OpenAI Gym save_video getting memory errors - openai-gym

I'm running the LunarLander-v2 gym environment and have successfully trained a policy using PPO. I saw the gym API that there is a function to save videos to a file. I need to do this as I am running my code on a server and there isn't a GUI. I've looked into the source code of save_video as well and notice that it saves videos in a "cubic" fashion. Videos of episode number [0, 1, 4, 27, 64, etc.] will be saved. I followed the example in the API but excluded step_starting_index as I don't think I need that. My code is below:
frames = env.render()
Episode 0 and 1 successfully gets saved, but after that (Episode 2, 3 or 4), the Python process gets Killed, which suggests a memory error. If I comment out save_video and let it run, the evaluations up to Episode 10 and beyond all succeed. This suggests that there seems to be a problem with save_video and I can't identify it.


Why does SageMaker PyTorch DDP init times out on SageMaker?

I'm using PyTorch DDP on SageMaker PyTorch Training DLC 1.8.1 The code seems properly DDP-formatted. I'm using instance_count = 2, and launching torch.distributed.launch and I believe the ranks and world size are properly set however the dist.init_process_group waits and times out
RuntimeError: Timed out initializing process group in store based barrier on rank: 0, for key: store_based_barrier_key:1 (world_size=2, worker_count=1, timeout=0:30:00)
What could go wrong? machines not networked together?
This is usually something to do with the way local_rank is retrieved and used during initialization. Please refer to the below example and see if you can figure out the difference.
The torch.distributed.launch is the helper utility within the torch.distributed package which can be used to launch multiple processes per node for distributed training. It tells all workers which IP address is of rank 0 which is set by MASTER_ADDR,
Each rank needs to be able to communicate to the MASTER_ADDR on the port MASTER_PORT. If those are set but the workers cannot reach the MASTER_ADDR, then it can be the root cause of hang and timeoutfor the job.
Besides, it will also wait until all nodes report in from --nodes defined in the launch as well.

Synchronization problem while executing Simulink FMU in ROS 2-Gazebo (TF_OLD_DATA warning)

I'm working in a co-simulation project between Simulink and Gazebo. The aim is to move a robot model in Gazebo with the trajectory coordinates computed from Simulink. I'm using MATLAB R2022a, ROS 2 Dashing and Gazebo 9.9.0 in a computer running Ubuntu 18.04.
The problem is that when launching the FMU with the fmi_adapter, I'm obtaining the following. It is tagged as [INFO], but actually messing up all my project.
[fmi_adapter_node-1] [INFO] [fmi_adapter_node]: Simulation time 1652274762.959713 is greater than timer's time 1652274762.901340. Is your step size to large?
Note the timer's time is higher than the simulation time. Even if I try to change the step size with the optional argument of the fmi_adapter_node, the same log appears with small differences in the times. I'm using the next commands:
ros2 launch fmi_adapter fmu_path:=FMI/Trajectory/RobotMARA_SimulinkFMU_v2.fmu # default step size: 0.2
ros2 launch fmi_adapter fmu_path:=FMI/Trajectory/RobotMARA_SimulinkFMU_v2.fmu _step_size:=0.001
As you would expect, the outputs of the FMU are the xyz coordinates of the robot trajectory in each time step. Since the fmi_adapter_node creates topics for both inputs and outputs, I'm reading the output xyz values by means of 3 subscribers with the next code. Then, those coordinates are being used to program the robot trajectories with the MoveIt-Python API.
When I run the previous Python code, I'm obtaining the following warning once and again and the robot manipulator actually doesn't move.
[ WARN] [1652274804.119514250]: TF_OLD_DATA ignoring data from the past for frame motor6_link at time 870.266 according to authority unknown_publisher
Possible reasons are listed at
The previous warning is explained here, but I'm not able to fix it. I've tried clicking Reset in RViz, but nothing changes. I've also tried the following without success:
ros2 param set /fmi_adapter_node use_sim_time true # it just sets the timer's time to 0
It seems that the clock is taking negative values, so there is a synchronization problem.
Any help is welcome.
The warning message by the FMIAdapterNode is emitted if the timer's period is only slightly greater than the simulation step-size and if the timer is preempted by other processes or threads.
I created an issue at which explains this in more detail and lists two possible fixes. It would be great if you could contribute to this discussion.
I assume that the TF_OLD_DATA error is not related to the fmi_adapter. Looking at the code snippet at ROS Answers, I wondered whether x,y,z values are re-published at all given that the lines
pose.position.x = listener_x.value
pose.position.y = listener_y.value
pose.position.z = listener_z.value
are not inside a callback and executed even before rospy.spin(), but maybe that's just truncated.

Extracting Meaningful Error Message from 'RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered' on Google Colab in Pytorch

I am experiencing the following error while training a generative network via Pytorch 1.9.0+cu102:
RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered
CUDA kernel errors might be asynchronously reported at some other API call,so the stacktrace below might be incorrect.
For debugging consider passing CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1.
While using a Google Colaboratory GPU session. This segment was triggered on either one of these two lines:
running_loss += loss.item()
target =
It produces the error on the first line when I am first running the notebook, and the second line each subsequent time I try to run the block. The first error occurs after training for 3 batches. The second error happens on the first batch. I can confirm that the device is cuda0, that device is available, and target is a pytorch tensor. Naturally, I tried to take the advice of the error and run:
However, neither of these lines changes the error message. According to a different post, this is because colab is running these lines in a subshell. The error does not occur when running on CPU, and I do not have access to a GPU device besides the GPU on Colab. While this question has been asked in many different forms, no answers are particularly helpful to me because they either recommend passing the aforementioned line, are about a situation fundamentally different from my own (such as training a classifier with an inappropriate number of classes), or recommend a solution which I have already tried, such as resetting the runtime or switching to CPU.
I am hoping to gain insight into the following questions:
Is there a way for me to get a more specific error message? Efforts to set the launch blocking variable have been unsuccessful.
How could it be that I am getting this error on two seemingly very different lines? How could it be that my network trains for 3 batches (it is always 3), but fails on the fourth?
Does this situation remind anyone of an error that they have encountered previously, and have a possible route for ameliorating it given the limited information I can extract?
I was successfully able to get more information about the error by executing:
os.environ['CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING'] = "1"
BEFORE importing torch. This allowed me to get a more detailed traceback and ultimately diagnose the problem as an inappropriate loss function.
This can be mainly due to 2 reasons:
Inconsistency in the number of classes
Wrong input for the loss function
If it's the first one, then see you should get the same error when you change the runtime back to CPU.
In my case, it was the second one. I had used BCE loss, and its input should be between 0 and 1. If it's any other value, this error might appear. So I fixed this by using:
instead of:
Oh yeah, and I also used:
at the beginning of the code.

Running python script in colab very slow as compared to same code run on directly colab in notebook

Recently I was trying to test my model which i already trained. Initially I was using Google colab notebook to write code because of it's interactive features, once I was done writing code and I was getting satisfactory results, it took around 2.5 hr to give final output. After that what I wanted was to transfer the notebook code to .py script, I did that with little bit of modification, saved it in gdrive, and then used command !python now it took me more than 4.5 hr to get the final output, can any one explain why does colab take so much time when trying to run the python script from gdrive while compared to the same code as used in notebook
I would add time calculation to every step I doubt that takes time and see which step in your whole program takes the time.
a1 = time.time()
//your code step
print(time.time() - a1)
This will give you the time for each step and you can see which one is taking a long time.
Operations to check.
1. object creation in loops
2. read/write operation to Gdrive
Once you find the problem-causing piece of code, you may change it.
Well it can be because of the fact that colab is retrieving the data from gdrive and then might be again writing in gdrive which will of ofcourse take time i guess

Debugging the optmization run while training variables of a pre-trained tensorflow model

I am loading a pre-trained model and then extracting only the trainable variables which I want to optimize (basically change or fine-tune) according to my custom loss. The problem is the moment I pass a mini-batch of data to it, it just hangs and there is no progress. I used Tensorboard for visualization but don't know how to debug when there is no log info available. I had put some basic print statements around it but didn't get any helpful information.
Just to give an idea, this is the piece of code sequentially
# Load and build the model
model = skip_thoughts_model.SkipThoughtsModel(model_config, mode="train")
with tf.variable_scope("SkipThoughts"):
theta = [v for v in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.MODEL_VARIABLES, scope='SkipThoughts') if "SkipThoughts" in]
# F Representation using Skip-Thoughts model
opt_F = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(model.total_loss, var_list=[theta])
# Training[opt_F], feed_dict = {idx: idxTensor})
And the model is from this repository:
The problem is with training i.e. the last step. I verified that the theta list is not empty it has 26 elements in it, like ...
Also, even after using tf.debug the issue remains. Maybe it really takes lot of time or is stuck awaiting for some other process? So, I also tried breaking down the
tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(model.total_loss, var_list=[theta])
step into
gvs = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).compute_gradients(model.total_loss, var_list=theta)
opt_F = opt.apply_gradients(gvs)
g =, feed_dict = {idx: idxTensor})
so that I can check if the gradients are computed in the first place, which got stuck at the same point. In addition to that, I also tried computing the gradients with tf.gradients over just one of the variables and that too for one dimension, but the issue still exists.
I am running this piece of code on an IPython notebook on Azure Cluster with 1 GPU Tesla K80. The GPU usage stays the same throughout the execution and there is no out of memory error.
The kernel interrupt doesn't work and the only way to stop it is by restarting the notebook. Moreover, if I compile this code into a Python file then too I need to explicitly kill the process. However, in any such case I don't get the stack trace to know what is the exact place it is stuck! How should one debug such an issue?
Any help and pointers in this regard would be much appreciated.
