An error occurred in the application and your page could not be served.? - node.js

I was trying to deploy my mern project my always i got this error
please help me to find out this issue (

I found two web pages that should help you in debugging your code here:
Causes of Heroku H10 App Crashed Error and How to Solve Them
Heroku Error Code H10
The first is more detailed and the second links to an anchor on a list of error codes. If you're using Heroku, it's worth bookmarking that entire page. I'm interested to know what your specific issue turns out to be.


Application Insights has started throwing "Method Not Found" error

I have started getting an error in ApplicationInsights on 8/26/2022 #3am EDT. Our code hasn't change and has been running for a month without issue. This error has started out of nowhere.
AI (Internal): [Redfield-Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-Extensibility-Web] TelemetryInitializer Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Web.SyntheticUserAgentTelemetryInitializer failed to initialize telemetry item System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Boolean Microsoft.AspNet.TelemetryCorrelation.ActivityExtensions.Extract(System.Diagnostics.Activity, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)'.
at Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Web.Implementation.RequestTrackingExtensions.CreateRequestTelemetryPrivate(HttpContext platformContext)
at Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Web.Implementation.RequestTrackingExtensions.ReadOrCreateRequestTelemetryPrivate(HttpContext platformContext)
at Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Web.Implementation.WebTelemetryInitializerBase.Initialize(ITelemetry telemetry)
When I try to search for help on this, I cannot find anything because Application Insights is used to help people find errors and exceptions... so when I try to get help, it provides help on how to use Application Insights data instead of providing information on what to do when Application Insights is reporting it's own error.
I am at a loss here, I don't know how to progress further to understand why this issue just started happening and what I can do to resolve it. It would appear as if this issue is causing our Azure CPU usage to fly out of control and is causing the entire site to lag.
Application is written in VB.NET using v4.6.2.
To circumvent the issue, we have turned off Application Insights. I was 1 version back, so it's possible there was an issue that was corrected and this will go away when the new version goes live (with the updated reference).

How to get better error messages when developing flutter for web

When trying to start a working flutter mobile app as web app I got the error message:
[SEVERE ] 16:37:02 - XXX - MissingPlug…ime/patch/async_patch.dart 166:15
and found nothing helpfull in the web on that error.
But I found out that it is because we are using the package_info package which is not compatible with flutter for web.
Is there any way to get better error messages - maybe telling the file/line with the problem or anything which makes it easier to find the problem?

Node project failed to start application and cannot solve error

I'm having errors on my networked-aframe project. I can edit it on Glitch, but when press ‘Show’ it shows : failed to start application on This is most likely because your project has a code error.Check your project logs, fix the error and try again.
As a newbie, I’m having a hard time finding and solving the error. Can anyone help? Here’s my glich code:!/ilearn-official
Taking a look at your Glitch app's package.json file, it looks like you're using Node 6.9.x which is wildly out of date and probably at odds with some of the Node your app has in it. If you update the engine to Node 14.x, that should help with that particular error.

Does Error k come from Angular or Electron?

I am using Angular 10 in my Electron app and after building a release version of my app I see the following errors below in the Chrome Inspector. Unfortunately I have no idea if it comes from Electron or Angular, or what it even tries to tell me. The non-production build just runs fine without the error.
Unfortunately I can't really see the stacktrace. Does anyone know what it is, or has a good approach how to pinpoint the cause of it? Thanks!
You can click on the arrow next to 'k'. It gives you a more detailed info about the error and what might have happened.

Error when publishing something with ninject?

I'm getting an error when i publish my website to azure. I don't get any errors when i run my site on localhost.
This is the error i get. I'm having troubles to find out whats really wrong.
Please help me to push me in the right direction to solve this error.
It could be many things. Are you loading your ninject container configuration from an external file? If so, is this file being deployed to Azure? That could explain why it works locally, but not in the cloud.
