Can you read a CSV file as one column? - python-3.x

I know this sounds silly, but is it possible to read a CSV file containing multiple columns and combine all the data into one column? Let's say I have a CSV file with 6 columns and they have different delimiters. Is it possible to read these files, but spit out the first 100 rows into one column, without specifying a delimiter? My understanding is that this isn't possible if using pandas.
I don't know if this helps, but to add context to my question, I'm trying to use Treeview from Tkinter to display the first 100 rows of a CSV file. The Treeview window should display this data as 1 column if a delimiter isn't specified. Otherwise, it will automatically split the data based on a delimiter from the user input.
This is the data I have:
This should be the result:

Pandas isn't the only way to read a CSV file. There is also the built in csv module in the python standard lib as well as the basic builtin function open that will work just as well. Both of these methods can generate single rows of data like your question indicates.
Using open function
filepath = "/path/to/file.csv"
with open(filepath, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
header = next(fd)
for row in fd:
# .... do something with row data
# row will be a string of all the data for a single row.
# example: "Information,44775.4541667,MicrosoftWindowsSecurity,16384..."
# then you can break at any time you want to stop reading.
or using the csv module:
import csv
reader = csv.reader(open("/path/to/file.csv", "rt", encoding="utf8"), delimeter=',')
header = next(reader)
for row in reader:
# this time the row will be a list split by the delimiter which
# by default is a comma but you can change it in the call to the reader

you can use
open('file.csv') as f: data=list(f.readlines())
to read file line by line

As other answers have explained, you can use various ways to read first n-lines of text from a file. But if you insist on using pandas then there is a trick you can use.
Find a character which will never appear in your text and use it as dummy delimiter to read_csv(), so that all text will be read as one column. Use nrows parameter to control number of lines to read:
pd.read_csv("myfile.csv", sep="~", nrows=100)


Specify rows to read in from excel using pd.read_excel

I have a large excel file and want to select specific rows (not continuous block) and columns to read in. With columns this is easy, is there a way to do this for rows? or do I need to read in everything and then delete all the rows I don't want?
Consider an excel file with structure
,Vegetation ,,,,,,,
I want to take the headers from row 3 and then read in some of the rows and columns.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_excel("filename.xlsx", skiprows = 2, usecols = "A:C,F:I", userows = "4:6,13,17:19")
Importantly, this is not a block that can be described by say [A3:C10] or the like.
The userows option does not exist. I know I can skip rows at the top, and at the bottom - so presumably can make lots of data frames and knit them together. But is there a simple way to just read in what you need once? My workaround is to just create lots of excel spreadsheets that just have what I need for different data frames, but this leaves things very open to me making a mistake I can't find.

Problem when importing table from pdf to python using tabula

When importing data from pdf using tabula with Python, in some cases, I obtain two or more columns merged in one. It does not happen with all the files obtained from the same pdf.
In this case, this is the code used to read the pdf:
from tabula import wrapper
tables = wrapper.read_pdf("933884 cco Saupa 1.pdf",multiple_tables=True,pages='all')
for table in tables:
For example, when I print the first item of the dataframe obtained from one of these excel files, named "output_pd":
print (output_pd[0][1])
I obtain:
76) 858000015903708 77) 858000013641969 78)
The five numbers are in a single column, so I cannot treat them individually.
Is it possible to improve the data handling in these cases?
You could try manually editing the data in excel. If you use text to columns under the data tab in excel it allows you to split one column into multiple columns without too much work, but you would need to do it for every excel file which could be a pain.
Iterating in each item of each column of each dataframe in the list obtained with tabula
in this case
it is possible to obtain clean data.
In this case:
prueba =[]
i = 0
for table in tables:
for columna in table.columns:
for item in (str(table[columna]).split(" ")):
if "858" in str(item):
print (prueba[0:5])
result in:
['858000019596025', '858000015903707', '858000013641975', '858000000610864', '858000013428853']
does not read the whole initial pdf. 2 values are left in the last page. So, it is still neccesary to manually make a little edit.

Writing pandas data frame to csv but no space between columns- sep'\t' argument is ignored in Python 3

I have a problem and found many related questions asked here and read them all, but still can`t solve it. So far I didn't get any answer.
I have two files one is .csv and the other is .xlsx. They have a different number of rows and columns. I would like to merge these two according to filenames. Very simplified the two files look like as follows;
The csv file;
the excel file;
First i converted them to panda data frame;
import pandas as pd
import csv,xlrd
df1 = pd.read_csv('mycsv.csv')
df2=pd.read_excel(myexcel.xlsx', sheetname=0)
To merge the two files on the same column I remove the white space in column names in df2 using the first line below and, then I merge them and print the merged data frame in csv file.
df2.columns=df2.columns.str.replace(' ', '')
df=pd.merge(df1, df2, on="filename")
df.to_csv('myfolder \\merged_file.csv', sep="\t ")
When I check my folder, I see merged_file.csv exists but when I opened it there is no space between columns and values. I want to see nice normal csv or excel look, like my example files above. Just to make sure I tried everything, I also converted the Excel file to a csv file and then merged two csv but still merged data is written without spaces. Again, the above files are very simplified, but my real merged data look like this;
Finally, figured it out. I am putting the answer here just in case if anyone else also manages the same mistake as me. Just remove the sep="\t" and use below line instead;
df.to_csv('myfolder \\merged_file.csv')
Just realized the two csv files were comma separated and using tab delimiter for merge didn`t work.

how to search a text file in python 3

I have this text file that has lists in it. How would I search for that individual list? I have tried using loops to find it, but every time it gives me an error since I don't know what to search for.
I tried using a if statement to find it but it returns -1.
thanks for the help
I was doing research on this last night. You can use pandas for this. See here: Load data from txt with pandas. One of the answers talks about list in text files.
You can use:
data = pd.read_csv('output_list.txt', sep=" ", header=None)
data.columns = ["Name", "b", "c", "etc."]
Add sep=" " in your code, leaving a blank space between the quotes. So pandas can detect spaces between values and sort in columns. Data columns isenter code here for naming your columns.
With a JSON or XML format, text files become more searchable. In my research I’ve decided to go with an XML approach. Here is the link to a blog that explains how do use Python with XML:
If you want to search the data frame try:
import pandas as pd
txt_file = 'C:\path\to\your\txtfile.txt'
df = pd.read_table(txt_file, sep = ",")
row = df.loc[df['Name'] == 'bob']
Now depending how your text file is formated, your results will not work for every text file. The idea of a dataframe in pandas helps u create a CSV file formats. This giving the process a repeatable structure to enable testing results. Again I recommend using a JSON or XML format before implementing pandas data frames in ur solution. U can then create a consistent result, that is testable too!

Transforming one row into many rows using Spark

I'm trying to use Spark to turn one row into many rows. My goal is something like a SQL UNPIVOT.
I have a pipe delimited text file that is 360GB, compressed (gzip). It has over 1,620 columns. Here's the basic layout:
There are over 800 of these property name/value fields. There are roughly 280 million rows. The file is in an S3 bucket.
The users want me to unpivot the data. For example:
This is my first time using Spark. I'm struggling to figure out a good way to do this.
What is a good way to do this in Spark?
The idea is to generate a list of lines from each input line as you have shown. This will give an RDD of lists of lines. Then use flatMap to get an RDD of individual lines:
If your file is loaded in as rdd1, then the following should give you what you want:
where the function for processing lines is defined as:
def break_out(line):
# split line into individual fields/values
# get the values for the line
# field names for the line
# first value is primary key
# get list of field values, pipe delimited
return(["|".join((primary_key, keys[i], vals[i+1])) for i in range(len(keys))])
You may need some additional code to deal with header lines etc, but this should work.
