Best way to wake 0-N sleeping goroutines at once - multithreading

I'm writing a program where I start N (N is a command-line argument) worker threads, and at any time 0 to N-1 of them can be waiting on another to update a variable. What's the best way for the threads to wait for this event, and the best way for one of the threads to notify all the others at once of the event occurring? This event will be sent multiple times by each thread.
sync.Cond isn't appropriate because the threads don't need to lock a resource upon waking from sleep. sync.WaitGroup won't work because I don't know how many times to call wg.Done().
Solution #1: I could use a sync.Mutex and have the thread that will eventually notify the others acquire the lock and then unlock it to notify the others, but it seems really inefficient for the others to all fight over a lock when they all just need to pop out of sleep, read a variable to see if that particular worker is now the master, and then either go back to sleep or start working.
Solution #2: Create a wrapper for sync.WaitGroup that allows keeping track of the number of waiting threads so that I can call wg.Add(-numWaitingThreads) to wake them. This sounds like a headache to figure out how to code it without all sorts of race conditions.
Solution #3: Until someone comes up with a better idea, I'll be using a list of N channels and have the notifier non-blocking-send to all of the channels except its own. Is this really the best way?
More details: I give each worker some unique credits and have a central variable for "which credit is the next to be written to the output file". When a worker finishes its work for whichever credit ID it was working on, it needs to do the following:
for centralNextCreditID != creditID {

To me it does seem like this is an appropriate use case for sync.Cond. You can use a *RWMutex.RLocker() for Cond.L so all goroutines can acquire the read lock simultaneously once the Cond.Broadcast() is sent.
Additionally, it may be worth making sure you hold a write lock when changing this "who's master" variable to avoid race conditions, which would make sync.Cond an even better fit.

sync.WaitGroup won't work because I don't know how many times to call wg.Done().
wg can be used in this case. Make a wg with count 1 and pass this to the N goroutines. Make them wg.Wait(), except the one that updates the variable.
The goroutine updating the variable calls wg.Done() after successful update thus resulting in N goroutines to come out of wait and start executing further.

The title says that you want to wake 0-N sleeping goroutines, but the body of the question indicates that you only need to wake the goroutine for the next id (if there is a goroutine waiting).
Here's how to implement the problem described in the body of the question:
// waiter sequences work according to an incrementing id.
type waiter struct {
mu sync.Mutex
id int
waiting map[int]chan struct{}
func NewWaiter(firstID int) *waiter {
return &waiter{id: firstID, waiting: make(map[int]chan struct{})}
// wait waits for id's turn in the sequence.
func (w *waiter) wait(id int) {
if == id {
// This id is next. Nothing to do.
// Wait for our turn.
c := make(chan struct{})
w.waiting[id] = c
// done signals that the work for the previous id is done.
func (w *waiter) done() {
c, ok := w.waiting[]
if ok {
if ok {
// close cause c to receive a zero value
Here's how to use it:
for _, creditID := range creditIDs {

WaitGroup is the best option. The reason is that is keeps its signalled state and you are safe from deadlock if the main thread signals too early.
If you use Cond there is a risk that the main thread calls cond.Broadcast BEFORE the worker thread calls cond.Wait(). Since Cond doesn't remember that it was signalled, the worker thread will wait for the event to happen.
Here is an example:
The main thread broadcasts too early, the worker threads run into a deadlock.
Same case with con.WaitGroup:
The main thread releases the wait group too early, but there is no deadlock.


why does std::condition_variable::wait need mutex?

Why does std::condition_variable::wait needs a mutex as one of its variables?
Answer 1
You may look a the documentation and quote that:
wait... Atomically releases lock
But that's not a real reason. That's just validate my question even more: why does it need it in the first place?
Answer 2
predicate is most likely query the state of a shared resource and it must be lock guarded.
OK. fair.
Two questions here
Is it always true that predicate query the state of a shared resource? I assume yes. I t doesn't make sense to me to implement it otherwise
What if I do not pass any predicate (it is optional)?
Using predicate - lock makes sense
int i = 0;
void waits()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(cv_m);
cv.wait(lk, []{return i == 1;});
std::cout << i;
Not Using predicate - why can't we lock after the wait?
int i = 0;
void waits()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(cv_m);
std::cout << i;
I know that there are no harmful implications to this practice. I just don't know how to explain to my self why it was design this way?
If predicate is optional and is not passed to wait, why do we need the lock?
When using a condition variable to wait for a condition, a thread performs the following sequence of steps:
It determines that the condition is not currently true.
It starts waiting for some other thread to make the condition true. This is the wait call.
For example, the condition might be that a queue has elements in it, and a thread might see that the queue is empty and wait for another thread to put things in the queue.
If another thread were to intercede between these two steps, it could make the condition true and notify on the condition variable before the first thread actually starts waiting. In this case, the waiting thread would not receive the notification, and it might never stop waiting.
The purpose of requiring the lock to be held is to prevent other threads from interceding like this. Additionally, the lock must be unlocked to allow other threads to do whatever we're waiting for, but it can't happen before the wait call because of the notify-before-wait problem, and it can't happen after the wait call because we can't do anything while we're waiting. It has to be part of the wait call, so wait has to know about the lock.
Now, you might look at the notify_* methods and notice that those methods don't require the lock to be held, so there's nothing actually stopping another thread from notifying between steps 1 and 2. However, a thread calling notify_* is supposed to hold the lock while performing whatever action it does to make the condition true, which is usually enough protection.
If predicate is optional and is not passed to wait, why do we need the lock?
condition_variable is designed to wait for a certain condition to come true, not to wait just for a notification. So to "catch" the "moment" when the condition becomes true you need to check the condition and wait for the notification. And to avoid a race condition you need those two to be a single atomic operation.
Purpose Of condition_variable:
Enable a program to implement this: do some action when a condition C holds.
Intended Protocol:
Condition producer changes state of the world from !C to C.
Condition consumer waits for C to happen and takes the action while/after condition C holds.
For simplicity (to limit number of cases to think of) let's assume that C never switches back to !C. Let's also forget about spurious wakeups. Even with this assumptions we'll see that the lock is necessary.
Naive Approach:
Let's have two threads with an essential code summarized like this:
void producer() {
_condition = true;
void consumer() {
if (!_condition) {
The Problem:
The problem here is a race condition. A problematic interleaving of the threads is following:
The consumer reads condition, checks it to be false and decides to wait.
A thread scheduler interrupts consumer and resumes producer.
The producer updates condition to become true and invokes notify_all().
The consumer is resumed.
The consumer actually does wait(), but is never notified and waken up (a liveness hazard).
So without locking the consumer may miss the event of the condition becoming true.
Disclaimer: this code still does not handle spurious wakeups and possibility of condition becoming false again.
void producer() {
{ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(_mutex);
_condition = true;
void consumer() {
{ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(_mutex);
if (!_condition) {
Here we check condition, release lock and start waiting as a single atomic operation, preventing the race condition mentioned before.
See Also
Why Lock condition await must hold the lock
You need a std::unique_lock when using std::condition_variable for the same reason you need a std::FILE* when using std::fwrite and for the same reason a BasicLockable is necessary when using std::unique_lock itself.
The feature std::fwrite gives you, entire the reason it exists, is to write to files. So you have to give it a file. The feature std::unique_lock provides you is RAII locking and unlocking of a mutex (or another BasicLockable, like std::shared_mutex, etc.) so you have to give it something to lock and unlock.
The feature std::condition_variable provides, the entire reason it exists, is the atomically waiting and unlocking a lock (and completing a wait and locking). So you have to give it something to lock.
Why would someone want that is a separate question that has been discussed already. For example:
When is a condition variable needed, isn't a mutex enough?
Conditional Variable vs Semaphore
Advantages of using condition variables over mutex
And so on.
As has been explained, the pred parameter is optional, but having some sort of a predicate and testing it isn't. Or, in other words, not having a predicate doesn't make any sense inn a manner similar to how having a condition variable without a lock doesn't making any sense.
The reason you have a lock is because you have shared state you need to protect from simultaneous access. Some function of that shared state is the predicate.
If you don't have a predicate and you don't have a lock you really don't need a condition variable just like if you don't have a file you really don't need fwrite.
A final point is that the second code snippet you wrote is very broken. Obviously it won't compile as you define the lock after you try to pass it as an argument to condition_variable::wait(). You probably meant something like:
std::mutex mtx_cv;
std::condition_variable cv;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mtx_cv);
lk.lock(); // throws std::system_error with an error code of std::errc::resource_deadlock_would_occur
The reason this is wrong is very simple. condition_variable::wait's effects are (from [thread.condition.condvar]):
— Atomically calls lock.unlock() and blocks on *this.
— When unblocked, calls lock.lock() (possibly blocking on the lock), then returns.
— The function will unblock when signaled by a call to notify_one() or a call to notify_all(), or spuriously
After the return from wait() the lock is locked, and unique_lock::lock() throws an exception if it has already locked the mutex it wraps ([thread.lock.unique.locking]).
Again, why would someone want coupling waiting and locking the way std::condition_variable does is a separate question, but given that it does - you cannot, by definition, lock a std::condition_variable's std::unique_lock after std::condition_variable::wait has returned.
It's not stated in the documentation (and could be implemented differently) but conceptually you can imagine the condition variable has another mutex to both protect its own data but also coordinate the condition, waiting and notification with modification of the consumer code data (e.g. queue.size()) affecting the test.
So when you call wait(...) the following (logically) happens.
Precondition: The consumer code holds the lock (CCL) controlling the consumer condition data (CCD).
The condition is checked, if true, execution in the consumer code continues still holding the lock.
If false, it first acquires its own lock (CVL), adds the current thread to the waiting thread collection releases the consumer lock and puts itself to waiting and releases its own lock (CVL).
That final step is tricky because it needs to sleep the thread and release the CVL at the same time or in that order or in a way that threads notified just before going to wait are able to (somehow) not go to wait.
The step of acquiring the CVL before releasing the CCD is key. Any parallel thread trying to update the CCD and notify will be blocked either by the CCL or CVL. If the CCL was released before acquiring the CVL a parallel thread could acquire the CCL, change the data and then notify before the the to-be-waiting thread is added to the waiters.
A parallel thread acquires the CCL, modifies the data to make the condition true (or at least worth testing) and then notifies. Notification acquires the the CVL and identifies a blocked thread (or threads) if any to unwait. The unwaited threads then seek to acquire the CCL and may block there but won't leave wait and re-perform the test until they've acquired it.
Notification must acquire the CVL to make sure threads that have found the test false have been added to the waiters.
It's OK (possibly preferable for performance) to notify without holding the CCL because the hand-off between the CCL and CVL in the wait code is ensuring the ordering.
It may be preferrable because notifying when holding the CCL may mean all the unwaited threads just unwait to block (on the CCL) while the thread modifying the data is still holding the lock.
Notice that even if the CCD is atomic you must modify it holding the CCL or that Lock CVL, unlock CCL step won't ensure the total ordering required to make sure notifications aren't sent when threads are in the process of going to wait.
The standard only talks about atomicity of operations and another implementation may have a way of blocking notification before completing the 'add to waiters' step has completed following a failed test. The C++ Standard is careful to not dictate an implementation.
In all that, to answer some of the specific questions.
Must the state be shared? Sort of. There could be an external condition like a file being in a directory and the wait is timed to re-try after a time-period. You can decide for yourself whether you consider the file system or even just the wall-clock to be shared state.
Must there be any state? Not necessarily. A thread can wait on notification.
That could be tricky to coordinate because there has to be enough sequencing to stop the other thread notifying out of turn. The commonest solution is to have some boolean flag set by the notifying thread so the notified thread knows if it missed it. The normal use of void wait(std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lk) is when the predicate is checked outside:
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> ulk(ccd_mutex)
Where the notifying thread uses:
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(ccd_mutex);
The reason is that in some times the waiting-thread holds the m_mutex:
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
void CMyClass::MyFunc()
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guard(m_mutex);
// do something (on the protected resource)
m_condiotion.wait(guard, [this]() {return !m_bSpuriousWake; });
// do something else (on the protected resource)
// do something else than else
and a thread should never go to sleep while holding a m_mutex. One doesn't want to lock everybody out, while sleeping. So, atomically: {guard is unlocked and the thread go to sleep}. Once it waked up by the other-thread (m_condiotion.notify_one(), let's say) guard is locked again, and then the thread continue.
Reference (video)
Because if not so, there's a race condition before the waiting thread noticing the change of the shared state and the wait() call.
Assume we got a shared state of type std::atomic state_, there's still a fair chance for the waiting thread to miss a notification:
T1(waiting) | T2(notification)
---------------------------------------------- * ---------------------------
1) for (int i = state_; i != 0; i = state_) { |
2) | state_ = 0;
3) | cv.notify();
4) cv.wait(); |
5) }
6) // go on with the satisfied condition... |
Note that the wait() call failed to notice the latest value of state_ and may keep waiting forever.

Golang: can WaitGroup leak with go-routines

I am planning to implement a go-routine and have a sync.WaitGroup to synchronize end of a created go-routine. I create a thread essentially using go <function>. So it is something like:
main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for <some condition> {
go myThread(wg)
myThread(wg sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
I have earlier worked with pthread_create which does fail to create a thread under some circumstances. With that context, is it possibly for the above go myThread(wg) to fail to start, and/or run wg.Done() if the rest of the routine behaves correctly? If so, what would be reported and how would the error be caught? My concern is a possible leak in wg due to wg.Add(1) following the thread creation. (Of course it may be possible to use wg.Add(1) within the function, but that leads to other races between the increment and the main program waiting).
I have read through numerous documentation of go-routines and there is no mention of a failure in scheduling or thread creation anywhere. What would be the case if I create billions of threads and exhaust bookkeeping space? Would the go-routine still work and threads still be created?
I don't know of any possible way for this to fail, and if it is possible, it would result in a panic (and therefor application crash). I have never seen it happen, and I'm aware of examples of applications running millions of goroutines. The only limiting factor is available memory to allocate the goroutine stack.
go foo() is not like pthread_create. Goroutines are lightweight green threads handled by the Go runtime, and scheduled to run on OS threads. Starting a goroutine does not start a new OS thread.
The problem with your code is not in starting a goroutine (which cannot "fail" per se) or that like but in the use of sync.WaitGroup. Your code has two major bugs:
You must do wg.Add(1) before launching the goroutine as otherwise the Done() could be executed before the Add(1).
You must not copy a sync.WaitGroup. Your code makes a copy while calling myThread().
Both issues are explained in the official documentation to sync.WaitGroup and the given example in

Goroutines are cooperatively scheduled. Does that mean that goroutines that don't yield execution will cause goroutines to run one by one?

As the goroutines are scheduled cooperatively, a goroutine that loops continuously can starve other goroutines on the same thread.
Goroutines are cheap and do not cause the thread on which they are multiplexed to block if they are blocked on
network input
channel operations or
blocking on primitives in the sync package.
So given the above, say that you have some code like this that does nothing but loop a random number of times and print the sum:
func sum(x int) {
sum := 0
for i := 0; i < x; i++ {
sum += i
if you use goroutines like
go sum(100)
go sum(200)
go sum(300)
go sum(400)
will the goroutines run one by one if you only have one thread?
A compilation and tidying of all of creker's comments.
Preemptive means that kernel (runtime) allows threads to run for a specific amount of time and then yields execution to other threads without them doing or knowing anything. In OS kernels that's usually implemented using hardware interrupts. Process can't block entire OS. In cooperative multitasking thread have to explicitly yield execution to others. If it doesn't it could block whole process or even whole machine. That's how Go does it. It has some very specific points where goroutine can yield execution. But if goroutine just executes for {} then it will lock entire process.
However, the quote doesn't mention recent changes in the runtime. fmt.Println(sum) could cause other goroutines to be scheduled as newer runtimes will call scheduler on function calls.
If you don't have any function calls, just some math, then yes, goroutine will lock the thread until it exits or hits something that could yield execution to others. That's why for {} doesn't work in Go. Even worse, it will still lead to process hanging even if GOMAXPROCS > 1 because of how GC works, but in any case you shouldn't depend on that. It's good to understand that stuff but don't count on it. There is even a proposal to insert scheduler calls in loops like yours
The main thing that Go's runtime does is it gives its best to allow everyone to execute and don't starve anyone. How it does that is not specified in the language specification and might change in the future. If the proposal about loops will be implemented then even without function calls switching could occur. At the moment the only thing you should remember is that in some circumstances function calls could cause goroutine to yield execution.
To explain the switching in Akavall's answer, when fmt.Printf is called, the first thing it does is checks whether it needs to grow the stack and calls the scheduler. It MIGHT switch to another goroutine. Whether it will switch depends on the state of other goroutines and exact implementation of the scheduler. Like any scheduler, it probably checks whether there're starving goroutines that should be executed instead. With many iterations function call has greater chance to make a switch because others are starving longer. With few iterations goroutine finishes before starvation happens.
For what its worth it. I can produce a simple example where it is clear that the goroutines are not ran one by one:
package main
import (
func sum_up(name string, count_to int, print_every int, done chan bool) {
my_sum := 0
for i := 0; i < count_to; i++ {
if i % print_every == 0 {
fmt.Printf("%s working on: %d\n", name, i)
my_sum += 1
fmt.Printf("%s: %d\n", name, my_sum)
done <- true
func main() {
done := make(chan bool)
const COUNT_TO = 10000000
const PRINT_EVERY = 1000000
go sum_up("Amy", COUNT_TO, PRINT_EVERY, done)
go sum_up("Brian", COUNT_TO, PRINT_EVERY, done)
<- done
<- done
Amy working on: 7000000
Brian working on: 8000000
Amy working on: 8000000
Amy working on: 9000000
Brian working on: 9000000
Brian: 10000000
Amy: 10000000
Also if I add a function that just does a forever loop, that will block the entire process.
func dumb() {
for {
This blocks at some random point:
go dumb()
go sum_up("Amy", COUNT_TO, PRINT_EVERY, done)
go sum_up("Brian", COUNT_TO, PRINT_EVERY, done)
Well, let's say runtime.GOMAXPROCS is 1. The goroutines run concurrently one at a time. Go's scheduler just gives the upper hand to one of the spawned goroutines for a certain time, then to another, etc until all are finished.
So, you never know which goroutine is running at a given time, that's why you need to synchronize your variables. From your example, it's unlikely that sum(100) will run fully, then sum(200) will run fully, etc
The most probable is that one goroutine will do some iterations, then another will do some, then another again etc.
So, the overall is that they are not sequential, even if there is only one goroutine active at a time (GOMAXPROCS=1).
So, what's the advantage of using goroutines ? Plenty. It means that you can just do an operation in a goroutine because it is not crucial and continue the main program. Imagine an HTTP webserver. Treating each request in a goroutine is convenient because you do not have to care about queueing them and run them sequentially: you let Go's scheduler do the job.
Plus, sometimes goroutines are inactive, because you called time.Sleep, or they are waiting for an event, like receiving something for a channel. Go can see this and just executes other goroutines while some are in those idle states.
I know there are a handful of advantages I didn't present, but I don't know concurrency that much to tell you about them.
Related to your example code, if you add each iteration at the end of a channel, run that on one processor and print the content of the channel, you'll see that there is no context switching between goroutines: Each one runs sequentially after another one is done.
However, it is not a general rule and is not specified in the language. So, you should not rely on these results for drawing general conclusions.
#Akavall Try adding sleep after creating dumb goroutine, goruntime never executes sum_up goroutines.
From that it looks like go runtime spawns next go routines immediately, it might execute sum_up goroutine until go runtime schedules dumb() goroutine to run. Once dumb() is scheduled to run then go runtime won't schedule sum_up goroutines to run, as dumb runs for{}

Why doesn't Go's LockOSThread lock this OS thread?

The documentation for runtime.LockOsThread states:
LockOSThread wires the calling goroutine to its current operating system thread. Until the calling goroutine exits or calls UnlockOSThread, it will always execute in that thread, and no other goroutine can.
But consider this program:
package main
import (
func main() {
go fmt.Println("This shouldn't run")
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
The main goroutine is wired to the one available OS thread set by GOMAXPROCS, so I would expect that the goroutine created on line 3 of main will not run. But instead the program prints This shouldn't run, pauses for 1 second, and quits. Why does this happen?
From the runtime package documentation:
The GOMAXPROCS variable limits the number of operating system threads that can execute user-level Go code simultaneously. There is no limit to the number of threads that can be blocked in system calls on behalf of Go code; those do not count against the GOMAXPROCS limit.
The sleeping thread doesn't count towards the GOMAXPROCS value of 1, so Go is free to have another thread run the fmt.Println goroutine.
Here's a Windows sample that will probably help you understand what's going on. It prints thread IDs on which goroutines are running. Had to use syscall so it works only on Windows. But you can easily port it to other systems.
package main
import (
func main() {
ch := make(chan bool, 0)
go func(){
fmt.Println("2", windows.GetCurrentThreadId())
<- ch
fmt.Println("1", windows.GetCurrentThreadId())
<- ch
I don't use sleep to prevent runtime from spawning another thread for sleeping goroutine. Channel will block and just remove goroutine from running queue. If you execute the code you will see that thread IDs are different. Main goroutine locked one of the threads so the runtime has to spawn another one.
As you already know GOMAXPROCS does not prevent the runtime from spawning more threads. GOMAXPROCS is more about the number of threads that can execute goroutines in parallel. But more threads can be created for goroutines that are waiting for syscall to complete, for example.
If you remove runtime.LockOSThread() you will see that thread IDs are equal. That's because channel read blocks the goroutine and allows the runtime to yield execution to another goroutine without spawning new thread. That's how multiple goroutines can execute concurrently even when GOMAXPROCS is 1.
GOMAXPROCS(1) which causes you to have one ACTIVE M (OS thread) to be present to server the go routines (G).
In your program there are two Go routines, one is main, and the other is fmt.Println. Since main routine is in sleep, M is free to run any go routine, which in this case fmt.Println can run.
That looks like correct behavior to me. From what I understand the LockOSThread() function only ties all future go calls to the single OS thread, it does not sleep or halt the thread ever.
Edit for clarity: the only thing that LockOSThread() does is turn off multithreadding so that all future GO calls happen on a single thread. This is primarily for use with things like graphics API's that require a single thread to work correctly.
Edited again.
If you compare this:
func main() {
//insert long running routine here.
go fmt.Println("This may run almost straight away if tho long routine uses a different thread")
To this:
func main() {
//insert long running routine here.
go fmt.Println("This will only run after the task above has completed")
If we insert a long running routine in the location indicated above then the first block may run almost straight away if the long routine runs on a new thread, but in the second example it will always have to wait for the routine to complete.

Multi-Producer Single-Consumer Lazy Task Execution

I am trying to model a system where there are multiple threads producing data, and a single thread consuming the data. The trick is that I don't want a dedicated thread to consume the data because all of the threads live in a pool. Instead, I want one of the producers to empty the queue when there is work, and yield if another producer is already clearing the queue.
The basic idea is that there is a queue of work, and a lock around the processing. Each producer pushes its payload onto the queue, and then attempts to enter the lock. The attempt is non-blocking and returns either true (the lock was acquired), or false (the lock is held by someone else).
If the lock is acquired, then that thread then processes all of the data in the queue until it is empty (including any new payloads introduced by other producers during processing). Once all of the work has been processed, the thread releases the lock and quits out.
The following is C++ code for the algorithm:
void Process(ITask *task) {
// queue is a thread safe implementation of a regular queue
// crit_sec is some handle to a critical section like object
// try_scoped_lock uses RAII to attempt to acquire the lock in the constructor
// if the lock was acquired, it will release the lock in the
// destructor
try_scoped_lock lock(crit_sec);
// See if this thread won the lottery. Prize is doing all of the dishes
if (!lock.Acquired())
// This thread got the lock, so it needs to do the work
ITask *currTask;
while (queue.try_pop(currTask)) {
... execute task ...
In general this code works fine, and I have never actually witnessed the behavior I am about to describe below, but that implementation makes me feel uneasy. It stands to reason that a race condition is introduced between when the thread exits the while loop and when it releases the critical section.
The whole algorithm relies on the assumption that if the lock is being held, then a thread is servicing the queue.
I am essentially looking for enlightenment on 2 questions:
Am I correct that there is a race condition as described (bonus for other races)
Is there a standard pattern for implementing this mechanism that is performant and doesn't introduce race conditions?
Yes, there is a race condition.
Thread A adds a task, gets the lock, processes itself, then asks for a task from the queue. It is rejected.
Thread B at this point adds a task to the queue. It then attempts to get the lock, and fails, because thread A has the lock. Thread B exits.
Thread A then exits, with the queue non-empty, and nobody processing the task on it.
This will be difficult to find, because that window is relatively narrow. To make it more likely to find, after the while loop introduce a "sleep for 10 seconds". In the calling code, insert a task, wait 5 seconds, then insert a second task. After 10 more seconds, check that both insert tasks are finished, and there is still a task to be processed on the queue.
One way to fix this would be to change try_pop to try_pop_or_unlock, and pass in your lock to it. try_pop_or_unlock then atomically checks for an empty queue, and if so unlocks the lock and returns false.
Another approach is to improve the thread pool. Add a counting semaphore based "consume" task launcher to it.
semaphore_bool bTaskActive;
counting_semaphore counter;
when (counter || !bTaskActive)
if (bTaskActive)
bTaskActive = true
launch_task( process_one_off_queue, when_done( [&]{ bTaskActive=false ) );
When the counting semaphore is active, or when poked by the finished consume task, it launches a consume task if there is no consume task active.
But that is just off the top of my head.
