Has anyone gotten the add new scaffolding with framework to work? - asp.net-mvc-scaffolding

I've tried this multiple times with the MVCMovie tutorial project and several of my own projects and always get the error
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
Is the issue with the scaffolding generator because it never works. for me.
I was able to get it to work using the read/write option but not using the framework option so the views were not generated
full error output
Finding the generator 'controller'...
Running the generator 'controller'...
Minimal hosting scenario!
Generating a new DbContext class 'MvcMovie.Data.MvcMovieContext'
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.ActionInvoker.b__6_0()
at Microsoft.Extensions.CommandLineUtils.CommandLineApplication.Execute(String[] args)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.ActionInvoker.Execute(String[] args)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.CodeGenCommand.Execute(String[] args)


Undefined steps after running test from TestRunner class

I have a very strange situation, I have created Features and Scenarios in the feature file and corresponding step definitions and methods in the separate class.
I have run tests by running a feature file, and everything was fine, all tests were green.
But, when I run tests from TestRunner class, I got the following message:
Undefined step: Given I am on the Facebook Login page and suggested code.
You can implement missing steps with the snippets below:
#Given("^I am on the Facebook Login page$")
public void i_am_on_the_Facebook_Login_page() throws Throwable {
// Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
throw new PendingException();
I have noticed that the suggested method have underscore:
but my methods do not have underscore
Does anybody have an idea why this happens? I can't run tests now even from the feature file.
Recently, I have started using Mac and IntelliJ instead of Windows and Eclipse.
Is it possible that IntelliJ causes the problem?
P.S. I have used the option "Create step definition" from IntelliJ
ah...I figured out what the problem was...I forgot to put this piece of code
snippets = SnippetType.CAMELCASE
in CucumberOptions.
So, when I put this line of code here
plugin = {"pretty"},
features = {"src/test/resources/features"}, glue = {"/java/stepDefinitions"}, snippets = SnippetType.CAMELCASE)
everything works just fine.
It is possible your features folder is not in the build path (being a test folder) so Cucumber is unable to find it. Try this.

Structuring Cucumber JVM step definitions in different java files

I am working on an automation project based on Appium-cucumber-Java, which will be growing over time.
Currently, I have Step definitions Given,When, Then in one file for iOS & another file for Android.
Both of these, files extend from a common basetest class.
I initialize required Page Objects using new keyword in both of these files.
Now, I would like to modularise it little bit & create a CommonStepDefs file. But I am starting to get nullpointer exception.
Can you please suggest with any method similar to this or sample example to build this
Thanks in advance.
public class AndroidTestsStepDefs_usingFactory extends BaseTestClass {
AndroidChooseCountryPage androidChooseCountryPage;
AndroidCountrySelectionPage androidCountrySelectionPage;
OrderPrints orderPrints;
AndroidHomePage androidHomePage;
TourPage tourPage;
public AndroidTestsStepDefs_usingFactory() throws IOException, AWTException {
#Given("^the app has been installed$")
public void the_app_has_been_installed() throws Throwable {
You are interested in sharing state between your step definitions files.
The idiomatic to share state in Java is to create a common object that is shared between all steps using dependency injection.
If your project uses a dependency injection framework, use the same for sharing state between the step definition classes. Cucumber-JVM supports many different dependency injection frameworks. Yours is probably supported.
If you don't use a dependency injection, I suggest using PicoContainer.
I have written two blog post on the topic. Sharing state using

SearchDomainFactory.Instance is obsolete: 'Inject me!' ( Can't find out how to create instance)

I'm in the process of trying to migrate a R# extension project from R# 6 to R# 8. (I've taken over a project that someone wrote, and I'm new to writing extensions.)
In the existing v6 project there is a class that derives from RenameWorkflow, and the constructor used to look like this;
public class RenameStepWorkflow : RenameWorkflow
public RenameStepWorkflow(ISolution Solution, string ActionId)
: base(Solution, ActionId)
This used to work in R# SDK v 6, but now in V8, RenameWorkflow no longer has a constructor that takes Solution and actionId. The new constructor signature now looks like this;
public RenameWorkflow(
IShellLocks locks,
SearchDomainFactory searchDomainFactory,
RenameRefactoringService renameRefactoringService,
ISolution solution,
string actionId);
now heres my problem that I need help with (I think)
I've copied the constructor, and now the constructor of this class has to satisfy these new dependancies. Through some digging I've managed to find a way to satisfy all the dependencies, except for 'SearchDomainFactory'. The closest I can come to instantiating via the updated constructor is as follows;
new RenameStepWorkflow(Solution.Locks, JetBrains.ReSharper.Psi.Search.SearchDomainFactory.Instance, RenameRefactoringService.Instance, this.Solution, null)
All looks good, except that JetBrains.ReSharper.Psi.Search.SearchDomainFactory.Instance is marked as Obsolete, and gives me a compile error that I cannot work around, even using #pragma does not allow me to compile the code. The exact error message I get when I compile is Error 16 'JetBrains.ReSharper.Psi.Search.SearchDomainFactory.Instance' is obsolete: 'Inject me!'
Obvious next question..ok, how? How do I 'inject you'? I cannot find any documentation over this new breaking change, in fact, I cannot find any documentation (or sample projects) that even mentions DrivenRefactoringWorkflow or RenameWorkflow, (the classes that now require the new SearchDomainFactory), or any information on SearchDomainFactory.Instance suddenly now obsolete and how to satisfy the need to 'inject' it.
Any help would be most appreciated! Thank you,
ReSharper has its own IoC container, which is responsible for creating instances of classes, and "injecting" dependencies as constructor parameters. Classes marked with attributes such as [ShellComponent] or [SolutionComponent] are handled by the container, created when the application starts or a solution is loaded, respectively.
Dependencies should be injected as constructor parameters, rather than using methods like GetComponent<TDependency> or static Instance properties, as this allows the container to control dependency lifetime, and ensure you're depending on appropriate components, and not creating leaks - a shell component cannot depend on a solution component for instance, it won't exist when the shell component is being created.
ReSharper introduced the IoC container a few releases ago, and a large proportion of the codebase has been updated to use it correctly, but there are a few hold-outs, where things are still done in a less than ideal manner - static Instance properties and calls to GetComponent. This is what you've encountered. You should be able to get an instance of SearchDomainFactory by putting it as a constructor parameter in your component.
You can find out more about the Component Model (the IoC container and related functionality) in the devguide: https://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/devguide/Platform/ComponentModel.html

Entity Framework my DB Context does not have connection when Reference in other Project

So here is my problem Guys
In my Solution,
I have ORM Class Liberary where I've added EntityFramework 5 (so has .edmx containing Context.tt
Designer.cs, edmx.diagram and .tt) files.. So far so good
And I have Project called Repositories and has reference of ORM project above.
In HeaderRepository class of Repositories Project, when I write following code,
using(UFPEntities ufpEntities = new UFPEntities())
Header header = ufpEntities.Headers.Single(x => x.VendorId == id);
}catche(Exception e)
Note: intellisense works fine COMPILER DOES NOT GIVE ERROR while writing above code, it happens at Run time
But, I get "No connection string named 'UFPEntities' could be found in the application config file."
App.config is in ORM Project, not in Repository Project where I am dealing with Data as Above.
Can you please help me so that I can CREATE MY MODEL class (such as Header) from Repository Project? or What I am doing wrong so it gives me Exceptions?
Thx in Advance.
The connection string must be in config of entry assembly - it is either web.config for web application or app.config for executable or unit test library. App.config for arbitrary library which is just referenced by executed code is completely ignored.

WCF DataService EF entities not found

I have an EDMX model with a generated context.
Now i generated a Self Tracking Entities library is separate project and referenced this from the EDMX model.
Also set the correct namespace in the context to the same namespace as the entities.
Now working with this all works except when i try to create a WCF data service with this context.
So just create new ObjectContext and working with it directly works fine.
But having referenced the context + model lib and the entities lib i get the following error when loading the service
The server encountered an error processing the request. The exception message is 'Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key'. See server logs for more details. The exception stack trace is:
Now i found that this could happen when using data service with external entity lib and fix was overriding the createcontext
with code
System.Data.Metadata.Edm.ItemCollection itemCollection;
if (!context.MetadataWorkspace.TryGetItemCollection
(System.Data.Metadata.Edm.DataSpace.CSSpace, out itemCollection))
var tracestring = context.CreateQuery<ClientDataStoreContainer>("ClientDataStoreContainer.DataSet").ToTraceString();
return context;
Now the error is gone but i get the next one and that is:
Object mapping could not be found for Type with identity 'ClientDataStoreEntities.Data'.
This error occurs on the .toTraceString in the createcontext
the ssdl file has the defined type
<EntitySetMapping Name="DataSet">
<EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(ClientDataStoreEntities.Data)">
So it has to load the ClientDataStoreEntities.Data type which is the namespace and type of the STE library that i have generated from the model.
EDIT: with
var tracestring = context.CreateQuery<Data>("ClientDataStoreContainer.DataSet").ToTraceString();
It does seem to load all types , however now the service does not have any methods that i can call.
there should be 2 DataSet and PublishedDataSet but:
<service xml:base="http://localhost:1377/WcfDataService1.svc/">
is what i get.
I ran into the same issue (the first one you mention). I have worked around using the suggestion by Julie Lerman in this thread. The other suggestion didn't work for me although I will experiment with them more since Julie's solution may have performance implications since it's executed (and has some cost) for every query.
MSDN Fail to work with POCO ModelContainer which entities are located in other assembly
Edit: Sorry, just realized you utilized the other solution mentioned in this thread.
