Post current React state to express server - node.js

I have tried a few different ways of doing this but no matter what I've tried I get the same result.
Once I start the server, the first time I post, it doesn't work. because the state hasn't updated (I think)? All of the following post requests afterwards work fine, along with the correct state. So I'm not so sure it's state. Here's my code
export default class Register extends React.Component{
this.state = {
username: '',
password: ''
onChange = (e) => this.setState({[]:});
register = async () => {
await + 'register', {
username: this.state.username,
password: this.state.password
<form id='register-form' className='border'>
<div id='form-title'>Create account</div>
<div className='mb-3'>
<label className='form-label' htmlFor='username-label' name='username-label'>Username</label>
<input type='text' className='form-control' id='usernameInput' name='username' onChange={this.onChange}></input>
<div className='mb-3'>
<label className='form-label' htmlFor='password-label' name='password-label'>Password</label>
<input type='password' className='form-control' id='password-input' name='password' onChange={this.onChange}></input>
<div className='mb-3'>
<label className='form-label' htmlFor='password-label-confirm' name='password-label-confirm'>Confirm Password</label>
<input type='password' className='form-control' id='password-input-confirm' name='passwordConfirm'></input>
<div id='buttons'>
<button className='btn btn-primary' id='register-btn' onClick={this.register} disabled={this.state.username === '' & this.state.username === ''}>Register</button>
<Link className='btn btn-primary' to='/login' id='login-btn'>Login</Link>
server.js post request (currently just attempting to console.log my request instead of adding to my database). I have gotten it to save to the database just fine following the second post attempt.
..."/register", (req, res)=>{
User.find({username: req.body.username}, (err, data)=>{
if(data.length == 0){
let user = new User({
username: req.body.username,
password: req.body.password
errorMessage: err,
status: false
} else {
status: true,
title: 'Registered Successfully'
} catch(e){
errorMessage: 'Something went wrong!',
status: false
I'm a beginner making my first full-stack application

Good night! I cannot comment because I'm too new to Stack Overflow, so I'll say the following as an answer:
I ran your code on my machine and it worked fine but the reload. When I clicked on the "Register" button, I read the current state value by adding console.log(this.state) just before await
That worked since the first click. However, the page reloads each submition. You missed the event.preventDefault(). This function prevents the reload when submitting a form by clicking on a button inside it. This is the code:
register = async (event) => {
await'http://localhost:3333/register', {
username: this.state.username,
password: this.state.password
Then, I ran a Node API with your code. It also console.log(req.body) worked perfectly fine as well.
Therefore, I don't have any other ideas of what could be causing the issue on your machine besides the missing event.preventDefault().
Some features that helps while debugging JavaScript:
Use the command debugger; on your Front-End code. For example, inside the register method. This allows you to stop the execution of the code and inspect all the variables available and their current values. This may help you.
While debugging don't forget to put a lot of console.log on your code in specific parts that could be related to your bug. This helps you understand what's going on.


How to get api's response when posting data?

I'm doing a React web site, with a node.JS REST Api, and actually there is something that I don't know how to do.
When I'm logging in, my React form make a POST request to my Api (considering it's a School Project so I'm working locally, my React app is on port 3000 and my Api is on port 8080), and when I'm submiting, I'm redirected on the response of my Api.
I'd like to be redirected to a page of my React App and receive the response of my Api (when I'm using res.redirect() I have the React page but not the Api response).
Did somebody know how to do it ?
Here is my React Form Component:
class Form extends Component{
this.location = window.location.href
<form action="http://localhost:8080/login" method="post">
<label for="identifier">Mail:</label>
<input type="email" id="identifier" name="identifier"/>
<label for="password">Password:</label>
<input type="password" id="password" name="password"/>
<input id="locator" name="locator" value={this.location} type="hidden"/>
<button type="submit">Se connecter</button>
And here is my Api login route :'/login', (req, res) => {
client.connect().then(() => {
let newUser = { identifier: req.body.identifier}
return client.db(`${process.env.MONGODB}`).collection(`${process.env.MONGOCOLLECTION}`)
result => {
if(result == null){
console.log("No user found");
return res.status(401).json({ error: 'Utilisateur non trouvé !' });
console.log("User "" "+result.firstName+" found");
if(req.body.password !== cryptr.decrypt(result.password)){
console.log("Mot de passe incorrect !");
return res.status(401).json({ error: 'Mot de passe incorrect !' });
const token = jwt.sign({
id: result._id,
username: result.identifier
}, "my_secret", { expiresIn: '3 hours' })
return res.json({ access_token: token })
err => res.status(500).json({ err }),
.then(() => {
You can use XHR requests to handle API calls to server and fetching back data to render in your React component.
Instead of using action in form,
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
and define a method which handles the submit logic.
async handleSubmit(e) {
const reponse = await
fetch('http://localhost:8080/login', {
method: 'POST',
mode: 'cors', //as your server is on different origin, your server will also have to enable CORS
body: JSON.stringify(formData) //formData will have to be extracted from your input elements before sending to server
const data = response.json() //This is the data from your server which you'll get without the need of redirecing.
fetch is the default js library to handle XHR request.
There are others as well like axios.

Getting TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined after modifying form

I am currently working on an application with node.js, express and ReactJs. I am also using sequelize as my ORM. I was working on my form which originally sent nulls to my database and since then I have been stuck on this error for a few days. I am getting the following on my frontend ReactJs:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined'
I know this error is very vague and happens for many reasons. For me it happened when I was working on my form.I am using useStates to set my values and using axios to handle the post request.
Where I declared my states:
let [state, setState] = useState({
leadName: "",
excellentLead: ""
handleChange(evt) function:Used to handle changes based on my input.
function handleChange(evt) {
const value =;
method: "post",
url: "http://localhost:5000/add",
data: body,
.then(function (response) {
.catch(function (error) {
Current form(I am using React Bootstrap for styling.):
<Form onSubmit={handleChange}>
<Form.Group controlId="formBasicName">
placeholder="Enter Name"
<Form.Group controlId="formBasicFollowUp">
Excellent Lead Worth following up(Yes/No/Maybe)
placeholder="Enter Name"
<Button variant="primary" type="submit">
In my server.js this is my post route:'/add', function(request, response) {
I don't have any issues connecting to the database from the front end and my post method used to send nulls on a button click which wasn't the goal. To add, this error broke my entire program.
Any suggestions, explanations or links would be appreciated!
Since you have fixed your error, I would like to make you aware that you are calling handleChange every time your input changes. This means you are making a POST request every time you type a character in your input.
A better approach would be to only do your post on submit.
import React, { useState } from "react";
const App = () => {
const [data, setData] = useState({ name: "", age: "" });
const handleChange = (e, field) => {
e.preventDefault(); // prevent the default action
// set your data state
const handleSubmit = (e) => {
// axios post data
console.log(data); // just for showing
return (
<p>Fill in data</p>
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
onChange={(e) => handleChange(e, "name")}
onChange={(e) => handleChange(e, "age")}
<button type="submit">SUBMIT</button>
export default App;
import { response } from 'express';
Was imported and that caused the error this whole time....A classic.

Node Express Post 500 (Internal Server Error) jquery-3.4.1.min.js

I've been working on a node js/express js app for some time now. I have get's and post's that work from jquery $ajax calls.
For some reason I have one post "loginUser" that isn't getting into the user route post method
This was working previously but now has stopped, and as any programmer would say "has stoppped working for some reason".
I don't beleive anything was changed. I've tried using GET's, new POST's names, etc.
Every time it only provides a 500 error without any information in the error object.
Loginpage.ejs Form:
<form class="form-horizontal" id="loginUserForm" >
<div class="controls">
<strong>Email</strong><br/><input type="email" class="form-control custom-input-width" id="login-email" value="" required>
<div class="controls">
<strong>Password</strong><br/><input type="password" class="form-control custom-input-width" minlength="6" id="login-password" value="Asialouie!123" required>
<div class="control-group">
<div class="controls text-center">
<input type="submit" class="btn btn-green" id="button-signup" value="Sign in">
<br/><p class="aligncenter"><br/>
Don't have an account? <a href="/register" >Sign up</a>
<br/>Forgot password? Reset
JQuery Ajax code:
$("#loginUserForm").submit(function(event) {
// Prevent the form from submitting via the browser.
const email = $("#login-email").val();
const password = $("#login-password").val();
console.log("email: "+email);
console.log("pass: "+password);
var data = {}; =email;
data.message =password;
url: '/users/loginUser',
type: 'POST',
data: JSON.stringify(data),
contentType: 'application/json',
* A function to be called if the request succeeds.
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
error : function(error) {
//alert( + ': ' + error.message);
catch(err) {
console.log("err: "+err.message);
User Route Method:'/loginUser', function(req, res) {
console.log("in user login");
This route Post works:'/',function(req,res){"email: ";
User.findOne({}, function (error, user) {
console.log("user exists");
const error = new Error('User email account already exists.');
//save user
var pwd = req.body.password;
bcrypt.genSalt(10, function(err, salt) {
if (err) {
logger.error("BCrype issue");
const error = new Error("Unable to register, please try again.");
//throw new Error('User email account already exists.');
} else {
//console.log('Salt: ' + salt);
bcrypt.hash(pwd, salt, function (err, hash) {
if (err) {
logger.error("ERROR! users bcrypt");
const error = new Error("Unable to register, please try again.");
} else {
var user = new User({
lastname :req.body.lastname,
password : hash,
admin: false,
bio : "",
location : "",
avatar: "",
url: "",
}); (error, user) {
if (error){
I expect the route to take the login information and get into the LoginUser route and output "in user login"
Here is the console output when the login form is posted:
POST http://localhost:3000/users/loginUser 500 (Internal Server Error) jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2
I don't understand why it's showing jquery-3.4.1.min.js:2 in the console for the 500 error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think you should try the followings:
You should put method attribute in the form tag
If you have the following statement in your server code, remove it or comment it down.
If you have any attributes in the script tag in which jQuery is written, then remove them.
What status code 500 is normally there is some error in the server-side code ( in the root ). Double-check the route code.
These all suggestions are what I did with my code when I faced the 500 error.

Cannot successfully delete document in mongoose DB with DELETE or POST Request

I am trying do delete employees in my mongoose database through my admin.ejs page.
So far I've tried to do with with a normal POST request and with DELETE using method-override but neither work.
// Attempt Without method-override
const empSchema = {
name: String,
number: String
const Employee = mongoose.model("Employee", empSchema);
<form action="/deleteEmp" method="POST" >
<input type="text" name="name">
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Delete Employee</button>
//app.js//"/deleteEmp", function(req, res) {
Employee.findOneAndDelete({name:}, function(err, result) {
if(!err) {
console.log('User Deleted');
} else {
//Attempt with method-override//
<form method="POST" action="/deleteEmp?_method=DELETE">
<input type="text" name="id">
<button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Delete Employee</button>
app.delete("/deleteEmp", function(req, res) {
Employee.findOneAndDelete({name:}, function(err, result)
if(!err) {
console.log('User Deleted');
} else {
In my attempt without method override it will go through if it is set to POST method instead of DELETE but the employee is not deleted. If the method is set to DELETE it returns a cannot GET /deleteEMP
I didn't have any success with method-override, so I wonder if I am missing something?
Although you can perform a delete operation through a POST request, it is recommended to use the proper http VERB (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE ..) for each case. So in your case i would use an AJAX delete request to delete the document.
By the way, the reason that your first option (action="/deleteEmp" method="POST") does not work is a mistake in your controller. Use name: instead of name: The data you send is in the body of your request object.
"cannot GET /deleteEMP" indicates that u sent GET request. Try to send DELETE request from Postman or XMLHttpRequest(Ajax). HTML forms only support GET and POST as HTTP request methods.

NodeJS not able to get token value from req.params.token'/reset/:token', function(req, res) {
function(done) {
User.findOne({ 'local.resetPasswordToken' : req.params.token, 'local.resetPasswordExpires' : { $gt: } }, function(err, user) {
if (!user) {
req.flash('resetMessage', req.params.token);
return res.redirect('back');
], function(err) {
app.get('/reset/:token', function(req, res) {
User.findOne({ 'local.resetPasswordToken': req.params.token, 'local.resetPasswordExpires' : { $gt: } }, function(err, user) {
if (!user) {
req.flash('forgotMessage', req.params.token );
return res.redirect('/forgot');
res.render('reset.ejs', { user: req.user, message: req.flash('resetMessage') });
<!--Reset.ejs page ResetPassword FORM -->
<form action="/reset/:token" method="post">
<div class="form-group">
<label>New Password</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="newpassword">
<div class="form-group">
<label>Confirm Password</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="confirmpassword">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-warning btn-lg">Reset</button>
I able to get the token with req.params.token for the "post" after clicking
Later when I submit through the reset.ejs for the "get" I couldn't retrieved any token value with req.params.token.
Any solution to it?
I imagine that the original code for this might have come from In this tut the jade templating engine is used and if you look at the reset.jade you will see that it starts with
but no action is defined. I don't really know jade but in your example you are using ejs and in your code you are setting the action to
form action="/reset/:token" method="post"
and as everybody has pointed out the route that you post to is exactly /reset/:token. So req.params will be :token and the reset will fail. What you need to do is post the url exactly as it appears in the get request. If you read
Is it a good practice to use an empty URL for a HTML form's action attribute? (action="")
you can see that you can amend your reset.ejs page code to read
form action="" method="post"
Now the post should have an action equal to the get url with the token in place and the reset should occur.
you need another form with method='get' and action='reset/' + tokenvar. Also your async waterfall does not call done() so will not call the redirect if the user exists
