I'm trying to automate something that is dependent on the model of the machine and it's checked using its serial number.
Currently, I'm trying to find a way to get the serial number and save it so that I can automate inputting it in the search bar (dell websites Identify your product)
wmic bios get serialnumber >C:/test.txt
When I try running this nothing appears in the test.txt file
import os
os.system ('start cmd /k "wmic bios get serialnumber"')
When I try running this it returns
I'm just not sure how to store that information for later use.
The Final code (in terms of my question)
import os
os.system('start cmd /k "wmic bios get serialnumber >C:\\Users\\Batman is better than Superman\\Desktop\\test.txt"')
So it's worth noting that for the file path to work you have to use \\ as you would get the syntax error below. I also had to include the file path in the single quotes not after the closed Parentheses.
(SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 44-45: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape)
I also found out (using pycharm /selenium for the later steps of this code) that if you put the file path as (r'C:\blahblah) it works but I got a deprication error. Below is a sample of what I did to get past the Deprecation warning
serv = Service(r"C:\Users\BatMan\PycharmProjects\DellUpdate\Drivers\chromedriver.exe")
driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=serv)
I have followed the script provided here by DaveD here:
How to read Ansys data files in ParaView?
But I am unable to get a result that Paraview can import. I attach a few screenshots, because several warnings came out while the script was being run. I got a vtk as output (360 MB, so I guess it contains something...), but Paraview displays the following error:
ERROR: In C:\glr\builds\paraview\paraview-ci\source-paraview\VTK\IO\Legacy\vtkUnstructuredGridReader.cxx, line 320
vtkUnstructuredGridReader (000001CECD70BC00): Unrecognized keyword: 0.00000e+00
I have never used APDL, so I will be happy if the author of the script or someone experienced using it could tell me what I did wrong (I continued clicking "yes" through all the windows and I got the output.vtk as I mentioned)
Thanks a lot in advance
enter image description here
I get the syntax error:
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified
when running the below code.
It is a little hard to find a good solution for this problem on windows which I am running as compared to UNIX which I can find working code for.
from subprocess import Popen, check_call
p1 = Popen('start http://stackoverflow.com/')
p2 = Popen('start http://www.google.com/')
p3 = Popen('start http://www.facebook.com/')
for pid in [p1.pid,p2.pid,p3.pid]:
check_call(['taskkill', '/F', '/T', '/PID', str(pid)])
I want the code to open the pages for 60 seconds and then close them.
I know there is similar topic on the link:
, but firstly it is for python 2 and I have tried the codes using the subprocess module and they are identical to the code I am using which does not work.
Windows might be thrown off by the slashes in the url. I dont have a windows machine right now but could you try quoting the urls?
It would be nice if you got this working, but the proper python way to do this is to use the webbrowser module. Like this:
import webbrowser
url = "google.com"
closing these would be more tricky but i think your question is a duplicate of this, with almost exactly the same code and also for windows.
So i think you should search for your answer there first.
How to close an internet tab with cmd/Python?
p1 = Popen('start http://stackoverflow.com')
p1 = Popen('start http://stackoverflow.com',shell=True)
to make sure the command is executed through the shell.
If passing a single string, either shell must be True (see below) or else the string must simply name the program to be executed without specifying any arguments.
Source: https://docs.python.org/3/library/subprocess.html
I'm looking at trying to read pcap files from various CTF events.
Ideally, I would like something that can do the breakdown of information such as wireshark, but just being able to read the timestamp and return the packet as a bytestring of some kind would be welcome.
The problem is that there is little or no python 3 support with all the commonly cited libraries: dpkt, pylibpcap, pcapy, etc.
Does anyone know of a pcap library that works with python 3?
to my knowledge, there are at least 2 packages that seems to work with Python 3: pure-pcapfile and dpkt:
pure-pcapfile is easy to install in python 3 using pip. It's very easy to use but still limited to decoding Ethernet and IP data. The rest is left to you. But it works right out of the box.
dpkt doesn't work right out of the box and needs some manipulation before. They are porting it to Python 3 and plan to have a Python 2 and 3 compatible version for version 2.0. Unfortunately, it's not there yet. However, it is way more complete than pure-pcapfile and can decode many protocols. If your packet embeds several layers of protocols, it will decode them automatically for you. The only problem is that you need to make a few corrections here and there to make it work (as the time of writing this comment).
the only one that I found working for Python 3 so far is pcapfile. You can find it at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pypcapfile/ or install it by doing pip3 install pypcapfile.
There are just basic functionalities but it works very well for me and has been updated quite recently (at the time of writing this message):
from pcapfile import savefile
file = open('mypcapfile.pcp' , 'rb')
pcapfile = savefile.load_savefile(file,verbose=True)
If everything goes well, you should see something like this:
[+] attempting to load mypcapfile.pcap
[+] found valid header
[+] loaded 1234 packets
[+] finished loading savefile.
A few remarks now. I'm using Python 3.4.3. And doing import pcapfile will not import anything from it (I'm still a beginner with Python) but the only basic information and functions from the package. Next, you have to explicitly open your file in read binary mode by passing 'rb' as the mode in the open() function. In the documentation they don't say it explicitly.
The rest is like in the documentation:
packet = pcapfile.packets[12]
to access the packet number 12 (the 13th packet then, the first one being at 0). And you have basic functionalities like
to get a timestamp or
to get raw data.
The documentation mentions functions to do packet decoding of some standard formats like Ethernet and IP.
dpkt is not available for Python 3 so you need to do the following, assuming you have access to a command line. The code is available on https://github.com/kbandla/dpkt.git and you must download it before:
git clone https://github.com/kbandla/dpkt.git
cd dpkt
git checkout --track origin/migrate_py3
git pull
This 4 commands do the following:
clone (download) the code from its git repository on github
go into the newly created directory named dpkt
switch to the branch name migrate_py3 which contains the Python 3 code. As you can see from the name of this branch, it's still experimental. So far it works for me.
(just in case) download again the code
then copy the directory named dpkt in your project or wherever Python 3 can find it.
Later on, in Python 3 here is what you have to do to get started:
import dpkt
file = open('mypcapfile.pcap','rb')
will open your file. Don't forget the 'rb' binary mode in Python 3 (same thing as in pure-pcapfile).
pcap = dpkt.pcap.Reader(file)
will read and decode your file
for ts, buf in pcap:
eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
will, for example, decode Ethernet packet and print them. Then read the documentation on how to use dpkt. If your packets contain IP or TCP layer, then dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf) will decode them as well. Also note that in the for loop, we have access to the timestamps in ts.
You may want to iterate it in a less constrained form and doing as follows will help:
(ts,buf) = next(pcap)
eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
where the first line get the next tuple from the pcap file. If pcap is False then you read everything.
How can I manage to periodically read the output of a script while it is running?
In the case of youtube-dl, it sends download information (progress/speed/eta) about the video being downloaded to the terminal.
With the following code I am able to capture the total result of the scripts output (on linux) to a temporary file:
tmpFile = io.open("/tmp/My_Temp.tmp", "w+")
f = io.popen("youtube-dl http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIqwUx_0gJI", 'r')
Instead of waiting for the script to complete and writing all the data at the end, I would like able to capture "snapshots" of the latest information that youtube-dl has sent to the terminal.
My overall goal is to capture the download information in order to design a progress bar using Iup.
If there are more intelligent ways of capturing download information I will be happy to take advice as well.
Regardless, if it is possible to use io.popen(), os.execute(), or other tools in such a way I would still like to know how to capture the real time console output.
This works fine both on Windows and Linux. Lines are displayed in real-time.
local pipe = io.popen'ping google.com'
for line in pipe:lines() do
If previous code didn't work try the following (as dualed suggested):
local pipe = io.popen'youtube-dl with parameters'
local c = pipe:read(1)
if c then
-- Do something with the char received
io.write(c) io.flush()
until not c
I'm using a free web host but choosing not to work with any Python framework, and am stuck trying to print Chinese characters saved in the source file (using emacs to save file encoded in utf-8) to the resulting HTML page. I thought Unicode "just works" in Python 3.1 so I am baffled. I found three solutions that aren't working. I might just be missing a detail or two.
The host is Alwaysdata, and it has been straightforward to use, so I have little clue about details of how they put together the parts. All I do is upload or edit (with ssh) Python files to a www folder, change permissions, point a browser to the right URL, and it works.
My first attempt, which works on local IDLE (and also the server's Python command line interactive shell, which makes me even more confused why it won't work when it's passed to a browser)
mystr = "世界好"
print("Content-Type: text/html\n\n")
print("""<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><meta charset="utf-8"></head>
The error is:
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-3:
ordinal not in range(128)
Then I tried
resulting in no error, but the following undesired output to the browser:
Third, the following lines were added but got an error:
import sys
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'setdefaultencoding'
Finally, replacing print with f.write:
import codecs
f = codecs.open(sys.stdout, "w", "utf-8")
mystr = "你好世界"
TypeError: invalid file: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>'
How do I get the output to work? Do I need to use a framework for a quick fix?
It sounds like you are using CGI, which is a stupid API as it's using stdout, made for output to humans, to output to your browser. This is the basic source of your problems.
You need to encode it in UTF-8, and then write to sys.stdout.buffer instead of sys.stdout.
And after that, get yourself a webframework. Really, you'll be a lot happier.