tabulator placeholder displayed wrong - tabulator

i have updated tabulator from 4.9 to 5.3. Now the placeholder is displayed wrong when there is no data present. There is a dark grey area around it. Before it was displayed correctly.
placeholder is created with:
placeholder: "Keine Versionen vorhanden",
It looks like this:
I would be thankfull for a tip.


How to wrap af:inputFile text name?

I am using JDeveloper,
I have an inputFile component in my page that takes its text value from the name of some components. The problem is that that when the text is long it gets displayed all there and may even occupy the whole window. Is there any possibility to wrap this text value in this case?
I don't think <af:inputFile> has a labelStyle attribute:
You can try adding the CSS in the component's inlineStyle or contentStyle
<af:inputFile inlineStyle="word-wrap:break-word;" />
It depends if the very long text is in the content or the label of the field.
If this doesn't do the trick, you can try creating a custom skin and customizing the label or content style via the adf style selectors: af|inputFile::content , af|inputFile::label.
Btw, you need to check if word-wrap works on all browsers you're targeting.
You can try setting the labelStyle attribute of the <af:inputFile> component to wrap the contents of the label. I am not sure of the CSS style attribtue information for it, but searching on the net I found word-wrap:break-word;.
I too had this problem with af:inputFile.
Just give contentStyle="width:200px" it will solve the issue.
we can adjust the width accordingly.

AS3 Dynamic Text with Vars

I am working on a project with a few dynamic text boxes. I want to have one of the boxes show the variable "frameWeightText" and them "lbs" Here is some of the code:
var frameWeightText:String;
var frameWeight:Number;
frameWeight = 16;
frameWeightText = frameWeight.toString();
base_info.frameWeightBox.text = frameWeightText + "lbs";
The text box only shows "lbs" but not 16 before that.
Your code all looks fine to me, but have you made sure to embed the font you're using? If you haven't, but the text field on the stage has "lbs" already typed in, that would explain only those characters showing up.
David Mear is right. surfaspen you should embed fonts to library and actionscript

Cannot insert an image - Textfield

I downloaded the new version of Orchard - 1.4.2.
Created a new Content Type. Added a new Text Field. Changed the flavour to HTML.
However, I can't insert an image to that WSIWYG. There is no error. But the Image Picker tool doesn't seem to work.
Am I missing something here?
This was fixed in the later versions.

How do I get at image title attributes in Watir?

Given the following HTML code (which, I realise, sucks, but that's not something I can currently solve):
<img height="64" width="64" class='list_item' src="/img/icon/first.jpg"
title="This is the first item::Completed the item "I did this first"" alt="First" />
gives me a result of (this is an image.to_s)
src: /img/icon/first.jpg
width: 64
height: 64
alt: First
Note lack of "title" element. This does not actually change (the lack of the title element)
If I get the contents of the parent div of one of those icons, I get something like:
<img class="list_item" I="" did="" this="" first="" src="/img/icon/first.jpg" alt="First">
The broken HTML of the original has been turned into separate attributes somewhere down the line, but the title tag appears to have been stripped completely, and since it's the contents of the title tag I need, I'm a little stuck.
This has been tried with lastest Watir on Ruby 1.9.2 using Firefox.
Perfect world solution: I'd like to get the original transmitted HTML for the image tag, so I can "special case" (ie, hack) around the stupid double-quote problem.
Good Enough Solution: the contents of the title tag.
There is actually a #title method on Watir::Image. With the above incorrect HTML the output would be like this (where 'i' is the Image object):
=> "This is the first item::Completed the item "
This shows only part of the title.
But you could use #html and then parse all the necessary information out of it with some magic:
=> "<IMG class=list_item title=\"This is the first item::Completed the item \" alt=First src=\"/img/icon/first.jpg\" width=64 height=64 first?? this did I>"
But as other answers above have mentioned - you cannot get it out correctly due to the bad HTML. Maybe there's some other way to accomplish your bigger goal you're having?
getting the title probably isn't working because the way the title attribute is set on that element isn't valid. entities " and < and > need to be escaped inside html attributes, with " and < and > respectively. Escape the quotes and try again.
Not sure, but I don't think Watir supports image titles. I looked over the Supported Elements page, title was x'ed out. I don't see it in the RDoc for Watir::Image type either.

Content Graphic Was Pushed Down - Need Help

I modified html codes generated by Firework, and now graphic was pused down I dont know how to fix it. Sorry Im still using tables, mixing up with css to create the list items....please help....What I did was extend the original graphic to make it taller to fit the list menu
Thanks ahead
It looks like you removed one row from the center section.
On the left side, in the cell containing r10_c1.jpg, change rowspan="2" to rowspan="1"
On the right side, change rowspan="9" to rowspan="8"
