Date loop overflow - excel

I have two dates, both in a named cell.
Range("NewStartDate").Value = 24/07/2022 and Range("FinishDate").Value = 31/12/2023
I need all columns to have heading which is a date 7 days after previous column, i.e.
A1 is NewStartDate, B1 is NewStartDate+7, C1 is NewStartDate + 7*2, etc. and it will end once we reach the FinishDate.
I created this loop
Sub FillInDates()
Dim i as Integer, d as Date, x as Date
Range("NewStartDate").Value = "24/07/2022"
Range("FinishDate").Value = "31/12/2023"
d = Range("NewStartDate").Value
i = 1
Do While x < FinishDate
Range("NewStartDate").Offset(0, i).Value = DateSerial(Year(d), Month(d), Day(d) + (7*i)
x = Range("NewStartDate").Offset(0, i).Value
i = i + 1
End Sub
It fills in the following column with the correct next week, however it never stops and I get an overflow error. Why is it not able to stop once we get past end date??

I can't reproduce your error but I can recommend using arrays instead of interacting with the spreadsheet one cell at a time - it is much faster.
Your code could look like this:
Sub FillInDates()
Dim StartDate As Date
Dim FinishDate As Date
StartDate = Range("NewStartDate")
FinishDate = Range("FinishDate")
Dim i As Long
Dim DateArray As Variant
ReDim DateArray(1 To 1, 1 To Int((FinishDate - StartDate) / 7)) As Variant
For i = 1 To UBound(DateArray, 2)
DateArray(1, i) = StartDate + i * 7
Next i
Range("NewStartDate").Offset(0, 1).Resize(1, UBound(DateArray, 2)) = DateArray
End Sub

Create a Sequence Using a Dictionary
Since things are not all clear (to me), I've produced this little investigation.
The named ranges (cells) are named ranges of workbook scope in the workbook containing this code (ThisWorkbook).
The worksheet to be written to is the active sheet which can be a worksheet in another workbook.
It looks preferable to use a For...Next loop with Step to loop over the range of the dates.
Since the results are unique, I've pretended that I don't know how to calculate the number of the resulting dates and chose to write them to the keys of a dictionary which conveniently are already 'stored' in a 1D array (one row) for easy copying to the worksheet.
Option Explicit
Sub FillInDates()
' Reference the source workbook ('swb'), the workbook containing
' the named ranges (cells).
Dim swb As Workbook: Set swb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
' Attempt to reference the active sheet ('dsh').
Dim dsh As Object: Set dsh = ActiveSheet
' Validate the active sheet.
If dsh Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No visible workbooks open.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
' Check if the active sheet is a worksheet, the destination worksheet.
If dsh.Type <> xlWorksheet Then
MsgBox "No worksheet selected.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
' If the active workbook is not the workbook containing this code,
' reference it ('dwb') and activate the workbook containing this code
' ('swb') to be able to use the workbook-scope named ranges (cells).
Dim dwb As Workbook
If Not swb Is ActiveWorkbook Then
Set dwb = ActiveWorkbook
End If
' Just an example, this doesn't belong in the code.
Range("NewStartDate").Value = #12/31/2023#
Range("FinishDate").Value = #7/24/2022#
' Validate the contents of the named ranges (cells)
' and write them (the dates) to variables ('nDate','fDate')
Dim cValue As Variant
cValue = Range("NewStartDate").Value
If Not IsDate(cValue) Then
MsgBox "'" & CStr(cValue) & "' is not a date.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Dim nDate As Date: nDate = cValue
cValue = Range("FinishDate").Value
If Not IsDate(cValue) Then
MsgBox "'" & CStr(cValue) & "' is not a date.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Dim fDate As Date: fDate = cValue
If nDate > fDate Then
MsgBox "The new start date (" & CStr(nDate) _
& ") is greater than the finish date (" & CStr(fDate) & ").", _
Exit Sub
End If
' If it was not the workbook containing this code,
' activate the initially active workbook, the destination workbook.
If Not dwb Is Nothing Then dwb.Activate
' Write the dates to the 'keys' of a dictionary ('dict').
Dim dict As Object: Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim d As Date
For d = nDate To fDate Step 7
dict(d) = Empty
Next d
' Write the dates from the dictionary to the destination worksheet.
Dim cc As Long: cc = dict.Count
' Reference the destination range.
With dsh.Range("A1").Resize(, cc)
' Write the values from the 'keys' of the dictionary
' to the destination range.
.Value = dict.keys
' Format copied data.
.Font.Bold = True
' Clear to the right.
With .Resize(, dsh.Columns.Count - .Column - cc + 1).Offset(, cc)
.ColumnWidth = 8.43
End With
End With
' Inform.
MsgBox "Dates filled in.", vbInformation
End Sub


Create new sheets based on dynamic values in certain column

Given a range of values in column B, for example - we only have 2 values from B4 to B5, where 12 is in B4 and 99 is in B5.
For each value(we call it product code) in column B (here they are 12 and 99), I want to:
create a duplicate of the existing sheet "Order", and replace the cell which is named "Symbol"(C2) with the product code (the value in the collection)
name the new sheet with the value (product code) in the cell
Trick: The number of values is dynamic, where it definitely starts with B4, but might end with any value in column B
For the code, I am thinking the logic should be:
##(1) get the range of values in column B starting from B4 (which is dynamic)
##(2) loop through all values in the column, create a sheet for each and change its name to the product
However, I am not sure
(1) how to get the values within a column and maybe store them in a collection to facilitate 2nd step?
(2) maybe I can do something like below for the 2nd step:
Dim SourceSheet As Object
Set SourceSheet = ActiveSheet
SourceSheet.Copy After:=SourceSheet
Dim NewSheet As Object
Set NewSheet = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SourceSheet.Index + 1)
NewSheet.Name = "InputName"
On Error GoTo 0
But here we need to do it for each item in the collection we have generated in step 1, and name it according to the item value (product code in the collection).
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
Add Worksheets
Option Explicit
Sub CreateOrders()
' Define constants.
Const PROC_TITLE As String = "Create Orders"
Const DATA_SHEET_NAME As String = "Sheet1" ' adjust!
Const DATA_FIRST_CELL As String = "B4"
Const SOURCE_SHEET_NAME As String = "Order"
Const DST_CELL As String = "C2"
' Reference the workbook.
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
' Reference the data range.
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = wb.Sheets(DATA_SHEET_NAME)
If ws.AutoFilterMode Then ws.AutoFilterMode = False
Dim rg As Range, rCount As Long
With ws.Range(DATA_FIRST_CELL)
Dim lCell As Range: Set lCell = .Resize(ws.Rows.Count - .Row + 1) _
.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , , xlPrevious)
If lCell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No product IDs found.", vbExclamation, PROC_TITLE
Exit Sub
End If
rCount = lCell.Row - .Row + 1
Set rg = .Resize(rCount)
End With
' Write the values from the data range to an array.
Dim Data() As Variant
If rCount = 1 Then
ReDim Data(1 To 1, 1 To 1): Data(1, 1) = rg.Value
Data = rg.Value
End If
' Write the unique values from the array to a dictionary.
Dim dict As Object: Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
Dim r As Long, rString As String
For r = 1 To rCount
rString = CStr(Data(r, 1))
If Len(rString) > 0 Then ' not blank
dict(rString) = Empty
End If
Next r
If dict.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "The product ID column is blank.", vbExclamation, PROC_TITLE
Exit Sub
End If
' Reference the source worksheet.
Dim sws As Worksheet: Set sws = wb.Sheets(SOURCE_SHEET_NAME)
' Create orders.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim dsh As Object, rKey As Variant, oCount As Long, ErrNum As Long
For Each rKey In dict.Keys
' Check if the order exists.
On Error Resume Next ' defer error trapping
Set dsh = wb.Sheets(rKey)
On Error GoTo 0 ' turn off error trapping
' Create order.
If dsh Is Nothing Then ' the order doesn't exist
sws.Copy After:=wb.Sheets(wb.Sheets.Count) ' copy as last sheet
Set dsh = wb.Sheets(wb.Sheets.Count) ' reference the new last sheet
On Error Resume Next ' defer error trapping
dsh.Name = rKey ' rename
ErrNum = Err.Number
On Error GoTo 0 ' turn off error trapping
If ErrNum = 0 Then ' valid sheet name
dsh.Range(DST_CELL).Value = rKey ' write to the cell
oCount = oCount + 1
Else ' invalid sheet name
Application.DisplayAlerts = False ' delete without confirmation
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
'Else ' the order exists; do nothing
End If
Set dsh = Nothing ' reset for the next iteration
Next rKey
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
' Inform.
Select Case oCount
Case 0: MsgBox "No new orders.", vbExclamation, PROC_TITLE
Case 1: MsgBox "One new order created.", vbInformation, PROC_TITLE
Case Else: MsgBox oCount & " new orders created.", _
vbInformation, PROC_TITLE
End Select
End Sub

Insert numbered cells + row based on cell value

I have managed to insert rows based on cell value for instance if A1 cell is 20, I run the macro, 20 rows appear under A1, those rows are blank right, I need the 20 new cells below A1 to be number 1 to 20 ( the number in A1) let me know if possible.
Cheers Adrien
Try this:
Sub counter()
Dim i as integer
for i = 2 to cells(1, 1) + 1
cells(i, 1) = i - 1
next i
End Sub
Insert an Integer Sequence Below a Cell
A Basic Example For the Active Sheet
Note that this doesn't insert rows, it just writes the integer sequence to the cells below A1.
Sub IntegersBelow()
With Range("A1")
.Resize(.Value).Offset(1).Value _
= .Worksheet.Evaluate("ROW(1:" & CStr(.Value) & ")")
End With
End Sub
Applied to Your Actual Use Case
Adjust the values in the constants section.
Sub InsertIntegersBelow()
' Use constants to change their values in one place instead
' of searching for them in the code (each may be used multiple times).
Const wsName As String = "Sheet1"
Const fRow As Long = 3
Const Col As String = "E"
' Reference the workbook ('wb').
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing the code
' Reference the worksheet ('ws').
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = wb.Worksheets(wsName)
' Calculate the last row ('lRow'),
' the row of the last non-empty cell in the column.
Dim lRow As Long: lRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, Col).End(xlUp).Row
' Validate the last row.
If lRow < fRow Then
MsgBox "No data in column range.", vbInformation
Exit Sub
End If
Dim cCell As Range ' Current Cell
Dim cValue As Variant ' Current Cell Value
Dim r As Long ' Current Row
For r = lRow To fRow Step -1 ' loop backwards
Set cCell = ws.Cells(r, Col) ' reference the current cell...
cValue = cCell.Value ' ... and write its value to a variable
If VarType(cValue) = vbDouble Then ' is a number
cValue = CLng(cValue) ' ensure whole number
If cValue > 0 Then ' greater than 0
' Insert the rows.
cCell.Offset(1).Resize(cValue) _
.EntireRow.Insert xlShiftDown, xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
With cCell.Offset(1).Resize(cValue)
' Write the values.
.Value = ws.Evaluate("ROW(1:" & cValue & ")")
' Apply formatting.
.Font.Bold = True
End With
'Else ' less than or equal to zero; do nothing
End If
'Else ' is not a number
End If
Next r
MsgBox "Rows inserted.", vbInformation
End Sub

Excel file crashes and closes when I run the code, but results of the code who when I reopen the file

I am copying data under columns with matching headers between the source sheet and the destination sheet. Both the sheets are in the same excel file but they need to have a clarification number.
For example, one of the columns in the destination sheet has the the clarification number QM6754 and the row of data of QM6754. The source sheet also has the clarification number column but I dont want to copy it, I want to copy the other data in the row of this specific clarification number to the destination sheet that in one of its columns. this way the data isn't copied randomly and the entire row from each sheet relate to each other.
The code I used shows results(I modified it) but when I run it, the excel file shows (not responding) for about 3-4 minutes and then shutsdown or leaves a blank Excel sheet and VBA window. I close the excel file and reopen it and the data has been copied. The file is quite large and I have three pushbuttons that run this code for each sheet I want to copy data from. Three sheets with average of 3k-6k rows. But I cannot eliminate the rows.
The code runs but I would like to optimize of the way it runs because it isn't practical to run, close file and then open file again. Could the issue be with the For loop?
Sub CopyColumnData()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim myworksheet As Variant
Dim workbookname As String
Dim i As Integer ' Counter
Dim j As Integer ' Counter
Dim colsSrc As Integer ' PR Report: Source worksheet columns
Dim colsDest As Integer ' Open PR Data: Destination worksheet columns
Dim rowsSrc As Long ' Source worksheet rows
Dim WsSrc As Worksheet ' Source worksheet
Dim WsDest As Worksheet ' Destination worksheet
Dim ws1PRRow As Long, ws1EndRow As Long, ws2PRRow As Long, ws2EndRow As Long
Dim searchKey As String, foundKey As String
workbookname = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
myworksheet = "Sheet 1 copied Data"
' Source worksheet: Previous Report
Set WsSrc = wb.Worksheets(myworksheet)
Workbooks(workbookname).Sheets("Main Sheet").Activate
' Destination worksheet: Master Sheet
Set WsDest = Workbooks(workbookname).Sheets("Main Sheet")
'Adjust incase of change in column in both sheets
ws1ORNum = "K" 'Clarification Number
ws2ORNum = "K" 'Clarification Number
' Setting first and last row for the columns in both sheets
ws1PRRow = 3 'The row we want to start processing first
ws1EndRow = WsSrc.UsedRange.Rows(WsSrc.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row
ws2PRRow = 3 'The row we want to start search first
ws2EndRow = WsDest.UsedRange.Rows(WsDest.UsedRange.Rows.Count).Row
For i = ws1PRRow To ws1EndRow ' first and last row
searchKey = WsSrc.Range(ws1ORNum & i)
'if we have a non blank search term then iterate through possible matches
If (searchKey <> "") Then
For j = ws2PRRow To ws2EndRow ' first and last row
foundKey = WsDest.Range(ws2ORNum & j)
' Copy result if there is a match between PR number and line in both sheets
If (searchKey = foundKey) Then
' Copying data where the rows match
WsDest.Range("AI" & j).Value = WsSrc.Range("A" & i).Value
WsDest.Range("AJ" & j).Value = WsSrc.Range("B" & i).Value
WsDest.Range("AK" & j).Value = WsSrc.Range("C" & i).Value
WsDest.Range("AL" & j).Value = WsSrc.Range("D" & i).Value
WsDest.Range("AM" & j).Value = WsSrc.Range("E" & i).Value
WsDest.Range("AN" & j).Value = WsSrc.Range("F" & i).Value
WsDest.Range("AO" & j).Value = WsSrc.Range("G" & i).Value
WsDest.Range("AP" & j).Value = WsSrc.Range("H" & i).Value
Exit For
End If
End If
'Close Initial PR Report file
'Pushbuttons are placed in Summary sheet
'position to Instruction worksheet
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 1
End Sub
To increase the speed and reliability, you will want to handle the copy/paste via array transfer instead of the Range.Copy method. Given your existing code, here's how a solution that should work for you:
Sub CopyColumnData()
'Source data info
Const sSrcSheet As String = "Sheet 1 copied Data"
Const sSrcClarCol As String = "K"
Const lSrcPRRow As Long = 3
'Destination data info
Const sDstSheet As String = "Main Sheet"
Const sDstClarCol As String = "K"
Const lDstPRRow As Long = 3
'Set variables based on source and destination
On Error Resume Next
Dim wbSrc As Workbook: Set wbSrc = ThisWorkbook
Dim wsSrc As Worksheet: Set wsSrc = wbSrc.Worksheets(sSrcSheet)
Dim wbDst As Workbook: Set wbDst = ActiveWorkbook
Dim wsDst As Worksheet: Set wsDst = wbDst.Worksheets(sDstSheet)
On Error GoTo 0
'Verify source and destination were found
If wsSrc Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Worksheet """ & sSrcSheet & """ not found in " & wbSrc.Name
Exit Sub
End If
If wsDst Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Worksheet """ & sDstSheet & """ not found in " & wbDst.Name
Exit Sub
End If
'Setup variables to handle Clarification Number matching and data transfer via array
Dim hDstClarNums As Object: Set hDstClarNums = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'Clarification Number Matching
'Load Source data into array
Dim rSrcData As Range: Set rSrcData = wsSrc.Range(sSrcClarCol & lSrcPRRow, wsSrc.Cells(wsSrc.Rows.Count, sSrcClarCol).End(xlUp))
Dim aSrcClarNums() As Variant: aSrcClarNums = rSrcData.Value
Dim aSrcData() As Variant: aSrcData = Intersect(rSrcData.EntireRow, wsSrc.Columns("A:H")).Value 'Transfer data from columns A:H
'Prepare dest data array
Dim rDstData As Range: Set rDstData = wsDst.Range(sDstClarCol & lDstPRRow, wsDst.Cells(wsDst.Rows.Count, sDstClarCol).End(xlUp))
Dim aDstClarNums() As Variant: aDstClarNums = rDstData.Value
Dim aDstData() As Variant: aDstData = Intersect(rDstData.EntireRow, wsDst.Columns("AI:AP")).Value 'Destination will be into columns AI:AP
'Use dictionary to perform Clarification Number matching
Dim vClarNum As Variant
For Each vClarNum In aDstClarNums
If Not hDstClarNums.Exists(vClarNum) Then hDstClarNums.Add vClarNum, hDstClarNums.Count + 1
Next vClarNum
'Transfer data from source to destination using arrays
Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(aSrcClarNums, 1)
For j = 1 To UBound(aSrcData, 2)
If hDstClarNums.Exists(aSrcClarNums(i, 1)) Then aDstData(hDstClarNums(aSrcClarNums(i, 1)), j) = aSrcData(i, j)
Next j
Next i
'Output to destination
Intersect(rDstData.EntireRow, wsDst.Columns("AI:AP")).Value = aDstData
'Save and close source workbook (uncomment next line if this is necessary)
'wbSrc.Close SaveChanges:=True
'Activate summary sheet, cell A1 in destination workbook (uncomment these lines if this is necessary)
End Sub

Excel Auto Change Sheet Name Based On Cells VBA

We have a workbook that needed to have the sheets change names every month and I decided to automate it for other employees. So after some research I found the best way to do it was to reference the names of cells. I needed it to start running on the 4th sheet and run through the second last sheet. I found some VBA code and edited it until I got to this point:
Sub RenameSheet()
Dim ShCnt As Integer 'count of sheets in workbook
Dim myarray() As String 'array of new worksheet names
Dim Month() As String 'mystery variable -- not used in this code
Dim i As Integer 'loop counter
Dim Lrow As Integer 'number of new worksheet names.
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SETUP").Select 'select the sheet that has the list of new names
Lrow = Range("T1").End(xlDown).Row 'get range that contains new worksheet names
ShCnt = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count 'get number of worksheets in the workbook
ReDim myarray(1 To Lrow) 'resize array to match the number of new worksheet names
For i = 1 To UBound(myarray) 'loop through array of new sheet names
myarray(i) = Range("T" & i).Value 'insert new sheet name into array
Debug.Print Range("T" & i).Value 'show the new worksheet name in 'the Immediate window to be able to check that we're getting what we want
Next i 'end of loop
For i = 4 To ShCnt - 1 'loop through array of existing worksheets
Sheets(i).Name = myarray(i) 'rename each worksheet with the matching name from myarray
Next i 'end of loop
MsgBox "Sheets name has changed successfully" 'report success
End Sub
My issue is that I need the 4th sheet to start with the value in cell "T2". I have figured out that this section of code changed the starting point:
For i = 1 To UBound(myarray)
myarray(i) = Range("T" & i).Value
Debug.Print Range("T" & i).Value
Next i
When I replaced myarray(i) = Range("T" & i).Value with myarray(i) = Range("T2" & i).Value it started on cell T24 for some reason (which may have to do with the placement of my button?) and myarray(i) = Range("T" + 1 & i).Value doesn't work.
I also tried changing the For i = 1 To UBound(myarray) to For i = 2 To UBound(myarray) and that didn't work either.
Can someone please help me figure out how to get it so that the information in cell T2 ends up on the 4th sheet and goes from there? Thank you very much in advance.
I would suggest loop through worksheets in the workbook and use the loop counter to index into the range of names in column T:
Sub RenameSheet()
Dim ShCnt As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim ws_setup As Worksheet
Set ws_setup = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("SETUP")
ShCnt = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
Const start_ws_index = 4
For i = start_ws_index To ShCnt - 1
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(i).Name = _
ws_setup.Range("t2").Offset(i - start_ws_index, 0).Value
Next i
End Sub
Rename Sheets From List
In the current setup, it is assumed that the list is contiguous (no blanks), has at least two entries, and starts in cell T2, and that the 4th sheet is the first to be renamed.
The Code
Option Explicit
Sub renameSheets()
' Constants
Const wsName As String = "SETUP"
Const FirstCell As String = "T2"
Const FirstSheetIndex As Long = 4
' Workbook
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ThisWorkbook ' workbook containing this code
' Array (at least two names)
Dim SheetNames As Variant
With wb.Worksheets(wsName)
SheetNames = .Range(FirstCell, .Range(FirstCell).End(xlDown))
End With
' Rename
Dim shOffset As Long: shOffset = FirstSheetIndex - 1
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(SheetNames, 1)
wb.Sheets(i + shOffset).Name = SheetNames(i, 1)
Next i
' Inform
MsgBox "Sheet names changed successfully", vbInformation
End Sub

To extract certain location cell values from mutiple worksheets in Excel along with worksheet name

I have encountered a problem during my work.
There are over one hundred worksheets in my excel, and I would like to extract values from certain location (I25:K25, I50:K50, I95:K95) along with the worksheet name on the beside for every worksheet.
I would like to have these extracted values pasted on a new worksheet.
Does anyone know if there is any excel formula or excel macro I could use to achieve the goal?
I'm not proficient with formulas, but it would certainly be doable with VBA.
Look into For Each..Next loops, which I think you should use to go through all sheets.
Next, the .Name property will extract the sheet's name for you. You can save this to a variable and fill a cell with.
Getting values from one cell to another is as easy as
.Sheets(1).Range("A1:B1").Value = .Sheets(2).Range("A1:B1").Value
Note that SO is not a free code writing service, so I won't go as far as writing the entire procedure for you. If you have some code but encounter problems, come back to us.
Useful links:
looping through sheets
Copying cell values
Workbook and -sheet objects
This code loop all sheets except sheet called Results, code sheet name in column A and range values in columns B:D.
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Dim ws As Worksheet, wsResults As Worksheet
Dim Lastrow As Long
With ThisWorkbook
Set wsResults = .Worksheets("Results")
For Each ws In .Worksheets
If ws.Name <> "Results" Then
Lastrow = wsResults.Cells(wsResults.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
wsResults.Range("A" & Lastrow + 1 & ":A" & Lastrow + 3).Value = ws.Name
ws.Range("I25:K25").Copy wsResults.Range("B" & Lastrow + 1)
ws.Range("I50:K50").Copy wsResults.Range("B" & Lastrow + 2)
ws.Range("I95:K95").Copy wsResults.Range("B" & Lastrow + 3)
End If
Next ws
End With
End Sub
Ranges to New Master Worksheet
Adjust the values in the constants (Const) section to fit your
The code will only affect the workbook containing it.
The code will delete a possible existing worksheet named after
cTarget, but will only read from all other worksheets. Then it will
create a worksheet named after cTarget and write the read data to it.
To run the code, go to the Developer tab and click Macros and
click RangesToNewMasterWorksheet.
Sub RangesToNewMasterWorksheet()
' List of Source Row Range Addresses
Const cRowRanges As String = "I25:K25, I50:K50, I95:K95"
Const cTarget As String = "Result" ' Target Worksheet Name
Const cHead1 As String = "ID" ' 1st Column Header
Const cHead2 As String = "Name" ' 2nd Column Header
Const cHead As Long = 2 ' Number of First Header Columns
Const cRange As String = "Rng" ' Range (Area) String
Const cColumn As String = "C" ' Column String
Const cFirstCell As String = "A1" ' Target First Cell Range Address
Dim wb As Workbook ' Source/Target Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet ' Current Source/Target Worksheet
Dim rng As Range ' Current Source/Target Range
Dim vntT As Variant ' Target Array
Dim vntA As Variant ' Areas Array
Dim vntR As Variant ' Range Array
Dim NoA As Long ' Number of Areas
Dim NocA As Long ' Number of Area Columns (in Target Array)
Dim i As Long ' Area Counter
Dim j As Long ' Area Column Counter
Dim k As Long ' Target Array Row Counter
Dim m As Long ' Target Array Column Counter
' Speed Up.
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With
' Create a reference to ThisWorkbook i.e. the workbook containing this code.
Set wb = ThisWorkbook
' Task: Delete a possibly existing instance of Target Worksheet.
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
' Handle unexpected error.
On Error GoTo UnExpected
' Task: Calculate size of Target Array.
' Create a reference to the 1st worksheet. (Note: Not sheet.)
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
Exit For
' Create a reference to the Source Row Range (in 1st worksheet.
Set rng = ws.Range(cRowRanges)
With rng
NoA = .Areas.Count
ReDim vntA(1 To NoA)
' Calculate Number of Area Columns (NocA).
For i = 1 To NoA
With .Areas(i)
' Write number of columns of current Area (i) to Areas Array.
vntA(i) = .Columns.Count
NocA = NocA + vntA(i)
End With
End With
' Resize Target Array.
' Rows: Number of worksheets + 1 for headers.
' Columns: Number of First Header Columns + Number of Area Columns.
ReDim vntT(1 To wb.Worksheets.Count + 1, 1 To cHead + NocA)
' Task: Write 'Head' (headers) to Target Array.
vntT(1, 1) = cHead1
vntT(1, 2) = cHead2
k = cHead
For i = 1 To NoA
For j = 1 To vntA(i)
k = k + 1
vntT(1, k) = cRange & i & cColumn & j
' Task Write 'Body' (all except headers) to Target Array.
k = 1
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
k = k + 1
vntT(k, 1) = k - 1
vntT(k, 2) = ws.Name
Set rng = ws.Range(cRowRanges)
m = cHead
For i = 1 To NoA
vntR = rng.Areas(i)
For j = 1 To vntA(i)
m = m + 1
vntT(k, m) = vntR(1, j)
' Task: Copy Target Array to Target Worksheet.
' Add new worksheet to first tab (1).
Set ws = wb.Sheets.Add(Before:=wb.Sheets(1))
ws.Name = cTarget
' Calculate Target Range i.e. resize First Cell Range by size of
' Target Array.
Set rng = ws.Range(cFirstCell).Resize(UBound(vntT), UBound(vntT, 2))
rng = vntT
' Task: Apply Formatting.
' Apply formatting to Target Range.
With rng
' Apply formatting to Head (first row).
With .Resize(1)
.Interior.ColorIndex = 49
With .Font
.ColorIndex = 2
.Bold = True
End With
.BorderAround xlContinuous, xlThin
.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlContinuous
End With
' Apply formatting to Body (all except the first row).
With .Resize(rng.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1)
.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
With .Font
.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic
.Bold = False
End With
.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlContinuous
End With
End With
MsgBox "The program finished successfully.", vbInformation, "Success"
' Speed Down.
With Application
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An unexpected error occurred. Error '" & Err.Number & "': " _
& Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error"
GoTo ProcedureExit
End Sub
