Cypress cannot find the browser when ran from module api - node.js

I'm trying to run a pretty simple test through cypress , with chrome , through module-api. I don't want to run the tests through their launcher but from node as I'll start the tests through mocha framework.
The tests at least can start with electron , but can't find the elements I'm trying to click. It works with chrome through the launcher - with npx cypress run --browser chrome. Though when I use the module-api I get this error:
Can't run because you've entered an invalid browser name.
Browser: electron was not found on your system or is not supported by Cypress.
Cypress supports the following browsers:
Here's my config:
const { defineConfig } = require('cypress')
module.exports = defineConfig({
fixturesFolder: false,
e2e: {
experimentalSessionAndOrigin: true, // multi-domain tests as there could be an Auth0 authentication
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
return {
browsers: config.browsers.filter(
(b) => {
if ( == 'chrome') {
console.log(b); // print info about the browser
return b;
The file that starts the test (e.g. example-test.js):
const cypress = require('cypress')
spec: './cypress/e2e/'
}).then((result) => {
I'm starting it with:
node example-test.js
(the simple-login just enters a password , email and clicks a button and it works when I use cypress run ..).
The console log prints correctly the information about the browser ,though still there's an error. Any idea how this can be fixed?

Your return value in setupNodeEvents() is only returning chrome type browsers, so the error
Browser: electron was not found on your system or is not supported by Cypress
is caused by that.
The other side-effect is that other config like experimentalSessionAndOrigin are being removed.
This is how you can log chrome browsers without changing the config
const { defineConfig } = require('cypress')
module.exports = defineConfig({
fixturesFolder: false,
e2e: {
experimentalSessionAndOrigin: true,
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
config.browsers.forEach((b) => {
if ( == 'chrome') {
console.log(b); // print info about the browser
return config // NOTE unchanged config
Note npx cypress run --browser chrome will work because your filter is allowing chrome browsers to pass, but npx cypress run --browser electron will fail.


NextJS useRouter() returns null in unit test with Storybook add-on

I'm running into an issue when integrating my stories into my unit tests using Jest & React Testing Library in a NextJS app. In Storybook, my NextJS components render without issue with the Storybook Addon Next Router working as expected. However, in my Jest test file, my test throws an error because useRouter() returns null. I believe I've setup all the addons correctly.
My setup:
NextJS 12
Jest & React Testing Library
Storybook Addon Next Router (for using Next router inside Storybook)
#storybook/testing-react (for integrating my stories, args & params with testing library)
The problem:
I've setup all the files according to the docs. The story renders fine inside Storybook and the useRouter() works thanks to the Storybook Next addon. However, the composeStories() function from #storybook/testing-react seems to fail to properly initialize the Next router Provider from the first addon. My unit test fails with the following error:
Test suite failed to run
TypeError: Cannot read property 'locale' of null
And points to the following line inside my component:
// Events.tsx
const { locale = 'en' } = useRouter();
This is my test file:
// Events.test.tsx
import React from 'react';
import { render, screen } from '#testing-library/react';
import { composeStories } from '#storybook/testing-react';
import * as stories from './Events.stories'
const { WithSeasonsAndEvents } = composeStories(stories);
describe('Events Screen', ()=> {
render(<WithSeasonsAndEvents />);
it('renders input data', ()=> {
// set up test
And my stories file:
// Events.stories.tsx
import React from 'react';
import { ComponentStory, ComponentMeta } from '#storybook/react';
import Events from './Events';
export default {
title: 'Events/Events Screen',
component: Events
} as ComponentMeta<typeof Events>;
const Template: ComponentStory<typeof Events> = (args) => <Events {...args} />;
export const WithSeasonsAndEvents = Template.bind({});
WithSeasonsAndEvents.args = {
// many args here
This story renders fine in Storybook. useRouter() works as expected inside my story and I am able to use all of its properties including pathname and locale. However, for some reason the useRouter() function returns null when the composed story is being rendered by React Testing Library.
What I have tried:
Verified installing #storybook/testing-react and set up my global configuration in jest setup file:
// jest-setup.ts
import '#testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect';
import { setGlobalConfig } from '#storybook/testing-react';
// Storybook's preview file location
import * as globalStorybookConfig from './.storybook/preview';
Verified that jest reads my setup file and finds my Storybook preview file
Verified both .storybook/preview.js and .storybook/main.js match the usage guide:
// .storybook/preview.js
import '../styles/tailwind.css';
import { RouterContext } from "next/dist/shared/lib/router-context"; // next 12
export const parameters = {
actions: { argTypesRegex: "^on[A-Z].*" },
controls: {
matchers: {
color: /(background|color)$/i,
date: /Date$/,
nextRouter: {
Provider: RouterContext.Provider,
locale: 'en',
// .storybook/main.js
module.exports = {
"stories": [
"addons": [
"framework": "#storybook/react"
Stories render fine in Storybook, all useRouter() features work, and when I console.log the useRouter() return value, I get the full suite of NextJS useRouter object properties:
// >> console.log(useRouter()); inside Storybook
route: "/",
pathname: "/",
query: {},
asPath: "/",
events: {},
isFallback: false,
locale: 'en'
However, on the unit test, when logging the return value of useRouter(); inside my component, it returns null. Understandably, because it is null, the { locale } variable assignment is throwing an error in my unit test.
When logging the value of useRouter variable, both inside my Storybook preview and inside my unit test I get the following function:
// >> console.log(useRouter.toString())
function useRouter() {
return _react.default.useContext(_routerContext.RouterContext);
Does anyone have any idea on what can be going wrong? I'm fairly new to Storybook but I've tried looking through GitHuB issues and online and haven't been able to solve. No idea why useRouter() returns null inside Jest if the composeStories() fn should take care of resolving my Storybook params & args. Any insight would be appreciated.
I was running with the same issue. I solved it by exporting WithNextRouter as a decorator on preview.js
// preview.js
import { WithNextRouter } from 'storybook-addon-next-router/dist/decorators';
export const decorators = [WithNextRouter];

Is there a way to use Vite with HMR and still generate the files in the /dist folder?

First of all, I wanna say that I've started using Vite awhile ago and I'm no Vite expert in any shape or form.
Now, about my problem: I'm working on a Chrome Extension which requires me to have the files generated in the /dist folder. That works excellent using vite build. But, if I try to use only vite (to get the benefits of HMR), no files get generated in the /dist folder. So I have no way to load the Chrome Extension.
If anyone has faced similar issues, or knows a config that I've overlooked, feel free to share it here.
With this small plugin you will get a build after each hot module reload event :
In a file hot-build.ts :
* Custom Hot Reloading Plugin
* Start `vite build` on Hot Module Reload
import { build } from 'vite'
export default function HotBuild() {
let bundling = false
const hmrBuild = async () => {
bundling = true
await build({'build': { outDir: './hot-dist'}}) // <--- you can give a custom config here or remove it to use default options
return {
name: 'hot-build',
enforce: "pre",
// HMR
handleHotUpdate({ file, server }) {
if (!bundling) {
console.log(`hot vite build starting...`)
.then(() => {
bundling = false
console.log(`hot vite build finished`)
return []
then in vite.config.js :
import HotBuild from './hot-build'
// vite config
plugins: [

Jest puppeteer typescript reference error Page not found

Trying to setup typescript jest with puppeteer
i following step by step instructions as mentioned below
Jest-puppeteer with typescript configuration
there is a simple test
describe('Google', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await page.goto('')
it('should display "google" text on page', async () => {
await expect(page).toMatch('google')
when i run my test i get weird error
ReferenceError: page is not defined
and it is pointing to the 'await page' object inside beforeAll
i also notice chrome try to kick in and but does not launch may be this error is b/c chrome could not launch.
jest-puppeteer library is responsible for launching a browser and providing browser and page objects
and here is the code taken from the page mentioned above in link
let jest_puppeteer_conf = {
launch: {
timeout: 30000,
dumpio: true // Whether to pipe the browser process stdout and stderr
const isDebugMode = typeof v8debug === 'object' || /--debug|--inspect/.test(process.execArgv.join(' '));
if (isDebugMode) {
jest_puppeteer_conf.launch.headless = false; // for debug: to see what the browser is displaying
jest_puppeteer_conf.launch.slowMo = 250; // slow down by 250ms for each step
jest_puppeteer_conf.launch.devtools = true; // This lets you debug code in the application code browser
jest_puppeteer_conf.launch.args = [ '--start-maximized' ]; // maximise the screen
module.exports = jest_puppeteer_conf;
there is a small debug section at the bottom which reminds to add following types i already have them and still no luck, any help is appreciated.
"compilerOptions": {
"types": [
commenting out the following line fix the issue.
// testEnvironment: "node"

Cypress for Electron - Using FS

I am using Cypress to test my Electron application.
Since Cypress uses the browser mode, FS is not supported.
So I am getting this error:
Error in mounted hook: "TypeError: fs.existsSync is not a function"
And I found this on the documentation:
So I added this on my test:
it('Sample test', () => {
cy.task('readSettingsJson', settingsFolder).then((content) => {
// This can print the JSON file contents correctly
console.log('content = ' + content)
And on my plugins/index.js:
on('task', {
readSettingsJson(foldername) {
if (!fs.existsSync(foldername)) {
fs.mkdirSync(foldername, { recursive: true })
// some command to copy the file
} else {
// This is what I am testing at this moment
return fs.readFileSync(path.join(filename, '/settings.json'), 'utf8')
return null
However, it doesnt seem to work. I still get the error:
Error in mounted hook: "TypeError: fs.existsSync is not a function"
And despite the test printing the json file correctly, my app still can't load the JSON file.
Am I missing anything? Help please!
Cypress support for Electron apps are in very early alpha release:
As an alternative, try using Spectron, which is the testing framework that is currently recommended by Electron team:

Different browser behavior when pass .env variables in command for run tests

It's not actually a problem, but I do not fully understand, what happened and why.
I have this runner for my test. I test a React app.
let testcafe = null
const isCiEnv = process.env.CI === 'true'
const exit = async err => {
if (testcafe) {
console.log('Closing TestCafe...')
console.log('Exiting process...')
process.exit(err ? 1 : 0)
console.log('Is CI ENV: ', isCiEnv)
console.log('Creating TestCafe...')
createTestCafe('localhost', 1337, 1338)
.then(tc => {
testcafe = tc
.then(() => {
console.log('Starting server...')
return startServer()
.then(() => {
console.log('Starting client...')
return startClient()
.then(() => {
console.log('Creating TestCafe Runner...')
return testcafe.createRunner()
.then(runner => {
console.log('About to start TestCafe Runner...')
return runner
path: isCiEnv
? '/usr/bin/chromium-browser'
: 'Chrome',
cmd: isCiEnv
? '--no-sandbox --disable-gpu'
: undefined
.screenshots('screenshots', true)
skipJsErrors: true,
selectorTimeout: 25000,
assertionTimeout: 25000
.then(failedCount => {
console.log('failed count:', failedCount)
return exit(failedCount)
.catch(err => {
console.error('ERR', err)
return exit(err)
In package.json i have this command for run test
"test:e2e": "HOST= NODE_ENV=test NODE_PATH=server babel-node test/e2e/index.js --presets stage-2"
But in the local environment, I run a test with this command
sudo REDIS_HOST= PORT=80 yarn test:e2e
That because on my local machine I have different config and I don't want to change it for everyone else.
Usually, test runs in a different, clear version of the browser, without any account data, plugins and etc. But in this case, tests run in a new browser window, but with all plugins and my account name. But, it's doesn't have cookie and session auth data from the browser window, in which I usually work (because I authorized on-site in the working browser and doesn't auth in test browser).
And if I change "Chrome" to "chrome" it stops run completely. Same behavior for Firefox and Safari.
Earlier, without passing REDIS_HOST and HOST, it works as usual and runs in a clean new browser window.
It's not a big problem, for now at least, but it's unexpected behavior and I don't understand, why it works this way.
I'm not very familiar with Node and React, and maybe this related to them.
Spec: macOS 10.12.5, Testcafe 0.20.3, Chrome 67
Specifying browsers using { path, cmd } is a legacy low-level option, you shouldn't use it. When a browser is specified in this way, TestCafe doesn't try to guess browser's type (Chrome, Firefox) and doesn't perform advanced initialization steps like creating a clean profile (because profile structure depends on browser's type). So it's better to use the following runner code:
.browsers(isCiEnv ? 'chromium --no-sandbox --disable-gpu' : 'chrome')
