Terraform file path is not being resolved when using {path.cwd} - terraform

I have been trying to fix what seems to be a path resolving issue while running Terraform. The issue I notice is, the ${path.cwd} is resolving to /terraform path and not the actual path in which the .tf files and the output.tf files exist. I have tried hardcoding the path, but, what I see error related to the file not being available in that path as well. How to list out all the files in path.cwd to help with debugging if it is possible? What could be causing this?
output {
value = templatefile {
"${path.cwd}/somefile.yml" {
x = a.b.c.something.id,
y = c.v.b.something.id


Terraform, Archive failed due to missing directory

I have been working on Terraform using AzureDevOps before that I developed tf files using VS code and everything worked fine when try to move files from VS code to Azure DevOps , getting issue on Archive source file path it unable to find the directory, searched every where but unable to resolve this,
Path which was working fine on VS code was “…/Folder name” using same path in Azure DevOps as I have upload completed folder that I have build in VS code but it always get failed when try to archive files as it un-able to find the directory.
[Code Block DevOps]
terraform {
required_providers {
azurerm = {
source = "hashicorp/azurerm"
# Root module should specify the maximum provider version
# The ~> operator is a convenient shorthand for allowing only patch releases within a specific minor release.
version = "~>2.11"
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
#skip_provider_registration = true
locals {
location = "uksouth"
data "archive_file" "file_function_app" {
type = "zip"
source_dir = "../BlobToBlobTransferPackage"
output_path = "blobtoblobtransfer-app.zip"
module "windows_consumption" {
source = "./modules/fa"
archive_file = data.archive_file.file_function_app
output "windows_consumption_hostname" {
value = module.windows_consumption.function_app_default_hostname
Image of VS Code where everything is working fine:
Image of DevOps where getting Missing Directory Error:
Folder Structure that is working fine with VS code
It was due to path which is fixed now,

How to read variables from CSV in terraform

I am having a CSV file with few values.
I want to read that values into variables in terraform.
I have used giving locals with file path . But it shows path not found. How can I read variables from CSV in terraform.
I am having my git structure like below.
where Key_vault folder is having my terraform codes.And adf_confg is having my csv file.
my main.tf is like this.
I am getting error: Invalid value for "path" parameter: no file exists at ./adf_config/datasets.csv; this function works only with files that
│ are distributed as part of the configuration source code, so if this file will be created by a resource in this
│ configuration you must instead obtain this result from an attribute of that resource
If your Terraform module is in the Key_Vault directory and your CSV file is in adf_config then the path from the Terraform module to the CSV file must start with ../ to traverse to the parent directory.
I would also typically suggest using path.module to be explicit that we're writing a path relative to the current module, although when your module is the root module it doesn't really make any difference because path.module will always be . (the current directory) in that case. Using path.module can help with refactoring this configuration into a child module later though, since it will already be clear what this path is relative to.
locals {
datasets = csvdecode(file("${path.module}/../adf_config/datasets.csv"))

How to indicate custom configuration files for terragrunt modules?

I am trying to build Terragrunt script for deploying the infrastructure to Microsoft Azure cloud. Things are working fairly well but I am not able to figure out one thing.
The structure of setup looks something like this:
Each module is configured using Terraform autoload tfvars feature with config.auto.tfvars.json. What I would like is to have these files outside of the directory structure and somehow instruct Terragrunt to apply correct external configuration file to correct submodule.
Any ideas?
I solved this in the following manner:
Define environment variable you plan on using which should contain location to the configuration files. Make sure it is not clashing with anything existing. In this example we will use TGR_CFGDIR. In the external configuration module place the module configuration files and make sure they are properly named. Each file should be named as the module and end with .auto.tfvars.json. So if your module is named foo you should have config file foo.auto.tfvars.json. Change your terragrunt modules (terragrunt.hcl) to have these statements:
locals {
moduleconfig = get_env("TGR_CFGDIR")
modulename = basename(get_terragrunt_dir())
generate "configuration" {
path = "config.auto.tfvars.json"
if_exists = "overwrite"
disable_signature = true
contents = file("${local.moduleconfig}/${local.modulename}.auto.tfvars.json")
And finally call terragrunt cli like this:
TGR_CFGDIR="<configdir>" terragrunt "<somecommand>"

Referencing Lambda Source Files in Sibling Directory using Terraform

I am attempting to deploy a Lambda function using Terraform, where my source files are in a different directory adjacent to where I have my Terraform files. I want to have Terraform do the zipping of the source files for me and deploy them into the Lambda. Terraform doesn't seem to want to recognize that my files are there, though.
My directory structure:
I want it to package everything in function_source directory (there is only one file there now, but may be more later) and drop it into the deployment directory.
My Terraform:
data "archive_file" "lambda_zip" {
type = "zip"
output_path = "../function.zip"
source_dir = "../../function_source/"
resource "aws_lambda_function" "my_lambda" {
filename = "${data.archive_file.lambda_zip.output_path}"
function_name = "my-function"
role = "${aws_iam_role.lambda_role.arn}"
handler = "function.handler"
runtime = "python3.7"
When I run this, though, I get the error message data.archive_file.lambda_zip: data.archive_file.lambda_zip: error archiving directory: could not archive missing directory: ../../function_source/
I have tried using absolute paths without success (which wouldn't be a good solution anyway). I have also tried creating the .zip file manually and hardcoding its directly in Lambda declaration, but it only works if I put the .zip file in my terraform directory. It seems Terraform can only see files in its own directory or below, but I'd rather not co-mingle my source files there. Is there a way to do this?
I am using Terraform v0.12.4

How to generate files based on puppet array contents?

I'd like to be able to create files based on the contents of an array. Here is what I have tried:
class make_files (
$servers = ['server-1','server-2','server-3'],
) {
file { $servers :
path => '/tmp',
content => $servers,
... but when I execute this like so ...
# puppet apply --modulepath=/root/modules -e 'include make_files'
... I get this output:
Notice: Compiled catalog for host-001 in environment production in 0.13 seconds
Error: Cannot alias File[server-2] to ["/tmp"] at /root/modules/make_files/manifests/init.pp:9; resource ["File", "/tmp"] already declared at /root/modules/make_files/manifests/init.pp:9
I was hoping to have three files ...
# ls /tmp/server-?
/tmp/server-1 /tmp/server-2 /tmp/server-3
# cat /tmp/server-?
It would really be cool if someone could tell me how to get the files to be named: server-1.cfg, server-2.cfg and server-3.cfg.
Any help is appreciated thanks!
First of all you already defined resource File['/tmp'], in init.pp file.
This is the main cause of the problem you got:
Error: Cannot alias File[server-2] to ["/tmp"] at /root/modules/make_files/manifests/init.pp:9; resource ["File", "/tmp"] already declared at /root/modules/make_files/manifests/init.pp:9
Please check the meaning of the path attribute. Maybe this will clarify the problem.
$files_to_create = ['/path/server-1','/path/server-2','/path/server-3']
and then use it:
file { $files_to_create :
content => $servers,
Please also be sure that /path directory already exist in the filesystem. So far puppet is not able to create intermediate directories.
