I want to map the :PrettierAsync command from the prettier plugin to the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P.
I have tried the command: map <C-M-S-p> :PrettierAsync but that did not work.
How would I go about doing this?
I'm trying to modify my vimrc to include a directory
let g:mydir = system('which someExecutable')
execute "set rtp+=" . g:mydir
The problem is that which someExecutable returns something like
I need g:mydir set to /aDir/, so two dirs above b.
Is there an easy way to do this in vimscript?
You're looking for fnamemodify(path, ":h")
If you version of vim is recent enough, you can even use exepath('someExecutable') instead of system('which someexecutable'). Which gives:
fnamemodify(exepath('someExecutable'), ":h")
PS: don't forget to escape what must be escaped if you use exe "set rtp+=....
i want to set the tags variable to the set of all gotags files i generated in specific folder(s) using exuberant Ctags. (gotags is nothing but the tags file renamed).
i put following lines in my .vimrc file.
set tags+=/usr/local/go/src/gotags
set tags+=`find /home/vimal/gowork/src -name gotags`
but it doesnt work and i get the following error
$ vi ~/.vimrc
Error detected while processing /home/vimal/.vimrc:
line 157:
E518: Unknown option: /home/vimal/gowork/src
Press ENTER or type command to continue
how can i fix the error and set the tags variable with the value: list of all the gotags files under one directory tree.
Inventing new syntax tends not to work that well in practice. Use system() to run external commands from Vim, not backticks. Also set in Vim is weird, it doesn't evaluate RHS the way you expect. Most of the time it's a lot simpler to use let &option = ... instead of set option=....
Anyway, to answer your question, you don't need to run find(1) for that, plain Vim functions are enough for what you want:
let &tags = join(extend([&tags, '/usr/local/go/src/gotags'],
\ findfile('gotags', '/home/vimal/gowork/src', -1)), ',')
I am using vim with Ag.vim(silver-searcher) and i came across a problem.
the Ag plugin defines Ex mode commands such as :Ag and :AgFromSearch.
but while :Ag lets me pass options to the shell's ag command such as -G which lets me whitelist files, :AgFromSearch doesn't let me..
so my question is - is there any pretty solution to this? or should i just imitate the way the plugin implements :AgFromSearch with :Ag and pass through it the options?
Ag.vim is deprecated; you should consider moving back to using Ack.vim.
The maintainer of Ack.vim is open to supporting the Ag community.
The :AckFromSearch allows for passing extra options like the -G. You first must configure the Ack.vim to use Ag, by adding this to .vimrc:
let g:ackprg = 'ag --vimgrep'
And, then you can do :AckFromSearch like the following:
:AckFromSearch -G '.*py'
Since moving back to the Ack.vim plugin, I use this feature quite frequently and have mapped ,* to :AgFromSearch in vim.
I would like to use Ack (or similar plugin if something else can do the job) to search my whole project in Vim by default, rather than just the current directory. Ideally I'd end up with a process that works like using Cmd+Shift+F in Sublime. How can I do this?
An option like CtrlP's let g:ctrlp_working_path_mode = 'r' that makes it search within the nearest parent directory that contains a file like .git would be perfect. (https://github.com/kien/ctrlp.vim#basic-options)
I think Rooter is what you want. For example:
let g:rooter_patterns = ['Rakefile', '.git/']
I don't think Ack (or grep/vimgrep) can detect your "project root". If you often work on several projects, you could add this block in your vimrc:
let g:projectA_path="/path/to/A"
let g:projectB_path="/path/to/B"
let g:projectC_path="/path/to/C"
also define some functions/commands, like AckA, AckB, AckC...
basically the func/command just does:
exec 'Ack! '. pattern . " " . g:projectA_path
the pattern is the argument you passed in. then, in future, you could do:
:AckA foo
:call AckA("foo")
for quick grepping/acking in projectA.
I didn't think of a simpler way to do it. glad to see if there is better solution.
Most of the time I don't need to cd the project root, but stay in the same working directory.
So there is a simpler solution, based on answer of Kent, without cd'ing the project root, installing additional plugins and using ag:
let g:ackprg = 'ag --vimgrep --smart-case'
function! Find_git_root()
return system('git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2> /dev/null')[:-2]
command! -nargs=1 Ag execute "Ack! <args> " . Find_git_root()
And to use it call :Ag <keyword>
I have this line in my .vimrc:
cnoreabbrev ack cd ~/your-project <bar> Ack! <Space>
Whenever you type :ack and hit the space the rest will be added to the command line and you can add the keyword.
I've installed the vim-latex-suite and I'd like to customize the folding for use with the labbook package. The labbook package uses \labday, \experiment, and \subexperiment in place of \chapter, \section, and \subsection.
I'd like to customize the folding options with vim-latex-suite in Vim so that \labday, \experiment, and \subexperiment are folded like the traditional sectioning commands.
I've tried adding to my ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/tex.vim the following (but it didn't work)
" Folding sections
let g:Tex_FoldedSections = ',labday,experiment,subexperiment'
" Folding commands
let g:Tex_FoldedCommands = ',labday,experiment,subexperiment'
Can someone show me how to customize the folding for the labbook package?
I think you should put
let g:Tex_FoldedSections = 'labday,experiment,subexperiment'`
in your .vimrc itself. If you take a look at ftplugin/latex-suite/folding.vim you'll find:
if g:Tex_FoldedSections != ''
call Tex_FoldSections(g:Tex_FoldedSections,
\ '^\s*\\frontmatter\|^\s*\\mainmatter\|^\s*\\backmatter\|'
\. '^\s*\\begin{thebibliography\|>>>\|^\s*\\endinput\|'
\. '^\s*\\begin{slide\|^\s*\\end{document')
Which means that setting Tex_FoldedSections after the plugin as already loaded will not work. Also make sure that your sections in your latex file itself are nested correctly.