WebHook - Set Nodes - webhooks

I'm developing a webhook to trigger a job, but I can't find a way to specified the target Node who is in charge to execute it, it is possible send in the json payload a param to overwrite the Node Filter before start an execution?

A good way to do that is to put an option in your job, put that option in your node filter nodes tab (in this format: ${option.myoption}) and then call the webhook in this way.
I left a job definition example:
- defaultTab: nodes
description: ''
executionEnabled: true
id: 70a8bdb2-3ff6-419b-8311-394eeb470992
loglevel: INFO
name: HelloWorld
nodeFilterEditable: false
excludePrecedence: true
keepgoing: false
rankOrder: ascending
successOnEmptyNodeFilter: false
threadcount: '1'
filter: ${option.opt1}
nodesSelectedByDefault: true
- name: opt1
ExecutionLifecycle: null
scheduleEnabled: true
- exec: whoami
keepgoing: false
strategy: node-first
uuid: 70a8bdb2-3ff6-419b-8311-394eeb470992
And the webhook call example:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"field1":"localhost"}' http://localhost:4440/api/41/webhook/98d1Bp0Pcb8QpIc2OzLodQ5AThtmuP1y#TestWebhook


Sharing wireguard public keys ansible.posix.synchronize:

I've just started get into ansible so can you please help me or maybe give some advice?
The point is that i`m trying to install and configurate wireguard with ansible-playbook (just in case i know how to configure wireguard without ansible)
So i want to share public keys through ansible
(and then read them in wg0.conf by PublicKey = {{ lookup('file', '/etc/wireguard/publickey_client') }} )
I'm trying to use ansible.posix.synchronize in my playbook, but when it goes to task "sharing keys" it just start thinking but don't do anything (for a long time) till i stop the proccess.
Starting playbook with -vv also don't show anything
Playbook wireguard_configuration.yml:
- hosts: client
name: make wg keys on client
become: true
- name: wg0.conf client file
src: /etc/ansible/conf/wg0_client.conf
dest: /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
mode: 0755
owner: owner
- name: creating wg keys on client
cmd: wg genkey | tee privatekey_client | wg pubkey > publickey_client
chdir: /etc/wireguard
- name: share pubkey from client to server
src: /etc/wireguard/publickey_client
dest: /etc/wireguard/publickey_client
delegate_to: server
- hosts: server
name: make wg keys on server
become: true
- name: wg0.conf server file
src: /etc/ansible/conf/wg0_server.conf
dest: /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
mode: 0755
owner: owner
- name: creating wg keys on client
cmd: wg genkey | tee privatekey_server | wg pubkey > publickey_server
chdir: /etc/wireguard
- name: share pubkey from server to client
src: /etc/wireguard/publickey_server
dest: /etc/wireguard/publickey_server
delegate_to: client
You don't need the synchronize module here: you're not trying to copy a large hierarchy of files; you're only trying to bring a single value from the client to the server. I think a better option is just to stick that value in a variable on the client and then access it via hostvars on the server.
The following playbook is one way of doing that. A few things to note:
I've tried to document the tasks, but let me know if something isn't clear.
This playbook is written to be idempotent: you can run it multiple times and it will only generate the private key once.
- hosts: client
gather_facts: false
become: true
# Read an existing private key if it is available. We set
# failed_when to false because an "error" simply means that
# the key doesn't exist and we need to generate it.
- name: read private key
command: cat /etc/wireguard/privatekey_client
failed_when: false
changed_when: wg_private_read.rc != 0
register: wg_private_read
# Generate a new key if necessary. We used the "is changed" test
# here so that we only generate a new key if we failed to read an
# existing key in the previous task.
- name: generate private key
when: wg_private_read is changed
command: wg genkey
register: wg_private_create
# This will either create the privatekey_client file or leave it
# unmodified (because the content matches what we read from it
# earlier in the "read private key" task).
- name: write private key
when: wg_private_read is changed
content: "{{ wg_private_create.stdout }}"
dest: /etc/wireguard/privatekey_client
# We generate a public key but we don't bother writing it to disk.
# The client doesn't need it and we can always generate it from
# the private key.
- name: generate public key
cmd: wg pubkey
stdin: "{{ (wg_private_read is changed)|ternary(wg_private_create.stdout, wg_private_read.stdout) }}"
changed_when: false
register: wg_public
- hosts: server
gather_facts: false
become: true
- name: write client public key
content: "{{ hostvars.client.wg_public.stdout }}"
dest: "/etc/wireguard/publickey_client"
Some useful documentation links:
About failed_when and changed_when
The ternary filter

how to make swaggerhub's execute command to use formdata?

In my swaggerhub API definition (openAPI 2), I defined this, an api takes these three parameters as FormVariables
- Authentication
summary: Request an Access Token
operationId: createAccessToken
description: |
To get access token for our api
- multipart/form-data
- name: Client_ID
in: formData
required: true
type: string
- name: Client_Secret
in: formData
required: true
type: string
- name: Scope
in: formData
required: true
type: string
- name: Grant_Type
in: formData
required: true
type: string
default: "client_credentials"
When I click execute button on the swaggerhub UI to try, I got a 400 error {"error":"invalid_request"}.
When trying In postman, content-type need to be set as multipart/form-data, otherwise it will produce the same error.
In swaggerhub's UI, following command is created when executing this mehtod.
curl -X 'POST'
-H 'accept: application/json'
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
-d 'Client_ID=123&Client_Secret=111&Scope=fff&Grant_Type=client_credentials'
Is there a way to set content-type?

How to lookup map defined in yaml file in the Groovy script and assign to variable based input provided from Pipeline UI

How to pass map of variables from the yaml file to variable in the jenkins file or just print in the text file.
For Ex:
i have test.yaml file it contains:
service: true
ingress: true
path: /tmp/data
service: false
ingress: false
path: /tmp/data
i will provide input service_name: processor-create as a parameter from the pipeline and it has to go and look for that service in test.yaml, then whatever variables has "processor-create" it should assign to variable or print into another text file, so that i will pass that file as extra variable file for ansible script in the next stage, Thanks.
are you sure this is a valid yaml file ?
to me the right syntax must be:
ingress: false
path: /tmp/data
service: false
ingress: true
path: /tmp/data
service: true
to parse the yml you can use snakeyaml, something similar to :
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml
Yaml parser = new Yaml()
map = parser.load( new File('text.yml').text )
println map[args[0]]
read this post to a more elaborate example: https://groovy-lang.gitlab.io/101-scripts/basico/config_script-en.html

Puppet 6 and module puppetlabs/accounts hiera yaml does not fill content

I am attempting to define my user accounts as Hashes in Hiera, like this:
ensure: present
bashrc_content: file('accounts/shell/bashrc')
bash_profile_content: file('accounts/shell/bash_profile')
It works fine if I define them in my *.pp files.
Please, find more details about hiera.yaml, manifest and users.yamal on Gist
Why doesn't this work?
P.S. This question continues to,
No, what you are trying to do is not possible.
I have a few options for you. In Hiera, you could have all of the data other than the call to the file() function:
locked: false
comment: Jack Doe
ensure: present
- admins
- sudo
shell: '/bin/bash'
home_mode: '0700'
purge_sshkeys: false
managehome: true
managevim: false
- ssh-rsa AAAA
password: '70'
And then in your manifest:
$defaults = {
'bashrc_content' => file('accounts/shell/bashrc'),
'bash_profile_content' => file('accounts/shell/bash_profile'),
$user_data = lookup('accounts::user', Hash[String,Hash], 'hash', {})
$user_data.each |$user,$props| {
accounts::user { $user: * => $props + $defaults }
Another option is to simply include your file content in the YAML data, i.e.
locked: false
comment: Jack Doe
ensure: present
- admins
- sudo
shell: '/bin/bash'
home_mode: '0700'
purge_sshkeys: false
managehome: true
managevim: false
bashrc_content: |
# If not running interactively, don't do anything
[ -z "$PS1" ] && return
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
. /etc/bashrc # --> Read /etc/bashrc, if present.
bash_profile_content: ...
- ssh-rsa AAAA
password: '70'
Then you won't need the file function or the files at all.
For more info:
On what you can interpolate in Hiera data.
The splat operator (*) and a useful blog on how to use it.
On multiline-strings in YAML.

How to pass Rundeck key storage to script

I created Rundeck Key storage and stored password in it
Then created Job option
Then in inline script i specified folowing (keys/JIRA is Rundeck password storage)
curl -XN -u user:keys/JIRA
But password is not passed and authnetication fails, what am i doing wrong ?
The password value will be expanded when it is passed to the script. Below is an example:
- description: ''
executionEnabled: true
id: 1f7f5312-0887-4841-a7ef-1c30f712f927
loglevel: INFO
name: How to pass Rundeck key storage to script
nodeFilterEditable: false
- name: JiraPass
secure: true
storagePath: keys/jira.password
valueExposed: true
scheduleEnabled: true
- args: ${option.JiraPass}
script: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo curl -XN -u "user:$1"
keepgoing: false
strategy: node-first
uuid: 1f7f5312-0887-4841-a7ef-1c30f712f927
