AfterEffects Script - I want to set the display settings of the layer panel with a script - extendscript

I would like to explain in words, but I am Japanese and rely on Google Translate, so let me explain with pictures.
I would like to implement a script that increases the header like the second image when I press the arrow on the first image.
I'm having trouble finding anyone who can answer that it's the Japanese community.


Anyway to deploy svg image online?

my question is really simple and I still didn't find the answer, maybe because I misspoke about it or didn't use the right keywords, anyways here is the topic:
I have an SVG script that contains some animation (like Bezier curves), I want to put it online, so I get back a link and whenever a user clicks on it, it's going to display my SVG file on the browser.
Is it possible?

how to customise elementor functionality(how do I find the right bit of code?)

I'm trying to make a web page formatted similar to that of Netflix. Where a list of videos are displayed in a div with two arrows in either direction on each side. When the number of videos are more than the width of the window clicking the arrows moves the displayed videos in the corresponding direction by one video.
And(key part), when a video is clicked, the clicked video gets displayed on another div(main part of the screen) with a text of introduction and an excerpt of the video playing in the background of that section, plus a "play" button to start the video.
I would probably be able to sort it out with vanilla code. But this page is managed by WordPress so I would have to plug in my code with wordpress.
My assumption is that hacking the existing elementor code for the video widget would be the quickest way to do it. But I don't know how to find the code corresponding to the functionality I need to modify to customize it to do what I want. I can locate the video-widget file, but still, it's a huge file with lots of code. How do I find the functionality I need specifically to import into my own code?
Thank you and sorry for the verbose phrasing.

How to automatically determine how to crop an image in NodeJS?

I am currently making a Discord bot in NodeJS that can process game screenshots as text through OCR. The OCR works fine but one thing is that the user needs to crop the screenshot to a specific window first in order for the bot to be able to read the text without interference from the text outside the window.
For reference, an example game screenshot would be like this (not necessarily on an emulator)
And the bot only needs this part of the image.
Considering that screenshtos can come in different resolutions and aspect ratios, what is a good way to automatically determine how to crop an image like this?
following npm module use for image cropping :

Change the body background related to the menu selection

I am new in learning CSS3.
I have stuck on the same problem for couple days.
So I am using this tutorial for practice and else.
And I get familiar with how it works. Now I want to try to combined them with background slider. In short, I want the body background to change (with transition effect, fade in fade out for example), everytime I click on the menu.
For example: About us -> background change to my photo, How we work -> picture of books or something.
I tried to use div to replace the body background to show up independently on top of each other but I just can't get it to work properly.
Can anyone give me basic solution? Thank you!

Program that knows what elements you click on website

I'm trying to create a program where i can select the input boxes on website and list them into a listbox. i can use the C and delphi language but neither of them i can do this. I'm not trying to make a whole new browser, but just want to be able to do this. In a way it is like, when google chrome puts an orange box around the input boxes. it recognizes that it is a box you can type in. How do i recognize with a program what text box i have selected with my mouse? thx :)
You should look into GreaseMonkey for firefox. It allows you to run custom javascript on web sites, allowing you to transform pretty much whatever you want on the page.
