Federating my Azure Mobile App with Customer AD - azure

I have a Xamarin based Azure Mobile App. Today, it has OAuth 2.0 authentication with providers such as Google, LinkedIn, Apple and Microsoft. In the backend it uses Azure AD B2C to provide authentication services through the above providers. My question is as follows:
How do I allow users who are part of a customer Active Directory organization to:
(a) Use their organization's AD credentials to authenticate against my app Virtos?
(b) Do SSO with my Xamarin Forms App (in UWP, Android and iOS) so that they don't have to login explicitly into my app
Here is my use case: User John Doe from Contoso organization has an active directory credential such as jdoe#contoso.com. When he downloads and registers with my app (Virtos), he simply enters his id: jdoe#contoso.com. When enters his password, it authenticates against his organization's AD as an authenticated user and provides a token to my app. From then on, he should be able to log into Virtos using his contoso id and password. Essentially I am looking to replicate this pattern with users from multiple organizations.
Pardon the generic nature of my query but I have done the necessary research on this topic to the best of my ability. I am looking for samples, tutorials and how-to on how to federate my app with an organization's AD. I have found examples of generic federation between organizations but I am specifically looking for examples of federation between a Xamarin Forms front-end based Azure Mobile Service and a Corporate AD.
Any and all help will be appreciated.


Integrate App service with Sign-in with apple

Identity providers are easy to add to web app but we have big problems trying to find out how to add Sign-in with Apple, which is now a requirement for all new apps. This link describes Azure AD B2C.
Not being an Active directory expert, how can we integrate apple sign-in with web apps, just like adding Facebook or Google login? I think AAD B2C is a completely non-compatible solution vs EasyAuth in Azure web apps.
I would like to eventually see the a token and sid:xxx from EasyAuth with Sign-in with apple

Authentication for a Multi-Tenant SaaS Applications

We are looking for Authentication methods for a Multi-Tenant SaaS application. We have been exploring Azure B2C but have not been able to provide suitable user to organization (Tenant) management.
We are exploring options like;
Microsoft's Azure AD B2C or an alternate service
B2C's Multi Tenant support to provide user/data segregation by Tenant (or Organization)
We are using .Net Core 2 for the application and api's
We will have native phone applications that use the api's
Must use a common login service for all applications (Phones and Web)
What we need to do;
Authenticate Users
The first user for an Organization(Tenant) would;
create the organization
sent invitations to their organization's users
Subsequent users would take the invitation link
create an account joined to the organization using
Email/Username and Password
or connect a Social account to the invitation
or other services supplied by Azure AD B2C like another Azure AD
From the login service return a JWT Token
Needs to include the Organization to secure organization data
the JWT needs to be passed to child API's
Child API's will need to validate the token without external calls
Any ideas, sample applications or alternate products ideas are appreciated.
We did find http://identityserver.io/
A quick summary from their website;
The Open Source OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 framework for .NET.
IdentityServer is OpenID Certified and part of the .NET Foundation.
We are currently exploring this, and wanted to add this as a possible solution to the question.

how to federate between Azure B2B and B2C

We are designing an application which will be used by client's employee, some of their vendors and consumers as well. All of these three types of user will have the different set of rights.
We were analyzing the Azure AD and found that Azure B2B can be used for employees and vendors whereas B2C can be used for consumers. So, we need both of them. Can we setup our application in such a way that if can authenticate from B2B and B2C both? Or any other suggestion to implement this.
Thanks In Advance
You can totally setup an app to authenticate with multiple directories.
Setup one Azure AD that will be used by employees, where partners can be added through B2B. Then also setup a B2C directory for the customers.
On your app side you need to display a choice for the user: if they want to sign in as an employee/partner or as a customer. Then you redirect to the correct sign-in page.
You'll need to define the app twice, once in both directories.
The actual implementation will vary based on your tech stack, but in ASP.NET Core you would need to setup multiple Open ID Connect middleware. And none of them can use AutomaticChallenge, as you do need to know where to redirect the user, you can't really choose for them.
Update to B2C allows you to do it all from there now
Azure AD B2C now allows custom policies (preview feature). This means you can use any OpenId Connect provider for sign-in, including Azure AD of course.
This new feature allows you to:
Create a B2C tenant with custom policy for employee/partner login through Azure AD
Send all users to authenticate with your B2C tenant
Users can choose if they want to sign in with social accounts or if they are an employee or partner
If they choose to sign in as employee or partner, they would be redirected to your Azure AD
In the end your app gets a token from B2C telling where the user signed in, so you can then do authorizations based on that info

Azure /.NET Web API / Office 365- Authentication

I am creating a web api application that will be secured using Oauth for authentication. Can I set up the authentication to be a blend of individual accounts and organizational accounts?
Scenario: One set of users belongs to an organization that uses Office 365. Another set of users may not. The ultimate goal is to allow all the users to login, but in the case of the organizational users, I will also want to allow them to integrate with the Office365 apis that are tied to their organization.
Is there a solution design that would allow me to choose where to authenticate the user - either using the application's Azure AD or the subscribing organization's AD?
For just authenticating MSAs and AAD orgs, you can use the new Microsoft Graph (http://graph.microsoft.io) - it is the unified endpoint for all Microsoft identities and for requesting access to things like mail, calendar, etc. It uses the v2 AAD endpoint (mentioned below) and app registrations are universal, so you can sign in with org or personal accounts.
You can extend that with Azure B2C as the owning directory.
Add Microsoft Account as an identity provider, and
use the v2 endpoint
at which point users could sign in with a consumer account (Facebook, Microsoft, google, whatever). By extension, since, for MSAs it uses the new v2 endpoint you can prompt users to sign in with an MSA or an org cccount - users get a prompt like this below. Note 'work or school, or personal microsoft account.'
v2 has some limitations, however: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-v2-compare so make sure you can do everything you want before diving in. Some of the reply URL and on-behalf-of flows (like you'd see in APIs) have some domain/audience restrictions.

multiple-tenant, multiple-platform, multiple-services single sign-on using Azure Active directory

I have the following services
I have a Web application that has a client side script that will talk directly to each of the above services to retrieve information
I also have Native Mobile client applications which also will talk directly to each of the above services
Windows/Windows Phone
Now this application will be a SaaS solution where customers can sign-up online create their own tenant and then create user accounts for there employees and add the employees to groups and change permissions of those groups.
Now i need a solution that a user can log on to a mobile application or Web and it be allowed to gain access to the above mentioned services depending on there groups permissions, but i want strong separation of each tenant
Looking at the tags it seems you are considering Azure AD. Good choice. Azure AD allows developers to secure their SAAS APIs and Web/Mobile Apps. Azure AD satisfies all the requirements that you've described - it even has client SDKs for the popular platforms.
The following should see you through:
Authentication scenarios supported by AAD (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn499820.aspx): will answer questions like - how can my mobile app access my multi-tenant web api on behalf of the user, or how can my web app sign-in the user as well as receive a delegated token to access my web api
AAD integrated multi-tenant SAAS application sample (https://github.com/AzureADSamples/WebApp-MultiTenant-OpenIdConnect-DotNet): covers special techniques for multi-tenant apps
Authorization using group membership (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/web-sites-authentication-authorization/): describes how you can perform authorization in your application per the group membership of users.
Hope this helps.
