Rename multiple files with python - python-3.x

I'm trying to create a program to rename multiple files at once. This would be through Python, and I realize I'm recreating the wheel but I'm trying to understand what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Program.......
import os
path = "LOCATION"
dir_list = os.listdir(path)
myList = []
for x in dir_list:
if x.endswith(".mp3"):
f1 = x.split("-")
ln1 = f1[0] # Band Name
ln2 = f1[1] # Album Title
ln3 = f1[2] # Track number
ln4 = f1[3] # Song Name
newname = x.join(ln2 + ln3)
os.rename(x, newname)

Your error:
line 14, in <module> os.rename(x, newname) -> FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified:
...Is likely due to the path not being included in your os.rename() call, I suggest changing os.rename(x, newname) to os.rename(path + x, path + newname) which will solve that issue.
I also noticed some funky behavior with the way you were grabbing the song information, so if you have any further issues, here's the code I used to debug your original issue which seems to have the result you're going for:
import os
path = "C:\\Users\\Pepe\\Documents\\StackOverflow\\73430533\\"
dir_list = os.listdir(path)
for x in dir_list:
if x.endswith(".mp3"):
# I ignore the ".mp3" to keep the file names clean
nameDetails = x.split('.mp3')[0].split('-')
bandName = nameDetails[0]
albumTitle = nameDetails[1]
trackNumber = nameDetails[2]
songName = nameDetails[3]
newName = f"{albumName} | {trackName}.mp3"
print(f"Renaming \"{x}\" to \"{newName}\"")
os.rename(path + x, path + newName)


".DS" meaning in python

I know It's probably a very silly question, but could someone please tell me what's the meaning of ".DS" in the following function?? does it has a special python meaning or is it only used in this project and it's my bad that I didn't get it?
def load_paired_img_wrd(folder, word_vectors, use_word_vectors=True):
class_names = [fold for fold in os.listdir(folder) if ".DS" not in fold]
image_list = []
labels_list = []
paths_list = []
for cl in class_names:
splits = cl.split("_")
if use_word_vectors:
vectors = np.array([word_vectors[split] if split in word_vectors else np.zeros(shape=300) for split in splits])
class_vector = np.mean(vectors, axis=0)
subfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(folder + "/" + cl) if ".DS" not in f]
for subf in subfiles:
full_path = os.path.join(folder, cl, subf)
img = image.load_img(full_path, target_size=(224, 224))
x_raw = image.img_to_array(img)
x_expand = np.expand_dims(x_raw, axis=0)
x = preprocess_input(x_expand)
if use_word_vectors:
img_data = np.array(image_list)
img_data = np.rollaxis(img_data, 1, 0)
img_data = img_data[0]
return img_data, np.array(labels_list), paths_list
this is probably trying to filter out the junk .DS_Store files that appear on macos
The file .DS_Store is created in any directory (folder) accessed by the Finder application
That's a text value. It could as easily have been "BS" or "Foo!" and the code would operate in the same way.
In this case, the program is looking to see if there are files with the string ".DS" in them, and removing them from a list.

Python 3.x | FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory | writing .csv from .xlxs

I was working on a file converting function for a xlxs -> csv format. I was able to make the function work when I specified the exact file, but I'm running into issues when I try to iterate the process over a dir folder. Below is the code:
def ExceltoCSV(excel_file, csv_file_base_path):
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(excel_file)
## get the worksheet names
for sheet_name in workbook.sheet_names():
print('processing - ' + sheet_name)
## extract the data from each worksheet
worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_name)
## create a new csv file, with the name being the original Excel worksheet name; tidied up a bit replacing spaces and dashes
csv_file_full_path = csv_file_base_path + sheet_name.lower().replace(" - ", "_").replace(" ","_") + '.csv'
csvfile = open(csv_file_full_path, 'w')
## write into the new csv file, one row at a time
writetocsv = csv.writer(csvfile, quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL)
for rownum in range(worksheet.nrows):
list(x.encode('utf-8') if type(x) == type(u'') else x for x in worksheet.row_values(rownum)
print(sheet_name + ' has been saved at - ' + csv_file_full_path)
## Paths as strings
p = r'//Network/TestingFolder/'
nf_p = r'//Network/TestingFolder/CSV_Only/'
## directory reference
directory = r'//Network/TestingFolder/' # for os.listdir() function below
file_list = []
## for iterating over directory and spitting out the paths for each file { to be used in conjunction
with ExceltoCSV() }
for filename in os.listdir(directory):
if filename.endswith(".xlsx"): # or filename.endswith(".csv")
file_path = os.path.join(directory, filename)
for paths in file_list:
ExceltoCSV(paths, nf_p)
My error is occurring with the line >> csvfile = open(csv_file_full_path, 'w')
Error is: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Automation via python

Completely new to python so forgive me if this a dumb question.
Part of my working tasks is to upgrade the IOS on various Cisco routers and switches.
The most mind numbing part of this is comparing the pre change config with the post change config.
I use ExamDiff for this but with up to 100 devices each night this gets soul destroying.
Is it possible to get python to open ExamDiff and automatically compare the pre and post checks, saving the differences to a file for each device?
I know I can use the import os command to open ExamDiff but I have no idea how to get ExamDiff to work
Can someone point me in the right direction?
I got this..........
Works pretty well
import os
path = input("Enter the files location: ")
def nexus():
rootdir = path + os.sep
filelist = os.listdir(rootdir)
if filelist:
for file in filelist:
if 'pre' in file:
prefile = file
postfile = file.replace('pre', 'post')
resultfile = file.replace('pre', 'report')
if postfile in filelist:
prefile = rootdir + prefile
postfile = rootdir + postfile
resultfile = rootdir + resultfile
compare(prefile, postfile, resultfile)
print('No corresponding "post"-file to {0}.'.format(prefile))
print('No files found.')
def compare(file1loc, file2loc, comparefileloc):
with open(file1loc, 'r') as file1:
file1lines = file1.readlines()
file1lines = [x.strip() for x in file1lines] # getting rid of whitespace and breaks
with open(file2loc, 'r') as file2:
file2lines = file2.readlines()
file2lines = [x.strip() for x in file2lines] # getting rid of whitespace and breaks
with open(comparefileloc, 'w') as comparefile:
comparefile.write('===== IN FILE 1 BUT NOT FILE 2 =====\r\n')
for file1line in file1lines:
if not file1line in file2lines:
comparefile.write(file1line + '\r\n')
comparefile.write('===== IN FILE 2 BUT NOT FILE 1 =====\r\n')
for file2line in file2lines:
if not file2line in file1lines:
comparefile.write(file2line + '\r\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':

Change order in filenames in a folder

I need to rename a bunch of files in a specific folder. They all end with date and time, like for example "hello 2019-05-22 1310.txt" and I want the date and time for each file to be first so I can sort them. With my code I get an error and it wont find my dir where all files are located. What is wrong with the code?
import os
import re
import shutil
dir_path = r'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Testfiles'
comp = re.compile(r'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}')
for file in os.listdir(dir_path):
if '.' in file:
index = [i for i, v in enumerate(file,0) if v=='.'][-1]
name = file[:index]
ext = file[index+1:]
name = file
data = comp.findall(name)
if len(data)!=0:
date= comp.findall(name)[0]
rest_name = ' '.join(comp.split(name)).strip()
new_name = '{} {}{}'.format(date,rest_name,'.'+ext)
print('changing {} to {}'.format(name, new_name))
shutil.move(os.path.join(dir_path,name), os.path.join(dir_path, new_name))
print('file {} is not change'.format(name))

how to repeat a script in another code with another input data

I am newbie in python I wrote a code that in this I load a txt file and I get my result in another txt file, and I want to repeat this code for other txt files that I have all of them in same folder. I want to load almost 300 txt files and do this, but I don't know how do that. thanks
dat = np.loadtxt('test1.txt')
x = dat[:, 0]
y = dat[:, 2]
peak = LorentzianModel()
constant = ConstantModel()
pars = peak.guess(y, x=x)
pars.update( constant.make_params())
mod = peak + constant, pars, x=x)
comps = out.eval_components(x=x)
writer = (out.fit_report(min_correl=0.25))
path = '/Users/dellcity/Desktop/'
filename = 'output.txt'
with open(path + filename, 'wt') as f:
you need to define a function that gets the filename as a parameter and in the main part of your programm create a loop in which you find all files which you want to load and then call the function, e.g.:
import os
def myFunction(filename):
dat = np.loadtxt(filename)
x = dat[:, 0]
y = dat[:, 2]
peak = LorentzianModel()
constant = ConstantModel()
pars = peak.guess(y, x=x)
pars.update( constant.make_params())
mod = peak + constant, pars, x=x)
comps = out.eval_components(x=x)
writer = (out.fit_report(min_correl=0.25))
path = '/Users/dellcity/Desktop/'
filename = 'output.txt'
# open in mode a = append
with open(path + filename, 'at') as f:
# the parameter of os.listdir is the path to your file,
# change to the path of your data files
for filename in os.listdir('.'):
if filename.endswith(".txt"):
