Setting up a Proxy on Sublime - sublimetext3

I am trying to set up a proxy on sublime to download packages.
I have tried following the steps in the question sublime text 3 package control install
However, I am not clear on where this should be done.
Here are my steps
Open Sublime
Click on Preferences -> Package Settings -> Package Control
Two windows open up with the same file name Package Control.sublime-settings
I am not able to edit the window on the left. I can edit the window on the right
I post in the following into the window on the right with actual proxies
"bootstrapped": true,
"Package Control"
// An HTTP proxy server to use for requests. Not normally used on Windows
// since the system proxy configuration is utilized via WinINet. However,
// if WinINet is not working properly, this will be used by the Urllib
// downloader, which acts as a fallback.
"http_proxy": "",
// An HTTPS proxy server to use for requests - this will inherit from
// http_proxy if it is set to "" or null and http_proxy has a value. You
// can set this to false to prevent inheriting from http_proxy. Not
// normally used on Windows since the system proxy configuration is
// utilized via WinINet. However, if WinINet is not working properly, this
// will be used by the Urllib downloader, which acts as a fallback.
"https_proxy": "",
// Username and password for both http_proxy and https_proxy. May be used
// with WinINet to set credentials for system-level proxy config.
"proxy_username": "",
"proxy_password": "",
When i restart sublime I get the following error and all the updates automatically are commented out
Unexpected trailing characters...
I am a complete newbie to this but any help would be really appreciated

The settings file needs to be valid JSON. That means, among other things, that everything needs to be part of one big array, defined by curly braces {}. Delete lines 10-12:
and it will be valid.


Is editing configuration cause iis recycle?

I saw that in older version, editing configuration cause recycle.
(so we implemented our own library for dynamic config to avoid recycling).
Now I'm writing new core app and I have not seen anywhere that there is recycle, if using built-in configuration (like:
.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, **reloadOnChange: true**)
So, can I use it without expecting any down time?
AFAIK, editing configuration does not cause IIS recycle. One of the reason maybe is that IIS is acting now merely as a reverse proxy and the application itself runs as a separate process using the Kestrel HTTP server (if you use Kestrel).
If you need to catch moment, when configuration has been changed, you can use Configuration Reload Token (Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationReloadToken):
var config = builder.Build();
var token = config.GetReloadToken();
token.RegisterChangeCallback(_ =>
}, null);
But note, the token only fires once, so need have code in the callback to a change token, if needed.

Webpack bundle dynamic client config

We have a node.js app bundled for production using Webpack.
Our problem is how to add dynamic configuration after you already have a bundle, without the need to re-bundle?
On the server-side, we can just use node env variables, but how can this be done for the client bundle? Specifically, we need to tell a browser module to which api server address to connect.
Having a js/json file with the configurations causes the configuration values to be injected into the bundle, and therefore can't be changed afterwards (in a comfortable manner, without open the bundle file and manually finding and replacing).
Using something like express-expose, isn't something we want, since it causes another network request to get the data, and our server address is dynamic.
node-config etc., don't work on client side
You can make creative use of the externals option:
externals: [
{ appConfig: 'var appConfig' },
If you add that to your configuration you can just let your web server add a script tag with var appConfig = {"config":"value"}; somewhere before the loading of your webpack bundle, and a simple require('appConfig') will pick it up.

Can I set extension policies locally from the registry?

I have a Chrome Extension and I added a managed_schema to define a property (SomeSetting) so I can set it via a policy.
"storage": { "managed_schema": "schema.json" }
"properties": { "SomeSetting": { "type": "string" } }
I can see SomeSetting in chrome://policy/ but I have no idea how to set the value. Apparently I can do this at HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\3rdparty\extensions... but I tried and it never is shown as set in chrome://policy/.
Does anyone know if this is suppose to work? Does it have to be HKCU instead? Or do I need Active Directory because setting values locally via the registry is not supported?
I had a hard time figuring this out. The documentation is not all that clear.
In order to get your schema to work you need to add a registry entry for "SomeSetting".
Go to the following item in your registry (create the necessary items):
where aaaaaaaaaaaaaa is your extension ID from chrome://extensions
Right-click on "policy" and create a new string value:
Name: SomeSetting
Data: "some value"
Go back to Chrome and reload chrome://policy/
The new policy should appear.
From your extension, you can access the value like this:"SomeSetting", function(setting_val) {
I'm not sure if this requires Active Directory to work.
It was mentioned in Alternative Extension Distribution Options that:
Google Chrome supports the following extension installation methods:
Using a preferences JSON file (for Mac OS X and Linux only)
Using the Windows registry (for Windows only)
More information regarding other mechanisms on extensions distribution options can be found in the documentation.

Localization file path error when using tap-i18n with meteor

I am running meteor inside a folder, like this
ROOT_URL="http://localhost:3000/registration" meteor
Also, i am using tap:i18n package for internationalisation support. The problem is that tap_i18n doesn't update the url for the localisation files and still makes request to http://localhost:3000/tap-i18n/en-US.json which is not a valid address, and hence throws 404 error. It should make request to http://localhost:3000/registration/tap-i18n/en-US.json. Notice the registration folder that was passed via ROOT_URL while starting meteor.
How can i tell tap_i18n package to honor ROOT_URL?
I've setup a small demo project with some explanations on how to achieve your configuration. Please let me know if you could solve your issue.
How to configure tap:i18n with custom ROOT_URL
Check the configuration, you can set the i18n_files_route parameter
Configuring tap-i18n
To configure tap-i18n add to it a file named project-tap.i18n.
This JSON can have the following properties. All of them are optional.
The values bellow are the defaults.
----------------------------- {
"helper_name": "_",
"supported_languages": null,
"i18n_files_route": "/tap-i18n",
"cdn_path": null
Source link for configuration

How does one set a proxy in lazybones?

I'm behind a firewall and lazybones can't reach its repository without a proxy.
I've searched the source and can't seem to find any reference to a proxy that seems to be relevant.
Support was officially added in version 0.8.1 of Lazybones, albeit via a general mechanism to add arbitrary system properties to the application in its configuration file, ~/.lazybones/config.groovy.
You can read about the details in the project README, but in essence, simply add the following to your config.groovy file:
systemProp {
http {
proxyHost = "localhost"
proxyPort = 8181
https {
proxyHost = "localhost"
proxyPort = 8181
You can use the systemProp. prefix to add any system properties to Lazybones, similar to the way it works in Gradle.
Is that what You're looking for? Basically You need to add some properties to file.
I am using Cygwin on Windows and I have modified the last line of
to say
exec "$JAVACMD" "${JVM_OPTS[#]}" -classpath "$CLASSPATH" "-Dhttp.proxyHost=" "-Dhttp.proxyPort=8888" "-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost|" "$#"
Please note the quotes around the options. It works very well with my local Fiddler installation.
I have found no better way to enable proxy support due to the way the script is using eval. Maybe a more experienced shell script programmer can come up with a more elegant solution.
I was able to get out through the proxy setting the environment settings of
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080
-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="" -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080
unfortunately my environment requires authentication so I couldn't provide the complete proxy this way. I first ran "OWASP Zed Attach Proxy (ZAP)" which allowed me to run a proxy on my own machine (at port 8080) which then provided the complete authentication required.
This was able to then run the complete "lazybones list" command which retrieved the contents of the respositories.
Unfortunately I was not able to create an application from those templates becuase bintray required a login (though an anonymous login would do) and couldn't seem to get an additional level of authentication (I received "Unauthorized" from bintray)
