Executing excel formula using powershell taking too much time - excel

I am having below code which I using to calculate
$excel = new-object -comobject Excel.Application
$excel.visible = $false
$workbook = $excel.workbooks.open("C:\SLAFile.xlsx")
$worksheet = $workbook.Worksheets.Item(1)
$rows = $worksheet.range("D2").currentregion.rows.count
$STDSheet = $workbook.WorkSheets.Add()
$STDSheet.Name = 'STD'
###### Copy Date #####
$lastRow1 = $worksheet.UsedRange.rows.count
$range1 = $worksheet.Range("B2:B$lastRow1")
$lastRow2 = $STDSheet.UsedRange.rows.count + 1
$range2 = $STDSheet.Range("A$($lastRow2)")
###### Copy Date ######
###### Copy SYMM_ID ####
$lastRow3 = $worksheet.UsedRange.rows.count
$range3 = $worksheet.Range("A2:A$lastRow3")
$lastRow4 = $STDSheet.UsedRange.rows.count + 1
$range4 = $STDSheet.Range("C$($lastRow2)")
###### Copy SYMM_ID ####
####### STD Column Header #######
$STDSheet.Cells(1,1) = 'Time (DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS)'
$STDSheet.Cells(1,2) = 'DATE (TEXT FORMAT)'
$STDSheet.Cells(1,3) = 'SYMM_ID'
$STDSheet.Cells(1,4) = 'STD_RT'
$STDSheet.Cells(1,5) = 'IO/sec'
$STDSheet.Cells(1,6) = 'DATA/sec'
$STDSheet.Cells(1,7) = 'Block Size'
$STDSheet.Cells(1,8) = 'MIN RT/6h'
####### STD Column Header #######
##### STD Report Part ####
for($j=2;$j -le $rows;$j++)
$k = $j-1
$STDSheet.range("B$j:B$j").formula = '=TEXT(A'+$j+',"dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm")'
$STDSheet.range("E$j:E$j").formula = '=IFERROR(SUMIFS(SLA!$G:$G,SLA!$C:$C,"SG_STG_*_L_*STD",SLA!$B:$B,$B'+$j+',SLA!$D:$D,"<>0"),0)+IFERROR(SUMIFS(SLA!$H:$H,SLA!$C:$C,"SG_STG_*_L_*STD",SLA!$B:$B,$B'+$j+',SLA!$D:$D,"<>0"),0)'
$STDSheet.range("D$j:D$j").formula = '=IFERROR(AVERAGEIFS(SLA!$D:$D,SLA!$C:$C,"SG_STG_*_L_*STD",SLA!$B:$B,SLA!B'+$j+',SLA!$D:$D,"<>0"),"-")'
$STDSheet.range("F$j:F$j").formula = '=IFERROR(SUMIFS(SLA!$E:$E,SLA!$C:$C,"SG_STG_*_L_*STD",SLA!$B:$B,$B'+$j+',SLA!$D:$D,"<>0"),0)+IFERROR(SUMIFS(SLA!$F:$F,SLA!$C:$C,"SG_STG_*_L_*STD",SLA!$B:$B,$B'+$j+',SLA!$D:$D,"<>0"),0)'
$STDSheet.range("G$j:G$j").formula = '=IFERROR($F'+$j+'*1024/$E'+$j+',"-")'
$STDSheet.range("H$j:H$j").formula = '=IF(COUNTIF($D'+$j+':$D'+$count+',">0")=72,MIN($D'+$j+':$D'+$count+'),"-")'
$STDSheet.range("I1:I1").formula = '="Nb Period with Min RT > "&5&"ms"'
$STDSheet.range("I$j:I$j").formula = '=IFS($H'+$j+'="-","NA",$H'+$j+'<=5,"OK",$H'+$k+'>5,"NOK CONT",1,"NOK START")'
$STDSheet.range("j1:j1").formula = '=COUNTIF($I:$I,"NOK START")'
The problem is, when I keep only 1000-2000 records in the input file, the code executes very quickly.
But the actual input file contains around 90k records. when I execute that it takes too much time.
Please let me know is there anything wrong with the code? Is there any way to make the execution faster?
While trying I have broke the master excel into 1000 rows each and kept in separate files and tried to execute. but then also I am getting the same slowness issue
$GetExcels = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\xlfile\multiple'
foreach($EFile in $GetExcels)


How do I fix New-Object Com Class Error for Alteryx?

I have an Alteryx workflow that runs a powershell script to convert a csv to excel. It works locally, but when I publish that workflow to Alteryx Gallery, I get an error and my log produces something like this:
New-Object: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID....
$excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application...
Resource Unavailable...
FullyQualifiedErrorId: No COMClassIdentified,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NewObjectCommand...
This reads to me like excel is not installed on the alteryx server. Is my assumption correct? What do I need to do to fix this error?
$SharedDriveFolderPath = "\\---\shares\Groups\---\---\---\---\--\B\"
$files = Get-ChildItem $SharedDriveFolderPath -Filter *.csv
foreach ($f in $files){
$outfilename = $f.BaseName +'.xlsx'
#Define locations and delimiter
$csv = "\\---\shares\Groups\---\---\---\---\--\B\$f" #Location of the source file
$xlsx = "\\---\shares\Groups\---\---\---\---\---\---\C\$outfilename" #Desired location of output
$delimiter = "," #Specify the delimiter used in the file
# Create a new Excel workbook with one empty sheet
$excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add(1)
$worksheet = $workbook.worksheets.Item(1)
# Build the QueryTables.Add command and reformat the data
$TxtConnector = ("TEXT;" + $csv)
$Connector = $worksheet.QueryTables.add($TxtConnector,$worksheet.Range("A1"))
$query = $worksheet.QueryTables.item($Connector.name)
$query.TextFileOtherDelimiter = $delimiter
$query.TextFileParseType = 1
$query.TextFileColumnDataTypes = ,1 * $worksheet.Cells.Columns.Count
$query.AdjustColumnWidth = 1
# Execute & delete the import query
# Save & close the Workbook as XLSX.

Powershell Runspace - How do you properly handle read/write to the threads?

Everything I read online about this only shows how to send information to the UI which works for me now due to the comment suggestion.
I am unable to find a way to do the reverse and send to an output while running a thread.
The end goal is to use a WPF multithread with being able to interact with selenium running the background. grabbing and sending information to websites while still actively being able to use the WPF.
I can do this in C# but the current job wants this all to be in PowerShell and this seems to be on the right track to do this.
If I am wrong please guide me to the correct way to do something like this then.
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework,PresentationCore,WindowsBase
Function Create-WPFWindow {
# Create a window object
$Window = New-Object System.Windows.Window
$Window.Width = '600'
$Window.Height = '300'
$Window.Title = 'WPF-CONTROL'
$window.WindowStartupLocation = [System.Windows.WindowStartupLocation]::CenterScreen
$Window.ResizeMode = [System.Windows.ResizeMode]::NoResize
# Create a Label object
$Label = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.Label
$Label.Height = 40
$Label.HorizontalContentAlignment = 'Left'
$Label.VerticalContentAlignment = 'Center'
$Label.FontSize = 15
$Label.Content = 'Activate:'
$Hash.Label = $Label
# Create a TextBlock object
$TextBlock = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock
$TextBlock.Height = 150
$TextBlock.FontSize = 20
$TextBlock.TextWrapping = 'Wrap'
$TextBlock.Text = "Test"
$Hash.TextBlock = $TextBlock
# Create a Button1 object
$Button1 = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.Button
$Button1.Width = 300
$Button1.Height = 35
$Button1.HorizontalContentAlignment = 'Center'
$Button1.VerticalContentAlignment = 'Center'
$Button1.FontSize = 20
$Button1.Content = 'Start'
$Hash.Button1 = $Button1
# Assemble the window
$StackPanel1 = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel
$StackPanel1.Margin = '150,20,5,5'
$StackPanel1.Orientation = 'Horizontal'
$StackPanel2 = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel
$StackPanel2.Margin = '5,5,5,5'
$StackPanel2.Orientation = 'Vertical'
$StackPanel = New-Object System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel
$StackPanel.Margin = '5,5,5,5'
$Window.Content = $StackPanel
# Stop the service and release the resources
$Hash.On = $false
$Hash.Window = $Window
$Hash = [hashtable]::Synchronized(#{})
# Create a WPF window and add it to a Hash table
Create-WPFWindow $Hash | Out-Null
if ($Hash.On -eq $true){
$Hash.On = $false
$Hash.Button1.Background = 'Green'
$Hash.Button1.Content = 'Start'
$Hash.On = $true
$Hash.Button1.Background = 'Red'
$Hash.Button1.Content = 'Stop'
$p.BeginInvoke() | Out-Null
$rs_dForm = [Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspace()
$rs_dForm.ApartmentState = 'STA'
$rs_dForm.ThreadOptions = 'ReuseThread'
$rs_dForm.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable('Hash', $Hash)
$p = [PowerShell]::Create().AddScript({
Function global:FileEventListener (){
if ($Hash.On){
for ($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++) {
$Hash.Window.Dispatcher.Invoke([action]{$Hash.TextBlock.Text = "Test: " + $i.ToString()})
#$Hash.TextBlock.Text = "Test: " + $i.ToString() #<----not updating?
Write-Output "Test: " + $i.ToString() #<----not possible?
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$p.Runspace = $rs_dForm
# Show the window
$Hash.Window.ShowDialog() | Out-Null

Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program. Creating Xlxs from CSV

I have a script that cycles through a folder and condenses multiple CSVs to one xlsx file with the names of the CSV as worksheets. However, when the script runs as part of a larger script it failes when it refreshes the query.
On its own the script runs fine, but when added to the larger one it fails. Can anyone advise why this is the case?
Below is the error I get:
Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.
At C:\Temp\Scripts\Shares_Complete.psm1:254 char:13
+ $Query.Refresh()
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (:) [], OutOfMemoryException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.OutOfMemoryException
I have tried single csv with the same code and still the same result.
$script:SP = "C:\Temp\Servers\"
$script:TP = "C:\Temp\Servers\Pc.txt"
$script:FSCSV = "C:\Temp\Server_Shares\Server Lists\"
$script:Message1 = "Unknown Hosts"
$script:Message2 = "Unable to connect"
$script:Message3 = "Unknown Errors Occurred"
$script:Txt = ".txt"
$script:OT = ".csv"
$script:FSERROR1 = $FSCSV+$Message1+$OT
$script:FSERROR2 = $FSCSV+$Message2+$OT
$script:FSERROR3 = $FSCSV+$Message2+$OT
$script:ERL3 = $E4 + "Shares_Errors_$Date.txt"
$script:ECL1 = $E4 + "Shares_Exceptions1_$Date.txt"
$script:ERL1 = $E4 + "Shares_Errors1_$Date.txt"
$script:ECL3 = $E4 + "Shares_Exceptions_$Date.txt"
function Excel-Write {
if ($V -eq "1") {
$RD = $FSCSV + "*.csv"
$CsvDir = $RD
$Ma4 = $FSCSV + "All Server Shares for Domain $CH4"
$csvs = dir -path $CsvDir # Collects all the .csv's from the driectory
$FSh = $csvs | Select-Object -First 1
$FSh = ($FSh -Split "\\")[4]
$FSh = $FSh -replace ".{5}$"
$outputxls = "$Ma4.xlsx"
$script:Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
$workbook = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
# Loops through each CVS, pulling all the data from each one
foreach ($iCsv in $csvs) {
$WN = ($iCsv -Split "\\")[-1]
$WN = $WN -replace ".{4}$"
if ($WN.Length -gt 30) {
$WN = $WN.Substring(0, [Math]::Min($WN.Length, 20))
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$Excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
$Worksheet = $workbook.Worksheets.Add()
$Worksheet.Name = $WN
$TxtConnector = ("TEXT;" + $iCsv)
$Connector = $worksheet.Querytables.Add($txtconnector,$worksheet.Range("A1"))
$query = $Worksheet.QueryTables.Item($Connector.Name)
$query.TextfileOtherDelimiter = $Excel.Application.International(5)
$Query.TextfileParseType = 1
$Query.TextFileColumnDataTypes = ,2 * $worksheet.Cells.Column.Count
$query.AdjustColumnWidth = 1
$Worksheet.Rows.Item(1).Font.Bold = $true
$Worksheet.Rows.Item(1).HorizontalAlignment = -4108
$Worksheet.Rows.Item(1).Font.Underline = $true
$Empty = $workbook.Worksheets.Item("Sheet1")
Should continue script and create the xlsx.
Looking at your script, it doesn't surprise me you eventually run out of memory, because you are continouisly creating Com objects and never release them from memory.
Whenever you have created Com objects and finished with them, use these lines to free up the memory:
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($workbook) | Out-Null
[System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Excel) | Out-Null
Also, take a good look at the code.
You are creating a $Script:Excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application object before the foreach loop but you don't use that. Instead, you are creating new Excel and workbook objects inside the loop over and over again where there is absolutely no reason for it since you can re-use the one you created before the loop.
As an aside: The following characters are not allowed in excel worksheet names
Length limitation is 31 characters.
I had a look at your project and especially the Shares_Complete.psm1 file.
Although I'm not willing of course to rewrite your entire project, I do have some remarks that may help you:
[System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName() is obsolete. Use GetHostEntry()
when done with a Windows form, use $ObjForm.Dispose() to clear it from memory
you do a lot of [System.GC]::Collect(); [System.GC]::WaitForPendingFinalizers() for no reason
Why not use [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show() instead of using a Com object $a = new-object -comobject wscript.shell. Again you leave that object lingering in memory..
use Join-Path cmdlet instead of $RD = $FSCSV + "*.csv" or $Cop = $FSCSV + "*.csv" constructs
remove invalid characters from Excel worksheet names (replace '[\\/?*:[\]]', '')
use Verb-Noun names for your functions so it becomes clear what they do. Now you have functions like Location, Delete and File that don't mean anything
you are calling functions before they are defined like in line 65 where you call function Shares. At that point it does not exist yet because the function itself is written in line 69
add [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($worksheet) | Out-Null in function Excel-Write
there is no need to use the variable $Excel in script scope ($Script:Excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application) where it is used only locally to the function.
you may need to look at Excel specifications and limits
fix your indentation of code so it is clear when a loop or if starts and ends
I would recommend using variable names with more meaning. For an outsider or even yourself after a couple of months two-letter variable names become confusing

For loop within For loop PowerShell and Excel not working

I am basically trying to compare a cell within Excel against another cell within another worksheet using PowerShell. This is the code I am using:
# Define location
$crs = "C:\temp\CRSENGCY_PS.xlsx"
$english = "English"
$welsh = "Welsh"
$SubSection = "SubSection"
# Create instance
$objExcel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$workBook = $objExcel.Workbooks.Open($crs)
$englishSheet = $workBook.Worksheets.Item($english)
$subSectionSheet = $workBook.Worksheets.Item($SubSection)
$objExcel.Visible = $false
# Num of rows
$engRowMax = 1812
$subRowMax = 677
# Define columns
$rowName, $colName = 1, 1
for ($i=1; $i -le $subRowMax; $i++) {
$SubSectionName = $subSectionSheet.Cells.Item($rowName+$i,2).Text
$3SubSections = $SubSectionName.Substring(0, 3)
for ($i=1; $i -le $engRowMax; $i++) {
$englishName = $englishSheet.Cells.Item($rowName+$i, $colName).Text
$3englishName = $englishName.Substring(0, 3)
if ($3englishName -eq $3SubSections) {
} else {
Write-Host("Failed" + $3SubSections + " " + $3englishName)
The issue I have is that the for loop at the bottom only runs once. The for loop inside runs the correct number of times. If I remove the nested for loop it works fine.
I believe your problem is that the nested For loop doesn't end. You will probably want to put a Break statement in both For loops to tell them at what point you want them to exit the loops.
The following links may help explain more about a Break statement:
PowerShell Looping: Basics of the Break
Nested ForEach() in PowerShell
If anyone is interested here is my working script -
# Define location
$crs = "C:\temp\CRSENGCY_PS.xlsx"
$english = "English"
$welsh = "Welsh"
$SubSection = "SubSection"
# Create instance
$objExcel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$workBook = $objExcel.Workbooks.Open($crs)
$englishSheet = $workBook.Worksheets.Item($english)
$welshSheet = $workBook.Worksheets.Item($welsh)
$subSectionSheet = $workBook.Worksheets.Item($SubSection)
# Num of rows
$engRowMax = 1812
$subRowMax = 677
# Define columns
$rowName,$colName = 2,1
# Vars
$engSubID = $englishSheet.Cells.Item($rowName+$s,8)
$welSubID = $welshSheet.Cells.Item($rowName+$s,8)
for ($i=0; $i -le 339; $i++)
$SubSectionName = $subSectionSheet.Cells.Item($rowName+$i,2).text
$SubSecID = $subSectionSheet.Cells.Item($rowName+$i,1).text
#$3SubSections = $SubSectionName.Substring(0,3)
$SubSecRef = $SubSectionName.Substring(0, $SubSectionName.IndexOf(' '))
for ($s=1; $s -le 1811; $s++)
$englishName = $englishSheet.Cells.Item($rowName+$s,$colName).text
#$3englishName = $englishName.Substring(0,$englishName.)
$refno = $englishName.Substring(0, $englishName.IndexOf('.') + 1 + $englishName.Substring($englishName.IndexOf('.') + 1).IndexOf('.'))
if ($SubSecRef -eq $refno)
$englishSheet.Cells.Item($rowName+$s,8) = $SubSecID
#Write-host("No Match " + $3SubSections + " " + $3englishName)

Powershell Excel Graph PlotBy Column Instead of Row

Thank you all in advanced.
I am trying to create a Script that will gather information from a customer environment and will then create Excel Workbooks and Sheets for each component. what i am stuck in at the moment is the graph in the excel.
This graph will draw the graph of the CPU and Memory Utilization for the NSX Manager (Which is a linux machine at the end) from the data populated into the excel sheet already. so the script will add the info of the CPU and Memory utilization over time on the Excel sheet and then draw the graph from the data added.
Tha issue is that the graph plot is based on the row and i want it to change into column.
So the output of the script at the moment give me the following:
Wrong Ploting
And it should be as follow: Correct Ploting
PS: the Correct one was done by a normal Powershell graphing.
I know that thier is a method called Chart.PlotBy = xlColumns however i can not find the exact sintax to write it as all the available example over google is for VBA.
Code is as follow:
#Create the title of 12th section in the Work Book Sheet for the NSX Manager Resource Usage Historic Info.
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(70,4)= 'NSX Manager Resource Usage Historic Info'
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(70,4).Font.Size = 14
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(70,4).Font.Name = "Calibri"
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(70,4).Font.ColorIndex = 2
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(70,4).Interior.ColorIndex = 9
$Range = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Range("D70","F70")
$Range.Merge() | Out-Null
$Range.HorizontalAlignment = -4108
$Range.verticalalignment = -4108
#Create Categories of this Sections.
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(71,4)= "Time Stamp"
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(71,4).Font.Size = 12
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(71,4).Font.Name = "Calibri"
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(71,4).Font.ColorIndex = 2
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(71,4).Interior.ColorIndex = 16
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(71,5)= "CPU"
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(71,5).Font.Size = 12
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(71,5).Font.Name = "Calibri"
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(71,5).Font.ColorIndex = 2
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(71,5).Interior.ColorIndex = 16
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(71,6)= "Memory"
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(71,6).Font.Size = 12
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(71,6).Font.Name = "Calibri"
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(71,6).Font.ColorIndex = 2
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item(71,6).Interior.ColorIndex = 16
$Range = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Range("D71")
$Range.HorizontalAlignment = -4108
$Range.verticalalignment = -4108
$Range = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Range("E71")
$Range.HorizontalAlignment = -4108
$Range.verticalalignment = -4108
$Range = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Range("F71")
$Range.HorizontalAlignment = -4108
$Range.verticalalignment = -4108
#Create the Content Values of 12th section in the Work Book Sheet for the NSX Manager Resource Usage Historic Info.
$ReqRow = 72
Foreach ($Line in $NsxCpuHistoricUsage) {
$Output = $Line.Timestamp
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item($ReqRow,4)= "$Output"
$Output = $Line.Value
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item($ReqRow,5)= "$Output"
$OutPut = ($NsxMemoryHistoricUsage | Where-Object {$_.Timestamp -Match $Line.Timestamp}).Value
$NsxManagerWorkSheet.Cells.Item($ReqRow,6)= "$Output"
$start1 = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.range("D72")
$EndOfCell1 = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Range($start1,$start1.End($xlDirection::xlDown))
$Range = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Range("D72:D$($EndOfCell1.item($EndOfCell1.count).Row)")
$Range.Font.Size = 12
$Range.HorizontalAlignment = -4108
$Range.verticalalignment = -4108
$start2 = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.range("E72")
$EndOfCell2 = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Range($start2,$start2.End($xlDirection::xlDown))
$Range = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Range("E72:E$($EndOfCell2.item($EndOfCell2.count).Row)")
$Range.Font.Size = 12
$Range.HorizontalAlignment = -4108
$Range.verticalalignment = -4108
$start3 = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.range("F72")
$EndOfCell3 = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Range($start3,$start3.End($xlDirection::xlDown))
$Range = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Range("F72:F$($EndOfCell3.item($EndOfCell3.count).Row)")
$Range.Font.Size = 12
$Range.HorizontalAlignment = -4108
$Range.verticalalignment = -4108
#Create Chart for NSX Manager Resource Historic Utilization
$NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Shapes.AddChart().Chart
$NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.ChartType = $xlChart::xlLine
$NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.HasTitle = $True
$NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.HasLegend = $True
$NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.ChartTitle.Text = "NSX Manager Resource Historic Utilization"
$xaxis = $NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.Axes($xlAxes::XlCategory)
$xaxis.HasTitle = $True
$xaxis.AxisTitle.Text = "Time"
$yaxis = $NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.Axes($xlAxes::XlValue)
$yaxis.HasTitle = $True
$yaxis.AxisTitle.Text = "Utilization Percentage (%)"
$start1 = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.range("D71")
$Y1 = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Range($start1,$start1.End($xlDirection::xlDown))
$start1 = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.range("F71")
$X1 = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Range($start1,$start1.End($xlDirection::xlDown))
$RangeToCover = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Range("D47:F67")
$ChartObj = $NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.Parent
$ChartObj.Top = $RangeToCover.Top
$ChartObj.Left = $RangeToCover.Left
$ChartObj.Height = $RangeToCover.Height
$ChartObj.Width = $RangeToCover.Width
Any help would be much apritiated
Thank you.
Was able to get it working by adding the below:
$xlPlotBy = [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlRowCol]
$NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.PlotBy = $xlPlotBy::xlColumns
$NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Shapes.AddChart().Chart
$NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.ChartType = $xlChart::xlLine
$NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.PlotBy = $xlPlotBy::xlColumns
$NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.HasTitle = $True
$NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.HasLegend = $True
$NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.ChartTitle.Text = "NSX Manager Resource Historic Utilization"
$xaxis = $NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.Axes($xlAxes::XlCategory)
$xaxis.HasTitle = $True
$xaxis.AxisTitle.Text = "Time"
$yaxis = $NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.Axes($xlAxes::XlValue)
$yaxis.HasTitle = $True
$yaxis.AxisTitle.Text = "Utilization Percentage (%)"
$start1 = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.range("D71")
$Y1 = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Range($start1,$start1.End($xlDirection::xlDown))
$start1 = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.range("F71")
$X1 = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Range($start1,$start1.End($xlDirection::xlDown))
$RangeToCover = $NsxManagerWorkSheet.Range("D47:F67")
$ChartObj = $NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.Parent
$ChartObj.Top = $RangeToCover.Top
$ChartObj.Left = $RangeToCover.Left
$ChartObj.Height = $RangeToCover.Height
$ChartObj.Width = $RangeToCover.Width
However once i did this the Chart Name is changed to be Memory (Wich is the second column) and the reading did not include the CPU (Only the Memory)
Also getting an error related to the ChartTitle as below:
The property 'Text' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set.
At line:821 char:5
+ $NsxManagerResourcesHistoricChart.ChartTitle.Text = "NSX Manager ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PropertyNotFound
Not sure what is the issue here.
Graph Output after adding the above 2 lines is as follow graph after editing
