Select all one day back but not older as one day - node.js

I try to use a Sequelize function to collect only table content that is older than today. But only for one day, not two days. As sample today
today: 2022/08/23
values only for: 2022/08/22 but not for 2022/08/21 and older.
For this is use:
checkDateBack: async function() {
return await dayins.findAll({
where: {
added_at: {
[Op.gte]: Sequelize.literal("DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)"),
raw: true,
I have deleted all entries for 2022/08/22 in my temporary debug table but the result is 2022/08/21. In my idea of the function 2022/08/21 and older will get ignored.
So if I delete all entries for 2022/08/22 I expect an empty result.
Anything I did wrong with the function so it collects also 2 days old?

As I understood you need yesterday data, you need to get date range, use moment js for date
let date = new Date(); //suppose today is 2022/08/23
let endDate = moment(date).startOf("day").toString(); // starting of the day 12 am of(2022/08/23 )
let startDate = moment(date).subtract(1, "days").startOf("day").toString(); // starting of the day 12 am of(2022/08/22 )
// use [Op.between] insate of [Op.gte]
return await dayins.findAll({
where: {
added_at: {
[Op.between]: [startDate, endDate],
raw: true,
// it will return all data of 2022/08/22
// for sequelize createdAt if dont have any custome date fild
createdAt: {
[Op.between]: [startDate, endDate],


How could I retrieve data from the last week or month using prisma query

how can you make a query in Prism to filter data by date?
For example, I would like to take data from the last week or month
return await prisma.orders.findMany({
where: {
date: {
I don't really know what to do after the date..
How could I filter in this light?
For example, data from the last week and the last month
You can do something like this to filter between a date range, you can get today's date and the date of last week/month and get the records through lte and gte operators.
return await prisma.orders.findMany({
where: {
date: {
lte: 2022-10-30,
gte: 2022-10-15,
Here is an example from Prisma Documentation

retrieve all whose `date` is within last 6 minutes

I have a Product collection stored in MongoDB. It has a attribute date :
const productSchema = new mongoose.Schema<ProductAttrs>({
date: {
type: Date,
required: true,
I would like to retrieve all products whose date is within last 6 minutes comparing with current time. What is the efficient way to retrieve that in mongoose ?
I am using express.js + typescript + mongoose v5.11 in my project.
You must use Mongoose to search every record where the time is greater than now - 6 minutes.
I have no way to test it, but the query should look something like this:
const sixMinutes = (6*60*1000); // 6 minutes
let sixMinutesAgo = new Date();
sixMinutesAgo.setTime(sixMinutesAgo.getTime() - sixMinutes);
const products = Product.find({
date: {
$gte: sixMinutesAgo
If your MongoDB server version is 5.0 you could use the new operator $dateDiff. In this case it is very handy and you do not even need an aggregate:
"$expr": {
"$lte": [
"$dateDiff": {
startDate: "$date",
endDate: new Date(),
unit: "minute"
It allows you to specify the unit field, which makes the query very straightforward in my opinion.
$expr evaluates an expression and returns true or false, just that. If the expression result is true then the row is returned, otherwise it is not.
$lte means less than or equal (the <= operator) and it returns true only when the first argument is less than or equal the second operator. Basically, this is what it does in pseudocode:
foreach doc in collection
if (minute)(currentDate - <= 6 then
return document

Sequelize check whether time is between the times in the db

In my node js app, I have a situation where I have to get the current time and check whether it is between the start time and end time in the db table. First, I submit some data with start time and end time to the database. Then, I have a scheduler where in each minute, it checks the current time and check whether its between the start time and end time in db table to continue. I cannot figure out how to achieve this with sequelize. I couldn't find the solution with between condition in sequelize. It only helps if we are sending start time and end time, and date we should compare is in db as I understood. Not the one I need.
I have this sample code I wrote to make it understandable but it's syntactically wrong.
const data = dataSource.DBTableName.findAll({
attributes: [
// db columns
where: {
trackStartTime < currentTime, // This current time should be between trackStartTime and trackEndTime in db
trackEndTime > currentTime
If someone can help me how to achieve it with sequlize, it's much appreciated.
You should do this
const data = dataSource.DBTableName.findAll({
attributes: [
// db columns
where: {
[Op.and]: [
trackStartTime: {
[Op.lte]: currentTime
trackEndTime: {
[Op.gte]: currentTime
If you would like to get the time from the database for NOW() and then return results from the database where that value is BETWEEN the trackStartTime and trackEndTime you can use sequelize.where() to generate the condition, sequelize.fn() by passing in 'NOW', and the Op.between operator for the arguments, passing in via sequelize.col() for each column.
const { Op } = Sequelize;
const data = dataSource.DBTableName.findAll({
attributes: [ /* db columns */ ],
where: {
sequelize.where(sequelize.fn('NOW'), {
[Op.between]: [
WHERE NOW() BETWEEN `trackStartTime` AND `trackEndTime`

Mongoose: Running Scheduled Job Query by Date

I want to create a scheduled job for patients in a hospital. The patients will be informed every month by their reg_date.
I'm using new Date().getDate() inside my scheduled Jobs to run at 8.00 AM in the morning to send SMS to my patients. Meanwhile, I had been using string format date to save reg_date in my mongoDB. Here is snippets of my mongoDB docs :
customer: "John",
reg_date: "2017-02-17T16:39:26.969Z"
I've ben surfing for solutions but it turns out nothing, so I decided to post myself. Here is what i am trying to do :
customer.find({"reg_date.getDate()" : new Date(2017, 03, 17).getDate()})
.then(function(data) {
for (var key in data.length) {
E.g: What I am doing is "I want to get every patient who register at 17th day of the month and send them a SMS".
Any help will be appreciated. :D
For this type of bit complex query you need to use aggregation method instead regular find method.
$project this will help you to project your fields, here we are creating a new temporary field day with only date of the reg_date. Then we query using the new field day and we get the result.
This temp field day will never added to your schema or model, it is just like temp view we are creating like in SQL.
Here i projected only customer and day but Please project all the fields necessary in the result.
function getCustomerList(day, callback){
"customer": "$customer", //repeat the same for all field you want in result
"reg_date": "$reg_date",
"day":{$dayOfMonth:"$reg_date"} //put day of month in 'day'
"day": day //now match the day with the incoming day value
], function(err, result){
callback(err, result);
getCustomerList(17, function(err, result){ // call the function like this with date you want
// Process the err & result here
Result will be like this
"_id" : ObjectId("571f2da8ca97eb10163e6e17"),
"customer" : "John",
"reg_date" : ISODate("2016-04-17T08:58:16.414Z"),
"day" : 17
"_id" : ObjectId("571f2da8ca97eb10163e6e17"),
"customer" : "Prasanth",
"reg_date" : ISODate("2016-04-17T08:58:16.414Z"),
"day" : 17
Ignore the day field projected during your process...
With reg_date in string you can't query for day of month as it only works with ISODate. I suggest first you convert the string in reg_date in all your documents with a script.
Then the following query should work
"document": "$$ROOT", //to get the whole document
"day":{$dayOfMonth:"$date"} //put day of month in 'day'
"day": 17 //match 17
], function(data) {
for (var key in data.length) {
Use greater than and less than
var previousDate =new Date(2017, 1, 16); //month starts with 0
var nextDate=new Date(2017, 1, 18);
customer.find({reg_date : { $gt:previousDate,$lt:nextDate}})
.then(function(data) {
for (var key in data.length) {
Since reg_date is stored as a string, and not a Date/ISODate, you're limited as to what kind of query you can run (so I concur with the comment in one of the other answers that you should consider converting them to proper ISODate).
Considering that you want to query a date string for entries with a particular day-of-month, you can use a regular expression query:
customer.find({ reg_date : /-17T/ })
Or, dynamically:
let today = new Date();
let dom = ('00' + today.getDate()).slice(-2); // zero-pad day of month
let re = new RegExp('-' + dom + 'T');
customer.find({ reg_date : re })
You should also read this regarding speed optimizations, but still, regex queries aren't very fast.

MongoDB/Mongoose querying at a specific date?

Is it possible to query for a specific date ?
I found in the mongo Cookbook that we can do it for a range Querying for a Date Range
Like that :
db.posts.find({"created_on": {"$gte": start, "$lt": end}})
But is it possible for a specific date ?
This doesn't work :
db.posts.find({"created_on": new Date(2012, 7, 14) })
That should work if the dates you saved in the DB are without time (just year, month, day).
Chances are that the dates you saved were new Date(), which includes the time components. To query those times you need to create a date range that includes all moments in a day.
db.posts.find({ //query today up to tonight
created_on: {
$gte: new Date(2012, 7, 14),
$lt: new Date(2012, 7, 15)
...5+ years later, I strongly suggest using date-fns instead
import endOfDayfrom 'date-fns/endOfDay'
import startOfDay from 'date-fns/startOfDay'
createdAt: {
$gte: startOfDay(new Date()),
$lte: endOfDay(new Date())
For those of us using Moment.js
const moment = require('moment')
const today = moment().startOf('day')
createdAt: {
$gte: today.toDate(),
$lte: moment(today).endOf('day').toDate()
Important: all moments are mutable!
tomorrow = today.add(1, 'days') does not work since it also mutates today. Calling moment(today) solves that problem by implicitly cloning today.
Yeah, Date object complects date and time, so comparing it with just date value does not work.
You can simply use the $where operator to express more complex condition with Javascript boolean expression :)
db.posts.find({ '$where': 'this.created_on.toJSON().slice(0, 10) == "2012-07-14"' })
created_on is the datetime field and 2012-07-14 is the specified date.
Date should be exactly in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Note: Use $where sparingly, it has performance implications.
Have you tried:
db.posts.find({"created_on": {"$gte": new Date(2012, 7, 14), "$lt": new Date(2012, 7, 15)}})
The problem you're going to run into is that dates are stored as timestamps in Mongo. So, to match a date you're asking it to match a timestamp. In your case I think you're trying to match a day (ie. from 00:00 to 23:59 on a specific date). If your dates are stored without times then you should be okay. Otherwise, try specifying your date as a range of time on the same day (ie. start=00:00, end=23:59) if gte doesn't work.
similar question
You can use following approach for API method to get results from specific day:
getMeals: (req, res) ->
options = {}
# eg. api/v1/meals?date=Tue+Jan+13+2015+00%3A00%3A00+GMT%2B0100+(CET)
date = new Date
date.setHours 0, 0, 0, 0
endDate = new Date date
endDate.setHours 23, 59, 59, 59 =
$lt: endDate
$gte: date
Meal.find options, (err, meals) ->
if err or not meals
handleError err, meals, res
res.json createJSON meals, null, 'meals'
i do it in this method and works fine
public async getDatabaseorderbyDate(req: Request, res: Response) {
const { dateQuery }: any = req.query
const date = new Date(dateQuery)
const today = date.toLocaleDateString(`fr-CA`).split('/').join('-')
const creationDate = {
"creationDate": {
'$gte': `${today}T00:00:00.000Z`,
'$lt': `${today}T23:59:59.999Z`
Problem I came into was filtering date in backend, when setting date to 0 hour, 0 minute, 0 second, 0 milisecond in node server it does in ISO time so current date 0 hour, 0 minute, 0 second, 0 milisecond of client may vary i.e. as a result which may gives a day after or before due to conversion of ISO time to local timezone
I fixed those by sending local time from client to server
// If client is from Asia/Kathmandu timezone it will zero time in that zone.
// Note ISODate time with zero time is not equal to above mention
const timeFromClient = new Date(new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0)).getTime()
And used this time to filter the documents by using this query
const getDateQuery = (filterBy, time) => {
const today = new Date(time);
const tomorrow = new Date(today.getDate() + 1);
switch(filterBy) {
case 'past':
return {
$exists: true,
$lt: today,
case 'present':
return {
$exists: true,
$gte: today,
$lt: tomorrow
case 'future':
return {
$exists: true,
$gte: tomorrow
return {
$exists: true
const users = await UserModel.find({
expiryDate: getDateQuery('past', timeFromClient)
This can be done in another approach using aggregate if we have timezoneId like Asia/Kathmandu
const getDateQuery = (filterBy) => {
const today = new Date();
const tomorrow = new Date(today.getDate() + 1);
switch(filterBy) {
case 'past':
return {
$exists: true,
$lt: today,
case 'present':
return {
$exists: true,
$gte: today,
$lt: tomorrow
case 'future':
return {
$exists: true,
$gte: tomorrow
return {
$exists: true
await UserModel.aggregate([
$addFields: {
expiryDateClientDate: {
$dateToParts: {
date: '$expiryDate',
timezone: 'Asia/Kathmandu'
$addFields: {
expiryDateClientDate: {
$dateFromParts: {
year: '$expiryDateClientDate.year',
month: '$expiryDateClientDate.month',
day: '$'
$match: {
expiryDateClientDate: getDateQuery('past')
We had an issue relating to duplicated data in our database, with a date field having multiple values where we were meant to have 1. I thought I'd add the way we resolved the issue for reference.
We have a collection called "data" with a numeric "value" field and a date "date" field. We had a process which we thought was idempotent, but ended up adding 2 x values per day on second run:
{ "_id" : "1", "type":"x", "value":1.23, date : ISODate("2013-05-21T08:00:00Z")}
{ "_id" : "2", "type":"x", "value":1.23, date : ISODate("2013-05-21T17:00:00Z")}
We only need 1 of the 2 records, so had to resort the javascript to clean up the db. Our initial approach was going to be to iterate through the results and remove any field with a time of between 6am and 11am (all duplicates were in the morning), but during implementation, made a change. Here's the script used to fix it:
var data ={"type" : "x"})
var found = [];
while (data.hasNext()){
var datum =;
var rdate =;
// instead of the next set of conditions, we could have just used rdate.getHour() and checked if it was in the morning, but this approach was slightly better...
if (typeof found[rdate.getDate()+"-"+rdate.getMonth() + "-" + rdate.getFullYear()] !== "undefined") {
if (datum.value != found[rdate.getDate()+"-"+rdate.getMonth() + "-" + rdate.getFullYear()]) {
print("DISCREPENCY!!!: " + datum._id + " for date " +;
else {
print("Removing " + datum._id);{ "_id": datum._id});
else {
found[rdate.getDate()+"-"+rdate.getMonth() + "-" + rdate.getFullYear()] = datum.value;
and then ran it with mongo thedatabase fixer_script.js
Well a very simple solution to this is given below
const start = new Date(2020-04-01);
start.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
const end = new Date(2021-04-01);
end.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
So, the above code simply finds the records from the given start date to the given end date.
Seemed like none of the answers worked for me. Although someone mentioned a little hint, I managed to make it work with this code below.
let endDate = startingDate
endDate = endDate + 'T23:59:59';
Model.find({dateCreated: {$gte: startingDate, $lte: endDate}})
startingDate will be the specific date you want to query with.
I preferred this solution to avoid installing moment and just to pass the startingDate like "2021-04-01" in postman.
