I cannot find rather popular code (and maybe text) editor - text-editor

I've seen text/code editors like this a lot of times, but I still didn't find what's the text/code editor is this? Can you help me?
This is that text/code editor
Hope I'll get answer with no aggressive things)

That looks like Visual Studio with a light theme considering there is Unity code and the indentation level is represented by dots rather than solid lines.


Android Studio using Kotlin - is there a way to automatically fold multiline comments?

Been getting into Android Studio (and Android development in general) lately, mostly a personal challenge to make a modern version of an app my mum loves but hasn't been updated in ages. But my life story isn't the point, and that's not just because it's not that interesting.
The actual question:
Is there a way to make Android Studio do automatic folding for block comments (i.e. /* to */) in Kotlin files? In Settings > Editor > Code Folding there's options for documentation (in general) and multiline comments for C or Java, but no settings specific to Kotlin, and just one for Android in general (which has nothing to do with comments).
The reasoning: Because I'm still pretty new at this, there's a lot of things I've tried but haven't worked, and comment out instead of deleting because I still might be able to learn something from them later. There's also some big blocks of logging code for debugging that are great when I'm trying to debug but in the way (given I usually write them in the middle of classes or methods) when I'm not, so I comment them out. It's just annoying having to fold several sections of comments whenever I open a file.
The "well duh" solution?: I could set them as documentation comments, which would hopefully get automatically folded, but if I start writing documentation (like I really should get around to) they'll get mixed in and that would be annoying.
What I've tried so far: Going through all the settings with a fine tooth comb (and I'll freely admit I could have gone over something obvious) and searched for plugins for code folding, about the only one I could find is https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/12007-foldingplus which doesn't seem to do anything about this particular problem.
Can anyone help me out here, other than maybe "be less of a newbie in general"?
With Android Studio Arctic Fox I found that if you highlight a region that has the comments in question, you can right-click on it and one of the options will be Folding. From the expanded options select Fold Selection / Remove Region and the selected comments will fold.

Can anyone tell me a better and free alternative to sumblime text editor?

I am using sublime text editor for last few months...Recently I have decided to create a video tutorial...but the message that sublime shows (it is unregistered) is annoying...So can anyone tell me an alternative that works exactly like sublime (something that can ease your life while working on some project)...
Depending on what kind of code you're working with, you can give Netbeans or Brackets a try too

Sublime Text 2 split active screen like dreamweaver

At work, I have to jump into old mysql_query procedural website build higgledy-piggledy (some var are camelCased AND underscored, no indent code, page are build in table ...)
Anyway, usually I m using ST2, but here I can't. So to search my line code, I use dreamweaver to click on the screen preview and the cursor drop on the code line I want.
I do not like and I don't know dreamweaver. But as code is UNREADABLE, that is the only way I have to work.(My boss doesn't want rebuild theses sites).
Here is my question, does anybody know for ST2 a way (or a plugin) to split screen and click on screen preview to go right to the code line just like dreamweaver preview does ?
Answer is simple, you will never find something like that.
Try here - http://webdesign.about.com/od/windowshtmleditors/tp/windows-wysiwyg-editors.htm
WYSWIG html editors.
Try Sublime CodeIntel, as well says this page:
...This plugin brings a little of IDE functionality into ST2. This plugin reads all your code and is able to code-complete, jump into
definitions and function call tooltips. Although sometimes looks a
little buggy, it’s still worth having it around. It’s a huge time
saver, especially when you are dealing with other’s people code.
If is suitable for that project you can remove the package later.

Show unmatched html tags in vim

I've asked a related question here: Show unmatched html tags in Notepad++
Having only begun to use vim, I love it. I love the fact that I can launch a file in vim and exclusively use the keyboard for editing it. And, it's so quick and easy to do it once you get the hang of it...
Aside from all that, I'm wondering if there's a way to highlight unmatched html tags in vim. I've searched SOF and also looked around the web, but I'm either not searching hard enough or nobody's posted how to do this or the ability to search for unmatched html tags in vim doesn't exist.
I'd like to focus on html tags in particular, but I'd also like to say that I'm looking for a way to show ANY unmatched tags in a document (tags being in the form of "<SOME_TAG_NAME></SOME_TAG_NAME>").
Even if I could be pointed to a good tutorial on creating plugins for vim that would be helpful. I would have made a plugin for notepad++ myself, but it requires the use of Visual Studio which I don't have. I use open source technologies (particularly Java) for my development. I'm assuming and hoping that vim doesn't require Visual Studio to write a plugin...
Try syntastic. When you run :SyntasticCheck or when you write, it will run a syntax check on the html and flag the unmatched tags.
Note: You will need htmltidy.
Also note, on gvim win32, you may need to edit syntastic's syntax_checkers\html.vim as mentioned here.

Unable to use Idea - it's blanked

I have installed Jetbrains Idea 10.5.2 to use it's great capabilities for scala programming, but I'm getting stuck with it -- it is covered with small black squares instead of characters in all menus and messages:
I've googled it a lot but unfortunately couldn't find anything. Does anybody know what to do?
May be you can try to change font for IDEA.
For you it could be probably hard - but you can try. Open global setting with Ctrl+Alt+S.
And then try to blindly find font option like on this screenshot:
