openpyxl: how to fit a chart inside a single cell? - python-3.x

The problem is: column.width, row.height and chart.width, chart.height use different units. Also it seems it might depend on the os, application and display. Is it even possible to fit a chart inside a single cell so it gonna be rendered the same everywhere?
UPD: The code looks like
width = 26
height = 78
for c in range(ws.min_column, ws.max_column + 1):
ws.column_dimensions[get_column_letter(c)].width = width
for r in range(ws.min_row, 10):
ws.row_dimensions[r+1].height = height
chart.width = width / 5.425
chart.height = height / 29


Convert Excel column width between characters unit and pixels (points)

"One unit of column width is equal to the width of one character in the Normal style. For proportional fonts, the width of the character 0 (zero) is used."
So ColumnWidth in Excel is measured as a number of "0" characters which fits in a column. How can this value be converted into pixels and vice versa?
As already mentioned ColumnWidth value in Excel depends on default font of a Workbook which can be obtained via Workbook.Styles("Normal").Font. Also it depends on current screen DPI.
After carrying out some research for different fonts and sizes in Excel 2013 I've found out that we have 2 linear functions (Arial cannot be seen because it overlaps with Tahoma.):
As it can be seen in the picture the function for ColumnWidth < 1 is different from the major part of the line chart. It's calculated as a number of pixels in a column / number of pixels needed to fit one "0" character in a column.
Now let's see what a typical cell width consists of.
A - "0" character width in the Normal Style
B - left and right padding
C - 1px right margin
A can be calculated with GetTextExtentPoint32 Windows API function, but font size should be a little bit bigger. By experiment I chose +0.3pt which worked for me for different fonts with 8-48pt base size. B is (A + 1) / 4 rounded to integer using "round half up". Also screen DPI will be needed here (see Python 3 implementation below)
Here are equations for character-pixel conversion and their implementation in Python 3:
import win32print, win32gui
from math import floor
def get_screen_dpi():
dc = win32gui.GetDC(0)
dpi = [win32print.GetDeviceCaps(dc, i) for i in (LOGPIXELSX,
win32gui.ReleaseDC(0, dc)
return dpi
def get_text_metrics(fontname, fontsize):
"Measures '0' char size for the specified font name and size in pt"
dc = win32gui.GetDC(0)
font = win32gui.LOGFONT()
font.lfFaceName = fontname
font.lfHeight = -fontsize * dpi[1] / 72
hfont = win32gui.CreateFontIndirect(font)
win32gui.SelectObject(dc, hfont)
metrics = win32gui.GetTextExtentPoint32(dc, "0")
win32gui.ReleaseDC(0, dc)
return metrics
def ch_px(v, unit="ch"):
Convert between Excel character width and pixel width.
`unit` - unit to convert from: 'ch' (default) or 'px'
rd = lambda x: floor(x + 0.5) # round half up
# pad = left cell padding + right cell padding + cell border(1)
pad = rd((z + 1) / 4) * 2 + 1
z_p = z + pad # space (px) for "0" character with padding
if unit == "ch":
return v * z_p if v < 1 else v * z + pad
return v / z_p if v < z_p else (v - pad) / z
font = "Calibri", 11
dpi = get_screen_dpi()
z = get_text_metrics(font[0], font[1] + 0.3)[0] # "0" char width in px
px = ch_px(30, "ch")
ch = ch_px(px, "px")
print("Characters:", ch, "Pixels:", px, "for", font)
2022 and still the same Problem... Found threads going back to 2010 having the issue...
To start of: Pixel != Points
Points are defined as 72points/inch:
Though that definition seems stupid, as a shape with a fixed width of 100points, would display the exact same size in inch on every monitor independent of monitor configuration, which is not the case.
Characters is a unit that is defined to the number of 0 characters of the default text format. A cell set to a width of 10 characters, can fit 10 "0" characters, when the cell content is formatted to the default format.
My case is that I need to place pictures into the document and place text into cells next to it. But pictures hover over the document and cells are hidden below it. Depending on the size of the Picture, more or less cells are hidden. Thus, I can't just say I place text 5 cells to the left of the picture. Autosizing a column to the contents of the cells of the column, does not account for the hovering picture.
A picture is bound to the cell that is below the top left corner of the picture. I need to set the size of that cell to the size of the picture to solve the issue.
A Picture is a Shape. A Shape returns its width as Points (Shape.Width).
A Range can be set to a cell like Worksheet.Range["A1"]. From a Range you can get the width in Characters (Range.ColumnWidth) or in Points (Range.Width). But you can only set the width of a Range in Characters (Range.ColumnWidth).
So we can retrieve the size of the Picture (Shape) in Points and need to convert them to Characters to set the cell to the correct width...
Some research showed that the Points size of a cell contains a constant for spacing (padding before and after the cell content) and probably the seperator lines between cells.
On my system:
A cell set to a width of 1 **Characters** = 9 **Points**
A cell set to a width of 2 **Characters** = 14.25 **Points**
A cell set to a width of 3 **Characters** = 19.5 **Points**
As I said, there is a constant within the Points. Thus going from 1 Characters, to 2 Characters, the difference is only the size of the letter.
SizeOfLetter = 14.25 Points - 9 Points = 5.25 Points
we can then subtract that SizeOfLetter from the Points for 1 Characters and get the Points constant.
PointsConstant = 9 Points - 5.25 Points = 3.75 Points
Points size for a cell containing 3 "0" letters = 3SizeOfLetter + PointsConstant = 35.25 Points + 3.75 Points = 19.5 Points
As the values depend on your system, YOU CAN'T USE THOSE VALUES!
Best way is to use code to calculate it for your system:
C# code:
Excel.Application excelApp = new Excel.Application();
Excel.Workbook workbook1 = excelApp.Workbooks.Add();
Excel.Worksheet sheet1 = (Excel.Worksheet)workbook1.ActiveSheet;
// Evaluate the Points data for the document
double previousColumnWidth = (double)sheet1.Range["A1"].ColumnWidth;
sheet1.Range["A1"].ColumnWidth = 1; // Make the cell fit 1 character
double points1 = (double)sheet1.Range["A1"].Width;
sheet1.Range["A1"].ColumnWidth = 2; // Make the cell fit 2 characters
double points2 = (double)sheet1.Range["A1"].Width;
double SizeOfLetter = points2 - points1;
double PointsConstant = points1 - pointsPerCharater;
// Reset the column width
sheet1.Range["A1"].ColumnWidth = previousColumnWidth;
// Create a function for the conversion
Func<double, double> PointsToCharacters = (double points) => (points - PointsConstant ) / SizeOfLetter ;

Fill the whole container of grouped shapes - Excel

I have create some shapes in Excel, group them together and i can not find how to apply fill color on the whole group. Not on the shapes but on the background.
Any help?
In short, this isn't possible on a shape group.
Detailed explanation:
The GroupedShapes object "Represents the individual shapes within a
grouped shape."
Because the group itself only represents the shapes within it, it doesn't have its own fill colour as such, only the fill colours of the shapes within it.
So, as I guess you've discovered, if you do something like this:
With Sheet1.Shapes(1).GroupItems.Parent
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
End With
Then you are telling the group to apply the Forecolor to every shape within the group, and not the group object itself.
If you wish to have a background colour to the group, then a workaround would be to create a rectangle at the back, and set the colour of that instead.
Update: Workaround Example
If you wish to implement my suggested workaround, then the following will get you there. You will need to adjust for colours / workbook / worksheet / shape group name etc. There might be a prettier way, but I have this working...
Const shapeGroupName As String = "ShapeGroup"
Const shapeGroupBGName As String = "ShapeGroupBG"
Const shapeGroupMargin As Single = 5
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim h As Integer
Dim w As Integer
Dim shapeCount As Integer
Dim shapeCol() As String
With Sheet1.shapes.Range(Array(shapeGroupName))
ReDim Preserve shapeCol(.GroupItems.Count)
For shapeCount = 1 To .GroupItems.Count
shapeCol(shapeCount) = .GroupItems.Item(shapeCount).Name
y = .Top - shapeGroupMargin
x = .Left - shapeGroupMargin
h = .Height + shapeGroupMargin * 2
w = .Width + shapeGroupMargin * 2
End With
shapeCol(0) = shapeGroupBGName
With Sheet1.shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, x, y, w, h)
.Name = shapeGroupBGName
.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
.Line.DashStyle = msoLineDashDot
.ZOrder msoSendToBack
End With
With Sheet1.shapes.Range(shapeCol).Group
.Name = shapeGroupName
End With
This works by getting the dimensions of the group, and the names of the shapes within it. Next it ungroups the shapes, adds a rectangle behind the existing shapes, and then regroups accordingly.
A couple of notes:
I have created an arbitrary margin size, as the dimensions of the group are actually the top left and bottom right of the objects within it. In excel, the GUI adds a nice bit extra on to this, so its up to you to set this to what you want.
You can also implement a different shape (i.e. a rounded rectangle instead if desired etc.).
If you have multiple shape groups, then the above could be modified easily to accommodate this.

Apply function to masked region

I have an image like that:
I have both the mask and the original image. I would like to calculate the colour temperature of ONLY the ducks region.
Right now, I'm iterating through each row and column of the image below and getting pixels where their values are not zero. But I think this isn't the right way to do this. Any suggestions?
What I did was:
xyzImg = cv2.cvtColor(resImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2XYZ)
x,y,z = cv2.split(xyzImg)
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
if (x[i][j]!=0) and (y[i][j]!=0) and (z[i][j]!=0):
xAvg = np.mean(xList)
yAvg = np.mean(yList)
zAvg = np.mean(zList)
xs = xAvg / (xAvg + yAvg + zAvg)
ys = yAvg / (xAvg + yAvg + zAvg)
xyChrome = np.array([xs,ys])
But this is very slow and I don't think its right...
The simplest way would be to use cv2.mean() function.
It takes two arguments src (having 1 to 4 channels) and mask and returns a vector with mean values for individual channels.
Refer to cv2::mask

Shape doesn't show all text

I need to create shapes labelled with a number but the shape doesn't display the whole number.
For example, where the number is 1 to 9 it displays, but for 10 to 19 it shows just 1.
I don't want to change the radius it have to be the same.
Dim textRectangles As Shape
Dim radius As Integer
radius = 15
Set textRectangles = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeOval, (Range("D13").Left - radius / 2), _
Range("D13").Top - radius / 2, radius, radius)
textRectangles.Name = "Groups " & i
textRectangles.TextFrame.Characters.Text = i
textRectangles.TextFrame.VerticalAlignment = xlVAlignCenter
textRectangles.TextFrame.HorizontalAlignment = xlHAlignCenter
textRectangles.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Size = 9
textRectangles.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Name = "Georgia"
textRectangles.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(220, 105, 0)
textRectangles.Fill.Transparency = 0.5
This is the current result:
This is the result I want:
How can I configure the shape to display the number where the number is 10-19?
There are a couple of theoretical options, but neither seem like they are going to work with radius = 15 and textRectangles.TextFrame.Characters.Font.Size = 9.
First is textRectangles.TextFrame.AutoSize = True which resizes the shape to fix the text - however, this is going to expand the radius significantly.
Second is textRectangles.TextFrame2.AutoSize = msoAutoSizeTextToFitShape - however, this only works if the minimum value is radius = 33.
You may have to consider increasing the radius.

Proper way to calculate the height and width of a SVG text

I need to calculate the height and width of a svg text element. Is there a way to do so without actually adding it to the DOM of my page? I need only the measures not the actual element.
I am using neither d3 nor Raphael, but only plain JavaScript. (Maybe I should use one of the former for my calculations?)
What I am after is just a function like imagettfbbox in PHP, but in plain JavaScript. Is there such a thing? Or is it easy to write?
Since I am not actually using the text elements it seems strange to me to add them and hide them (I also have read somewhere that Firefox has problems with calculating the bbox of hidden elements, Calculating vertical height of a SVG text). But maybe this is the only way to go? Will I have to work with opacity in that case? Do I destroy the element somehow afterwards?
Maybe there is no good way to achieve exactly what I was after. However, giving up the "without actually adding it to the DOM of my page" part, the following function seems to achieve my goal.
function bboxText( svgDocument, string ) {
var data = svgDocument.createTextNode( string );
var svgElement = svgDocument.createElementNS( svgns, "text" );
svgDocument.documentElement.appendChild( svgElement );
var bbox = svgElement.getBBox();
return bbox;
A note on the calculation of the height: the height of the bbox returned, i.e. bbox.height, is always the full height of the glyph, i.e. a will have the same height as A. And I could not find a way to calculate them more exactly.
However, one can calculate the height of uppercase accented characters, e.g. Ä. This will be just the negative of the y coordinate of the bbox, i.e. -bbox.y.
Using this one can calculate, for example, some coordinates for vertical alignment. For example to emulate the dominantBaseline attribute set to text-before-edge, text-after-edge, and central.
text-before-edge: dy = -bbox.y
text-after-edge: dy = -bbox.height -bbox.y
central: dy = -bbox.y -bbox.height/2
Where dy is the vertical translation. This can be used to get around limitations of some applications that do not support these alignments set by attributes.
I have encountered a similar problem in VB.Net !
I written a VB.Net program that generate a SVG file and that needs to compute width of text to compute next vertical bar position as you can see in following image
The B line vertical bar is positionned in computing max text width of A line elements.
To do that in Console VB.Net application, I execute following lines of code
Private Sub WriteTextInfo(sInfo As String)
If sInfo <> "" Then
'display Text in SVG file
sw.WriteLine("<text x ='" & (xPos + 10) & "' y='" & yPos & "' fill='black' font-family='Arial' font-size='20'>" & sInfo & "</text>")
'Create Font object as defined in <text> SVG tag
Dim font As New Font("Arial", 20.0F)
'Compute width of text in pixels
Dim xSize = TextRenderer.MeasureText(sInfo, font)
'Divide pixels witdh by a factor 1.4 to obtain SVG width !
Dim iWidth As Decimal = Math.Truncate(CDec(xSize.Width) / 1.4)
'If new vertical position is greater than old vertical position
If xPos + iWidth > xPosMax Then
xPosMax = xPos + iWidth
End If
End If
End Sub
In resume, I compute text's width in pixels using TextRenderer.MeasureText() function and I divide this number by 1.4 to obtain SVG width.
1.4 value is obtained by experiment relatively to my case !
To use TextRendered and Font objects, I have added reference to
As you can see, I don't use any DOM method to compute text's width because I compute it in VB.Net program.
