Ok, so i installed coc.nvim with neobundle, by adding to my .vimrc
NeoBundle 'neoclide/coc.nvim'
after this i added
:CocInstall coc-rust-analyzer
to the same file as it mentioned in the guide.
But even after I'm sure that CocInstall command is working, I'm still facing this error:
Not an editor command :CocInstall coc-rust-analyzer
while trying to open vim.
So firstof all i fixed
[coc.nvim] build/index.js not found, please compile coc.nvim
error which i faced before.
by changing NeoBundle install with
NeoBundle 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'build': {'unix': 'yarn install --frozen-lockfile'},}
other os will need other key for command.
available keys: windows, cygwin, mac, unix
You will see error from the topic if CocInstall does not installed correctly.
Afterwards i fixed issue by changing my config to
CocInstall 'coc-rust-analyzer'
orror in compile prses. how to solve it?
According to this blog post, you just have to compile the YouCompleteMe modules by running the install.sh script in the YCM install.
cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
./install.sh --clang-completer
Once this completes you should be able to install the plugin (here's how to do it with Vundle). Once in Vim
:source ~/.vimrc
Apparently, when you run ./.install.sh --clang-completer it says that it is "out of date."
I ran python2 install.py and it worked for me. (I believe it was python2.)
Also, I had was using vim and neovim, and I decided to do ./install.sh --clang-completer inside my ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/ and at the same tim decided to do python2 install.py inside my ~/.configs/nvim/bundle/Vundle.vim/ and the python install installed faster and did the same thing.
The difference might be that you need to "compile vim with pdython support," but the simple fix for that is installing python-nvim (if using neovim), or - I think - vim just comes with python support. (? maybe.)
I encountered the same error message when trying out new neovim installation. In my case, it was because I was using vim-plugin and the plugins are installed in the ~/.vim/plugged instead of ~/.vim/bundle (this is the plugin folder for Vundle before I switched to vim-plug).
Thus, after scratching my head for few hours, turns out I have to run install.sh in the ~/.vim/plugged (not ~/.vim/bundle). I hope this will save someone's time.
Installed the NERDTree plugin (scrooloose/nerdtree) from github. It works great except features like :NERDTreeFind fail to work. Even thought it is listed on the help sections.
VIM error:
"E492: Not an editor command: NERDTreeFind"
Any help would be great appreciated. Thanks.
Noticed the below two files from an older NERDTree install.
Removed the above files and reinstalled the plugin using.
NeoBundle 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
That fixed the issue.
Thank you.
My setup
I already installed gocode with the command go get github.com/nsf/gocode.
I use Pathogen to manage my Vim plugins. I installed vim-gocode with git clone git#github.com:Blackrush/vim-gocode.git.
What I’m seeing
The :Fmt command works ok, but I can’t autocomplete my golang code. It reports an error like in this image:
Can someone help me?
Please ensure you have YCM or neocomplete installed. You need some additional binaries to get all features. Following on the vim-go repo tells you how to install them.
All necessary binaries should be installed (such as gocode, godef, goimports, etc.). You can easily install them with the included :GoInstallBinaries command, by running command in your vim.
I would really like to use easytags, but after following Odding's installation instructions, that is first installing misc and then installing easytags, at startup vim is throwing the "misc is not installed,easytags is broken" error. I am just unzipping them into my vim directory as I have always done with other plugins.. Any suggestions? thanks!
Installation is indeed a simple unzipping of both misc.zip and easytags.zip into the same ~/.vim/ directory.
Check out the :scriptnames command from Vim to see whether all files got successfully sourced. After a manual :runtime autoload/xolox/misc.vim, it should contain entries like:
205: ~/.vim/autoload/xolox/misc.vim
278: ~/.vim/plugin/easytags.vim
If you're still facing problems, please open an issue on the plugin's issue tracker.
I just downloaded and installed vim74 on to my linux box. I'm only installing locally, for the user. When I go into vim, and do :help, I get the error.
I tried adding:
let $VIM='home/myuser/vim74'
let $VIMRUNTIME='home/myuser/vim74/runtime'
to my .vimrc but it didn't help. How can I fix this?
When building vim yourself and installing locally it seems that you need to generate the helptags manually from within vim since the build process doesn't seem to do it. I ran into this very same issue when building the latest vim version 8.0.311. I followed the link in Ben Klein's comment above, but both my &helpfile and &runtimepath were correct, yet I still received the E149 error when doing :help which I assume is your situation as well postelrich.
I found the helptags solution here:
Even though I was installing vim locally on a centos system and not a mac, the issue seems to be universal. I just replaced $VIMRUNTIME with the path to the local vim runtime installed from make install, which in your case may be something like /home/myuser/vim74/runtime
Specifically I ran this from within vim:
:helptags ~/share/vim/vim80/doc
In your case you will probably run something like:
:helptags ~/vim74/runtime/doc
Once done, :help should immediately start working again without having to restart vim.
You can get the same “E149 Sorry no help for help.txt” error if you have a long-running Vim session and the Vim program files were upgraded in the meantime.
This happened to me: I had started an editing session in a GNU screen window on my Debian testing system using Vim 8.1. Some time later, unattenttended-upgrades upgraded Vim 8.1 to 8.2 with the result that the run-time paths were now no longer valid. I could have saved the session and restarted Vim, but it was simpler/easier to run the following command (specific to 8.2):
:set helpfile=/usr/share/vim/vim82/doc/help.txt