Not able to populate all data by Meilisearch pluging using populateEntryRule in my strapi project - node.js

I am trying to integrate meilisearch functionality in my Strapi Project. While integrating and testing meilisearch I found that the plugin is failing to fetch all the data, especially when the data is located inside a nested array. The plugin successfully fetches the data from the first level of nested array, rest of the datas are not being fetched by meilisearch plugin. I have tried using the populateEntryRule on plugin.js file which I found from the meilisearch documentation but it's not giving the intended result. When I fire an API call to that particular collection type through Strapi(not through meilisearch) am getting all the data correctly.
Here is my particular schema that I am working with:
"kind": "collectionType",
"collectionName": "investors",
"info": {
"singularName": "investor",
"pluralName": "investors",
"displayName": "Investor",
"description": ""
"options": {
"draftAndPublish": true
"pluginOptions": {},
"attributes": {
"title": {
"type": "string"
"slug": {
"type": "uid",
"targetField": "title"
"metaData": {
"type": "component",
"repeatable": false,
"component": "seo.meta-fields"
"pageSections": {
"type": "dynamiczone",
"components": [
"Accordion": {
"type": "dynamiczone",
"components": [
My custom meilisearch plugin functionality for populating the required fields in plugin.js file.
module.exports = {
meilisearch: {
config: {
investor: {
populateEntryRule:['dynamiczone.pageSections', 'pageSections']
For better understanding am attaching a SS of Strapi API call to an investor's collection type naming Financial Performance.
SS of Meilisearch result for the same.
Any help in resolving this would be highly appreciable


Available Fields for Sharepoint Search Query on Microsoft Graph API

I'm using the Graph API to make a global search in my sharepoint website, and I need to retrieve some specific fields. I didn't find any documentation that specifies the available fields that I can use for the fields property on my payload, only a documentation for specific document library search.
I have to use the global search because my search needs to access all the document libraries on my sharepoint web site.
The field that I wanted to get from the request is the version of the document in the list. I could add this field in sharepoint, and my view is displaying the version values, but the request does not take this value. I'm using this request below:
"requests": [
"entityTypes": [
"query": {
"queryString": ""
"fields": [
"value": [
"searchTerms": [],
"hitsContainers": [
"hits": [
"hitId": "83C63693-C621-4CFE-B4F7-A36B68AEB421",
"rank": 1,
"summary": "...",
"resource": {
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.listItem",
"fields": {
"title": "Calc.22090615231879"
"total": 1,
"moreResultsAvailable": false
"#odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(microsoft.graph.searchResponse)"
The name of the field I'm using in the payload that corresponds to the version is _UIVersionString, where I got it from the specific list search request, using the{site-id}/lists/{list-id}/items?$expand=fields endpoint. But sadly, the version is not appearing on my search result.
Is there some documentation I could use to see a list of available fields for this request? I'm trying to find it in MS GraphAPI documentation, but it looks be a big real encyclopedia.
Do you know the name of the field that corresponds to the version?
Thanks a lot!
Other information:
Sharepoint Version: Sharepoint Web (Online)
Type of the lists: Document Library
Lists version configuration:
- Require content approval for submitted items?: No
- Create a version each time you edit a file in this document library?: Create Major Versions
- Require documents to be checked out before they can be edited?: No
Since Graph is using there managed properties from sharepoint you can try "UIVersionStringOWSTEXT".
"requests": [
"entityTypes": [
"query": {
"queryString": "test"
"fields": [
The results look like
"value": [
"searchTerms": [
"hitsContainers": [
"hits": [
"hitId": "GUID",
"rank": 1,
"summary": "test",
"resource": {
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.listItem",
"fields": {
"title": "test",
"uiVersionStringOWSTEXT": "1.0"
"total": 1,
"moreResultsAvailable": false
"#odata.context": "$metadata#Collection(microsoft.graph.searchResponse)"
In my tenant this property was already created. I guess it is by default. If your search schema does not have this managed property you can create it and name it like you wish. Map it to the crawled property "ows_q_TEXT__UIVersionString" and make sure your managed property is set to "retrievable".

AWS CDK Api Gateway Models Ref Dependency - Model reference must be in canonical form

I am trying to add multiple models in the same time using aws CDK when one of the models is referencing the other one.
"Gender": {
"contentType": "application/json",
"modelName": "GenderModel",
"schema": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Not Specified",
"schema": "",
"title": "GenderModel"
"Requirements": {
"contentType": "application/json",
"modelName": "RequirementsModel",
"schema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"gender": {
"ref": "${Token[TOKEN.791]}/models/GenderModel"
"required": [
"additionalProperties": false,
"schema": "",
"title": "RequirementsModel"
When i deploy this fails with
Model reference must be in canonical form
From what i can see this fails because the GenderModel does not exists. If i first add the GenderModel in the stack and then i add the RequirementsModel and deploy again it works just fine because the GenderModel was previously created. If i want to create both of the models in the same time it will fail.
I tried to make sure the order of addModel call is correct but it seems it does not work.
Solution Found
Seems like you have to add explicitly specify the dependency.
This will avoid the error and add the models in the correct order
The problem is${Token[TOKEN.791]}/models/GenderModel, specifically the ${Token[TOKEN.791]} part. When the API is not created, at CloudFormation synthetisation time, id is not known and placeholder value used -
You can use the Ref intristic function to compose model by the reference
const getModelRef = (api: RestApi, model: Model): string =>

Apollo GraphQL Deprecation Warnings

I am getting lots of deprecation warnings. I am not sure why I am getting it. Could anyone please guide me out.
I have created a boilerplate for apollo graph ql with koa node js frameworks. I am planning to use a graph ql subscription in my next project. However, these warnings or errors making me confused. this is my git
"name": "include",
"description": "Directs the executor to include this field or fragment only when the `if` argument is true.",
"locations": [
"args": [
"name": "if",
"description": "Included when true.",
"type": {
"kind": "NON_NULL",
"name": null,
"ofType": {
"kind": "SCALAR",
"name": "Boolean",
"ofType": null
"defaultValue": null
"name": "deprecated",
"description": "Marks an element of a GraphQL schema as no longer supported.",
"locations": [
"args": [
"name": "reason",
"description": "Explains why this element was deprecated, usually also including a suggestion for how to access supported similar data. Formatted using the Markdown syntax, as specified by [CommonMark](",
"type": {
"kind": "SCALAR",
"name": "String",
"ofType": null
"defaultValue": "\"No longer supported\""
That is not a deprecation warning. That is an introspection result that includes information about the #deprecated directive, which can be used inside your type definitions to mark individual fields or enum values as deprecated.

how to map distinct custom skillset to index

trying to add custom skill in the skillset and map it in the index
here is in detail
I'm using the azure Named Entity Recognition in my skillset as
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Text.MergeSkill",
"description": "Merge text content with image tags",
"insertPreTag": " ",
"context": "/document",
"inputs": [
"name": "text",
"source": "/document/fullTextAndCaptions"
"name": "itemsToInsert",
"source": "/document/normalized_images/*/Tags/*/name"
"outputs": [
"name": "mergedText",
"targetName": "finalText"
and in the indexer as
"sourceFieldName": "/document/finalText/pages/*/entities/*/value",
"targetFieldName": "entities"
"sourceFieldName": "/document/finalText/pages/*/locations/*",
"targetFieldName": "locations"
and it works 100% now I want to add the Distinct custom skill from
I did publish the function and when I go to test it manually it works as expected.
however overall its not working in skillset. I want it to take the location and filter it and output the distinct only in it's own field in the search index.
I'm having a really hard time to configure the skillset and indexer to get it to work.
any help please?
You'll need to add the distinct custom skill like this, assuming you want to dedup over the whole document
"skills": [
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Skills.Custom.WebApiSkill",
"description": "Distinct skill",
"uri": "<https://distinct-skill>",
"context": "/document",
"inputs": [
"name": "locations",
"source": /document/finalText/pages/*/locations/*"
"outputs": [
"name": "distinct",
"targetName": "distinctLocations"
and an output field mapping to put it into the index.
"sourceFieldName": "/document/distinctLocations",
"targetFieldName": "distinctLocations"
See for adding a custom skill.
The skill inputs for the custom skill must be configured to point to the data you want to disambiguate. In this case, you didn't really need to modify the code, all you had to do was have an input with name 'words' and source '/document/finalText/pages//locations/'.

How to query by array of objects in Contentful

I have an content type entry in Contentful that has fields like this:
"fields": {
"title": "How It Works",
"slug": "how-it-works",
"countries": [
"sys": {
"type": "Link",
"linkType": "Entry",
"id": "3S5dbLRGjS2k8QSWqsKK86"
"sys": {
"type": "Link",
"linkType": "Entry",
"id": "wHfipcJS6WUSaKae0uOw8"
"content": [
"sys": {
"type": "Link",
"linkType": "Entry",
"id": "72R0oUMi3uUGMEa80kkSSA"
I'd like to run a query that would only return entries if they contain a particular country.
I played around with this query:
However get this error:
The equals operator cannot be used on fields.countries.en-AU because it has type Object.
I'm playing around with postman, but will be using the .NET API.
Is it possible to search for entities, and filter on arrays that contain Objects?
Still learning the API, so I'm guessing it should be pretty straight forward.
I looked at the request the Contentful Web CMS makes, as this functionality is possible there. They use query params like this:
However, this did not work in the delivery API, and might only be an internal query format.
Figured this out. I used the following URL:
Note the query parameter
