Exclude a method from app.all function fastify - fastify

I am using Fastify for a simple API. However, I am having some issues with #fastify/cors.
I have a router that uses app.all() method, however, when I install cors it errors with this message:
Error: Method 'OPTIONS' already declared for route '*' with constraints '{}'
I have determined the error to be that I am using app.all() however I need to use this for how my API works. Is there a way to call all HTTP methods except OPTIONS on app.all() or a similar function that would not use the OPTIONS method?

If you use the fastify.route call, the method option supports a list of methods where you can specify whichever ones you want. You can read about this in the fastify.route docs.
method: currently it supports 'DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT', 'OPTIONS', 'SEARCH', 'TRACE', 'PROPFIND', 'PROPPATCH', 'MKCOL', 'COPY', 'MOVE', 'LOCK' and 'UNLOCK'. It could also be an array of methods.


How do I use https.request to perform a get request?

I've been trying to use https.request() to do a perform a get request, but I don't know how I would it. '
The current code I have is
const url="https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q="+query+"&appid="+apiKey+"&units="+unit;
However I would like to use https.request because I am trying to understand the concept, and the code I got so far is
var options={
method: "GET",
path: "/data/2.5/weather?q="+query+"&appid="+apiKey+"&units="+unit,
auth: "Eric:"+apikey
I don't know why the http basic authentication did't work as the query string, I would like to learn about the differences. Thank you!

Verify Joi validation was added to hapi route

I am reusing a Joi schema in multiple places in my code and I would like to find a clean way to test that my endpoints are assigned the validation schema. This would be helpful since I could verify the schema behaved the way I expect without having to repeat the same series of tests everywhere the schema is used.
If I have a hapi server route:
method: POST,
path: 'myUrl',
config: {
validate: {
payload: validation.myJoiValidation,
how would I test that the validation.myJoiValidation object has been assigned to the config.validate.payload element?
I dug down into the hapi request object and found that what I am looking for is located in the request.route.settings.validate.payload._inner.children object, but I really don't want to have to rely on that for what I am trying to do.
If you have a server running in the context of your test, you can get the validation schema being used with:
const schema = server.match('post', 'myUrl').settings.validate.payload;
Schemas can't be directly compared (as with Hoek.deepEqual), but they can be compared by using joi.describe, so:
Or, if you are using mocha/chai I think this would be:
In your unit tests make a request with request or similar package with a payload that doesn't pass the validation. Ensure the response code is a 400.
Example test from a project of mine. It tests a regex Join validation on this route. This uses a small promise wrapper around request called yarp.

Nodejs not retaining upper case of request header

I am using node js as reverse proxy mostly using http and http-proxy module. While sending the request to to nodejs to redirect to one of my application, i have to pass request headers which will all be in upper case. However, nodejs or rather http is converting all upper case to lower case, because of which one of the validation of my application is failing.
My code snippet is:
http.createServer(function (request, response) {
var redirection = 'http://localhost:8000';
var path = url.parse(request.url).path;
switch (path) {
case '/health':
proxy.web(request, response, { target: redirection });
Request headers passed are:
curl -H "X-AUTH: PBxqcEm5sU743Cpk" -X GET http://localhost:8080/health
Now what is happening is, header "X-AUTH" is getting transformed into "x-auth" and my application is not able to validate it. In my application the header matching is case sensitive.
The request headers printed from node js request object are:
{ host: 'localhost:8080',
'user-agent': 'curl/7.47.1',
accept: '*/*',
'x-auth': 'PBxqcEm5sU743Cpk' }
My requirement is to retain the upper case of the header passed in request so that my application can validate and authorize it.
Please let me know if there is any way to achieve this
Thanks a lot
FWIW HTTP header field names are case-insensitive so the case really should not matter.
However, node does provide access to the raw headers (including duplicates) via req.rawHeaders. Since req.rawHeaders is an array (format is [name1, value1, name2, value2, ...]), you will need to iterate over it to find the header(s) you are looking for.

Node.js Express route naming and ordering: how is precedence determined?

Say I've got a few GET routes on my Express application:
// music albums
app.get('/api/albums', routes.albums.getAlbums);
app.get('/api/albums/:id', routes.albums.getAlbum);
app.get('/api/albums/artwork', routes.albums.getAlbumArtwork);
and I attempt to hit them using the follow jQuery AJAX snippet:
$("#retrieveAlbumArtwork").on("click", function() {
url: "api/albums/artwork",
type: "GET",
data: {
artist: $("#albumArtist").val(),
title: $("#albumTitle").val()
// ... callbacks and such
For some reason, this call hits the second handler, with the /:id parameter, instead of the explicit /artwork route. Swapping them like so makes them function as expected:
// music albums
app.get('/api/albums', routes.albums.getAlbums);
app.get('/api/albums/artwork', routes.albums.getAlbumArtwork);
app.get('/api/albums/:id', routes.albums.getAlbum);
Can someone explain exactly why this is happening? I would assume Express would be smart enough to identify an id param (/albums/23453243) versus a querystring (/albums/artwork?artist=artistName&title=albumTitle) and route appropriately, but this doesn't seem to be the case?
No it isn't. :id will match anything. So /api/albums/artwork is totally valid for that match. Express does support RegExp match also. So you could make an explicit numeric matching route using RegExp.
Another option is using app.param as explained in the API documentation here: https://expressjs.com/en/api.html#app.param
This allows you to define matching params for the router so you could have a URL like /api/albums/:albumId where :albumId has to be numeric, you could also validate an albumId at this point if you wished too.
But in all, the second way you are doing it fairly normal, generally I put static routes at the top, then dynamic routes, catch all, then error handlers.

Obtain GET and POST arguments

Since I am learning about HTTP packets and chrome extension, I thought of developing an extenison which could extract the GET and POST arguments of a website?
Is it possible using chrome extension?
GET is embedded data in the URL
Example : http://stackoverflow.com?username=user782400
?username=user782400 is a GET request ..
You can fetch the data in URL's username
where data is posted back to server , using forms ... you need to know to field names which are posted to fetch the data.
Best thing is Use JQuery jQuery.get() to GET
url: url,
data: data,
success: success,
dataType: dataType
type: 'POST',
url: url,
data: data,
success: success,
dataType: dataType
