Does Hazelcast version 3 support RHEL 8 - hazelcast

I wanted to know if Hazelcast 3.12.12 supports RHEL 8? From documentation, I can see that Hazelcast version 4 and 5 supports RHEL 8. But, I could not get any information on Hazelcast version 3. Can you please let me know if Hazelcast version 3 can be deployed on RHEL 8?

Yes, the RHEL 8 is supported, but the Hazelcast 3.12.z itself has already reached its End-of-Life. Check the Version Support Windows page. It's highly recommended to use a supported version!
That said, the only requirement is to have a supported Java version installed. It would be Java 8 or Java 11 for Hazelcast 3.12.z.
Check details in the documentation:


Is Java driver v3.6 compatible with Cassandra 4.x?

I am writing to check the check the compatibility of Datastax cassandra-driver-core 3.6 for working with Cassandra Version 4.
Could you please suggest.
below is the dependency currently being used, Checking if same dependency will work for Cassandra version 4.0
I did refer this post, which says it is compatible. However, it dint work out for me. If you may comment for the support part to check further
Apache Cassandra 4.x java driver compatibility
I managed to install cassandra 4x using the same cassandra 3.11 driver
Below steps to make it work:
Download and Install cassandra-4.0.5-1.noarch.rpm from
Configure cassandra.yaml file per the existing cluster cassandra.yaml file.
Below parameters, if exists, need to be removed/commented from Cassandra.yaml as its not supported by cassandra4.X version
a. start_rpc
b. rpc_server_type
c. rpc_port
d. thrift_framed_transport_size_in_mb
e. request_scheduler
f. thrift_prepared_statements_cache_size_mb
Note: If using rhel and cassandra-4.0.5-1.noarch.rpm is failing with yum command, try using cassandra-4.0.4-1.noarch.rpm which works fine.
Version 3.6 of the Java driver is compatible with Apache Cassandra 4.0 but there are additional steps required to make it work.
Cassandra 4.0 operates with native protocol v5 (CASSANDRA-9362, CASSANDRA-14973) but Java driver v3.6 supports up to native protocol v3 only (C* 2.2, 3.x). In order to connect to a C* 4.0 cluster, you will need to configure Java driver v3.6 to explicitly use protocol v3. For example:
Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder()
As a side note, v3.6 of the driver was released in 2018 and is very old. We recommend that you upgrade to the latest v3.x version of the Java driver which at the time of writing is v3.11. Since it is just an upgrade to the latest patch release, it is binary compatible with v3.6 and does not require a refactor of your application. Cheers!

Recommended Datastax Drivers version to connect to Cassandra Version 4.0

Currently we are using Java Datastax Drivers Version 3.7.2 to connect to Open source Apache Cassandra Version 3.11.9.
We are planning on to upgrade to Open Source Apache Cassandra Version 4 , Can someone please let me know what are the recommended Java Datastax Drivers version to connect to Cassandra Version 4. I see in this article Datastax had mentioned that Datastax Drivers Version 3.11 is partially compatible with Cassandra Version 4.X and did not have much information on what they mean about partially compatible?
First, Apache Cassandra® 4.1 is already released last Dec and you may want to look at upgrading to that as opposed to 4.0.x.
Next, partially compatible is also explained in the docs section as,
^4^ Limited to the Cassandra 3.x and 2.2.x API.
Also, I'm taking excerpts from the mailing list discussions here.
Neither the 4.x nor the 3.x Java drivers are in maintenance mode at the moment. It is very much true that any new Java driver features will be developed on the 4.x branch and in general will not be ported to 3.x. 3.x will continue to receive CVE and other critical bug fixes but as mentioned there are no plans for this branch to receive any new features. It's not completely impossible that a specific feature or two might make it's way to 3.x on a case-by-case basis but if you're planning for the future with 3.x you should do so with the expectation that it will receive no new features.
Having said that, I would strongly recommend and encourage you to upgrade to the 3.11.3 version of the java driver (released on Sep 20, 2022) which is directly binary compatible with the version that you're using today, 3.7.2 (released on Jul 10, 2019), to leverage features and fixes (including many CVE patches). In addition, I would also suggest you to sketch out a plan to upgrade your apps to 4.x driver or look into modernizing to interact with your Apache Cassandra®/DSE®/Astra DB® cluster via the Stargate® APIs.

Apache Cassandra 4.x java driver compatibility

Want to upgrade Cassandra from 3.3 to 4.0.6. The database is used by Java applications that are running the Datastax driver 3.2 and some using the Dropwizard cassandra driver version 4.0.
Will I have to update the Java applications as part of the upgrade ? Or is Cassandra 4.0.6 backward compatible ?
Cassandra 4.0 is backwards compatible with older protocol versions (3 and 4). If you were able to connect to a Cassandra cluster running 3.X with your application, you should be able to connect to a 4.0 cluster.
As long as you are using some version of datastax java-driver 3.0 or later, you should be able to continue using the same versions of client libraries you are already using.
That being said, 3.2 is a fairly old version. You may what to consider upgrading to the latest 3.X datastax java driver or look at the 4.X java driver (which is a complete rewrite and would require more code changes).

DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra 3.2 on Cassandra 3.10

Support is explicitly listed for Cassandra 3.0 here and they also list versions like 2.1 and 2.2 explicitly so I don't really want to just assume 3.10 is ok if 3.0 is
I'm not sure if 3.10 will be supported though. Does anyone know? It looks like it probably is, but maybe someone can say for sure. Thanks
Yes, Datastax Driver 3.2 will work on Apache Cassandra 3.10
Apache Cassandra 3.x supported protocol version v4, Only the datastax driver 3.x uses protocol version v4.
Check this link for more details :

Does Cassandra works with IBM JVM

Can I install and start Cassandra into a x-linux OS with a IBM SDK for Java?
Will that work? Any specific version? 2.1, 2.0 that will work ?
Thanks in advance.
You are right, it should work. The only issue is in the, you need to comment out some checking.
Yes it should. According to the Apache Cassandra project site:
Cassandra requires the most stable version of Java 7 or 8 you can deploy, preferably the Oracle/Sun JVM. Cassandra also runs on OpenJDK and the IBM JVM.
As far as I can tell, it doesn't indicate that only specific versions of Cassandra work with the IBM JVM. That being said, the documentation on the DataStax site specically mentions the Oracle JVM in the installation steps. It is the recommeded JVM to use.
I can't remember for sure, but I have heard of people running into issues that were traced back to the OpenJDK. I don't recall anything specific to the IBM JVM. So it might work, but it isn't supported and you might leave yourself open to some unforeseen errors.
