Downloading a large Blob to local file in ManifestV3 service worker - google-chrome-extension

I have a logging mechanism in place that saves the logs into an array. And I need a way to download the logs into a file.
I had this previously working (on manifest v2) with
const url = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(reallyLongString, { type: 'text/plain' }));
const filename = 'logs.txt';{url, filename});
Now I am migrating to manifest v3 and since manifest v3 does not have URL.createObjectURL, you cannot create a url to pass to
Instead it is possible to create a Blob URL using something like
const url = `data:text/plain,${reallyLongString}`;
const filename = 'logs.txt';{url, filename});
The problem is that seems to have a limit on the number of characters passed in the url argument, and the downloaded file only contains a small part of the string.
So what would be a way to overcome this limitation?

Hopefully, a way to download Blob directly in service worker will be implemented in
Workaround via an extension page
Here's the algorithm:
Use an already opened page such as popup or options
Otherwise, inject an iframe into any page that we have access to
Otherwise, open a new minimized window
async function downloadBlob(blob, name, destroyBlob = true) {
// When `destroyBlob` parameter is true, the blob is transferred instantly,
// but it's unusable in SW afterwards, which is fine as we made it only to download
const send = async (dst, close) => {
dst.postMessage({blob, name, close}, destroyBlob ? [await blob.arrayBuffer()] : []);
// try an existing page/frame
const [client] = await self.clients.matchAll({type: 'window'});
if (client) return send(client);
const WAR = chrome.runtime.getManifest().web_accessible_resources;
const tab = WAR?.some(r => r.resources?.includes('downloader.html'))
&& (await chrome.tabs.query({url: '*://*/*'})).find(t => t.url);
if (tab) {
target: {tabId:},
func: () => {
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = chrome.runtime.getURL('downloader.html'); = 'display:none!important';
} else {{url: 'downloader.html', state: 'minimized'});
self.addEventListener('message', function onMsg(e) {
if ( === 'sendBlob') {
self.removeEventListener('message', onMsg);
send(e.source, !tab);
<script src=downloader.js></script>
downloader.js, popup.js, options.js, and other scripts for extension pages (not content scripts):
navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(swr =>'sendBlob'));
navigator.serviceWorker.onmessage = async e => {
if ( {
url: URL.createObjectURL(,
if ( {
"web_accessible_resources": [{
"matches": ["<all_urls>"],
"resources": ["downloader.html"],
"use_dynamic_url": true
Warning! Since "use_dynamic_url": true is not yet implemented don't add web_accessible_resources if you don't want to make your extension detectable by web pages.
Workaround via Offscreen document
Soon there'll be another workaround: chrome.offscreen.createDocument instead of to start an invisible DOM page where we can call URL.createObjectURL, pass the result back to SW that will use it for


Can you write a Chrome extension that runs nothing unless the devtools panel is open? [duplicate]

I have a new browser extension I'm developing, which means that to make it publicly available on the Chrome Web Store, I must use manifest v3. My extension is a DevTools extension, which means that to communicate with the content script, I have to use a background service worker to proxy the messages. Unfortunately, the docs on DevTools extensions haven't been updated for manifest v3, and the technique they suggest for messaging between the content script and the DevTools panel via the background script won't work if the background worker is terminated.
I've seen some answers here and Chromium project issue report comments suggest that the only available workaround is to reset the connection every five minutes. That seems hacky and unreliable. Is there a better mechanism for this, something more event based than an arbitrary timer?
We can make the connection hub out of the devtools_page itself. This hidden page runs inside devtools for the current tab, it doesn't unload while devtools is open, and it has full access to all of chrome API same as the background script.
"devtools_page": "devtools.html",
"content_scripts": [{
"matches": ["<all_urls>"],
"js": ["content.js"],
"run_at": "document_start"
<script src="devtools.js"></script>
let portDev, portTab;
const tabId = chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.tabId;
const onDevMessage = msg => portTab.postMessage(msg);
const onTabMessage = msg => portDev.postMessage(msg);
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(port => {
if ( !== tabId) return;
portDev = port;
portTab = chrome.tabs.connect(tabId, {name: 'dev'});
// chrome.devtools.panels.create...
const port = chrome.runtime.connect({
name: `${chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.tabId}`,
port.onMessage.addListener(msg => {
// This prints in devtools-on-devtools:
// To print in tab's console see `chrome.devtools.inspectedWindow.eval`
self.onclick = () => port.postMessage('foo');
let portDev;
const onMessage = msg => {
const onDisconnect = () => {
portDev = null;
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(port => {
if ( !== 'dev') return;
portDev = port;
P.S. Regarding the 5-minute timer reset trick, if you still need the background script to be persistent, in this case it is reasonably reliable because the tab is guaranteed to be open while devtools for this tab is open.

"Scroll to Text" not working in Extension

I've built a Chrome Extension (pop-up) and one of the primary functions is opening different web pages when the user clicks on a link. Sometimes I want to focus on specific text on the new page so I'm trying to use the "scroll to text fragment" feature through my extension.
Unfortunately, when the page loads, this feature (scroll to text) fails. I have tested the exact same link manually and it works fine, but when I inject this link into the browser through my extension, nothing happens except the page loading as normal.
Here are a few more details that might help:
The problem I'm having is using Chrome.tabs.update() which is triggered by a user clicking a link in my popup
We are using manifest v2 not v3
The exact command from the popup javascript is (not tab id as it defaults to current tab):
chrome.tabs.update({ url: "", })
In the manifest, we do not have the "tabs" permission.
Is there a special permission needed to use this feature in my extension? Is there something I need to do in my extension code to make this work as expected? I'm at a loss for next steps.
This is the exact feature I'm referring to:
And here's an example of the feature in action:,Navigating%20to%20a%20URL,-today%20will%20load
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
There's no special permission so apparently it's a bug in Chrome:
A simple workaround is to use chrome.tabs.create and close the original tab, but it flickers in the tab strip and loses the tab's back/forward history, sessionStorage, and so on.
function navigate(url) {
chrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}, ([tab]) => {
chrome.tabs.create({ url, index: tab.index });
Another workaround is to set the hash part of the URL in the content script, but it requires host permissions for the navigated site in manifest.json like *://
async function navigate(url) {
if (await setUrlInContentScript(url)) {
return true;
const [base, hash] = url.split('#');
await onTabReceivedUrl(await new Promise(resolve => {
chrome.tabs.update({ url: base }, resolve);
return setUrlInContentScript('#' + hash, 'hash');
function setUrlInContentScript(url, part = 'href') {
return new Promise(resolve => {
code: `location.${part}=${JSON.stringify(url)}`,
runAt: 'document_start',
}, () => resolve(!chrome.runtime.lastError));
function onTabReceivedUrl(tab) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function onUpdated(tabId, info) {
if (tabId === && info.url) {
In my case I discovered, that one of the characters ~ was encoded. You need the real characters to get Scroll to Text working.

How can one upload an image to a KeystoneJS GraphQL endpoint?

I'm using TinyMCE in a custom field for the KeystoneJS AdminUI, which is a React app. I'd like to upload images from the React front to the KeystoneJS GraphQL back. I can upload the images using a REST endpoint I added to the Keystone server -- passing TinyMCE an images_upload_handler callback -- but I'd like to take advantage of Keystone's already-built GraphQL endpoint for an Image list/type I've created.
I first tried to use the approach detailed in this article, using axios to upload the image
const getGQL = (theFile) => {
const query = gql`
mutation upload($file: Upload!) {
createImage(file: $file) {
file {
// The operation contains the mutation itself as "query"
// and the variables that are associated with the arguments
// The file variable is null because we can only pass text
// in operation variables
const operation = {
variables: {
file: null
// This map is used to associate the file saved in the body
// of the request under "0" with the operation variable "variables.file"
const map = {
'0': ['variables.file']
// This is the body of the request
// the FormData constructor builds a multipart/form-data request body
// Here we add the operation, map, and file to upload
const body = new FormData();
body.append('operations', JSON.stringify(operation));
body.append('map', JSON.stringify(map));
body.append('0', theFile);
// Create the options of our POST request
const opts = {
method: 'post',
url: 'http://localhost:4545/admin/api',
// #ts-ignore
return axios(opts);
but I'm not sure what to pass as theFile -- TinyMCE's images_upload_handler, from which I need to call the image upload, accepts a blobInfo object which contains functions to give me
The file name doesn't work, neither does the blob -- both give me server errors 500 -- the error message isn't more specific.
I would prefer to use a GraphQL client to upload the image -- another SO article suggests using apollo-upload-client. However, I'm operating within the KeystoneJS environment, and Apollo-upload-client says
Apollo Client can only have 1 “terminating” Apollo Link that sends the
GraphQL requests; if one such as apollo-link-http is already setup,
remove it.
I believe Keystone has already set up Apollo-link-http (it comes up multiple times on search), so I don't think I can use Apollo-upload-client.
The UploadLink is just a drop-in replacement for HttpLink. There's no reason you shouldn't be able to use it. There's a demo KeystoneJS app here that shows the Apollo Client configuration, including using createUploadLink.
Actual usage of the mutation with the Upload scalar is shown here.
Looking at the source code, you should be able to use a custom image handler and call blob on the provided blobInfo object. Something like this:
images_upload_handler: async function (blobInfo, success, failure) {
const image = blobInfo.blob()
try {
await apolloClient.mutate(
gql` mutation($image: Upload!) { ... } `,
variables: { image }
} catch (e) {
I used to have the same problem and solved it with Apollo upload link. Now when the app got into the production phase I realized that Apollo client took 1/3rd of the gzipped built files and I created minimal graphql client just for keystone use with automatic image upload. The package is available in npm:
Usage example that will upload github logo to user profile if there is an user with avatar field set as file:
import { mutate } from '#sylchi/keystone-graphql-client'
const getFile = () => fetch('',
mode: "cors",
cache: "no-cache"
.then(response => response.blob())
.then(blob => {
return new File([blob], "file.png", { type: "image/png" })
getFile().then(file => {
const options = {
mutation: `
mutation($id: ID!, $data: UserUpdateInput!){
updateUser(id: $id, data: $data){
variables: {
id: "5f5a7f712a64d9db72b30602", //replace with user id
data: {
avatar: file
mutate(options).then(result => console.log(result));
The whole package is just 50loc with 1 dependency :)
The easies way for me was to use graphql-request. The advantage is that you don't need to set manually any header prop and it uses the variables you need from the images_upload_handler as de docs describe.
I did it this way:
const { request, gql} = require('graphql-request')
const query = gql`
mutation IMAGE ($file: Upload!) {
createImage (data:
file: $file,
}) {
file {
images_upload_handler = (blobInfo, success) => {
// ^ ^ varibles you get from tinymce
const variables = {
file: blobInfo.blob()
request(GRAPHQL_API_URL, query, variables)
.then( data => {
For Keystone 5 editorConfig would stripe out functions, so I clone the field and set the function in the views/Field.js file.
Good luck ( ^_^)/*

Unable to get the elements of an iframe using phantomJS

I am searching for a way to get the control on the elements inside a document. The problem is, the document is attached to an iFrame.
Here's an example:
.use(iframe.withFrameName('wc', function (nightmare) {
.type('#account_number', accountNumber)
.screenshot(resultfolder + '\\06-Card-Number.png')
.type('#card_security_code', testData.securityCode)
.selectIndex('#expiration_month_list', 1)
.selectIndex('#expiration_year_list', 4)
What I am trying to do above is:
Getting the iFrame with the Url.
Using this to get the control on every element in iFrame.
I encountered a similar issue. For one reason or another (Windows? Outdated?) the package nightmare-iframe was not working for me.
So I did this using pure DOM, which would transcribe for you:
var info = {
"account": account_number,
"security": testData.security_code;
nightmare.wait( () => {
/* Return true when the iframe is loaded */
var iframe = document.querySelector("iframe[name='wc']");
if (!iframe) {
return false;
var iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
return iframeDocument.querySelector("#account_number") != null;
}).evaluate( (info) => {
var iframe = document.querySelector("iframe[name='wc']");
var iframeDocument = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;
iframeDocument.querySelector("#account_number").value = info.account;
iframeDocument.querySelector("#card_security_code").value =;
//also use DOM to set proper date
}, info).then( () => {
console.log("submit done!");
}).catch((error) => {
console.error("Error in iframe magic", error);
This only works of course if the iframe is in the same domain as the main page and same-origin is allowed for the iframe. My use case was logging into paypal from a merchant's page.
For iframes with different origin, nightmare-iframe would be the package to use but then an error is needed to see what's the problem.

How to implement Chrome extension 's chrome.tabs.sendMessage API in Firefox addon

I'm working on a Firefox addon development with Addon-Builder. I have no idea about how to implement Chrome extension 's chrome.tabs.sendMessage API in Firefox addon. The code is like this (the code is in the background.js, something like main.js in the Firefox addon):
function sendMessageToTabs(message, callbackFunc){
chrome.tabs.query({}, function(tabsArray){
for(var i=0; i<tabsArray.length; i++){
//console.log("Tab id: "+tabsArray[i].id);
So, How can I achieve this?
In add-ons build using the Add-on SDK, content scripts are managed by main.js. There's no built-in way to access all of your add-on's content scripts. To send a message to all tabs, you need to manually keep track of the content scripts.
One-way messages are easily implemented by the existing APIs. Callbacks are not built-in, though.
My browser-action SDK library contains a module called "messaging", which implements the Chrome messaging API. In the following example, the content script and the main script use an object called "extension". This object exposes the onMessage and sendMessage methods, modelled after the Chrome extension messaging APIs.
The following example adds a content script to every page on Stack Overflow, and upon click, the titles of the tabs are logged to the console (the one opened using Ctrl + Shift + J).
const { createMessageChannel, messageContentScriptFile } = require('messaging');
const { PageMod } = require('sdk/page-mod');
const { data } = require('sdk/self');
// Adds the message API to every page within the add-on
var ports = [];
var pagemod = PageMod({
include: ['*'],
contentScriptWhen: 'start',
contentScriptFile: [messageContentScriptFile, data.url('contentscript.js')],
contentScriptOptions: {
channelName: 'whatever you want',
endAtPage: false
onAttach: function(worker) {
var extension = createMessageChannel(pagemod.contentScriptOptions, worker.port);
worker.on('detach', function() {
// Remove port from list of workers when the content script is deactivated.
var index = ports.indexOf(extension);
if (index !== -1) ports.splice(index, 1);
function sendMessageToTabs(message, callbackFunc) {
for (var i=0; i<ports.length; i++) {
ports[i].sendMessage(message, callbackFunc);
// Since we've included the browser-action module, we can use it in the demo
var badge = require('browserAction').BrowserAction({
default_title: 'Click to send a message to all tabs on Stack Overflow'
badge.onClicked.addListener(function() {
sendMessageToTabs('gimme title', function(response) {
// Use console.error to make sure that the log is visible in the console.
For the record, the interesting part of main.js is inside the onAttach event.
extension.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse) {
if (message === 'gimme title') {
