Can someone explain to me why Phing cannot read the xml file under Windows wsl2 access using PHPStorm
I have created a new application by Visual Studio 2019. When I was creating the project, I ticked the Docker Support checkbox and selected Windows for my docker. After a while, I decided to change my docker from Windows to Linux as I have some other software on Linux container and every time I need to switch. I did some research and I found out if I change the server URL inside the DockerFile, I can change it to Linux. By doing it I encounter this error: Your Docker server host is configured for 'Linux', however the project targets 'Windows'
Then I opened the Cs proj file and change the windows to Linux and now I see: Unable to copy file obj\debug\netcoreapp2.1\xxxx.dll to bin\debug\netcoreapp2.1\xxxx.dll. Access to the path bin\debug\netcoreapp2.1\xxxx.dll is denied.
I reverted the change but I still see the same error.
Edit your .csproj file in a text editor like notepad++
You should see DockerDefaultTargetOS tag, and it should read Windows
Change that to Linux
update your dockerfile, replace the base instruction by this line
"FROM AS base"
do the same with build instruction: FROM AS build
update your csproj tag DockerDefaultTargetOS to point to linux
I'm running a Linux subsystem with an Ubuntu terminal inside Windows 10 - I wanted to make use of the functionalities of both operating systems without partitions or virtual machines.
In an Ubuntu terminal on Linux, I use the command 'code .' to open up the VS Code IDE but it doesn't seem to work when the terminal is part of a subsystem on Windows.
I can open up the IDE from Windows 10 and set my path into the Linux system but I remember reading some guidance that it's okay to save files from the Linux onto the Windows side but not vice versa.
Any solutions are much appreciated, thanks in advance!
If you wish to invoke windows binaries from WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) like for the example you want to run visual-studio-code, you can do so by setting your visual-code's installation directory into your %PATH% system variable and invoking it using this way
$ [application-name].exe notice the .exe is important.
And this interoperability is added in the Fall Creator Update of windows.
You can follow this documentation from Microsoft for more help.
I have a ubuntu machine in the same network with my windows laptop. I have a Pycharm Community Edition in my windows machine. I want to use the Pycharm in my windows machine to write Python Scripts which I want to run in Python interpreter present in Ubuntu machine. I am having difficulties installing Samba, as a linux newbie. I get the error that says samba.conf not present.Is there any other alternatives?
Don't bother with Samba. You can configure PyCharm to directly upload changed files to a remote server. I.e., when you save locally on your Windows workstation, it can automatically ftp/sftp the file to a pre-configured location on your remote server. See configuration instructions here:
I used this when I set up my LAMP machine a few years ago:
I have a problem with VSCode and my virtual network drive.
The drive is a SFTP drive mounted with Expandrive 5.0.15.
The problem appeared when i try to open a folder with VSCode but not when i open a single file.
So I don't know what is the problem but there is an error with Node, I guest...
Does someone have an idea ?
Maybe an encoding problem ?
The SFTP server running on Ubuntu and I'm on Windows 10.
I'm trying to follow this guide. I'm running on a 32bit Ubuntu installation.
I'm confused by this part: export CCPREFIX=/path/to/your/compiler/binary/prefix-of-binary-. I've looked through the tools folder I downloaded from github and can't find any binary files. Does anybody know what file the guide is referring to?
The link that you are following gives an example of how to do this. At the top of the document it says CCPREFIX=/home/me/tools/arm-bcm2708/arm-bcm2708-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-bcm2708-linux-gnueabi-
In other words, if you cloned into the home directory then there would be a tools directory there and you should have the same path as the example.