Bom dia, estou com erro ao publicar um script no meu IIS. ja foi instalado o pacote do ASp.NET porem continua com erro
enter image description here
This is the string
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="Resurrection Power+ Part 2 (El
Poder de la Resurrección) 20-3-2022.mp3"
I want to extract this
Resurrection Power+ Part 2 (El Poder de la Resurrección) 20-3-2022.mp3
i have access to an MS Access database connected with oracle (I just have permissions to view and copy information, not to edit):
And I Found some rows with value '#Error':
When I click on an error row, this warning is displayed:
I want to export this database but this warning appears again and exportation process fail.
I build a macro that can export the db but it isn't exporting ALL the data:
The result of the export is an excel file with 65534 rows and my db has 72437 rows! the are 6903 rows with value information which my macro doesn't pull into the excel file.
And I have a macro I used to pull the data from access and before this #Error rows appears, it had been working successfully:
Public Sub Bajada_OIT()
'variable para almacenar la conexion
Dim conexion As Object
'variable para almacenar los datos de la consulta al fichero access
Dim recordSet As Object
'variable con la consulta SQL
Dim consulta As String
'viarable donde almacenamos la cadena de conexión
Dim cadenaConexion As String
'instanciamos el objeto conexion
Set conexion = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'elegimos el proveedor que vamos a usar y donde se encuentra nuestra base de datos
cadenaConexion = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=F:\SEC\COST\COST\DIT\DIT.accdb"
'consulta que haremos a la base de datos
consulta = "SELECT * FROM ADAS_PCO_OIT;"
'abrimos la conexión
conexion.Open cadenaConexion
'ejecutamos la consulta y nos traemos los resultados (recordset)
Set recordSet = conexion.Execute(consulta)
On Error Resume Next
Sheets("OIT").Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset recordSet
'Este error es debido a que la base de datos tiene filas con valores #Error que no pueden ser copiados al portapapeles.
If Err.Number = -2147467259 Then
MsgBox "La base de datos contiene datos imposibles de copiar, se ha cancelado la extracción automática."
Exit Sub
End If
On Error GoTo 0
'cerramos el recordset
Set recordSet = Nothing
'cerramos conexion
Set conexion = Nothing
MsgBox "Extraccion de Acces: ADAS_PCO_OIT (OIT) Satisfactoria.", vbInformation, "Ayuda"
End Sub
What would be the appropriate SQL query so that the errors are not displayed and the macro works again?
Or what configuration would I have to do in the database so that these errors do not appear (remember that I am not the administrator of this database)?
I Could resolve this problem doing the connection again in a new Access file:
Creating a new Access Blank desktop database.
On the External Data ribbon, choose the option "ODBC Database" That is in Import & Link Section.
Choose the source and destination area (you can specify how and where you want to store the data in the current database).
Create a New DSN File Data Source.
Select the driver for which you want to set up a data source (In my case, i use the "Oracle in OraClient12Home 1_32bit" Driver Version)
Type the name of the file data source you want to save this connection.
Finish (Next you need to have accession privileges for enter the database if it has user/pw security).
It seems that my Data base connection had corrupted and doing this steps again has solved my problem.
I Hope this solution may solves this problem if anyone has the same trouble.
enter image description here
I want to add a new line after "the following things" as \n or other things are not working
here you've used Dialogflow's web demo integration option which DOESN'T support multiple messages(lines) per response. This integration only supports single text responses.
You can use DialogFlow messenger integration if you want to add multiple messages.
To make a line break in the 'Text Response' sector just press 'Shift + Enter'.
Para realizar un salto de linea en el sector de 'Text Response' solo hay que presionar 'Shift + Enter'
I have a comments in cell F4 from a data base in HTML and looks like this (in spanish)
<b>[2020-02-04 12:15:45]:</b> Se aguarda la llegada de materiales. Hoy llega el material a sitio. Mientras, estamos realizando auditoria en BH715.
<b>[2020-01-31 15:16:58]:</b> COMENTARIO ASIGNACION: Se reasigna a otro supervisor por vacaciones.
So... I want to clean the text deleting (html tags):
"" , ":", ""
and the result will be:
[2020-02-04 12:15:45] Se aguarda la llegada de materiales. Hoy llega
el material a sitio. Mientras, estamos realizando auditoria en BH715.
[2020-01-31 15:16:58] COMENTARIO ASIGNACION: Se reasigna a otro
supervisor por vacaciones.
The two functions nested are using:
But, only work the first number {1... of the range.
The rest of the number it doesn't work.
official Help here:
any advice about that ?
I am using Office 2019/265 the delimiter are semicolons in my case.
thanks a lot.
Here's my code to retrieve attachment from Gmail message
Dim attachPart As MessagePartBody = myGMailService.Users.Messages.Attachments.Get(ProfileUsager.GoogleAccountUserName, ID, attachmentID).Execute()
Dim fileByteArray() As Byte = Convert.FromBase64String(attachPart.Data())
My problem is Convert.FromBase64String, this return:
L'entrée n'est pas une chaîne Base 64 valide, car elle contient un caractère non-Base 64, plus de deux caractères de remplissage ou un caractère non conforme parmi les caractères de remplissage.
How I can resolve this? This code is a code block I found on Google API doc.