URL rewrite in Azure Front Door Premium - azure

The rules engine identifies my intended URL fine via a condition. However the Action options - even though one says URL rewrite - only appear to allow rewrite of the path/URI. Not rewrite of the hostname.
If i wanted a rule that would always rewrite https://myhost.domain1.com/path to become myotherhost.domain2.com/path, how would i go about it?
In the FD Origin config, i have the option of setting 'origin host header' to be myotherhost.domain2.com. But that doesnt appear to be sufficient.

You want to retain the path but redirect to another host, so you need to use the URL redirect feature than the rewrite.
In the URL redirect, you can configure "Rule set" config wherein you can define the hostname for which this request need to be transferred by Front Door. There are nuances of what type of redirect code you use, based on your context[ and so accordingly you need to choose 302 or 307 and so on].
See the doc page for detailed step by step configuration in Azure portal.


Azure Application Gateway Combined Path Based and Redirect rules

I want to modify my Azure Application Gwateway Path based and Redirect rules to exhibit the following behavior:
mygateway.com/test/* redirects to a website
mygateway.com/* forwards to a backend pool.
This is my current rule configuration but redirection is not occurring when I navigate to /test/*. Instead, all traffic is being routed to the /* path based rule.
Thank you!
The problem is the path based rule is being evaluated first since that is /*
everything is being sent there.
The way to fix it is to use the priority parameter to ensure that your redirect rule is evaluated first.

IIS URL Rewrite for a folder to another web server

I have an IIS webserver running a website. I've installed ARR3 to enable routing rules.
I'd like to redirect all the incoming request for the URL .mydomain/url2redirect/ to an Apache server installed on the same machine where is running SVN.
So in the inbound rule definition I've inserted the following:
Input: URL path after '/'
Pattern: *.mydomain/url2redirect/*
Action Type: Rewrite
Action URL: https://ip-address:8080/{R:2}
By testing the pattern, I get the desired result, and in the R:2 back reference I get the requested page I need to pass to SVN, but I get always a 404.
"url2redirect" doesn't exist but it should captured by the URL rewrite and forwarded to the Action URL.
I've added any outbound rule. Should I have to add something? what?
I've tried also to add a Reverse Proxy Rule, using the ARR template but, it's completely ignored, therefore I think that the routing is not working at all on IIS.
As far as I know, the url rewrite rule Pattern doesn't match the domain part.
That means mydomain will not include in the Pattern.
If you want to match the url2redirect, you should use below pattern.
Then I suggest you could modify your action url as below:

Making an IIS redirection rule

I'm working on an IIS redirection rule where I've the following website:
to be redirected to the following:
Providing that, the parameter in the old url should be send to the new one too
For example:
Here is the current settings:
Before you begin, understand the following process before hand and let me know if its confusing.
Application Request Routing (ARR) is an IIS extension which handles URL redirecting and rewriting features at IIS level. URL Rewrite is another extension that sets up rules using which ARR does redirection. With these steps, you can create a pattern rule on the source website. ARR will match incoming requests' URL with the URL pattern you have configured on that website. If the pattern matches, ARR can redirect the requests to destination website along with the parameters. The destination website's URL is also configured in that rule.
IIS supports these extensions which you can download. Download and install them, then they will be available when you re-open the IIS Manager program.
Once these extensions are installed, re-open IIS Manager, select the root node of websites in left side i.e. the name of your machine, then in middle section of IIS Manager, you should be able to see Application Request Routing Cache feature. Double click to open it, click on Server Proxy settings on the right, on next screen, enable the checkbox for "Enable Proxy". After that you need to add a redirection rule on the source website from which you want to transfer to destination website. For that, select the source website in IIS Manager, then in middle section of IIS where all features are listed, look for URL Rewrite, open it.
On the top Right hand side Click on Add Rule(s)… and then select Inbound Blank rule -> ok.
Note: You should create Inbound rule not outbound.
Fill the details that resembles something as follows
Name : AnyNameYouPrefer
Requested URL : Matches the Pattern
Using : Regular Expressions
Pattern : ^smart/(.*)
Ignore Case : checked
Action type: Redirect
Rewrite URL : https://mysmart.test.com/{R:1}
Append Query string : checked
Here I have written that all incoming requests' URL must have smart/ in it along with some parameters after slash "/". These requests will be transferred to destination which is specified in "Rewrite URL".
{R:1} means the URL portion that remains after that matching pattern which need to be carried from source URL to destination URL.

Forcing HTTPS with Azure CDN

I’m using Azure CDN in front of a Storage Account. I’m wanting to serve everything via HTTPS only, so I’ve setup HTTPS on the custom domain and created a URL rewrite:
But the problem is that I end up at a URL like this:
The website/17/index.html is the root content within the Storage Account, but I don’t know why it’s appending the container path before the filename. There’s also rewrite rule for static files (https://blog.lifeishao.com/2017/05/24/serving-your-static-sites-with-azure-blob-and-cdn).
Any idea what’s wrong with the URL rewrite?
There is an official guide from MS here, which works with standard Azure CDN:
Summary below:
Redirect users to HTTPS
On the CDN profile page, select the endpoint you want to create rules for.
Select the Rules Engine tab.
Select Add rule and enter a rule name.
To identify the type of requests the rule applies to, create a match condition:
Select Add condition, and then select the Request protocol match condition.
For Operator, select Equals.
For Value, select HTTP.
Select the action to apply to the requests that satisfy the match condition:
Select Add action, and then select URL redirect.
For Type, select Found (302).
For Protocol, select HTTPS.
Leave all other fields blank to use incoming values.
Select Save to save the new rule. The rule is now available to use.
I am using Azure Verizon Premium CDN.
I did two rules. The order of the rules matter. You will need to wait up to 4 hours after each test.
image remove index.html 2 continue as image 3
=============== END FIRST RULE ==================
here as text
1. redirect HTTP to HTTPs
rule--> (.*) destination https://%{host}/$1
remove remove index.html did not work 100% ;-(
URL Rewrite
2.A Source ((?:[^\?]/)?)($|\?.) -Destination -> $1index.html$2
2.B Source ((?:[^\?]/)?[^\?/.]+)($|\?.) -Destination - > $1/index.html$2
I'm using Azure Verizon Premium.
In this case you might want to redirect your http requests to your https endpoint. In this case you must add one rule for each endpoint you want this behavior:
match condition:
if Request Scheme = HTTP
Redirect - Code: 301, source: (.*), destination: https://%{host}/$1
This response was found at docs microsoft
It's a lot simpler now
No need to enter anything to the hostname, path etc..
Make sure that you have turned on both HTTP and HTTPS in the Origin Settings
It should reflect within 10minutes
I am using below configuration for redirecting any request to https
Request Schema, HTTP
URL Redirect
Code: 301
Source: (.*)
Destination: https://%{host}/$1
If you want simple 1:1 http to https solution (without any unwanted) you should use following rule:
Request Schema, HTTP
URL Redirect
Code: 301
Source: (.*)
Destination: https://%{host}/%{request_uri#/}

Is it possible to manipulate a request before IIS assigns that request to a specific site?

Is it possible to manipulate an inbound request at the IIS level, before it even gets assigned to site on the server?
Essentially, I want to rewrite this --
To this --
And I need to do this before IIS picks which site the request belongs to, so I need to change the host header prior to this point.
Possible, or crazy? We're running IIS7.
You can rewrite, redirect, or proxy requests.
Rewrite changes the request, but does not change the site to which it is assigned. With a rewrite you can:
return an HTTP error code (503, 404, 401, etc);
manipulate the query string or URL path. one example is to transform a query string param into a URL path element. www.server.com/default.aspx?s=foo becomes www.server.com/foo, or vice versa.
set headers in the request.
Redirect sends back a 301 or 302 response to the browser with an updated address. You can receive a request for www.example.com/foo and respond to the browser with a 302 and an updated address of www.otherdomain.com , etc.
Proxy the request. In this case the web server is said to act as a "transparent proxy". It means the initial IIS server can call out to a second server, grab the response, and then package it up back to the original requester.
These three actions are often done in combination. The tools used to perform these actions are called "URL Rewriters". IIS7 has a built-in option from Microsoft (The IIS URL Rewrite Module), and there are third-party options as well, some free and some commercial, for IIS6, IIS7, and other non-Windows web servers. Apache's mod_proxy is the big one for Linux. All of these tools do basically the same kinds of things.
To answer your specific question, NO, you cannot rewrite a request from one domain to another. For web servers, rewrite is a meaningful term, and a URL Rewrite excludes the possibility of a server change.
It is possible though, to transform a request from one server to another, either via redirect or proxy. One of those may actually be what you want, when you ask about "rewriting" a request.
I guess the whole thing is possible, but not in the way of running before IIS. One part of the server even works as a low-level driver.
But you may use URL rewriting solutions such as mod_rewrite module of Helicon Ape http://www.helicontech.com/ape/doc/mod_rewrite.htm. Having set the software globally for all the sites, you may get what you need as follows:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} www.somegenericdomain.com [NC]
RewriteProxy (.*) http://www.someotherdomain.com$1
