Disable hostname in fastify logs with Pino - fastify

I've found that Pino offers a mechanism for removing this through an option called base but it seems that's not available through the fastify logging configuration. What's the best way to use the default fastify logger but remove the hostname from all log lines?
As a sample, here's some output with the default fastify logger:
{"level":30,"time":1660583707685,"pid":17,"hostname":"goldsky-api-7cf949f758-zzpf2","msg":"Server listening at"}
I'd like to remove hostname which is automatically injected into this log line.
EDIT: the FastifyLoggerOptions don't seem to provide fields for the pino base option which means if I try to pass that option, typescript compilation fails.

The logger option is forwarded to the fastify's pino instance:
const fastify = require('fastify')({
logger: {
// pino options
base: false,
fastify.get('/', async (request, reply) => {
return { hello: 'world' }


How to setup a WebSocket server inside SvelteKit using the ws package?

I'm trying to create a simple WebSocket server that will run in a SvelteKit application. I found this tutorial online which shows how to do it using Socket.io, however I would like to use the ws module instead.
This is the vite.config.ts file that I've come up with so far:
import type { UserConfig } from 'vite';
import { sveltekit } from '#sveltejs/kit/vite';
import { WebSocketServer } from "ws";
const webSocketServer = {
name: "webSocketServer",
configureServer: () => {
const webSocketServer = new WebSocketServer({
port: 8080
webSocketServer.on("connection", (socket, request) => {
socket.on("message", (data, isBinary) => {
console.log(`Recieved ${data}`);
socket.send("test from server");
const config: UserConfig = {
plugins: [sveltekit(), webSocketServer]
export default config;
I can connect to this WebSocket server from the frontend (in +page.svelte, for example) and send messages between them.
But every time I make a change to my server's code and save the file, I get an error saying that "there's already something listening on port 8080" and my Vite dev server terminates. If I then start back up my Vite dev server by running npm run dev then it will all work fine again, until I make any change to the WebSocket server code and save the file, and then the same thing will repeat.
I would rather not have to re-start my Vite dev server every time I make a change to my WebSocket server's code. If possible, I would rather Vite automatically shut down my old webSocket server to make room for the new one before booting it up each time so that they won't conflict.
The tutorial I linked above shows this code snippet:
import adapter from '#sveltejs/adapter-node'
import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess'
import { Server } from 'socket.io'
const webSocketServer = {
name: 'webSocketServer',
configureServer(server) {
const io = new Server(server.httpServer)
io.on('connection', (socket) => {
socket.emit('eventFromServer', 'Hello, World 👋')
/** #type {import('#sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
preprocess: preprocess(),
kit: {
adapter: adapter(),
vite: {
plugins: [webSocketServer],
export default config
This snippet is using an old SvelteKit version where Vite configuration was done inside the svelte.config.js file, so the layout is a little different, but it seems they're simply spinning up their Socket.io server directly inside the configureServer method just like I am, but they're tapping into the existing Vite http server instead of creating a new one like I am. I tried doing this and I still get the same problem. Every time I try httpServer.listen(8080); on Vite's http server I'm told that the server was already listening on a port and the dev server terminates. I also tried manually creating an http server using require("http").createServer() and using that, but (unsurprisingly) that also did not work and acted identically to my initial attempt shown at the beginning of this question.
The tutorial seems to be booting up a Socket.io server the same way I'm trying to boot up mine, but they don't seem to be running into any conflicts like I am. I checked Socket.io's documentation to see if perhaps the Server constructor has a built-in failsafe to make sure it doesn't listen on a port if it's already listening on that port (and avoid creating the error), but the docs didn't give any information in that regard, so I'm still unsure as to what's going on there.
Is there any way to do what I'm trying to do, or am I going about this entirely the wrong way? I can't find hardly any information about this anywhere on the internet.
And also, what's going on in the Socket.io example that allows it to work where mine won't? Is Socket.io doing something special?
Here's my attempt at using Vite's built-in http server. This behaves the same as my other attempts.
import type { UserConfig } from 'vite';
import { sveltekit } from '#sveltejs/kit/vite';
import { WebSocketServer } from "ws";
const webSocketServer = {
name: "webSocketServer",
configureServer: (server: any) => {
const httpServer = server.httpServer;
const webSocketServer = new WebSocketServer({
noServer: true
webSocketServer.on("connection", (socket, request) => {
socket.on("message", (data, isBinary) => {
console.log(`Recieved ${data}`);
socket.send("hi c:");
httpServer.on("upgrade", (request: any, socket: any, head: any) => {
webSocketServer.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, socket => {
webSocketServer.emit("connection", socket, request);
const config: UserConfig = {
plugins: [sveltekit(), webSocketServer]
export default config;
ws supports initialising with an existing server like socket.io
Don't store the application logic in the vite/svelte config, as it will be needed for the production build when vite is not available (I'm not familiar with sveltekit though so maybe it does some magic?). Create a standalone file for the ws setup:
import { WebSocketServer } from "ws";
export const configureServer = (server) => {
const webSocketServer = new WebSocketServer({
server: server.httpServer,
webSocketServer.on("connection", (socket, request) => {
socket.on("message", (data, isBinary) => {
console.log(`Recieved ${data}`);
socket.send("test from server");
export const webSocketServer = {
name: "webSocketServer",
Then you should be able to use your version of webSocketServer like the socket.io example as they both attach to the '#sveltejs/adapter-node' server.
import adapter from '#sveltejs/adapter-node'
import { webSocketServer } from './sockets.js';
/** #type {import('#sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
kit: {
adapter: adapter(),
vite: {
plugins: [webSocketServer],
export default config
configureServer can now be reused when you setup the custom server for production.

Loggly Subdomain is required

I'm trying to implement to my NodeJs API a logging system using:
When I run my server I got the error:
Error: Loggly Subdomain is required
But the subdomain is defined as follows
What I was trying to do to put the Loggly config inside of a module:
module.exports = {
loggly: {
token: process.env.LOG_TOKEN,
subdomain: process.env.SUBDOMAIN,
tags: ["Winston-NodeJS"],
json: true
Using also the ENV which are defined and contains the right info.
Then I created a new file called logger.js
// Requiring libs Loggly & Winston
const Loggly = require("winston-loggly-bulk").Loggly;
const winston = require("winston");
// Loggly config
const config = require("../config/config");
// Creating the logging
const logger = winston.createLogger({
transports: [
new Loggly(config.loggly), ==> Here the error occur!
new winston.transports.Console({ level: "info" })
// Logging stream
logger.stream = {
write: (info) => {
module.exports = logger;
In this script, the error occurs when I call new Loggly(...) seems cannot read my SUBDOMAIN and I cannot understand a different way of doing as it is the first time I'm trying this implementation.
Put this line require("dotenv").config(); on line 1 in server.js.

Proxy in development mode of React won't redirect

I'm building an app with create-react-app.
I have local Apache server running on port 80 to execute my backend API PHP scripts.
I have added
"proxy": "http://localhost:80" to my package.json,
but on this axios requests:
getAllCategories = () => {
const url = process.env.PUBLIC_URL+`/api/api/categories/categories.php`;
.then(res => {
const categories = res.data.data;
this.setState({ categories });
}).catch(err => {
console.log('Axios fetch error:',err);
My request are directed to
Request URL: http://localhost:3000/api/api/categories/categories.php
according to Chrome Devtools and I'm not getting the data required.
In the build mode on remote server everything works fine with those paths indicated.
How can I configure proxy in dev mode to access my API files?
Have you tired path like this?
If you are using create-react-app install http-proxy-middleware as a dev dependency and in your src folder create a file called setupProxy.js (it must be spelt exactly like that).
In that file:
const proxy = require('http-proxy-middleware');
module.exports = function(app) {
app.use(proxy('/api', { target: 'http://localhost:80' }));
You will need to restart the app for it to take effect.
Your api calls should not need the process.env

Proxy in package.json not affecting fetch request

I am trying to fetch some data from the development server using React.
I am running the client on localhost:3001 and the backend on port 3000.
The fetch request :
const users = fetch('/api/users');
users.then((err,res) => {
When I run my development server and webpack-dev-server I get the following output:
GET http://localhost:3001/api/users 404 (Not Found)
I tried specifying the proxy in the package.json so it would proxy the request to the API server, however nothing has changed.
Here is my package.json file:
.. and the webpack.config :
Please tell me, if you need to see anything else from my project. I apologies, if I'm missing something and not being thorough, I'm still quite new to using these technologies.
You can modify your fetch request API url to give the complete hostname since
also make sure that you have CORS enabled on your backend
In case your want to redirect through webpack, your can try devServer.proxy as
devServer: {
inline: true,
contentBase: './dist',
port: 3001,
proxy: { "/api/**": { target: 'http://localhost:3000', secure: false } }
I know I'm a little late to the game here, but I'll leave it here for future reference.
To make the devServer proxy work as expected, you need to specify the HTTP Accepts header to be something else than "text/html". Do this with the init-object that fetch accepts as the second argument. A simple example:
.then(res => {
return res.json();
.then(json => console.log(json) )
.catch( a => { console.log(a) });
The reason for this is that the WebPack Dev Server normally uses a context/namespace to differentiate between what to serve and what to forward. The create-react-app scripts do not extract a namespace from the proxy path in the package.json file. Instead the scripts has the opinionated default behaviour that any request using something else than HTTP GET will get forwarded. Also, anything using HTTP GET, but NOT text/html as the Accepts header will get forwarded.
The reasoning is because most React Apps are SPA (Single Page Applications) which use AJAX/Fetch to communicate with some API. API's normally use JSON or XML, but not text/html.
In the package.json
"proxy": {
"/api/users": {
"target": "http://localhost:3000"
I had the same problem using axios and was only able to get it working by using the complete hostname and enabling Cors.
const response = await axios.get('http://localhost/users/');
Install cors
npm i cors
Use cors
const express = require("express");
const request = require("request");
const cors = require("cors");
const app = express();
app.use("/", (req, res) => {
app.listen(80, () => {
console.log("CORS-enabled web server listening on port 80");
The solution by user jellyfish-tom in https://github.com/webpack/webpack-dev-server/issues/793#issuecomment-316650146 worked for me.
devServer: {
proxy: {
"*": "http://[::1]:8081"
// "secure": false,
// "changeOrigin": true
Webpack Dev Server uses devServer.proxy config in your Webpack config to control proxying requests.

Set default winston logger for all modules

I am trying to setup winston to work in all my modules in the same fashion as in here:
using winston in several modules
But I am running in problems.
I have setup a logger.js file to configure the console logger:
var winston = require('winston');
var logger = new (winston.Logger)({
transports: [
new (winston.transports.Console)({
timestamp: true,
level: 'verbose',
colorize: true
module.exports = logger;
I then require that logger in my main app.js file:
var logger = require('./logger.js');
logger.info('Starting server'); // this console log looks great, just as I configured
However when I try an require winston in al other modules I lose the config I setup for winston in the logger.js
Other Module:
var logger = require('winston');
logger.info('in another module'); // this is back to winstons default console transport
According to the link I referenced above I should be able to require winston in all other modules and the transports I defined/configured should still be the same. Only thing I can think is that this is not true for the Console transport. If not what gives? How do I configure the Console transport once and then use winston in all other modules?
For your current solution to work, you have to make sure you have one version of winston. You shouldn't have it installed once under your main app and another time under your other module. Then in here you are creating a new instance of logger and not using the default.
You should instead of above do this:
var winston = require('winston');
winston.add(winston.transports.Console, {
timestamp: true,
level: 'verbose',
colorize: true
I think this should work. If that didn't work, you can try one of these methods:
Get them to use your ./logger module instead. This works great in internal modules that are part of the app codebase.
Or make your other module configurable. Do something like require('other-module').logger = require('./logger'); or require('other-module').setLogger(require('./logger'));. You can check this question if you want to know more about this method.
