helps.
Initially I thought I would try a single map of CWnd* pointers. But then I had the two problems of CComboBox verses CEdit.
CComboBox uses:
CEdit uses:
By using a single list of CWnd* I no longer know which is a combo or a edit control.
The core problem I would like to solve is to have a single loop rather than the two.
One possibility would be to define an interface to the functionality you need, then a couple of implementations of that functionality. Add in a map to get from an HWND to the object you need, and you're off to the races:
class Writer {
virtual DWORD getSel() = 0;
CString* data;
Writer(CString *data) : data(data) {}
void write(CString text) {
DWORD selection = getSel();
CMeetingScheduleAssistantApp::EncodeText(*data, text, LOWORD(dwSel), HIWORD(dwSel));
virtual ~Writer() = default;
class ComboBoxWriter : public writer {
CWnd *parent;
DWORD getSel() override { return parent->GetEditSel(); }
ComboBoxWriter(CComboBox &dest, CString &data) : Writer(&data), parent(dest.GetParent()) {}
class EditCtrlWriter : public Writer {
CEdit *ctrl;
DWORD getSel() override { return ctrl->GetSel(); }
EditCtrlWriter(CEdit &ctrl, CString &data) : Writer(&data), ctrl(&ctrl) {}
bool CChristianLifeMinistryStudentMaterialDlg::EncodeText(HWND hWnd, CString strCode) {
static std::map<HWND, Writer*> controls {
{ m_cbMaterialAssignment1.GetSafeHwnd(), new ComboBoxWriter(&m_cbMaterialAssignment1, &m_strMaterialAssignment1) },
{ m_cbMaterialAssignment2.GetSafeHwnd(), new ComboBoxWriter(&m_cbMaterialAssignment2, &m_strMaterialAssignment2) },
{ m_cbMaterialAssignment3.GetSafeHwnd(), new ComboBoxWriter(&m_cbMaterialAssignment3, &m_strMaterialAssignment3) },
{ m_cbMaterialAssignment4.GetSafeHwnd(), new ComboBoxWriter(&m_cbMaterialAssignment4, &m_strMaterialAssignment4) },
{ m_editBibleReading.GetSafeHwnd(), new EditCtrlWriter(&m_editBibleReading, &m_strBibleReading) },
{ m_editDiscussionVideoTheme.GetSafeHwnd(), new EditCtrlWriter(&m_editDiscussionVideoTheme, &m_strDiscussionVideoTheme) },
{ m_editDiscussionVideoMaterial.GetSafeHwnd(), new EditCtrlWriter(&m_editDiscussionVideoMaterial, &m_strDiscussionVideoMaterial) }
auto ctrl = controls.find(hwnd);
if (ctrl == controls.end())
return false;
return true;
This isn't a lot shorter overall (in fact, it's almost the same length), but quite a bit more of that length is boilerplate that's pretty easy to ignore.
Your building maps of HWND to MFC controls looks very strange.
Surely MFC already has that map. See if this helps: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/mfc/accessing-run-time-class-information?view=msvc-160
Based on the comments to one of the answers (#vlad-feinstein):
all HWND handles are unique system-wide
I decided that I could take a much simpler approach to simplifying my code:
bool CChristianLifeMinistryStudentMaterialDlg::EncodeText(HWND hWnd, CString strCode)
map<HWND, CWnd*> mapControls; // Use generic CWnd pointers
map<HWND, CString*> mapControlsText;
// Lookup map of controls
mapControls.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment1.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_cbMaterialAssignment1);
mapControls.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment2.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_cbMaterialAssignment2);
mapControls.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment3.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_cbMaterialAssignment3);
mapControls.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment4.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_cbMaterialAssignment4);
mapControls.emplace(m_editBibleReading.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_editBibleReading);
mapControls.emplace(m_editDiscussionVideoTheme.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_editDiscussionVideoTheme);
mapControls.emplace(m_editDiscussionVideoMaterial.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_editDiscussionVideoMaterial);
// Lookup map of text values
mapControlsText.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment1.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strMaterialAssignment1);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment2.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strMaterialAssignment2);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment3.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strMaterialAssignment3);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment4.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strMaterialAssignment4);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_editBibleReading.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strBibleReading);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_editDiscussionVideoTheme.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strDiscussionVideoTheme);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_editDiscussionVideoMaterial.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strDiscussionVideoMaterial);
// Determine if the use clicked on a combo or edit control
bool bIsComboControl = false;
HWND hWndToUse = nullptr;
if (mapControls.find(::GetParent(hWnd)) != mapControls.end())
bIsComboControl = true;
hWndToUse = ::GetParent(hWnd);
else if (mapControls.find(hWnd) != mapControls.end())
hWndToUse = hWnd;
if (hWndToUse == nullptr)
return false;
// Process
// Get the correct selection from the control
DWORD dwSel = (bIsComboControl) ?
((CComboBox*)mapControls[hWndToUse])->GetEditSel() :
// Encode the text
strCode, LOWORD(dwSel), HIWORD(dwSel));
return true;

Create Uniform Buffers in Vulkan

i hava a problem with drawing meshes in Vulkan.
I want to bind a UniformBufferObject in the following form to a Object.
void mainLoop() {
To get the currentImage, I created a method SetCurrentImage(uint32_t currentImage).
SetCurrentImage is set from VulkanDrawing::Draw() Method.
This current image is used in the UpdateUniformBuffers().
I get only a black screen if I run this application.
Since, I want to see a square.
In the past, I called the UpdateUniformBuffers Method with an imageIndex parameter in VulkanDrawing::Draw().
I think it could be a problem with the fences or semaphores. But I don't know how I shall fix it.
Does I use eventually a wrong Architecture?
I have attached important Methods:
void CVulkanDrawing::Draw()
vkWaitForFences(m_LogicalDevice.getDevice(), 1, &inFlightFences[currentFrame], VK_TRUE, std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max());
vkResetFences(m_LogicalDevice.getDevice(), 1,inFlightFences[currentFrame]);
uint32_t imageIndex;
vkAcquireNextImageKHR(m_LogicalDevice.getDevice(), m_Presentation.GetSwapChain(), std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(), imageAvailableSemaphores[currentFrame], VK_NULL_HANDLE, &imageIndex);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < m_VulkanMesh.size(); i++)
VkSubmitInfo submitInfo = {};
currentFrame = (currentFrame + 1) % MAX_FRAMES_IN_FLIGHT;
void CVulkanMesh::UpdateUniformBuffers()
vkMapMemory(m_LogicalDevice.getDevice(), uniformBuffersMemory[this->m_CurrentImage], 0, sizeof(ubo), 0, &data);
memcpy(data, &ubo, sizeof(ubo));
vkUnmapMemory(m_LogicalDevice.getDevice(), uniformBuffersMemory[this->m_CurrentImage]);
void CVulkanMesh::SetCurrentImage(uint32_t currentImage)
this->m_CurrentImage = currentImage;
I have additionally created a branch named: https://github.com/dekorlp/VulkanWrapper/tree/VulkanTest
I hope you can help me :)
Best regards

Return result of Invoking a Delegate from another thread

I've got a GUI with a TabControl. Each new TabPage is created via a new Thread. I want to call this->tabControl->TabCount, but the tabControl is owned by a thread other than the one I'm calling from. Therefore, I need to Invoke a delegate. However, all the examples I find online show printing to std::cout from each of the delegate methods. I need a return value, in this case an int.
delegate int MyDel();
int InvokeTabCount()
if (this->InvokeRequired)
MyDel^ del = gcnew MyDel(this, &MyTabControl::InvokeTabCount);
auto temp = this->Invoke(del); // can't just "return this->Invoke(del)"
return temp; // Invoke() returns a System::Object^
return this->tabControl->TabCount;
void CreateNewTab()
// do stuff
this->tabControl->TabPages->Insert(InvokeTabCount() - 1, myNewTab); // insert a tab
this->tabControl->SelectTab(InvokeTabCount() - 2); // OutOfBounds and tabPageNew
System::Void MethodToAddNewTabPage() //actually a click event but whatever
System::Threading::Thread^ newThread =
gcnew System::Threading::Thread(
gcnew System::Threading::ThreadStart(this, &MyTabControl::CreateNewTab));
Currently, my InvokeTabCount() method is returning -1 when I simply this->Invoke(del) without returning it. And I am unable to return it because my method expects to return an int instead of a System::Object^ which is what Invoke() returns. However, when debugging I find that auto temp contains the value 2 which is correct. And temp->ToString() contains the value "2" which would also be correct.
How do I return this->Invoke(del)?
Do I need to set the value of a global variable from within my InvokeTabCount() method? I suppose I could find a way to translate from System::String^ to std::string to utilize std::stoi(), but that seems like an odd workaround.
Current solution:
delegate int MyDel();
int InvokeTabCount()
if (this->InvokeRequired)
MyDel^ del = gcnew MyDel(this, &MyTabControl::InvokeTabCount);
auto temp = this->Invoke(del);
return int::Parse(temp->ToString());
return this->tabControl->TabCount;
The result is an integer, boxed and contained in an Object^ reference. You should be able to simply cast it to int.
If you want to be extra safe, do a null check and verify that temp->GetType() returns int::typeid, but that's probably overkill since you're creating the delegate (still in the typed form) right there.

Getting edit box text from a modal MFC dialog after it is closed

From a modal MFC dialog, I want to extract text from an edit box after the dialog is closed. I attempted this:
CPreparationDlg Dlg;
CString m_str;
m_pMainWnd = &Dlg;
CWnd *pMyDialog=AfxGetMainWnd();
CWnd *pWnd=pMyDialog->GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1);
pWnd->SetWindowText("huha max");
return TRUE;
It does not work.
The dialog and its controls is not created until you call DoModal() and as already pointed, is destroyed already by the time DoModal() returns. Because of that you cannot call GetDlgItem() neither before, nor after DoModal(). The solution to pass or retrieve data to a control, is to use a variable in the class. You can set it when you create the class instance, before the call to DoModal(). In OnInitDialog() you put in the control the value of the variable. Then, when the window is destroyed, you get the value from the control and put it into the variable. Then you read the variable from the calling context.
Something like this (notice I typed it directly in the browser, so there might be errors):
class CMyDialog : CDialog
CString m_value;
CString GetValue() const {return m_value;}
void SetValue(const CString& value) {m_value = value;}
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
virtual BOOL DestroyWindow( );
BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1, m_value);
return TRUE;
BOOL CMyDialog::DestroyWindow()
GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1, m_value);
return CDialog::DestroyWindow();
Then you can use it like this:
CMyDialog dlg;
CString response = dlg.GetValue();
Open your dialog resource, right-click on the textbox and choose "Add variable", pick value-type and CString
In the dialog-class: before closing, call UpdateData(TRUE)
Outside the dialog:
CPreparationDlg dlg(AfxGetMainWnd());
dlg.m_myVariableName = "my Value";
// the new value is still in dlg.m_myVariableName
DoModal() destroys the dialog box before it returns and so the value is no longer available.
It's hard to tell why you are setting m_pMainWnd to your dialog. To be honest, I'm not really sure what you are trying to do there. That's bound to cause problems as now AfxGetMainWnd() is broken.
Either way, you can't get the dialog box's control values after the dialog has been destroyed.
I often use
D_SOHINH dsohinh = new D_SOHINH();
With dsohinh is Dialog form that you want to get data to mainform .
After get data then call SetModifiedFlag(true) to set view data updated.
call UpdateAllViews(NULL) to Set data to mainform
This solution may seem long, meaning that so much code has been written for this seemingly small task.
But when we have a list or tree inside the child window where all the items are created in the child window
and the items have to be moved to the parent window,
then it makes sense.
This source code can easily create a window and transfer information from the window before closing to the parents.
//copy the two functions in your code
//1- bool peek_and_pump(void)
// template<class T,class THISCLASS>
//2- void TshowWindow(int id,T *&pVar,THISCLASS *ths)
//and make two member variable
// bool do_exit;
// bool do_cancel;
//in child dialog class.
//set true value in do_exit in child dialog for exit
CchildDialog *dlg;
template<class T,class THISCLASS>
void TshowWindow(int id,T *&pVar,THISCLASS *ths)
T *p=pVar;
p= new T;
delete p;
p= new T;
if(!(p->m_hWnd && IsWindow(p->m_hWnd)))
bool peek_and_pump(void)
MSG msg;
#if defined(_AFX) || defined(_AFXDLL)
return false;
long lIdle = 0;
return true;
void CparentPage::OnBnClick1()
dlg->m_temp_window.EnableWindow(FALSE);//enable or disable controls.
dlg->UpdateData(false);//for to be done enable of disable or else.
peek_and_pump();//wait for dlg->do_exit set true
if( dlg->do_cancel==false )
CString str1;
//or other member variale of CchildDialog
//after finish all work with dlg then destroy its.
void CchildDialog::OnBnClickedOk()
void CchildDialog::OnBnClickedCancel()
