Automotive grade linux like apt-get and dkpg missing - linux

I am using a very light linux os for a customer (device with a touchscreen).
Both apt-get and dkpg are missing.
wget also missing.
Install linux again is not an option.
The device can be somethimes connected to the internet.
Plan is to install evemu so I can record touchscreen touch events and also replay touch events (some sort of automativ testing).
Can anyone give me a solution?


Error while trying to run HRTF example from PyAL (File descriptor in bad state) on Raspberry Pi

I am trying to experiment with HRTF audio spatialization using PyAL library on the Raspberry Pi
PyAL depends on OpenAL. I have installed necessary dependencies using sudo apt-get install to ensure the library works: libopenal-dev libopenal1 libopenal-data libmysofa-dev libmysofa0 libmysofa-utils qt5-default alsa-utils alsa-oss alsaplayer-jack g++ gstreamer1.0-python3-plugin-loader gstreamer1.0-alsa
Additionally, I installed pyglet using: sudo pip3 install pyglet
All examples (3D audio, playback, efx, audiplayer, player) work except the HRTF example. When I try to run the HRTF example, I get the following error:
AL lib: (EE) ALCplaybackAlsa_reset: snd_pcm_hw_params(self->pcmHandle, hp) failed: File descriptor in bad state
I know for a fact that this is being caused by PulseAudio not being present in the system ( So I installed pulseaudio and its corresponding tools (e.g. pavucontrol using sudo apt-get install pulseaudio.
After installing pulseaudio and rebooting, when I run that example, the example executes without error. However, I do not hear any audio output in the headphones. In fact, audio output from the entire system stops. I made sure the audio output is headphones from sudo raspi-config and alsamixer does show pulseaudio as a audio driver (when it is installed).
I am getting conflicting information from the Internet. The above link suggests using pulseaudio to mitigate the error (which is correct), whereas this link: and say to remove pulseaudio (which is also correct in the sense it brings my audio back but I can't run the HRTF example).
Any suggestions?
This is very odd, but I solved the problem by connecting a cheap external USB audio card ( Apparently, ALSA keeps control of 3.5mm jack and doesn't surrender control to Pulseaudio of that jack. Simplest solution is to use an external audio card.

Ubuntu 16.04.3 intel skylake i915 external monitor not detected

My external monitor, connected via HDMI was working fine but now is not being detected (it says 'No video input'). I'm pretty sure I didn't make any changes to make it stop - it was working on the same setup yesterday.
I'm a pretty new linux user and also don't know much about graphics hardware and drivers. Appreciate any help, I'd like to understand what's going on!
I'm running Ubuntu 16.04.3 kernel 4.10.0-33
lshw -c video gives:
description: VGA compatible controller
product: Sky Lake Integrated Graphics
vendor: Intel Corporation
physical id: 2
bus info: pci#0000:00:02.0
version: 07
width: 64 bits
clock: 33MHz
capabilities: pciexpress msi pm vga_controller bus_master cap_list rom
configuration: driver=i915 latency=0
resources: irq:124 memory:f0000000-f0ffffff memory:e0000000-efffffff ioport:e000(size=64) memory:c0000-dffff
I've tried booting from grub into kernel 4.8.0 and the monitor still wasn't detected.
I've also tried to no avail:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-intel xserver-xorg-core
sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
I've also tried running the Intel graphics update tool and this also hasn't solved anything.
EDIT: It seems like I get the 'No video input' probelm if I plug in the HDMI cord before the computer has finished booting.
Pretty much the only answer one can give here based on the available information is, try checking the display cables, and, if that doesn't help, file a bug. Debugging display problems like this can be fairly involved, with several cycles of requesting and providing more information. That doesn't really work all that well here.
The alternatives for filing the bug are Ubuntu Launchpad and drm/i915 upstream. Upstream has the best knowledge about the driver and the hardware, but, depending on the issue, you might be expected to build and run the userspace components or the kernel from upstream git repositories.
I come across the problem and solve it with exactly the same card (i had same lshw -c video) by searching the NVIDIA X-Server settings (search inside apps) on my Ubuntu 16 LTS and activate the NVIDIA drivers for this card (I have a NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX)
After i log out and i have a bad errors display and i was blocked " this computer is running in low display mode" .
I just switch off the computer and restart it...and taatatatat HDMI was working and was able to display on my external Sansumg 27''
I had the exact same issue as OP. lshw not showing HDMI port, nada. Reinstalling xserver* did not work either.
May the gods of stack overflow smile upon you for that EDIT line, because plugging only after boot was complete, it did work for me as well.
This is quite interesting, as I am running 20.04. This issue came out of nowhere, just turned on the computer and voila, it was not working. There had been no updates, no changes that could affect this during previous session.
Would love to know if someone else has bumped into this problem.

Install rpm or dpkg with no package manager in embedded Linux

I need to add new functionality to a chinese Linux-based time attendance clock. More specifically I need to make It SNMP capable, which is not available by factory default.
After some research I found a login:password which worked for the TelNet login and managed to get inside the system with root privileges.
The first thing I did was to figure out which Linux distro was It running:
cat /etc/issue throws this:
"PXA Linux Preview Kit
Kernel 2.6.29 on armv5tejl"
I did a quick google search and found that
"PXA Linux is a port of the Linux kernel for PXA based processor based devices and machines."
I dont understand why It's running a PXA Linux Preview Kit on an armv5tejl.
I gave no importance to this fact, and got to the next step: finding which package manager has this system:
I tried several commands:
apt-get, aptitude, rpm, dpkg, yum, slapt-get, ipkg, and several others. None of them worked.
I found that the system had Busybox installed. More specifically BusyBox 1.15.3. In this BusyBox I couldnt find any of those commands. I found that BusyBox does implement rpm and dpkg but this version doesnt have them.
The only command which seems to be "software installation related" I found was the command "install". From BusyBox docs:
"install [-cdDsp] [-o USER] [-g GRP] [-m MODE] [source] dest|directory
Copy files and set attributes"
But probably it doesnt replace the package manager tool. I think that I need to get a way to install dpkg or rpm, and then use them to install the SNMP packages I want. As I read, the lowest level package installation tool is dpkg so I don't have a clue on where to begin.
Can someone give me some advice on how to approach this issue? How can I install a package with no package manager possiblities at all?
You won't be able to install additional software to that system via a package manager. Such devices aren't designed like that. The firmware that was shipped with the device is all there is. What would be the incentive of the device manufacturer to maintain a package repository with general purpose linux software?
But not all hope is lost. You can of course try to compile the needed software yourself (and by that extend the firmware). For that to work you will need a suitable ARM cross compiler (GCC). Via static linking your SNMP package won't have any dependencies to the library versions already on the device (so you don't need a sysroot matching the libraries on the device).

aticonfig no supported adapters detected

I want to install redhat or centos on computer,but when the linux system run on the computer,
the electric fan is run fast and hot,then I try to install ati driver to slove the problem,every time I install the rpm of driver,but the last step,"aticonfig --initial" it doesn't work,the system point out "aticonfig no supported adapters detected ",How cai I solve the problem ?Thank you very much.

Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode after installing ATI driver

I have Ubuntu, version 12. I installed ATI driver and I'm getting an error running in low graphics mode.
I needed to install the driver because every time I update or upgrade Ubuntu, right after installing the packages the system runs in low graphics mode.
The answer here also couldn't help me.
Graphics card model: ATI Radeon HD 3600
Installing fglrx also didn't help. The ATI driver is still installed and it still runs in low graphics mode. What should I do?
First, you should understand that your graphics manager is messed up and that is what you want to fix. Now; here is a solution to your problem:
Here is a simple guide showing you how to do it step by step:
A step by step guide to fixing "your system is running on low graphics"
When you turn off your computer, reboot and hold these three keys:
This will open the terminal where you can enter commands that I am going to show you below:
sudo apt-get update
Next enter the following command:
sudo apt-get -d install --reinstall gdm
Next enter the following command:
sudo apt-get remove --purge gdm
Next enter the following:
sudo apt-get install gdm
Almost done; When asked to choose, please select GDM and then finally:
sudo reboot
That is all you need to solve this problem!
Ok. Let me try to help you :D
-Go to Recovery mode
-Enable network (so you have internet connection)
-Go to Root option (Recovery mode)
-When you are in terminal delete lightdm type without brackets {sudo apt-get remove --purge lightdm}
-Then type without brackets {sudo apt-get install lightdm} (wait to install it)
-Then type without brackets {sudo service lighdm start}
-When it's finished type exit (you will get back to Recovery console)
-Then go on third option dpkg (Repair broken packages)(confirm with Y)
-When it's finished with installing packages type without brackets {sudo reboot}
-After reboot you will have back your Ubuntu! :D
I solve this problem after 1 day... Im a new user :D
Almost forgot i have Ati Radeon HD6770 graphic card, if you have Nvidia try it... Hope this was helpful!
Another possible issue could be installing new programs in bin. I am not sure if that what is causing you the problem but I faced this issue because of the same issue. If I understand correctly, bin is supposed to contain only executables. By mistake I moved a whole big program to bin and when I restarted the system, I saw this error. A simple solution that I found is the following. Say you have moved the big folder ABC to bin.
Start terminal by typing Ctrl+Alt+F1 and login with your username and password.
Login to root by typing
sudo su
and providing password.
go to bin by typing
ls -lrt
This last command will show all the files chronologically. See last few of them. One of those, say ABC, must be the one that moved by mistake to bin.
Remove that by typing
rm -r ABC
and then restart by
sudo reboot
And you get your graphics back!
You can try and turn off the switchable graphics in the BIOS:
after that, it will be possible to use the Intel video card only with proper drivers on Ubuntu.
Here is the source:
In any ubuntu OS version 12.04,14.04 configured with the old graphic card ATI/RS690
change the setting as below
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset "
sudo update-grub
