Social Share of products in hybris - sap-commerce-cloud

​I have to create a functionality to share the products to social media sites like facebook, twitter, etc. This can be accomplished via front end i.e. Spartacus. Spartacus is a lean, Angular-based JavaScript storefront for SAP Commerce Cloud. But need to know can this be configured via Backend. Do I need to make any changes in the backend or will it be storefront changes only.


How to integrate users of PimcoreMember bundle with CoreShop?

My website use dachcom-digital/pimcore-members bundle for authorization. Now I'm going to add some ecommerce feature to my website, so i decided to use CoreShop. Is there any easy way to integrate users already registered in my website with CoreShop customers?

PWA are restricted in certain countries? Like China?

Are PWA are restricted in certain countries?
PWA is setup using workbox, default given in 'create-react-app'.
My managerial team says they are blocked in China.
Currently our site is using only Google Analytics apart from normal data API .
Checked my PWA site via
and its clear and can be accessed.
How can i test my PWA for the same from my own country or the client's country(USA).
Override Geolocation With Chrome DevTools
You can now override you geolocation in devtools. For more info how to do that check that google article
Custom user browser configuration
You should remember that user may have custom browser configuration. Or they may have some additional restrictions if they trying to access you site from office internet for example.
USA/China relationship
Regarding to last events it may happen that there will be no android phones in China soon. Huawei developing own os and they may not implement PWA at all.

Multi Subdomain Website using Node?

I would love to get advice on my current project structure idea. I have been searching regarding node.js multi domain packages but i am not sure if they will suit. I also would like to have a easy to manage apps eg. if i want to modify specific app, i have a feeling a single app will get really full and confusing to manage code wise? Basically i am building a website that will have:
Landing Page -
User Dashboard -
Admin Dashboard -
Now each subdomain app can communicate to each other if they have the credidentials etc.
Would it be correct to create separate 3 Apps to handle each of the sites?
Is there any security concerns having this kind of 3 app setup?
Can account creation occur upon paypal payment?
Ideal flow would be User visits website on landing page and selects a paid package which in turn would direct to paypal. Upon payment user would be returned to website with account creation form, and said Package(order) would become an option on user dashboard.
Admin can pretty much view everything via admin dashboard pretty standard, setup promos etc.
Thanks for your help and advice.

Implementing Azure Mobile Services with OAuth and Not

I'm trying to create a Azure Mobile Services Backend (JS) for an Android App and Website, with Windows and iOS versions down the road.
I see that you can add API keys to Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft and Google for users to authenticate via social accounts. I want my app to enable registration and login from these social accounts as well as have a standalone sign up form should they opt not to.
All data should be stored in a user table and I want to be able to store columns like phone number, and have users login and manipulate data specific to their account via Mobile Services APIs.
Could a knight or dame in shining armor point me to the right direction on how I can implement this? I haven't been able to find any articles that can help me create such a system.
I'd start with this post by Chris Risner:
He links back to several earlier posts that should provide the background you need and also has some updates at the top to point you to changes since that post.
For profile information from the social providers I'd use these examples (and the associated links) from Carlos Figueira on how you can access more profile information from MS, Google, and Facebook.

flickr API commercial application

I am working on a project in which i have created an app on flickr. my account is free account. using that app. many users connects to my application and i store their access_token in my database. using that token. my application send requests to flickr and download users public and private data in a server storage. from where the connected users can view only their own backed up data.
I want to know. is there any limitation for free account to download users data. my app downloaded 6000 photos of a user accurately.
please tell me what type of account i needed for my app.
When you apply for a Flickr API license the following explanation is given on the Flickr site as to which license to choose:
First, we need to know whether or not your app is commercial.
Choose Non-Commercial if:
Your app doesn't make money.
Your app makes money, but you're a family-run, small, or independent business.
You're developing a product which is not currently commercial, but might be in the future.
You're building a personal website or blog where you are only using your own images.
Choose Commercial if:
You or your agency works for a major brand.
AND one of the following:
You want to make a profit.
You charge a fee for your product or services.
You will bring Flickr content into your product and intend to sell those services.
Net, if the business behind the app is 'small' or 'independent' you can earn money with a Flickr app and a non-commercial license. If not, you need the commercial license. Flickr retains the right to decide which license is appropriate for your app at any point in time.
Since the text appears inside the logged in area I can't link to it. I've included a screen shot instead:
Since the title of your question is "flickr API commerical application", the limit is 0 for a free API key. You should apply for a commercial API key. You will then be able to negotiate exactly what limits you require - in fact, your costs will be dependent on those limits.
Using the free API for a commercial application is against Flickr's terms of service and may lead to your access being suspended.
The Flickr Terms of Service are listed here:
This is what it says about commercial use:
If the primary purpose of your application is to derive revenue, it is considered a commercial application. Flickr reserves the right to make these evaluations at the time that you apply for the license. Flickr may also monitor your site or application over time to ensure continued compliance with the appropriate type of API key.
If you're in doubt about whether your application is commercial, here are a few common examples of commercial use that may provide you some guidance:
Users are charged a fee for your product or service which includes some sort of integration using the Flickr APIs.
You sell services to Flickr users and use the APIs to bring users' Flickr content into your service.
Your site is a "destination" site that uses Flickr photos to drive traffic and generate ad revenue.
