GrammarCells not found by Standalone IDE build script - mps

What’s the right way to add a third-party dependency to the build file?
I’m trying to build a standalone IDE for a language that uses grammarcells as dependency, but I get an error saying that the dependency cannot be found during the build process.
cannot find used language in dependencies: com.mbeddr.mpsutil.grammarcells
The error only occurs for the Build Solution, in the language solution, I can use grammarcells without issues.
Grammarcells is loaded into my IDE
It is also in my Solution for the Standalone IDE
And model
However I get the same error every time I try to build the project
Any idea how to solve this problem?

To solve the problem, I did the following two steps:
First, I added to your build model.
Second, I added de.itemis.mps.extensions to the list of dependencies in my build script
Finally, Re-Build :)
Thanks to #arimer from the MPS slack channel for helping me to solve the problem.


How do I build Nim library packages

I've created a nimble library package as per the documentation. When I try to build it using nimble build I get the following error.
Error: Nothing to build. Did you specify a module to build using the bin key in your .nimble file?
I can do this and it does fix the error but according to the documentation adding the bin key to the .nimble file turns my package into a binary package.
Other things I have tried:
Use nimble install: This does not appear to verify that my code will actually compile and will happily install anything to the local package directory (I added a C# class to my .nim file, for example, and it was successfully installed).
Use nimble c: This works but I have to pass in the path to the nim file I want to compile and the binDir entry in the .nimble file is ignored resulting in the output being placed in the same directory as the file being built. This complicates the development cycle because I have to manually clean up after the compiler.
Use the compiler directly. This is pretty much the same as the previous option with the same flaws.
I guess I could also create a separate .nim file and import my library after it is installed but this is a big overhead for just wanting to verify that a package in the early stages of development will actually compile.
I just want to be able to verify that the source code in my library package is syntactically correct and will compile. How is this meant to be done for library packages?
From your provided link to the nimble package manager documentation I have the feeling that
is what you are looking for. But I have never used the test command, so I am not sure. I do my test manually still, I read the nimble docs maybe 4 years ago and can not really remember. And currently there is much package manager related work going on, I heard there is a new, alternative package manager called nimph, and from a forum thread I think I read something that nimble is going to change and improve also. Maybe you should consider subscribing to the Nim forum, that is the place where the bright Nim devs are. Well, at least a few of them.

No backends were found

I am trying to run runner class in Intelli J idea but getting this error message
cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: No backends were found. Please make sure you have a backend module on your CLASSPATH.
I spend lots of time but I don't know how this will work?
Usually the reason for this is that you are using several cucumber dependencies with different versions.
Make sure that all your cucumber dependencies are using the same version number. You can find which dependencies you need in the installation docs

Languages under plugin are not getting deployed to MPS

I have built and added some new plugins to MPS and when I am trying to use them I am getting the following error "The language is not deployed ''"
Anybody faced the similar problem and have a solution can help me?
MPS Version used: 2017.1.2
JDK: 1.8
Do you mean language plugins or other? If Yes can you find sources of your plugin (ctrl+alt+shift+S opens find module popup)? If there is no sources then plugin wasn't loaded. If you can find sources then probably some of language dependencies is not found (if any module in MPS has broken dependency then it won't be deployed). May be you build plugin with language, but didn't include it's runtime module.
This issue is a bug in MPS which is logged in youtrack as below:
Layout node for plugin places all modules of a group under a single folder. If there's a devkit among the modules, only devkits are loaded (, and other modules are ignored.
Unless we've got devkits deployed as regular modules, not simple files, MPS could place these devkit files separately when deploying a module as a workaround.
This problem is resolved and available with commit # 2edca430f054c908eb7606bad8ac6af46e0a7352

Android Studio xmlns Error Debugging

I'm getting the following error compiling a program using a 3rd party library:
Error:(xx) No resource identifier found for attribute 'tint' in package 'com.example.mycompany.myapp'
The line xx is inside the xml layout that includes a custom component defined in the library.
The xml namespace documentation says I need the following:
Here's my best guess as to the problem, but if you think otherwise please let me know, this is a guess.
I suspect I don't have the library installed completely. The reason is that the library instructions want the library installed from maven. I'm not up on this technique, but it appears to be a web based auto install that automates dependency installs while performing the primary install. Nice idea, but I can't install using the web (long story), so I included the .aar file locally.
From my research, installing .aar files locally won't look at its dependencies. If this is true and the "tint" property is defined in a dependency, then this would explain the error I'm seeing.
Is there a way to follow the error chain in more detail so I can verify my theory? Along the way, will this help me find the name of the possible missing dependencies so I can see if including them fixes the problem.

Spring-boot-devtools not restarted when change groovy-files

In my project I work with spring-boot and groovy. Also I using spring-boot-devtool. This is a good tool that helps me.
But, when I change groovy-files, server not restarted, I have to change other files
Like a IDE I use a IDEA. The project assembled and tested with the command
gradle bootRun
Has anyone experienced this and found a solution?
In my case pattern !?*.groovy was absent in Resource patterns in Compiler settings
Try with <CTRL+F9>
I am using Spring Boot 1.3.0-RELEASE with groovy only.
Maybe this auto-generated demo project may help you to compare what went wrong with your project, using Sring CLI (installed via SDKMAN):
run in command line: spring init --dependencies=devtools,web --type=gradle-project --language=groovy example
Import to IDEA
run gradle bootRun
change source and hit <CTRL+F9>
