Azure B2C client credentials flow throws invalid_grant AADB2C90085 - azure

I followed this resource:
Azure B2C App registrations:
Protected web api
Expose an api
App ID URI = https://{my tenant name}{protected web api client id}/.default
Daemon console app
API Permissions
API = protected web api
Permission = access_as_application
Type = Application
Admin consent requested = Yes
I acquire a token using the OAuth client credentials flow:
POST https://{my tenant name}{my tenant name}{a basic user flow SUSI policy}/oauth2/v2.0/token
scope={protected web api client id}/.default&
client_id={daemon console app client id}&
client_secret={daemon console app client secret}
Error response:
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "AADB2C90085: The service has encountered an internal error. Please reauthenticate and try again.\r\nCorrelation ID: REDACTED\r\nTimestamp: REDACTED\r\n"

I ran into the same issue, please double check your Manifest and make sure that "signInAudience": "AzureADandPersonalMicrosoftAccount" and not your organization only. Do also ensure you followed the steps same as other answer.


Azure Function App (Backend) 401 Error when accessing from Azure App Service Frontend

we have a problem and i dont see anything which i can do for now. I've already followed for example this article but i does not work for now: Azure Function App as Backend
Azure AD Authentication is configured in our Azure Function App and with postman i can connect with a bearer token to the function app.
Function App Authentication is configured with error 401 for apis
I can see in the browser that there is always this error when we open the frontend app. There is no access to the Azure AD secured backend function app from the frontend: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized)
i exposed the api from the app registration of the backend function app and gave them invoke delegated rights to the frontend app registration like in the blog article. CORS is configured too.
App Reg Invoke Config
is there anything i can do? We login to our Frontend App Service with Azure AD credentials and this token should give access to the backend service function app too so there is nothing unprotected in the public internet. But frontend get always this 401 error.
I tried to reproduce the scenario from my end :
When you decode the bearer token ,
Check issuer url and audience received
Also if issuer url has v2 endpoint ,Make sure the accessTokenAcceptedVersion is set to 2 other wise null or 1
"id": "4axxxxxxx039",
"acceptMappedClaims": null,
"accessTokenAcceptedVersion": 2,
Try including function app url
in allowed audiences. Along with the clientId of the app and AppId uri
and make sure the permissions are granted admin consent.

usage details api using azure app registration in azure AD

In basic terms, I am trying to get an access token to get Azure Cost Centre Data through the Usage Details API. The problem is that I can't seem to configure my service principal with azure properly. I have:
Created the registered app in Azure Active Directory
added in the redirect URL
generated a client secret
Included the following information in my Generate New Token in Thunder Client:
Request URL:
Grant Type: Authorization Code
Auth Url:
Token Url:{tenant-id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize from app registration
callback Url:
client ID: {{client_id}} from app registration
client secret: {{client_secret}} from app registration
scope: user_impersonation
Status 401 Unauthorized
"error": {
"code": "AuthenticationFailed",
"message": Authentication failed."
Bearer authorization_uri "{tenant_id}, error= "invalid_token", error description="Could not find identity for access token"
Answering my own question. And big thanks to Guarav Mantri in the comments below.
The Scope should be set to
The Grant Type is client credentials and not authorization code
The service principal needs to be added to the resource in azure that is part of the request (i.e. if looking for subscription data, then add the service principal as a reader role to the subscription).

Blazor standalone client calling a function via Azure B2C

Is there a good example or a walkthrough of a Blazor standalone app calling a function app via an Azure Active Directory B2C passing in a claim with an identity to the function?
I have been working my way through the documentation,
Secure an ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly standalone app with Azure Active Directory B2C and
ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly additional security scenarios but cannot get past 404 result.
So what am I trying to achieve? I want to put together a couple of POCs. The first is a Blazor standalone client app, authenticating via B2C, then passing an authorisation token claims token to an azure function, where I can unpack the user id and email address. The second is same as above, but with Api Management between the Blazor client and the functions api. Because of the nature of the project I am using the consumption plan for both the functions and api management.
So just concentrating on the first case (Blazor - B2C - Function), on the assumption if I get that to work, the api will follow…
I have a B2C client tenant with 2 applications: a front end app authorised for the scopes of a 2nd B2C application for the api. My Function app has authentication/authorisation set to 'Login with Active Directory' with the client ID set to the Front end app's client id, the issuer uri set to the B2C's pocsignupsignin Userflow and the 'Allowed Token Audiences' set to the client id of the Api in B2C.
I can get a JWT token via a browser and using postman successfully call a function in my function app passing a bearer token.
My Blazor app can log in to B2C. If I have no authorisation configured for the web app, then my function call is successful.
But once I turn authorisation I run into CORS 404 - origin 'https://localhost:44389' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. But I have CORS configured with 'Enable Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' and my client url configured.
What am I missing?
I also suspect that the token with the id will not be passed correctly.
From Program.cs
client => client.BaseAddress = new Uri(functionURI))
builder.Services.AddMsalAuthentication(options =>
builder.Configuration.Bind("AzureAdB2C", options.ProviderOptions.Authentication);
Console.WriteLine($"options.ProviderOptions.DefaultAccessTokenScopes {options.ProviderOptions.DefaultAccessTokenScopes}");
From CustomAuthorizationMessageHandler
public class CustomAuthorizationMessageHandler : AuthorizationMessageHandler
public CustomAuthorizationMessageHandler(IAccessTokenProvider provider,
NavigationManager navigationManager)
: base(provider, navigationManager)
authorizedUrls: new[] { B2CClientUrl },
scopes: new[] { "read", "write" });
From appsettings
"Authority": B2C signupsignin uri,
"ClientId": B2C frontend client,
"ValidateAuthority": false
Function call
async Task GetFromDedicatedFunctionClient(string subUrl)
var client = ClientFactory.CreateClient("ServerAPI");
Console.WriteLine($"client.BaseAddress {client.BaseAddress}");
result =
await client.GetStringAsync(subUrl);
catch …

Azure usage details API shows "Authentication failed" after sign in with azure active directory v1 connection

I completely followed this link and created a Azure AD app registration and used Azure Active Directory v1 for my web app bot.
After sign in, I view the token but with that token I cannot access the Azure API's, as it shows below response in Postman:
"error": {
"code": "AuthenticationFailed",
"message": "Authentication failed."
I called the Azure API below:${subscriptionId}/providers/Microsoft.Consumption/usageDetailsapi-version=2018-10-01
In my app registration in Azure AD, I have given these permission to access the Azure API:
In my Web App Bot -> Settings -> OAuth Connection Settings, I select:
ClientId -> My application client id
ClinetSecret -> My application client secret
GrantType -> I does not know what to give so I just typed "authorization_code" (If this wrong then Where I need to find my grantType)
LoginURL ->
TenantId -> common (To allow any user)
ResourceURL ->
Scopes -> I just left blank
Why am I not able to access the Azure API with that token?
Any Help. Thanks
An access token issued by Azure AD will always be for a specific resource. Which service a token is intended for is identified in the token's "audience" (in the aud claim). When using the v1 endpoint, the resource for which an app requests an access token is identified in the resource parameter of the authorization request. In the v2 endpoint, the resource is identified as part of the scope parameter.
In your case, the resource you've configured your bot to get a token for is Microsoft Graph (, but then you're trying to use the resulting token to call the Azure Management API. The first thing the Azure Management API does is check if the access token it received is actually intended for it. If the audience does not match, it will immediately respond with an error.
Instead of trying to get a token for Microsoft Graph, you need to configure your bot to get a token for the Azure Management API. You should use, which is the resource URI for the Azure Management API, instead of which is the resource URI for Microsoft Graph.

Getting Authorization has been denied for this request in Fiddler with Azure AD

I have created a ASP.Net Web API (.Net Framework) app with "Work or School Accounts" as authentication type. This automatically registers this API app in my Azure subscription and I can see it under "App Registrations". I can see that Home Page Url is pointing to localhost address. I can see that API is launching locally on localhost address. I then launch Fiddler to get access token from Azure AD. My POST request to endpoint<mytenant> has following 4 parameters
&client_id=<appid from Azure AD Portal>
&client_secret=<secret from Azure AD Portal>
&resource=<appid from Azure AD Portal>
I get a token back. When I decode this token, I see aud and appid as expected(matching appid in Azure AD). I use this token as bearer token to invoke API call by adding Authorization: Bearer <mytoken> header in GET request to https://localhost:44374/api/values. However, this GET call to my API is returning me {"Message":"Authorization has been denied for this request."} error message.
What am I missing?
You should use App ID URI as the resource value when acquiring token , you could find the App ID URI in Properties of api app in azure portal ,like . Web api will check whether the aud claim in access token matches the one you set in web.config :
new WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthenticationOptions
Tenant = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Tenant"],
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters {
ValidAudience = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ida:Audience"]
ida:Audience value in web.config is the allowed audience .
