Handle client's ethereum transaction through node backend - node.js

I want to log a user's ethereum transaction along with other meta into a database only if the transaction was successful. An example would be they successfully staked an nft on the clientside and signed it with their metamask
if (txSuccessful) fetch('/someApiToLogDataOfTx', {
But I want to do it without having to expose the api, so that means the entire tx would have to be processed through a backend that would essentially do the same?
With this idea, any tx would have to be signed before sending it to the api?
var raw = '0x' + tx.serialize().toString('hex');
web3.eth.sendRawTransaction(raw, function (err, transactionHash) {
fetch('/someApiToLogDataOfTx', { raw }
web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signed.rawTransaction).on('receipt', console.log) // some logging to db
Is this right? or is there some overthinking here?

Currently, it is not possible at least with Metamask, the most popular wallet provider.
It does not let you just sign a transaction without broadcasting it.
You can read about it more in this GitHub issue.
Although many people were requesting this functionality, it has been rejected foremost because of the nonce handling issues that would arise.


Websocket vs SSE to implement a real time friend invitation system on React/Node

I would like to implement a system that allows users to add each other as friends and share data between them. I have gotten the authentication done and currently researching ways to do this real time. This project of mine is purely a learning experience so I am looking for many ways to perform this task to grow my knowledge.
I have experience using Websockets on a previous project and it was easy to use. Websockets seems like the best solution to my problem as it allows the user to send and receive invites through the open socket. However I have also learnt that the downside would be a long open socket connection that might be potentially performance taxing(?) Since I'm only sending/receiving information only when an invite is sent/received, websockets might be overutilized for a simple function.
At the same time I would like to learn about new technologies and I found out about Server Sent Events that would be less performance heavy(?) Using SSE would be much efficient as it only sends HTTP requests to the clients/server whenever the user send the invite.
Please correct me if I'm wrong for what I typed out above as this is what I gathered through my reading online. So now I'm having a hard time understanding whether SSE is better than websocket for my project. If there are other technologies please do let me know too! Thank you
how you doing ?
The best advise would be always to use websocket in this context, cuz your project can grow and need some feature that would be better using websocket
But you got another options, one of the is Firebase, Yes, FIREBASE!
You can do a nice reactive application with firebase, becouse the its observers update data in realtime, just like the websockets do.
But here go some cons and pros.
Websocket: Can make your project escalable, its more complete, you can use it in any context, BUT: is hard to implement and takes more time to be learned and understood.
Firebase, Easy and fast to implement, you can do a chat in 20 minuts, and surelly would help you with your problem, There is Firestore and Reatime database.. even the firestore updates in realtime.. BUT: Firebase costs in a big project can be expensive, i dont think is a good option for a big project.
Thats it.. the better options to do a real time data application to me.
A little bit more about. Firebase vs Websocket
to send a friend invitation, you just send an API request. WebSocket is used for real time communication. From react.js, get the email and send the email to the server
export const sendFriendInvitation = async (data) => {
try {
return axios.post("/friend-invitation", data);
} catch (exception) {
On node.js side, write a controller to control this request:
const invitationRequest = async (req, res) => {
// get the email
const { targetMail } = req.body;
// write code to handle that same person is not sending req to himself
// get the details of user who sent the email
const targetUser = await User.findOne({
mail: targetMail.toLowerCase(),
if (!targetUser) {
return res
.send("send error message");
// you should have Invitations model
// check if invitation already sent.
// check if the user we would like to invite is our friend
// now create a new invitation
// if invitation has been successfully created, update the user's friend
return res.status(201).send("Invitation has been sent");

Send data from websocket to front end - Nodejs, Expressjs

I'm working on a project that uses the binance api to create an interface to make day trading cryptos easier.
The call to their api looks like this:
binance.websockets.candlesticks(['BNBBTC'], "1m", function(candlesticks) {
let { e:eventType, E:eventTime, s:symbol, k:ticks } = candlesticks;
let { o:open, h:high, l:low, c:close, v:volume, n:trades, i:interval, x:isFinal, q:quoteVolume, V:buyVolume, Q:quoteBuyVolume } = ticks;
console.log(symbol+" "+interval+" candlestick update");
console.log("open: "+open);
console.log("high: "+high);
console.log("low: "+low);
console.log("close: "+close);
console.log("volume: "+volume);
console.log("isFinal: "+isFinal);
It seems to be returning data at a fixed interval, so I'm skeptical as to whether it's actually real time, but regardless, I'm wondering how to send this data to the front end as it comes in.
Currently, I'm doing this with the static data:
router.get('/interface', function(req,res) {
binance.candlesticks("BNBBTC", "5m", function(ticks, symbol) {
console.log("candlesticks()", ticks);
let last_tick = ticks[ticks.length - 1];
let [time, open, high, low, close, volume, closeTime, assetVolume, trades, buyBaseVolume, buyAssetVolume, ignored] = last_tick;
console.log(symbol+" last close: "+close);
res.render('interface', {ticks:ticks});
I've messed with socket.io in the past, but am unsure how to utilize it. Any help would be much appreciated! And please hmu if you're interested in cryptos. We are putting together a group in discord to share our research, and trading strategies.
To initiate the data sending process from the backend, (instead of frontend requesting data), you should use websockets (socketIO as you have mentioned).
To do that, first, you should start a socketio server in your express app, by wrapping the http/https server or express app.
Then, from the frontend, you should initiate a socketio-client.
Next, your frontend client should establish a connection with the server using the connect method of the socketio-client. It will fire an event in the server, with the socket connection.
Finally, the server can use that socket connection, to send any amount of data to the client. (You might need to save the connection for latter use).
i'm trying to do basically the same thing, what discord group you talking about?

JWT Authorization Over Socket.io Connection

The fact that I haven't found an existing answer for this makes me think I'm asking the wrong question. Please feel free to (gently or otherwise) push me onto a better path if necessary.
We use a dedicated auth server, the purpose of which is to (1) given login credentials, return a JWT with a near-term exp or (2) given a JWT, according to a set of rules, issue a new JWT. A refresh, essentially.
That all works ace, until it's hacked. But for now, it's ace.
When it comes to socket.io connections to non-auth servers, however, we're shooting more than a bit from the hip. I wonder if somebody would be so kind as to evaluate this process. (I'm happy to post more code; you tell me if it's relevant).
1) initial socket.io connection results in a challenge:
this.socket.emit('authenticate'); // the challenge
this.authTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
this.socket.disconnect('unauthorized', errors);
}, TIME_TO_AUTHENTICATE); // the response kills this!
this.socket.on('authenticate', token => {
2) subsequent messages must contain a "payload" message in the form:
payload = {token: 'foo', message: 'bar'}, which token would be accepted if valid or returned if invalid.
In addition, the resource server sends its own periodic heartbeat, which must be acknowledged by heartbeat {token}.
My question, thus is: this seems too easy; am I cutting corners somewhere? Could you defeat this feeble fortification?
Just to be clear, we're looking to roll our own module here. I'm happy to look at anything existing; just haven't found anything I could begin to convince the bosses is fully baked for our needs.
Many thanks in advance.
I cannot fully analyse the method or ensure it doesn't have flaws, however I'd like to point out some things that came up to mind:
Apart from disconnecting the user in case of timeout on authentication challenge, you must ensure that the server does not send any non-public message to this user until after the authorization challenge is actually fulfilled successfully. Otherwise, there is a period until timeout where the user could receive a message without being authenticated.
I assume that you are also disconnecting the socket if token is invalid (or someway preventing non-public message to be sent).
This article is about authenticating socket.io communications using JWT. It is from 2014 so it might be a little bit out of date but I think that the core concept is still valid.
Associated with the article, there is a tool built specifically to authenticate socket.io connections using jwt. Even if you don't want to use it, you might want to explore its code looking for "inspiration". You can find it here: socketio-jwt.
You can see that this tool is able to use two different approaches:
An approach pretty similar to yours:
from socketio-jwt/blob/master/lib/index.js
var auth_timeout = setTimeout(function () {
}, options.timeout || 5000);
socket.on('authenticate', function (data) {
// ...
// Token validation
// Emit "authenticated" event if token is valid, the server can use
// this event as a point to send messages, once token is valid
A "One roundtrip" approach that basically uses query strings during handshake. And whose main drawback is that the token is exposed in the URL, so it might be logged, or getting exposed.

Google Cloud Pub/Sub API - Push E-mail

I'm using node.js to create an app that gets a PUSH from Gmail each time an email is received, checks it against a third party database in a CRM and creates a new field in the CRM if the e-mail is contained there. I'm having trouble using Google's new Cloud Pub/Sub, which seems to be the only way to get push from Gmail without constant polling.
I've gone through the instructions here: https://cloud.google.com/pubsub/prereqs but I don't understand how exactly this is supposed to work from an app on my desktop. It seems that pub/sub can connect to a verified domain, but I can't get it to connect directly toto the .js script that I have on my computer. I've saved the api key in a json file and use the following:
var gcloud = require('gcloud');
var pubsub;
// From Google Compute Engine:
pubsub = gcloud.pubsub({
projectId: 'my-project',
// Or from elsewhere:
pubsub = gcloud.pubsub({
projectId: 'my-project',
keyFilename: '/path/to/keyfile.json'
// Create a new topic.
pubsub.createTopic('my-new-topic', function(err, topic) {});
// Reference an existing topic.
var topic = pubsub.topic('my-existing-topic');
// Publish a message to the topic.
topic.publish('New message!', function(err) {});
// Subscribe to the topic.
topic.subscribe('new-subscription', function(err, subscription) {
// Register listeners to start pulling for messages.
function onError(err) {}
function onMessage(message) {}
subscription.on('error', onError);
subscription.on('message', onMessage);
// Remove listeners to stop pulling for messages.
subscription.removeListener('message', onMessage);
subscription.removeListener('error', onError);
However, I get errors as if it isn't connecting to server and on the API list I see only errors, no actual successes. I'm clearly doing something wrong, any idea what it might be?
Thank you in advance!
Your cannot subscribe to push notifications from the client side.
Set up an HTTPS server to handle the messages. Messages will be sent
to the URL endpoint that you configure, representing that server's
location. Your server must be reachable via a DNS name and must
present a signed SSL certificate. (App Engine applications are
preconfigured with SSL certificates.)
Just subscribe to the push notifications on your server, and when you get the notification, you can figure out who it concerns. The data you will get from the notifications is what user that it concerns, and the relevant historyId, like so:
// This is all the data the notifications will give you.
{"emailAddress": "user#example.com", "historyId": "9876543210"}
Then you could e.g. emit an event through Socket.io to the relevant user if he is online, and have him do a sync with the supplied historyId on the client side.

Using NodeJs with Firebase - Security

Due to the need to do some server side code - mainly sending emails I have decided to use Nodejs & Express for the server side element along with Firebase to hold the data - Partly from a learning experience.
My question is whats the best approach with regards to using the client side Firebase library and the Nodejs library when doing authentication using the Simple Email & Password API. If I do the authentication client side and then subsequently call a different route on the NodeJS side will the authentication for that user be carried across in the request. What would be the approach to test the user is authenticated within Node.
One approach I assume is to get the current users username & password from firebase and then post these to NodeJS and then use the firebase security API on the server to test.
Essentially the problem here is you need to securely convey to your NodeJS server who the client is authenticated as to Firebase. There are several ways you could go about this, but the easiest is probably to have all of your client<->NodeJS communication go through Firebase itself.
So instead of having the client hit a REST endpoint served by your NodeJS server, have the client write to a Firebase location that your NodeJS server is monitoring. Then you can use Firebase Security Rules to validate the data written by the client and your server can trust it.
For example, if you wanted to make it so users could send arbitrary emails through your app (with your NodeJS server taking care of actually sending the emails), you could have a /emails_to_send location with rules something like this:
"rules": {
"emails_to_send": {
"$id": {
".write": "!data.exists() && newData.child('from').val() == auth.email",
".validate": "newData.hasChildren(['from', 'to', 'subject', 'body'])"
Then in the client you can do:
from: 'my_email#foo.com',
to: 'joe#example.com',
subject: 'hi',
body: 'Hey, how\'s it going?'
And in your NodeJS code you could call .auth() with your Firebase Secret (so you can read and write everything) and then do:
ref.child('emails_to_send').on('child_added', function(emailSnap) {
var email = emailSnap.val();
sendEmailHelper(email.from, email.to, email.subject, email.body);
// Remove it now that we've processed it.
This is going to be the easiest as well as the most correct solution. For example, if the user logs out via Firebase, they'll no longer be able to write to Firebase so they'll no longer be able to make your NodeJS server send emails, which is most likely the behavior you'd want. It also means if your server is temporarily down, when you start it back up, it'll "catch up" sending emails and everything will continue to work.
The above seems like a roundabout way of doing things, I would use something like https://www.npmjs.com/package/connect-session-firebase and keep firebase as the model, handling all routes through express. Easier if your express server is rendering templates and not just behaving as a JSON API.
If you are using Firebase Authentication, the client side can import the Firebase Library (e.g. for javascript) and authenticate directly with the library itself
import firebase from 'firebase/app';
const result = await firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(_email, _password);
After that, the client can to obtain the ID Token, this token will be informed on each request that will be made to the server (e.g. as header).
const sendingIdToken = await firebase.auth().currentUser.getIdToken();
On the Node.js server side, you can install the Firebase Admin SDK, to verify if the user is authenticated on the Node.js server, like:
// Let's suppose the client informed the token as header
const receivingIdToken = req.headers['auth-token'];
admin.auth().verifyIdToken(receivingIdToken, true)
.then((decodedIdToken) => { /* proceed to send emails, etc */}, (error) => {...});
The Firebase Admin SDK gives full permissions to the Database, so keep the credentials safe.
You should also configure the Security Rules on Firestore (or Firebase Realtime), so the client side can still perform specific operations directly to the database (e.g. listening for realtime changes on a collection), but you can also restrict all access if you want the client to only interact with the node.js server.
For more details, I developed an example of a node.js server that uses the Firestore Database and handles security and more.
