Synthetic control method when treatment has an overflow effect on control group - economics

Can I use a synthetic control method in the following settings:
Treatment on one aggregate unit causes some of the individuals in
that aggregate unit to migrate to the control unit
The individuals in the control unit are cognizant of the treatment
and react to the treatment within the control unit
How would I go about modeling this situation? Some examples of what I'm thinking:
Tobacco ban in say, Florida, causes a subset of the Florida population to move to the control states, leading to a rise in tobacco-related health problems in the control units
Tobacco ban in Florida causes the individuals in the control unit to react negatively (may be get outraged) and smoke more and increase health problems there
I'll be very grateful if anyone can point out to papers that consider similar situations and how to deal with them. Thanks!


Is an actor always a stakeholder in a UseCase diagram?

This is a question confused me for a rather long time.
For the definition of stakehoder, I can understand that a stakeholder is not always an actor. For example, to build a nuclear power station, the National Nuclear Safety Administration may be a stakeholder, but it does not interact with the station, so it's not an actor.
But on the other hand, is an actor always a stakeholder?
Consider this: we build a underground cable system, and some rat bite the cable. In usecase analysis, I would like to model the rat as an actor, but it is definitely not a stakeholder of this system.
Well, the rat has an interest in not being electrocuted. So, it is a stakeholder. The question is, how important you consider it to be. Probably not so much.
Also, you would not analyse the use case "satisfy hunger for cables". Rather you should analyse how to "protect cable against rat bites". Both are valid use cases, but I assume, that you don‘t want your system to be used in the first way and therefore you should not model it. The second one is only a use case, if your system shall have functions to drive off rats.
The UML doesn‘t say much about how to describe use cases. I always recommend to describe them from the viewpoint of the stakeholder for whom the result is of value.
In short
Yes, every actor is always stakeholder. But not every stakeholder is an actor.
Some more thoughts:
First definition
In the UML specifications, there is no definition of stakeholders. But it is said that:
[A use case] specifies a set of behaviors performed by that subject [i.e. the system], which yields an observable result that is of value for Actors or other stakeholders of the subject.
This wording also suggests that actors are stakeholders: if they weren't, the word "other" wouldn't be needed.
By the way, this clearly eliminates the rat from the suspected actors, since the cabling system is not supposed to produce results of value for rats. And the result that could be observed on the rats is not of value for the other stakeholders.
How are stakeholders related to use cases?
Many systems produce an observable result that is of value for the actor interacting with the system: the actor benefits of cash after a withdrawal, the actor could achieve a task with the system, etc...
But the value is not always for the actor. If you walk through a body scanner at the airport, as a user you might not fully value the results of being scanned yourself. But the airport, the airline, homeland and security, and the other passengers may very well value the result of the use case. This shows that not all stakeholders who have interest in a system, are necessarily users.
Second definition
As strange as it may sound, the SWEBOK does not define the stakeholder either. They just enumerate some examples, such as users, customers, regulators etc. ISO 21500 does also have a definition by example.
Moreover, we must keep in mind that the interest of a stakeholder is not only the own benefit, but could be the opposite. If your neighbor installs a video surveillance system with a camera that captures the entry of your house, you're neither the customer, nor the user, but you will probably be a stakeholder perceiving a threat for your right to privacy.
A popular definition is therefore the PMI's:
An individual, group or organization that may affect, be affected or perceive itself to be affected by a decision, activity or outcome of a project, programme or portfolio.
We can cross check that according to this definition that all actors are stakeholders, since they will be affected by the future system.
And the rats?
Rats are in principle not actors of an underground cabling system, as the system is not build for providing them value nor to involve them to provide value to other stakeholders. Rats could be considered as stakeholders if we'd extend the concept to animals: they may be affected or think to be affected by all this cables. Bust most probably, they are simply a source of malfunctions in the system's environment.
This reminds me a story that an old system engineer told me 30 years ago, and that happened to him at the begin of his career, probably another 30 years before. It was on his first bigger computing project, a large electromechanical computer designed to compute the payroll of a large organisation. For some reasons, there were some mistakes every month, but never the same. After months of (expensive) debugging, they found out that some rats indeed have eaten the hull of some cables in the floor space under the very large computer, and if a rat by chance walked on the wires at the wrong moment, it closed random circuits that were supposed to stay open. A more modern version of the first bug?

Bounded Context per jurisdiction with similar business process but slight variances in domain language and Entity attributes

How would you handle a domain that shares much of the same business logic, but has slight variances in both the domain language and attributes of entities. These variances change by "region".
A fictitious example is a Real Estate System for managing residential Real Estate. The language used can vary slightly between State/Province, and attributes about the Real Estate can be more detailed in some States. There would be an Office in each State/Province managing the Real Estate for that "region".
Would you create a separate Bounded Context for each State/Province? So there would potentially be 50+ Bounded Contexts?
Would you create a single Bounded Context, and just handle the variances of language, and data through object inheritance or composition?
Let me start off by saying that I don't think there's a silver bullet here. As always it all depends on different factors. That's way my reaction is not a concrete idea but rather a set of consideration you and your team could take into account on the path to a decision.
If I would be asked to define a bounded context I would say that it is the setting where a word has a certain meaning or connotation. If we can agree one the above statement then one would immediately be tempted to create a bounded context per region or setting.
That is, if the benefit you gain from having all those context contributes to the comprehensibility of the codebase. But if the context you are creating are really thin or you pay a heavy technical maintenance costs of having all those contexts I would strongly advise against going for multiple contexts.
I'm not certain but I feel that in your case one word will have the same meaning in each context only the word used will be different in each context. Whereas normally the same word used in different contexts has a different meaning.
I hope that this all makes sense and it helps you figure out your issue.
I reached out to Vaughn Vernon, one of the leaders in the area of DDD and I thought I would share his response (summarized by me).
Based on the limited information and examples I provided he brought up these points:
Metadata driven design would be more effective and efficient. Meaning, each "region" would have metadata to drive its flows, and data
Look at the State Pattern to drive regional situations
Look at the concept of DCI for ideas, but limit your attempts at actual DCI implementations as it can increase complexity of the code

UML use case diagram - depicting relationships correctly?

I wondered if anyone could let me know whether this diagram is approximately correct?
I am depicting a database booking system and am very confused about the relationships between some of these use cases. I am fairly sure that I should include them on the same diagram but unsure whether some of my actors (Vet / Nurse) should be on the right hand side because they are kind of end-users whilst also being first users (sorry can't recall the term).
So when you modeling a Use case diagram, you have to realize that you can only approach for describe the functional requirements of the system.
Your system is treated as a blackbox-that is, dealing with what the system does in response to the actor's inputs, not the internals of how it does it. And use case always starts with an input from an actor.
Before modeling a diagram, you have to identify actors(Primary, Secondary), use cases & use case relationships. Actors are who or what initiates events involved in the task of the use case. Actors are simply roles that people pre objects play.
According to your problem,
A dog owner calls the clinic to make an appointment for a yearly
checkup. The nurse finds the nearest empty time slot in
appointment book and schedules the appointment for that time slot.
in here you can see that two people, dog owner and nurse involving the scenario, but the actual actor who interacts with the system is the nurse.
And the use case is a summary of scenarios for a single task or goal. So, you can see that Nurse is Making the appointment for the dog owner.
So to finally, you have to identify what are the relationships. simply relationships are representing communication between actor and use case or dependencies between use cases.
Dependencies between use cases can be defined by using include & extend relationships.
Include is using for determine to identify common sequences of interactions in several use cases. (Can be extracted and reused)
& extend is using for model alternative paths that a use case might have.And you have to keep in mind that base use case doesn't depend on the extension use case

UML Assignment Doubts

I have a small UML assignment due Monday; it doesn't seem too complicated, and I'm not asking this site to solve it for me -- I'm just asking for clarification over a couple doubts of mine.
I'm just telling parts of the assignment because its content is probably not so relevant.
We're provided a basic use case where the actors "officer" (e.g. police officer) communicates with the actor "correspondent" in order to report an emergency. The use case is expressed in the form:
Use case name: Report emergency
Participating actors: Officer, correspondent
Flow of events: ...
Preconditions: ...
Postconditions: ...
Then we're given three scenarios that "refine" the use case. I say "refine" because they turn it upside-down: they involve team leaders, respondents, incident handling -- nothing that was even mentioned in the flow of events described by the very basic use case given.
On top of these scenarios we're given ten "events" (i.e. they basically chunk the three scenarios into ten easily recognizable sentences). The assignment asks us to make one collaboration diagram for each of these events.
I know that collaboration diagrams describe the behaviour of the system, i.e. how the different parts of the systems interact with each other. So I thought that, even with these "creative" scenarios given, I could make something out of them. But then this part comes:
"Collaboration diagrams should make use of controller, boundary, domain objects and other new fabricated software objects (e.g. data structure components) necessary to completely handle each event."
And then:
"Your assignment will be evaluated in terms of the quality of your design (i.e. modularity: low coupling, high cohesion)"
My questions are:
1) Are scenarios supposed to present so much new information compared to the basic use case?
2) Do I just have to draw ten simple collaboration diagrams? Using which classes?
3) Why are things like low coupling, high cohesion, domain objects, mentioned? What do they have to do with all of this?
1) A scenario is a detailed description of a use case. There can be several scenarios based on constraints. The use case itself just describes the sunny day scenario in a condensed format. The meat is in the scenarios.
2) Classes related to the UC can be extracted when going through the scenario. You will find text parts that tell certain functions need to be performed. Take these classes and place them in the collaboration diagram and connect them with the right message.
3) These are general design rules. Low coupling/high cohesion means good design (and vice versa). The domain objects are those which are in the center of the system and the sum of all use cases will deal with the sum of all domain objects.

DDD/CQRS for composite .NET app with multiple databases

I'll admit that I am still quite a newbie with DDD and even more so with CQRS. I also realize that DDD and/or CQRS might not be the right approach to every problem. Nevertheless, I like the principals but have some questions in the context of a current project.
The solution is a simulator that generates performance data based on the current configuration. Administrators can create and modify the specifications for simulations. Testers set some environmental conditions and run the simulator. The results are captured, aggregated and reported.
The solution consists of 3 component areas each with their own use-cases, domain logic and supporting data structure. As a result, a modular designed seems appealing as a way to segregate logic and separate concerns.
The first area would be the administrative aspect which allows users to create and modify the specifications. This would be a CRUD heavy 'module'.
The second area would be for executing the simulations. The domain model would be similar to the first area but optimized for executing the simulation as opposed to providing a convenient model for editing.
The third area is reporting.
From this I believe that I have three Bounding Contexts, yes? I have three clear entry points into the application, three sets of domain logic and three different data models to support the domain logic.
My first instinct is to follow these lines and create three modules (assemblies) that encapsulate the domain layer for each area. Should I also have three separate databases? Maybe more than three to support write versus read?
I gather this may be preferred for CQRS but am not sure how to go about it. It appears to me that CQRS suggests a set of back-end processes that move data around. But if that's the case, and data persistence is cross-cutting (as DDD suggests), then doesn't my data access code need awareness of all of the domain objects? If so, then is there a benefit to having separate modules?
Finally, something I failed to mention earlier is that specifications are considered 'drafts' until published, which makes then available for simulation. My PublishingService needs to have knowledge of the domain model for both the first and second areas so that when it responds to the SpecificationPublishedEvent, it can read the specification, translate the model and persist it for execution. This makes me think I don't have three bounding contexts after all. Or am I missing something in my analysis?
You may have a modular UI for this, but I don't see three separate domains in what you are describing necessarily.
First off, in CQRS reporting is not directly a domain model concern, it is a facet of the separated Read Model which takes on the responsibility of presenting the domain state optimized for reporting.
Second just because you have different things happening in the domain is not necessarily a reason to bound them away from each other. I'd take a read through the blue DDD book to get a bit better feel for what BCs look like.
I don't really understand your domain well enough but I'll try to give some general suggestions.
Start with where you talked about your PublishingService. I see a Specification aggregate root which takes a few commands that probably look like CreateNewSpecification, UpdateSpecification and PublishSpecification.
The events look similar and probably feel redundant: SpecificationCreated, SpecificationUpdated, SpecificationPublished. Which kind of sucks but a CRUD heavy model doesn't have very interesting behaviors. I'd also suggest finding an automated way to deal with model/schema changes on this aggregate which will be tedious if you don't use code generation, or handle the changes in a dynamic *emphasized text*way that doesn't require you to build new events each time.
Also you might just consider not using event sourcing for such an aggregate root since it is so CRUD heavy.
The second thing you describe seems to be about starting a simulation which will run based on a Specification and produce data during that simulation (I assume). An event driven architecture makes sense here to decouple updating the reporting data from the process that is producing the data. This has huge benefits if you are producing large amounts of data to process.
However it doesn't sound like a Simulation is necessarily the kind of AR that would benefit from Event Sourcing either. For a couple reasons:
Simulation really takes only one Command which is something like StartSimulation
Simulation then produces events over it's life-time which represent what is happening internally with the simulation
Simulation doesn't seem to ever receive any other Commands that could depend on the current state of the Simulation
Simulation is not interacted with by multiple clients/users simultaneously and as we pointed out it isn't really interacted with at all
In general, domain modeling is very specific to each individual project so it's hard to give you all the information you need to build your domain model. It will come as a result of spending a great deal of time trying to understand your user's needs and the problem they are trying to solve with the software. It likely will go through multiple refinements as you develop insights into their process.
