How to delete files older than X days and print a list of removed files - linux

Suppose the following call in a script:
find $dir/$CACHE_DIR_SUBPATH -type f -mtime +$RETENTION_DAYS -delete
Is there a neat way to print the file names that are going to be deleted or is the best option to call find twice like so:
find $dir/$CACHE_DIR_SUBPATH -type f -mtime +$RETENTION_DAYS
find $dir/$CACHE_DIR_SUBPATH -type f -mtime +$RETENTION_DAYS -delete

You should simply introduce into the find command line the -print option.
In others words:
find $dir/$CACHE_DIR_SUBPATH -type f -mtime +$RETENTION_DAYS -print -delete
The alternative way maybe:
find $dir/$CACHE_DIR_SUBPATH -type f -mtime +$RETENTION_DAYS -exec echo "Deleting file '{}'..."; rm {} \;


How to capture both success and error messages for linux "find" command

I'm trying to run an auto-delete script to free up space on a remote server.
The command I'm thinking to use is:
find . -atime +30 -mtime +30 -type f -delete
What I want is to also capture which files were successfully deleted and which failed because of access issue. How should I do this? I think this command below might take care of the failures only, but I'm not sure.
find . -atime +30 -mtime +30 -type f -delete 2>failed_deletions.txt
find out of the box does not print the files it processes. If you want to list the files, add a -print or -ls before the -delete.
This obviously prints all the files it processes, including the ones it fails to delete for whatever reason.
Redirecting standard output to a different file should be trivial to discover; command >stdout 2>stderr
The final command would become
find . -atime +30 -mtime +30 -type f \
-print -delete >success.txt 2>errors.txt
Less performant, but should do what you wanted:
find . -atime +30 -mtime +30 -type f -exec rm -v {} \; >successful.txt 2>failed.txt

To delete only files that has at least one digit in its file name not directories

I know how to delete only files not directories as follows:
find /path/to/directory -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec rm -iv {} \;
I learned the above snippet from Here
If i want to delete files that has at least one digit in its file name.
find /path/to/directory -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec rm -iv *[0-9]* {} \;
Should this work for my case? Any suggestion?
You can use a glob pattern in -name option and then use -delete option:
find /path/to/directory -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*[0-9]*' -delete
If -delete is not available then:
find /path/to/directory -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*[0-9]*' -exec rm -iv {} \;

Remove files in subdirectories older than 1 day with Linux command

I am honestly nowhere near to be a decent bash scripter, but I made a little research and found a command that seems to be useful
find /path/to/files* -mtime +1 -exec rm {} \;
The question is if this line will remove directories? Because I want to only remove files that are images (actually in a *.jpeg format)
No, rm without the -r flag does not remove directories.
It looks like you want to add some more filters:
-type f to match only files
-name '*.jpeg' to match only files ending with .jpeg
Lastly, instead of -exec rm {} \;, you could use the much simpler -delete.
Putting it together, this looks more appropriate for you:
find /path/to/files* -mtime +1 -type f -name '*.jpeg' -delete
Then narrow your search results to *.jpeg files:
find /path/to/files* -mtime +1 -type f -name "*.jpeg" -exec rm {} \;
It's always better to remove the exec parameter to do a dry run before delete:
find /path/to/files* -mtime +1 -type f -name "*.jpeg"
Each line will be passed to rm command, and nothing more.

Linux: Delete every file older than a date with one exceptional file

I am able to delete lets say all regular files in a folder older than 7 days via:
find /path/to/dir -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \;
with a single problem. There is a file here (.gitignore) which I want to keep. I tried using regex but apparently findutils regex does not have support for negative lookahead (?!gitignore)
Any other ideas?
Use ! -name .gitignore
find /path/to/dir ! -name .gitignore -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \;
You can group multiple arguments within escaped parentheses. Example, to remove all files except .gitignore and javascript files (ending in .js):
find /path/to/dir ! \( -name ".gitignore" -o -name "*.js" \) -type f -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \;
-o means or

Linux find and delete files but redirect file names to be deleted

Is there a way to write the file names to a file before they are deleted for reference later to check what has been deleted.
find <PATH> -type f -name "<filePattern>" -mtime +1 -delete
Just add a -print expression to the invocation of find:
find <PATH> -type f -name "<filePattern>" -mtime +1 -delete -print > log
I'm not sure if this prints the name before or after the file is unlinked, but it should not matter. I suspect -delete -print unlinks before it prints, while -print -delete will print before it unlinks.
Like William said, you can use -print. However, instead of -print > log, you can also use the -fprint flag.
You'd want something like:
find <PATH> -type f -name "<filePattern>" -mtime +1 -fprint "<pathToLog>" -delete
For instance, I use this in a script:
find . -type d -name .~tmp~ -fprint /var/log/rsync-index-removal.log -delete
You can use -exec and rm -v:
find <PATH> -type f -name "<filePattern>" -mtime +1 -exec rm -v {} \;
rm -v will report what it is deleting.
With something like this you can execute multiple commands in the exec statement, like log to file, rm file, and whatever more you should need
find <PATH> -type f -name "<filePattern>" -mtime +1 -exec sh -c "echo {} >>mylog; rm -f {}" \;
From a shell script named
run the command sh in terminal
this is the text in file.
cd /var/log;
date >> /var/log/removedlogs.txt;
find . -maxdepth 4 -type f -name \*log.old -delete -print >> /var/log/removedlogs.txt
. - to run at this location !!! so ensure you do not run this in root folder!!!
-maxdepth - to prevent it getting out of control
-type - to ensure just files
-name - to ensure just your filtered names
-print - to send the result to stdout
-delete - to delete said files
>> - appends to files not overwrites > creates new file
works for me on CENTOS7
