How can i host gitea instance by Nginx in windows? - gitea

i'm using Gitea on Windows without docker using this Package "gitea-1.17.1-windows-4.0-amd64.exe"
How can I host gitea instance by Nginx or IIS?


Nginx Proxy Manager (Docker) + mail server

im having a server running ubuntu with docker.
I have a docker instance running Nginx Proxy Manager to serve my multiple domains.
I want to run a mail server but since Nginx is using port 443 for HTTPS and 80 for HTTP i cant install any docker image's since they make use of both 80 and 443.
Example its also make use of the same ports.
Any idea how to have a single IP and host both web and mail?

How to run gitlab locally over network

Hello I have setup gitlab over docker and I created a repository then added simple readme file. I am trying to access to the repo from other computers in the same network but I cannot. I setup gitlab to this http://gitlab.local:30080/ url. What should I do to clone repo into other computers and work on local server ?
Where did you specify the dns entry for gitlab.local?
you need some DNS Server which is able to resolve gitlab.local to the IP of the host your docker container is running on.
Did you expose the Port from the container to the Host?
you must published the port from docker container to the one port from host.
after do this, if you use a linux OS add the record like this in /etc/hosts file. gitlab.local
if you use a Windows OS add the record into the C:Windows\System32\drivers\etc HostFile
now you can access gitlab with this urlon the any network computer that edit host file an add record above:
notice: the firewall must be off or add firewall-rule for gitlab and port on any computer that you use

How to setup Nginix Docker Reverse proxy

I am trying to use Nginix reverse proxy container for my web application(another docker container) which runs on non standard port ,
unfortunately I cannot edit my web application container as its developed by some vendor , so I have a plain request that I need to setup nginx as frontend with 80/443 and forward all requests to app container).
I had tried jwilder/nginx proxy and default docker nginx container not able to get the right configurtaion .any lead would be great.
At the moment I haven't shared any conf files , I can share it on demand. here is the environment details
OS - Ubuntu
Use proxy_pass nginx feature
Assuming you have both containers linked and the web app container's name is webapp use this configuration on nginx container
upstream backend {
server webapp:10101;
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend;
NOTE: please note that I am skipping some configurations as this is just an example
Put the configuration in nginx.conf file and then deploy the container like this
docker run -d -v $(pwd)/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf -p 80:80 nginx
Then you'll be able to access your webapp on http://locahost

How deploy PHP Application in WebApp for containers

I have a containerised PHP application (Symfony) in a PHP-FPM container. Currently we expose this website with a Nginx Server as reverse proxy and connecting via fastcgi to this PHP-FPM container.
Do someone how I can bring this PHP-FPM container to Web App for Containers Azure Service?
Do I need to included an WebServer to my container to publish the website? (something like Apache+mod_php?)
I believe should be someway to connect the Azure WebServer to my container.
You're only allowed 1 image, so you'll have to add a webserver to your existing PHP-FPM container. You've already got all of the nginx configs I assume, so try installing nginx in your PHP-FPM container.

nginx service won't start after reboot AWS Linux server

A few weeks ago I configured an ec2 server on AWS and database is on RDS and I use nginx as web server. When i reboot server from the AWS console my nginx wont restart automatically. I did this using service nginx start command.
Is there any way to configure nginx server, So it restarted when i reboot my ec2 instance
You may configure nginx to start automatically on system boot using below command.
#chkconfig nginx on
Once you run above command, nginx will be always started whenever system boots.
You may check , if service is configured to start automaticaly on system boot using below command.
# chkconfig nginx --list
You may disable service auto start using below command
# chkconfig nginx off
