How can I make my bash script create an ssh key pair for a given user - linux

I am new to bash scripting. I wrote a script that can create groups and users which works just fine, but my challenge now is how do I make the script create an ssh key pair for a particular user. From my script, it stopped working immediately after you switch to that user and it doesn't proceed to create the ssh key pair.
Below is my script.
for group in admin support engineering
sudo groupadd $group
sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash achebeh_${group}
sudo passwd achebeh_admin
sudo su achebeh_admin
ssh-keygen -t rsa
So please how can I go about creating an ssh pair for the achebeh_admin user using this script. I am open to learn. Please this is my firs script after following a tutorial course.

#Achebe-peter If I got your requirements correctly from your short description, this will do the job for you.
Try this script in a test environment at your own risk!
This script best performs assuming that you don't have configured users and related files
### Configuration Parameters Start ###
## The username that doesn't exist and you want to create.
## The groups array that doesn't exist and you want to create and assign them to your user.
groups=(testadmin testsupport testengineering)
## SSH-key lenght
### Configuration Parameters End ###
for group in ${groups[#]} ;do
# Set username containing the prefix and group name
# create such user if not exist
getent passwd ${user} &>/dev/null
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] ;then
sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash "${user}"
echo -e "\nType password for: ${user}"
sudo passwd ${user}
# Create '.ssh' directory in user's home directory
if ! [ -d /home/${user}/.ssh ] ;then
sudo mkdir /home/${user}/.ssh
# Generate ssh-key pair and move them to correspondig user's '.ssh/' dir.
echo "${ssh_file_name}"
echo ""
echo ""
) | ssh-keygen -t rsa -b ${ssh_key_lenght}
sudo mv -i "${ssh_file_name}" "${ssh_file_name}.pub" /home/${user}/.ssh/
sudo chown ${user}:${user} /home/${user}
# Create the groups (if does not exist)
getent group ${group} &>/dev/null
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ] ;then
sudo groupadd ${group}
# Assign relevant group to the new user
sudo usermod -aG ${group} ${user}
exit 0
Tested in
GNU bash, version 5.0.17(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
PS. Please vote up my answer and mark it as the correct answer if it satisfies your requirements.


Useradd script in linux without using passwd

I have to write a useradd script which adds a new user and sets for him a home directory.
echo "Name:"
read name
echo "Password:"
read password
echo "Group:"
read group
useradd -m -G $group -s /bin/bash -p $password $name
Everything works as intended but I have problems with the password in the following line -
useradd -m -G $group -s /bin/bash -p $password $name
It does not work so I need to use later in terminal passwd command.
How can I rebuild my script so I won't need to use passwd to setup password correctly? I have read that you can use stdin but I was not able to do this correctly.
If you prefer to pipe the user's password from STDIN, use chpasswd utility which is quick and simple.
as suggested by #Ardit.
This script should work for your purpose, assuming you meet the following conditions-
You are interacting as the root user
You have an existing group created for the purpose of your new user
echo "Name:"
read name
echo "Password:"
read password
echo "Group:" # group must exist
read group
# add new user, set group, create new home directory
useradd -G $group -m $name
# update new user password by piping from STDIN
echo ""$name":"$password"" | chpasswd
# change the default user shell to bash
chsh -s /bin/bash $name
First we execute useradd command to create the new user and assign it to an existing group.
Then we pipe the name and password into chpasswd. If you're wondering why wrap those variable expansions with double quotes, check this answer out .
Finally chsh utility is used to update the user shell.
Why not execute everything in a single statement?
I prefer subdividing a problem into smaller tasks for easier understanding.

Unix: 'su user' not working and remains root inside SSH if condition [duplicate]

I've written a script that takes, as an argument, a string that is a concatenation of a username and a project. The script is supposed to switch (su) to the username, cd to a specific directory based upon the project string.
I basically want to do:
svn update;
The problem is that once I do an su... it just waits there. Which makes sense since the flow of execution has passed to switching to the user. Once I exit, then the rest of the things execute but it doesn't work as desired.
I prepended su to the svn command but the command failed (i.e. it didn't update svn in the directory desired).
How do I write a script that allows the user to switch user and invoke svn (among other things)?
Much simpler: use sudo to run a shell and use a heredoc to feed it commands.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo -i -u someuser bash << EOF
echo "In"
echo "Out"
(answer originally on SuperUser)
The trick is to use "sudo" command instead of "su"
You may need to add this
username1 ALL=(username2) NOPASSWD: /path/to/svn
to your /etc/sudoers file
and change your script to:
sudo -u username2 -H sh -c "cd /home/$USERNAME/$PROJECT; svn update"
Where username2 is the user you want to run the SVN command as and username1 is the user running the script.
If you need multiple users to run this script, use a %groupname instead of the username1
You need to execute all the different-user commands as their own script. If it's just one, or a few commands, then inline should work. If it's lots of commands then it's probably best to move them to their own file.
su -c "cd /home/$USERNAME/$PROJECT ; svn update" -m "$USERNAME"
Here is yet another approach, which was more convenient in my case (I just wanted to drop root privileges and do the rest of my script from restricted user): you can make the script restart itself from the correct user. This approach is more readable than using sudo or su -c with a "nested script". Let's suppose it is started as root initially. Then the code will look like this:
if [ $UID -eq 0 ]; then
shift 2 # if you need some other parameters
cd "$dir"
exec su "$user" "$0" -- "$#"
# nothing will be executed beyond that line,
# because exec replaces running process with the new one
echo "This will be run from user $UID"
Use a script like the following to execute the rest or part of the script under another user:
exec sudo -u transmission /bin/sh - << eof
Use sudo instead
EDIT: As Douglas pointed out, you can not use cd in sudo since it is not an external command. You have to run the commands in a subshell to make the cd work.
sudo -u $USERNAME -H sh -c "cd ~/$PROJECT; svn update"
sudo -u $USERNAME -H cd ~/$PROJECT
sudo -u $USERNAME svn update
You may be asked to input that user's password, but only once.
It's not possible to change user within a shell script. Workarounds using sudo described in other answers are probably your best bet.
If you're mad enough to run perl scripts as root, you can do this with the $< $( $> $) variables which hold real/effective uid/gid, e.g.:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
$user = shift;
if (!$<) {
$> = getpwnam $user;
$) = getgrnam $user;
} else {
die 'must be root to change uid';
This worked for me
I split out my "provisioning" from my "startup".
# Configure everything else ready to run
config.vm.provision :shell, path: ""
config.vm.provision :shell, path: "", run: "always"
then in my
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Starting Server Env"
#java -jar /usr/lib/node_modules/selenium-server-standalone-jar/jar/selenium-server-standalone-2.40.0.jar &
#(cd /vagrant_projects/myproj && sudo -u vagrant -H sh -c "nohup npm install 0<&- &>/dev/null &;bower install 0<&- &>/dev/null &")
cd /vagrant_projects/myproj
nohup grunt connect:server:keepalive 0<&- &>/dev/null &
nohup apimocker -c /vagrant_projects/myproj/mock_api_data/config.json 0<&- &>/dev/null &
Inspired by the idea from #MarSoft but I changed the lines like the following:
COMMANDARGS="$(printf " %q" "${#}")"
if [ $(whoami) != "$USERNAME" ]; then
exec sudo -E su $USERNAME -c "/usr/bin/bash -l $COMMAND $COMMANDARGS"
I have used sudo to allow a password less execution of the script. If you want to enter a password for the user, remove the sudo. If you do not need the environment variables, remove -E from sudo.
The /usr/bin/bash -l ensures, that the profile.d scripts are executed for an initialized environment.

How to correctly secure this Bash Script? (Sudo)

I wanted to make this Script kinda Secure, so it cannot be direct exploited.
I have a Bash file called, I gave a User Sudo rights on it:
user ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /home/user/
So the User has full Sudo permission to this file.
Next Step was to ensure that the User cannot edit this file with:
chown root:root /home/user/
chmod u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rx /home/user/
The File for example contains this Command
if [ "$1" = "run" ]; then
sudo -u ${2} ${3};
`sudo cp -R /home/test/test/${2}/* /home/${3}/test/
useradd ${2} -r -d /home/${2} -s /bin/bash
userdel -r ${2}
Basically the User could even Login as root and fuck things up.
So my first thought was, lets check if the Home folder exists like that:
if [ -d "/home/$2" ] && [ "$2" != "" ]; then
Which would prevent such things like run crap as root and only let them log into th other users like i want. Or do i think wrong?
I would also check that the Command begins with /home/....
grep '^/home/....' $3
So, is that enought? or Not? I guess I should filter also ;

run gpg encryption command through cronjob

I have a script which executes the gpg encryption command in a sh script throught cronjob.
This is a part of my script
gpg --batch --no-tty --yes --recipient $Key --output $Outputdir/${v}.pgp --encrypt ${v}
echo "$?"
if ["$?" -eq 0 ];
mv $Inputdir/${v} $Readydir/
echo "file moved"
echo "error in encryption"
the echo $? gives value as 2.
tried the bellow command also
gpg --batch --home-dir dir --recipient $Key --output $Outputdir/${v}.pgp --encrypt ${v}
where dir=/usr/bin/gpg
My complete script
#set -x
Inputdir=`grep Inputdir ${PT}/param.cfg | cut -d "=" -f2`
Outputdir=`grep Outputdir ${PT}/param.cfg | cut -d "=" -f2`
Key=`grep Key ${PT}/param.cfg | cut -d "=" -f2`
Readydir=`grep Readydir ${PT}/param.cfg | cut -d "=" -f2`
echo $USER
if [ "$(ls -la $Inputdir | grep -E 'S*.DAT')" ]; then
echo "Take action $Inputdir is not Empty"
cd $Inputdir
for v in `ls SID_090_*`
gpg --recipient $Key --output $Outputdir/${v}.pgp --encrypt ${v}
echo "$?"
if ["$?" -eq 0 ];
mv $Inputdir/${v} $Readydir/
echo "file moved"
echo "error in encryption"
cd ${PT}
echo "$Inputdir is Empty"
GnuPG manages individual keyrings and "GnuPG home directories" per user. A commmon problem when calling GnuPG from web services or cronjobs is executing them as another user.
This means that the other user's GnuPG does look up keys in the wrong key ring (home directory), and if that's fixed it should not have access permissions to the GnuPG home directory at all (not an issue when running a cron or web server as root, but that shouldn't be done for pretty much this reason first hand).
There are different ways to mitigate the issue:
Run the web server or cron job under another user. This might be a viable solution for cron jobs, but very likely not for web services. sudo or su might help at running GnuPG as another user.
Import the required (private/public) keys to the other user's GnuPG home directory, for example by switching to the www-data or root user (or whatever it's called on your machine).
Change GnuPG's behavior to use another user's home directory. You can do so with --home-dir /home/[username]/.gnupg or shorter --home-dir ~username/.gnupg if your shell resolves the short-hand. Better don't do this, as GnuPG is very strict at verifying access privileges and refuse to work if those are too relaxed. GnuPG doesn't like permissions allowing other users but the owner to access a GnuPG home directory at all, for good reasons.
Change GnuPG's behavior to use a completely unrelated folder as home directory, for example somewhere your application is storing data anyway. Usually, the best solution. Make sure to set the owner and access permissions appropriately. An example would be the option --home-dir /var/lib/foo-product/gnupg.
the echo $USER prints as root when executed on cronjob and as
username when executed manually
Then you need to login as the user and use a command such as "crontab -e" to add a cronjob for that user to run your script

How to make a script run commands as root

I'm new to Ubuntu and bash scripts, but I just made and added this to my .profile to run it:
if [ -f "$HOME/bin/" ]; then
. "$HOME/bin/"
The problem I'm having is, I want the script to run as if root is running it (because I don't want to type my sudo password)
I found a few places that I should be able to do sudo chown root.root <my script> and sudo chmod 4755 <my script> and when I run it, it should run as root. But it's not...
The script looks good to me. What am I missing? -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 851 Mar 23 21:14*
Can you please help me run the commands in this script as root? I don't really want to change the sudors file, I really just want to run the commands in this script at root (if possible).
echo "user is ${USER}"
#check for updates
update=`cat /var/lib/update-notifier/updates-available | head -c 2 | tail -c 1`;
if [ "$update" = "0" ]; then
echo -e "No updates found.\n";
read -p "Do you wish to install updates? [yN] " yn
if [ "$yn" != "y" ] && [ "$yn" != "Y" ]; then
echo -e 'No\n';
echo "Please wait...";
echo `sudo apt-get update`;
echo `sudo apt-get upgrade`;
echo `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade`;
echo -e "Done!\n";
#check for restart
if [ ! -z "$restartFile" ]; then
echo "$restartFile";
read -p "Do you wish to REBOOT? [yN] " yn
if [ "$yn" != "y" ] && [ "$yn" != "Y" ]; then
echo -e 'No\n';
echo `sudo shutdown -r now`;
I added the user is to debug, it always outputs my user not root, and prompts for the sudo password (since I'm calling the commands with sudo) or tells me are you root? (if I remove sudo)
Also, is there a way to output the update commands stdout in real time, not just one block when they finish?
(I also tried with the shebang as #!/bin/bash)
setuid does not work on shell scripts for security reasons. If you want to run a script as root without a password, you can edit /etc/sudoers to allow it to be run with sudo without a password.
To "update in real time", you would run the command directly instead of using echo.
Its not safe to do, you should probably use sudoers but if you really need/want to, you can do it with something like this:
echo <root password> | sudo -S echo -n 2>/dev/random 1>/dev/random
sudo <command>
This works because sudo doesn't require a password for a brief window after successfully being used.
SUID root scripts were phased out many years ago if you really want to run scripts as root you need to wrap them in an executable, you can see an example on how to do this on my blog:
The example is how to change executable permissions and place a filter around other executables using a shell script but the concept of wrapping a shell script works for SUID as well, the resulting executable file from the shell script can be made SUID.
